Saturday, June 23, 2012

HAPPY SATURDAY!! Krisbian Edition:

It's Saturday bitches!! 
And if you have merciless children like me, you been up since 7am...

What a better way to start this awesome day, than with a bit of Krisbianism!

A big FUCK YOU to the haters!

She is beautiful, and we are all Krisbians with pride.


And last, but not least...



  1. She is so damn beautiful.  She's perfect.  I love her so. *sigh*


    I just want to grab that ass, and knead it, and slap it, and I want to suck on those perfect little titties.... like I never have... with any other woman... ever before.  UNF!

    Krisbians.... raise a glass with me!  *cheers*

  2. *raises glass*

    Fucking cheer! 

    She kills me, i'm a freakky Krisbian! I want all the kink with her

    *wiggles eyebrows*

  3. BTBs, I'm going to do my best from now on (no promises though)... to not be so fucking serious, and jealous, and cynical about Rob and his sex scenes with other women *holds chest and chokes back a little sob*

    I shouldn't be cuming here to sound off like a little possessive bitch.  I don't feel like I'm being delusional, I just always imagine what it would be like to be Kristen and see that stuff, and my heart just breaks.......OK STAR.  THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!!  What kind of BTB cums here and bitches about a sex scene with Rob... tell me... who would do that???  Oh... that would be me.   Next time I will leave my adolescent, fragile heart at the door, slip on my shammanites and just let the smut pour out of my kinky little mouth (or fingers, or whatever).

  4. Have I ever told you this before???  I've never really had gay tendencies, but I literally would imagine what the perfect lezbo lover would look like (way before I knew KS existed).... I imagined her to be brunette; with a few freckles on her face and body; slim, but not too thin; light eyes; flawless skin; a little edgy; someone I could "relax" with......

    Now, who the fuck did I just describe??

  5. Perfect way to start off the weekend. God she is fucking beautiful! 

    Marcela I feel your pain on the relentless kids! Ry was up at 7 am too, Austin was up at 11... little shit! More and more packing for me today after I drive Austin's to his friends. Then tomorrow going to see Brave with the kids and I think I'm more 

  6. LOL!!!

    Me too!!! I'm taking the kids today I think... I just can't wait! LOL

  7. Dude!!

    This is your home, do whatever the fuck you like!

    If you can't do it here... then where?!?!

  8. *Raises glass* Cheers hon!! Please don't change. You can say what ever you want. :)

  9. *sobbing*

    I love you so much!!!  ♥♥♥♥♥

  10. *speechless*  *takes off shammanties and wipes nose*


  11. Well shit, BTB!  Get the fuck over here!

    *licks lips and taps on lap*

  12. ;.:-)   ♥♥♥♥♥

  13. I forgot to add... pouty-fuck-hot lips, and a robust butt....

    I bet you have those too, don't you?  ;)

  14. Fuck yeah! I just need a few inches lol

    I'm a 5'2' shorty... but I make it up by lots of enthusiasm! LOL!!

  15. She's fucking perfect and Forbes' highest paid actress this year! Oh yeah bitches! 
    KStew is better than you!

  16. You are only three inches shorter than me... that's nothing. Kristen isn't tall either... is she even average??? I would guess she may be anywhere between 5'2" and 5'5". ;)

  17. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJune 23, 2012 at 4:33 PM

    *raises glass* Cheers, mate!

  18. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJune 23, 2012 at 4:36 PM

    Excuse me! Who allowed you to be so pretty yet so tomboy, that everyone seem to question their sexuality every fucking time they saw you?!!!

    Also, people that complains about Kristen's hair being messy? You obviously don't own thick, long wavy hair! Or you'd understand fully why her hair is like that! Plus, it drives her fans wild to see her hair being all messy anyway. 

    All hail, Queen Stewart!

  19. TIDRP - LovesRobX50June 23, 2012 at 4:57 PM

    She's so freakin beautiful!!!!!

  20. Did you go see it? I took Alie and Ryley and they both loved it. I was surprised Alie wasn't scared during some parts cause my 6 year old nephew was but Alie just laughed during those parts! Silly girl!
