Monday, June 25, 2012

Oh Chris!

Tell us Chris... 
What's really on your mind?


Is that Bella and Thor figurines fucking?
Awwwww, I always wondered what "Boys and their toys" meant... now we know LOL!

I can't blame him, I do the same things with my dolls, they all have girl orgies tho, no Thor involved...

Plus, Breaking Dawn Bella is HOT! 
(except when carrying demon child *shudders*)

Now I wonder, if Edward doll is anatomically correct... or crotchless *taps chin*


I hope it looks like this one:


  1. Aurora23❤BTB❤®June 25, 2012 at 8:58 AM

    Omfg ahahahahahaha! Vhris face in that pic is priceless!

  2. I know!!! LOL!!!!

    He's really into it! 

    plus, he has a nice size hammer there *wiggles eyebrows* LOL

  3. TIDRP - LovesRobX50June 25, 2012 at 9:30 AM


    I always hated when those stupid barbie legs wouldn't spread made it difficult for her to hump Ken on my carpet floor.

  4. Fucking perv! I fucking love you!!!!

    Who didn't play humping barbie! I had lesbian tendencies since I was little then, I always made 2 chicks hump lol!!!

    I was getting ready to be a Krisbian! 

  5. sweet! A tiny tot BTB in training even before you knew you were a BTB. *muah*

  6. Gotta love Chris' motivation and determination to make Bella & Thor get it on. He's working so hard at it he's got the tongue twist going. Now that's hard work!

  7. LOL!!!!! I love it!!!

    I love me some perv superhero! if you know what I mean! LOL

  8. you know it!!

    I was playing house so hard with the lez barbies I made my mom cry! LOL

  9. TIDRP - LovesRobX50June 25, 2012 at 10:19 AM

    hahahhaa you know it....ahh memories =)

  10. LMFAO! I would even bet you had a Barbie girls club called "LIPS". And a sign that said NO BOYS ALLOWED on it.

    FUCK! I wish we had known each other when we were growing up!!

  11. I hear ya! I wiggle-n-giggle for a superhero myself. *wink*

  12. Why do they always have to make Ed look like he's constipated???

    True story.... My boys were wondering how Twilight vampires 'expel' their waste.  Blood is very iron rich and cause constipation all on it's own.... they all must be miserably constipated... no?

  13. He's acting out what he wants to happen in the SWATH sequel! lol. Snow White and Huntsman can even do a little role playing! lol. 

  14. Even better wee know each other now and we don't need a fake ID to get booze! LOL 

    Playing lez barbies... while drunk!


  15. Holy Hell! We'd have to pull out all our games from the 80-90's and play them all over again! LOL

  16. Oh SWATH Sequel!!! is that happening or what?

    if so, I like the idea WAAAAY TOOOO MUCH!!! LOL

    *hard nipples*

  17. LMFAO!!!

    All that animal blood is making Eddie strangle a turtle head that can choke a donkey LOL!!! 

  18. Oh fuck yeah!!! 

    *pulls out She-Ra costume*

    Let's PLAY!!!! 

  19. Ewwwww @ the ball fro on the "Anatomically correct man-doll" and yeah, the carpet DOES not match the drapes.... LOL

  20.  Yes there is going to be a sequel! Universal wants the same director. And they gave a little insight to what the 2nd film might be about. Rumored, the film will pick up where it left off and a darker side of SW comes out as the ruler. Mainly due to the fact of her isolation causing her anger.

    Sounds good to me! But anything with KStew is A-OK!

  21. OMG! Do you remember the Halloween costumes from the 80's?? They came in a cardboard box with a plastic film on the top to see the mask. I FUCKING LOVED how those costumes smelled! Probably caused brain damage but whatever!

    I was Casper (is that racist??), Wonder Woman, a Smurf..omg...memory lane right ahead! LOL

  22. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJune 25, 2012 at 7:59 PM

    This man always makes me swoon when I see his pictures! 

    I swear if every man in Australia looks like him or Hugh Jackman or Heath Ledger, I'd be pregnant multiple times now!

    And EEWWWWWWW at that weird doll with a penis. 
    By the way, I totally met Natalia Tena 2 days ago!! I didn't ask her how it feels to be fucked by Rob from the back though... sorry..

  23. Sorry Ive been AWOL....RL has been a bitch and a story has me by the titties.  I need to go to Toys ur us and check those barbie bella and Edward which by the way don't look like them. 

  24. Is it just me or is the doll with the wing-wang got a creepy face and probably doesn't belong on that body???!!

  25. It's being written right now form what I've heard....
