Monday, June 11, 2012


But, we have Rob to make it through!!!

Happy Fucking Monday Hoors

Is it 5 o' clock yet?!

Nope... it's 8am!!! aaaaaaaaaahh

Rob, you are so mean!

*How was your weekend? tell us how you misbehaved in the comments ♥♥♥


  1. You never fail to post a scrumptious picture of that sexy mofo!

    And fuck if disqus isn't being a heinous bitch today!

  2. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJune 11, 2012 at 8:48 AM

    This man..there's times when I wonder if Kristen slaps him playfully across his face because of his sillyness and dorkiness. :3

    My weekend have been great. Family house survived the 125 km/hr wind that hit us twice over the weekend, and have been forecasted to do so for the next few days. This is all so sudden. We've had a dry Autumn here in Perth, Western Australia. All this rain and thunder to be dumped right before Winter comes along.

  3. LMFAO!!!

    I'd slap him... LOL

    OMG Good luck with that wind! Over here was DRY and HOT... no change there LOL 

  4. I know!!! Fucking disqus, always fucking with us... We want Rob to fuck with us, not you disqus!!! 

  5. Die bitches.... *flatlines*

  6. Jesus fucking crist ROB!!! Why so hot!! UNF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Good weekend here in New England.
    Went to see Bel Ami.

  8. so damn hot!

    I had an awesome weekend. I got to get my cup of iced coffee  and go to one of my favorite peaceful places near my home and read. Im reading "the red line" BTW and these photos of rob help with  the mental picture for this story. mmmm...

  9. Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend.... I'm entirely too jealous of you now! lol. 

  10. Yuck about the wind! We had a small tornado here Saturday night with loads of rain and hail this weekend too....nice June weather eh! lol. 

  11. God I love his adorakablity factor! :)

    My weekend was so fucking busy! First we find out Thursday afternoon that hubby has decided to enter our city's parade for our fair which is on Saturday, so I ran around trying to get things to decorate his truck and trailer and all of the ATVs and side by sides. Plus it was Alie's 3rd birthday party this weekend so I had to bake and decorate her cake and cupcakes ect. Saturday morning I had to be up at 7 to go decorate it and I didn't get to bed till 2:30am.... thank god for Starbucks! The parade went off good, then Saturday afternoon I had to run around to get everything for the party (gift bags, decorations ect) Then my dad being the asshole he is lately decides I can take my visiting grandma home for him when he corners me in the Wal-Mart parking lot even though I told him I didn't have time. So I spent an extra hour at Wal-Mart waiting for my grandma, got home to take the kids to the rides and were there for 5 minutes before we had to evacuate the area due to lightning, hail, heavy rain and a funnel cloud being spotted. Saturday night decorated the cake, cupcakes, built Alie's fricken huge dollhouse, got to bed at 2 am. Woke up at 8 am and hubby has decided instead of me making something in the slow cooker for bday supper I should make Shepherd's Pie for 30 people. I spent all day making everything to go into the Shepherd's Pie and yes Alie loved it since it's her favourite meal. She loved her birthday though and really that's what matters but man I am so glad the weekend is over so I can sit for 5 minutes. 

  12. Oh and sorry for the long ass rant everyone! lol. 

  13. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJune 11, 2012 at 10:15 AM

    D: *HUG* That sounds so exhausting!! Hope you can get lots of rest!! 

  14. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJune 11, 2012 at 10:17 AM

    Can you just imagine waking up to that? Mornings would be so much better..

  15. Holy shit! LOL

    You are superWoman! 

    I do have 1 question though...

    Did you decorate that cake and cupcakes like this:

  16. It's the only way to do it!!! I've got awesome boob control now too, don't even need the hands! ;)

  17. I hope so too, but with 3 kids I won't! lol. Austin has hockey tonight and Thursday my mom goes for knee surgery so I have to take her for that and help her take care of my nephew. 

    I can say I am so happy I talked Alie into a Hello Kitty cake instead of Handy Manny or LalaLoopsy. Hello Kitty was so easy I almost felt like I was cheating! lol. 

  18. I had a Krisbian weekend....went to see SWATH! It was entertaining. I'm just glad I got some rest, been sick for 2 weeks and travelling to Seattle last weekend did not help. My DH is on nights so the girls and I are taking it easy....

  19. My weekend was good/ok/bad/alright =) =/ =(

     I got to see Gavin DeGraw in concert which made me wet myself. I might have a new job offer...but I'm nervous about it cuz I don't wanna start at the bottom of another place. But I have no opportunity to advance in my current job which just pisses me off. I'm sad cuz I wanna go to grad school but the tuition will kill me. And....I feel like pooh cuz I haven't been able to workout like I want cuz I have Achilles tendonitis. GAH. 

    Rob makes everything better though =)

  20. That's so cute! Awww

  21. It's European football (soccer) championship so there are a lot of games to watch in the next couple of weeks! 
    Other than that my weekend was ok. Nothing special!

    Btw: Where is Leah? And AZ Chica, I miss you!

  22. Oh, I know... My European husband is highly ogasmic with those events... LOL!!!!!

  23. LMAO!

    But most of the games were pretty boring so far! I hope it gets better!

    Who is you husband cheering for?

  24. On my weekend I went to gamble for the 1st time and drink since I just turned 21. 
    It was so much fun :'] Next time it will be clubbin

  25. Oh wow! Good luck with everything and I hope you feel better soon.

  26. there was a time when i used to have ovaries. 

  27. I've never gambled and I'm 26! lol. 

  28. Probably like us with hockey! lol. 

  29. I have a friend who lives in Baltimore and she went to see Gavin DeGraw too, she says she never misses seeing him! lol. 

    I hope you start feeling better and can figure out whats best for you on the job situation! 

  30. Thanks PL it was seriously so This was Ryley's cake this year and it was his favourite. Only thing that was hard was the Edmonton Oilers symbol at the chest. 

    I've done this cake 3 times now! lol. Twice for Austin and once for Ry.

  31. I'm mad, I want to go see Cosmopolis, I found the 1 theatre in Edmonton that has it and no time to go see it! :(

  32. So happy the LA Kings won the Stanley Cup tonight! Just mad cause I was at Austin's hockey game and they lost 4-3! Only their second loss this year. Last game they won 22-3! lol. 

    I'm glad I PVRd the game though and I'm sitting here watching it now! 

  33. MotherPUCKER! Did he really just pucker his lips??!!!

    There is no end this this fucker's powers over us. I'm ruined for life. Someone please tell the bf for me.

  34. Thanks babycakes.....all will be good...I just have to chill!!

    Yea I saw him in Baltimore =)..I wanted to run to the stage and jump on him lol

  35. Me too...but when Robert Hottinson strutted his fine fuckin ass into the cafeteria in Twilight, mine jumped out of my body,  shook their fists in frustration and keeled over.

  36. I gambled when I was 18, and got caught... they just made me leave. ;-)

  37. I'm so sorry your not feeling well. :( 
    You looked perfect in the picture at Escala.  :-)

    I feel like I may be fighting something... throat is a little sore, and I feel a little out of it.

  38. Wow.  I thought I had a busy weekend.  0_*

    You need to rest for like, a month!

  39. Aaawww!  Super cute!  I used to love Hello Kitty!!!!

  40. Holy moly!  You are fricken' talented!  What a BTB!!!

  41. What is the red line about.  The way you say these photos help, makes me think it's a fan fic.  Is it good?

  42. Yup.  That's what happened to me too....  I don't think my ovaries quite jumped until the restaurant scene... or maybe the bedroom/kissing scene... those were the scenes that were the death of me.  I was like... right, so I don't see Cedric ANYMORE!!!

  43. Personal question for you (all BTBs, actually)....

    When you think about Rob during sex, does it make it more enjoyable or less?  For me, it's complicated.... it depends on my mood, but a lot of the time, it is purely disappointment with the reality that I'm NOT fucking Rob, and never will.

    (Not to put my DH down... he does just fine in bed... but he's NOT Rob)

  44.  It's always pleasurable for me. Mainly because I make my bf wear this mask. And the bf's eyes are pretty much the same color as Rob's.

  45. are so sweet! There is some crud going around and the cough stays you for weeks...that's where I am now....but it's getting better!

  46. The only way my DH is similar, is that he's probably about the same size as him. He is fairly thin compared to everyone else his age, pretty well built, and 6' tall. Other than that, he is nothing like him....

  47. Great Job Megan! i love seeing everyone elses creations since I love making cakes myself

  48. It's about Edward is an exotic dancer and Bella is studying to be a psch dr She hires him for 2 wks to study him. It's goodand yes its a fic :)

  49. I wish! lol. Today is Alie's birthday and last night I didn't get to bed till 2 am only to be woken at 3am cause someone tried to break into hubby's store so I had an hour of sleep last night.... Starbucks is calling my name today!

  50. Omg wow! lol you got out lucky then. where i live, they go hard if they catch someone gambling underage.

  51. Lol no shame if you never did it before. It eats your money XD

  52. It was in Lake Tahoe, and I was loosing, so of course they weren't in a hurry to get rid of me right away... they approached me on a winning hand. They are smart, they got my money no matter how old I was, but they wouldn't let me have theirs. LOL!
