Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Edward and Bella were from the 

I was browsing for something else, and I ran across this gem! 

I don't know what it means!!

Oh Rob, maybe looking like a chubby politician is where I draw my line...

Gah, who am I kidding?
I'd give him a BJ under his mahogany desk anyways!  LOL


♥K~K♥BTB♥Peace.Love.Pattinson♥ said...

Hey now, I'm from the Midwest. lol

Hey, I think they stole my grade school principal's picture and put Rob's face in it! IDK about KS though.

MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

LoL!!!!! Oh KK I'm sorry!!!! 

LMFAO!!! are you serious about the principal?! Dude, he does looks kinda gross, pedofile sweaty style Eeeekkkk 

And Bella, she does look a bit like mama-Stew LOL So, not so far off! 

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

Oh god.... I have no freaking words!

Seriously why would someone make a manip like this?!?!?! LMFAO

♥K~K♥BTB♥Peace.Love.Pattinson♥ said...

I swear to God. Without Rob's face I could swear it was him. His name was Mr. Nielsen, my fourth grade principal and get this....he was charged with sexual harrassment for propositioning a fifth grader for a handyJ. Not fucking JOKE. Swear to Jeebus.

MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...



*falls off chair*

Dude! I'm still hurt! OUCH MY HAND! LOL

That's hilarious! 

MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

Dude! Seriously, some people have too much fuckin time in their hands!!! LOL!!! 

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

wow... ewwwww! Seriously a fifth grade? That really creeps me out considering my oldest is in fifth grade! My high school principal was named Mr. Nielsen but no creepy gross stories about him.

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

No kidding! if I had time like that I would not be making manips like this.... nope I'd be stalking Rob hoping that god loves me enough to let Rob's pants melt away so I could see the pretty! LMAO 

Yah it's been a long fucking week and I'm even more crazy than normal!

♥K~K♥BTB♥Peace.Love.Pattinson♥ said...

yeah, dude was a massive perv!

♥K~K♥BTB♥Peace.Love.Pattinson♥ said...

careful lovely! lol don't break anything.

Anonymous said...

Shit! Thats  bad....*runs for the hills*

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB® said...

Jimmy Kimmel ate Rob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...


*snorts* Jesus! How didn't I see that one before! LOLOLOLOLL