Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Roughie with Rob...

Happy Saturday My Darlings!!!

It's the weekend, we must fantasize double 
about this man!

I know you want him...


To take you like this:

You want DuRob...

To Manhandle you like this...

Oh Dear GAWD!!


  1. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 28, 2012 at 6:13 AM

    Happy Humping Squirming Saturday morning BTB's!!!

    I'll take Rob anyday of the week like that!

    6 more days lady & we finally get Bel Ami Rob in our homes! Flood gates will be open!

  2.  IKR! Makes me have an Ana orgasm.

  3. I would like ROB to manhandle me like "that".  UUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFF!

  4. Happy Saturday everyone!

  5. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBApril 28, 2012 at 10:08 AM

    Love that the first thing you see when you open the BTB VIP Bar  is this. LOL

  6. holyhell!  that smirk...that panty disintegrating stare of his....sometimes I think I'd let this man put his cock anywhere he wanted....the 'no-go-zone' simply does not exist! lmfao

  7. Nope.... no such thing as no-go zone for Rob.... we are a whole bunch of Rob whores!!! LOL

  8. LOL we don't joke around! Lol we go straight to the porn!

  9. I can't Fucking wait!!!!!!! *runs around screaming*

  10. Hi hot momma!!! How are your ovaries?! Still have them?! LOL luvs ya lots!!

  11. Hah...I just told my hubby ths morning to keep dreaming about put 'that' where it doesn't belong. I guess the rule is differant for Rob

  12. Fucking asshole, in that 2nd pic, he totally knows what he is doing. looking like he's ready to pounce, he's going to kill all of us.

  13. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBApril 28, 2012 at 11:21 AM

    So he's a lion? Wouldn't mind being his lamb. 
    Oh..Lion and lamb! LMAO just realised the Twilight reference. Whew.

  14. I hope everyone's Saturday is better than mine! lol. My nephew slept over at sleeping in for him is 7am.... I've been go go since cause my 3 nieces are also over while their mom is out for the day so that's 7 kids and I me.... yah I'm ready to pull my hair out! lol. One good thing today though. Hubby finally sold his motorcycle, I have nothing against them. In fact I would love one myself but hubby has had his since the summer of 2007 and has only put 3,000km on it! So it's nice to not have all of that money just sitting in our garage The guy has enough toys with all of his classic cars! lol. 

  15. In that second pic I picture Rob saying in his head "yah I'm a sexy bitch and know it!" BATL!

  16. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 3:46 AM

    Thank Christ for that!!!! GOOOOO PORRRNNN!!

  17. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 3:48 AM

    This makes me "AirhumpHard4Rob"......hahahaha!!! Can't fucking wait! What's it been,like 15 years we've been waiting for B.A.?

  18. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 3:50 AM

    Fucking YUM!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! I expect him,naked but for a big ribboon around his my bed for Mother's Day. Ladies.....better get have kidnapping plans to make! ;D

  19. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 3:53 AM

    Oh and off topic....but.....BTB Bitches grant me the serenity not to fucking kill stupid fucking cunts who talk shit out their asses. To accept that not everyone has even a modicum of brain activity and the wisdom to get away with murdering imbeciles,if need be!

  20. Oh no. What bitch is acting up?

     *sits down Fifty Shades Freed* 

  21. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 5:04 AM

    Some stupid bitch over on Robsessed,talking shit about how the site is going downhill because we speak of Kristen and we talk about all of our perverted fantasies and we need to respect Rob for his talent not his looks. (can't both be respected simultaneously?)

  22. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 29, 2012 at 5:28 AM

    There are quite of few over at that site that like to start and rant shit about that! Ignore the twats! They just looking for more comments to make their site more popular! They also like to start shit cause they have nothing better to do!

    Only give them shit if they dig at you directly!

  23.  Want me to fuck with her?

  24. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 6:06 AM

    Thanks!!! People like that just really just chap my ass,is all. I have a big...I mean BIG fucking mouth so I say what I think and  this bitch was just so rude and my natural tendency is to protect my friends....even though I know they're all big girls and didn't need my protecting. I finally gave up because Im suspecting as the night wore on, her wine kicked in because  it just became incoherent babbling.I told her all I could hear now was Charlie Brown's teacher!!! However she's still on her tirade.....nutjob!   :D

  25. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 6:07 AM

    Oh my Cooter......I love you!!!! Cooter always takes care of her Clit!

  26. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 6:35 AM

    Okay,my beautiful badasses...Im going to pop an Ambien and dream of Tattward above taking me hard ,with that DuRob snarl on his face!!!! Thanks for cheering me up and talking me off that ledge! *Mwah*

  27.  Loves ya more! *wink*

    Life would be meaningless without my Clit!

  28. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 6:50 AM

    Awwww,you just always rub me the right way!! (wink,wink)

  29. Just the thought hurts so good.....UNNNNFFFF

  30. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 8:33 AM

    You are a pro at clit stroking.....such a naughty lil Cooter!!

  31. Fucking prude twats!!!
    Like we don't know they are home masrubating with a carrot looking at Rob naked manip!! Assholes!

  32. No such thing... yeah, Rob owns our asses.... literally!!!!! Lmfao

  33. We'll cut the mothfucka!!!!!

    *braids hair & pulls off hoop earrings*

  34. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 9:08 AM

    Let's go get ' taking my hoops out first! :)

  35. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 9:11 AM

    I also just told her to never speak to me again and that if she were on fire I wouldn't pour a bucket of piss on her to put it out!

  36. Bitches have no idea who the are messing with, we gonna go ghetto on their asses!!! LOL

  37. Dude!!! You sound like you need a pitcher of margaritas!!! *goes plug the blender* we got you baby!!!

  38. Fuck me in the rape hole! Seriously!!!! I feel like its more like a myth than reality!!! We want BA!!!!!!

  39. Marcela's bitchy mode: ON

    Can you believe my husband got up before me today and made enough for ONE cup of coffee?!?! Who does that?! I ripped him a new one, he claims he missed calculated the water, but he meant to make two... well to Fucking Late!!!!

    I'm pissed. You can get away with not holding the door for me, but not to male coffee?! Fucker, better give me a pair of diamond earrings before I let him in my cooter again!!!

    This cooter is closed for business!!! LOL

  40. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 29, 2012 at 9:26 AM

    Ya think they would have learned from before!

    Dumb twats!

  41. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 29, 2012 at 9:27 AM

    I sorry M! Not cool! I always make coffee for like 6 or more!

    No nookie for him!

    ****hands you a virtual cup of coffee***

  42. Bahahaha that's epic!!!!! BTW I'm stealing that line for my haters!!!! LOL

  43. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 9:33 AM

    Oh,Im ALL ABOUT the ghetto.....I will shank a bitch! Perhaps I should begin carving my toothbrush as soon as brush my choppers!

  44. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 29, 2012 at 9:34 AM

    Hold yer tits woman....its coming!!!!!

  45. mmmm that would be good! I survived.... just barely! lol.

  46. Thank you my darling! Guys can be such duche! and he says he doesn't understand why I'm angry! argh

  47. What's her Disqus name?  This is precisely why I almost never post over there anymore (even though I truly love the site)... and I know that when I do, I have to be so fucking careful that I feel restrained...  I fucking love it here at BTB central.  It is my home and safe haven and all of my dearest friends are here, and they love me no matter what I say.

    Welcome to our wonderful, perverted world!


  48. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 4:45 AM

    Rob'smate......ugh....I literally had to take 24 hours off the computer,I knew if I stayed on Id flip out completely. You're absolutely right it's much,much better here and much safer for someone like me with a big giant obnoxious mouth! ;) She told me I offended her so I wrote "I want to suck Rob's dick,ride him for hours and then lick the sweat from every inch of his body.....did I offend you enough to leave no?" But nooooo,she's still going at it and Im not even there!!!!
    Oh and thank you,I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your perverted world!!! IM HOME!!

  49. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 4:48 AM

    It's a great line huh??? Some good things come from growing up in the south....I have a plethora of ridiculous sayings!! I think that one pretty much sums up my feelings for her!!!

  50. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 4:51 AM

    Holy shit.....thats sucks....but thank you so much for cracking me up. "This cooter is closed for business"  LMFAO!

  51. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 4:53 AM

    Ewwwww,she's gonna get some disease! Or end up making carrot bread combined with her cooter yeast in her skanky vag!
    I know Im better than her,I can totally afford a Rabbit to masturbate to Rob manips!!!  :D

  52. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 5:00 AM

    Yes,I shall divert my bitness over here....Im sooooo not into being censored. And the others rushing to her aid.....preachy little bitches! What are they fucking Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Teresa or something?
    Im glad I had my supporters over there too though....soooo many of the girls are sick of that kind of shit.

  53.  LOVE YOU MORE!!!!

  54. Hannah VerschuurenApril 30, 2012 at 1:25 PM

    Which thread was she bitching on? I can't find it.

  55. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 1:48 PM

    Did you find it??? It was "New Pics of Rob at LAX" on Saturday.

  56. Hannah VerschuurenApril 30, 2012 at 1:54 PM

    Found it! Oh My God, that was terrible. Always the same bitches. That was what I was talking about in the email.
    I sometimes miss parts of a thread , because of the time difference. You did a great job! Finally someone who told those cunts to fuck off.

  57. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 1:59 PM

    Thanks Hannah. Didn't seem to do much good,I didn't get much support from the others....only a few. But whatever....that girl was a fucking idiot,prude and a hypocrite and I HATE hypocrites!!!!

  58. Hannah VerschuurenApril 30, 2012 at 2:04 PM

    Amen sista! Hate hypocrites. I'll support you ;) If it happens again, let me know!

  59. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 2:07 PM

    Thank you Hannah....glad you have my back!
