Sunday, June 24, 2012


It's hot here in Las Vegas!
My kids are in the pool...
..and I'm keeping myself cool, by watching my "The Vampire Diaries" DVR recordings...


Most of you know I'm a TVD fan...
But did you know I ship DELENA (Damon/Elena) ALL THE WAY!!

And in Season 3... when they suck face... *dies*
I'm watching that episode again!
It was so unexpected...
So real...
So romantic...

SO HOT!!!!

Fuck me,
When is season 4 starting again?!?!?!!?!?

When they are in bed... and she touches his hand and starts hyperventalating... I was too.

Enjoy TVD and Delena Fans! 


  1. TIDRP - LovesRobX50June 24, 2012 at 7:04 PM

    I have such sexual frustration at this moment in time that I might explode. 

  2. Hubby its been gone for business for 8 days... I know how you feel

    *eyes water rabbit*

    How you doin' *wiggles eyebrows*

  3. Aurora23❤BTB❤®June 24, 2012 at 8:20 PM

    That's my show girl! I get Hot fucking Vampires & Werewolves in the Summer with TRUE BLOOD.

    THEN: when that is over in August, cummmmm September we get Back Vampire diaries which is the PG version of True Blood!

    I fucking love me Damon & Elena!

    Wait to u see the end of Season three! they copied BD Part1 at the end of it! I was like wtf? But then they when someone copies it is a sincere form of flattery......Yeah fucking right!

  4. I know DUDE!!! fucking awesome! 

    I've seen all epis, now I'm doing a re-cap LOL!!

    I love me some TVD! 

  5. And to think you were late to the party! See what you missing out on! 

  6. Fucking team Delena all the way! The season finale I was ugly crying like I do when I watch Greys Anatomy! lol. 

    I've never gotten into True Blood just cause of the longest time we didn't get HBO here. My summer guilty pleasure is Teen Wolfe, kinda reminds me of my Buffy days in a way, now that was my most favourite fucking show to ever grace a network, still is. I watch every season on DVD when I have a sense of nostalgia! 

  7. I only saw the first season. And then it stopped in my country and I was WTF!!!
     I seriously need to buy the dvd's to catch up .

  8. I love TVD and Delena all the way! Can't wait for season 4. Good thing there is True Blood on now to help with my frustration of waiting. The season finale was great, can't wait to see what happens next.
