Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Monday!!!!

The weekend was way too short!!!

I'm having a case of "The Mondays" ARGH! 

I really don't want to be at work....

So, let's get serious, and lets talk about what could  make it better.... NAH just kidding, I don't even know what serious means! LOL

Here you go my darlings! A Monday chuckle for you all! 
Let's laugh it up! 


PS: For all those hateful bitches saying shit about us for lusting after Rob, hear this: FUCK YOU, we don't give a shit about what you say and you can kiss our Rob loving asses, because WE are not stopping!!


  1. yes it's me. I've been MIA and it's all self-inflicted. I'm forcing myself to peek up from Freed. I want to read it so fast and just absorb every titillating word that teases my eyes. I will be reading this over again. *squirms* I'm on Chapter 12 right now but made myself stop so I can stretch it out alittle longer. I guess I like being tortured. *wiggles eyebrow*

  2. Welcum back...glad you came up for air! I'm going to have to break out my copies of these again...I had a very busy week last week and it rolled into the weekend..I hope I can get back to my normal perving with my BTB's now!

  3. LOL!!!!!!

    Dude! can't say I blame you!! I ate those books like birthday cake!

    I'm REALLY happy you are loving them! Yet one more thing we have in common, sometimes I even wonder if we weren't truly separated at birth!!!


    Fucking love you to pieces! Keep reading! It only gets BETTER!!! *smooches*

  4. The  burp!!!!! LOL!!!

    A classic but I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!!! 

  5.  My bf has been pouting since I started reading. He has to make his own dinner because the only appetite I have is for Fifty. FUCK!

    Who knew reading this triolgy would be a kick ass diet??!!!

    Do you know if Fifty is available on audiobooks yet? And I'm curious if they will make the movie into just one more or a several...

    I'm addicted now. Thanks BITCHES! *smooches*

  6. Yay!!!! We love that! We need our BTB Karen fix as well!! *smooches*

  7. ha so thats what keeping u away this is what is keeping me away...If only I could perfect this:

  8. That is one floppy booby....

    That burp...haha

  9. LOL!!!! That will be us BTB's senior road trip here in Las Vegas! 

  10. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 30, 2012 at 10:04 AM

    Good Afternoon!  Yes there is audio for the book! The chick sounds like a teenage girl in it though so kinda ruins it to me a bit!

    Here is a sample:

  11. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 30, 2012 at 10:09 AM

    ahaha! Flashing Floppy Boobies to all the haters!

    Now we know all of us BTB''s got the nice boobies!!

  12. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:19 AM

    Waaaaaaahooooooooo!!!!  That's right M. you tell those bitches!!!!!  I just popped my floppy titty out and swung it around my living room in solidarity!!!!  (my cats think Im fuckin nuts!) Im a horny Rob-Hoor and PROUD the fuck of it!!!!!!!  God,I love you gals!!

  13. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:21 AM

    Hi ya, know all that "reading" will make you go blind!  ;)

  14. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:24 AM

    Hahahaha! The trick is finding a man with really long fingers! Ummmm...seems we all know of one gorgeous man that meets those requirements!

  15. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 30, 2012 at 10:34 AM


    Basically your man needs to know how to use his fingers!  One of the 1st things that has to be done right before he goes "ALL THE WAY""

  16. nice!  never thought of that....where was my damn head!?!?

  17. You know it's true.

  18. Fucking awesome!

    "Where is the g-spot? It's about 2 knuckles in"

  19. Hey Clitty-Cat! *muah*

    How the fuck are ya? Is that bitch still saying shit? I got 5 mins to spare and I only need 30 seconds to fuck her over 1ox and send her home crying to daddy to fuck her to sleep. 

  20. Holy shit! That is one sad boob!  LOL
    No shame in her game!

  21. First time ive seen you on here...Welcome and Hello!

  22. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:39 AM


  23. LOL!!!! Fuck yes! 

    Cockblockers not allowed in here! 

  24. LOL!!!! flove me some Katy Perry!!! 

    That floppy titties will be the BTB Senior Road Trip! LOL 

  25. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:40 AM

    Hahaha.....let's go steal Rob and pass him around and test the long finger theory!

  26. lol at  Edwardian...shit cracks me up! 

    Side Note: Fuck you if you don't think this site and the people who comment on it are funny as fuck. These people are amazing =)

  27. I like it better when the Cookie Monster reads fifty... LOL

  28. I think Grandpa is trying to ditch her and it's not working out so well in his favor.

    Not only is her titty missing about 20 lbs of air but her face is JACKED UP. WOOF! No wonder she's hanging her head out the sunroof window..most dogs do.


  29. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:44 AM

    Bitch was the last time I checked. Nutcase! She's got a bunch of people over there feeling sorry for her because mean old bully Joan got on her case.......waaaaaaa! Pussy!!
    Thanks for having my back....but we shant waste a moment more of our time on her....she's stupid enough that she'll fuck herself up eventually. Karma is a bitch and all. Wuuuuuuuuvs youuuuuuuu,my Cooter!

  30. I'm #Obsessed. I get to meet E.L. this Friday and I'm gonna whip her a good one to show her my thanks for Christian Grey ;)

  31. Awwwwwwwww *blushes*

    But you say the word and I'll attack like Christian in the playroom. *muah*

  32. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:46 AM

    Howdy! Thanks so much for the welcome. Ive been here a few times but Im now becoming a permanent resident....I needed a home for my potty mouth and my sick, sexually deviant sense of humor. ;)

  33. OMG! I'm so happy for you....kinda.


    LOVES YA and have a great fuck time! ♥

  34. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OMG!! I peed a little~ LOL

  35. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 30, 2012 at 10:47 AM

    BATL!!! I fucking pissed my pants from laughter!
    OMFG that is hilarious!! SO needed that M!

    You rock!

  36. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:49 AM

    I HAAAATE cockblockers!

  37. *get's in line*

    Fuck yeah!!!! UNF Rob and those fingers.... 

  38. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:49 AM

    OMG! You are one badass chick. Remind me to never get on your bad side! Christian in the playroom??? That bitch should be SCARED!!!!! ;D

  39. Buenos Nachos! KK!!!! 


    Looks like we are having a party today!!! Woo hoo!! 

  40. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:50 AM

    Turn about is fair ladies make me pee all the time at your crazy antics and comments!!! :D

  41. You fit right in darling! 

    Each one of this hot babes is just dirtier and hornier than the next!!! LOL!!! 

  42. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:52 AM

    Im in line,Im in line!!! Hell.....Id settle for his TOES! Have you seen how long THOSE are???? Hmmmmmmm......thats has me wondering..... (ponders,scratching chin).....what else could possibly be long on Rob??????

  43. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 10:57 AM

    Thank ya! That's why you are my kind of ladies!!!!! It's nice to be me without anyone being flabbergasted or looking mortified by whatever nasty comment flies out of my mouth! Im afraid in my little pea brain,sex can be connected to ANYTHING! Remember that silly game " Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"? Yeah,well...thats me...only with sex!!!

  44. I'm partying on Cinco from Mayo. Celebrating being done with my freshman year of college! Time to get tipsy

  45. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 11:10 AM

    Hahaha.....Im glad my Mini doesn't have a sunroof!!!!

  46. Woooo Hoooooo!!!! party like a fucking rock star hot momma! You deserve it!!! 

  47. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 30, 2012 at 11:12 AM

    Welcome to the site BCBJoan!  

    Talk dirty & respond dirty always! 

  48. Like a dooby(sp?) and happiness for all. LMAO!!

  49. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 30, 2012 at 11:13 AM

    LMAO!  My grannie tits are not going to be grannie tits!  I'm making sure to get those suckers to be perky forever!

  50. To quote Stifler but not in the literal sense, I'm gonna hang out with my wang out!

  51. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 11:21 AM

    Thank you! I most certainly shall!  :)

  52. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 11:30 AM

    Of course....with my new sisters I'll share everything I have.....what's mine is yours. Wait! FUCK! I don't have Rob....dammit,that was just a fucking dream! I could get a doobie!

  53. I'm not letting mine look like that. no way

  54.  ewww gross!
    I really don't want to see her titties now or in the future. lol

  55. Instead of  "puff puff pass"
    It'll be "fuck fuck pass" or "squirt squirt pass"
    Either way I'm in! I know how to share!

  56.  That's the truth! No wonder the haters hate so much...we got titties for days and days!

  57. LMFAO!!!!!! 

    I feel you sister! we could get a STD just by looking at those puppies! Eeekkk!!! LOL

  58.  Jeezuz! LMFAO!!! That shit ain't right!! lol
    That was awesome! With the George Michael playing in the back ground! HAHAHAHAHA!
    It's like Cookie Monster is getting fucked by Christian! Fuck! hahahahahahaha

  59. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 12:10 PM

    I swear I don't really smoke ganga.......not in like....20 years anyway!

  60. Hi sweetie! Love seeing you here. I already sttarted missing you. It's been hell on the other blog. I had some shit going my way as well. Hate all the drama over there. I feel that i have to be carefull what i'm saying evrytime i post. FLove your dirty mouth Joan! Don't hold back on me ;)

  61. Hell, i live in the Netherlands.
    We have coffeshops everywhere. I could get you girls high for months !!

  62. Dude I don't a foot fetish AT ALL! But Rob's feet... fuck me blind, just looking at one toe gets my nipples hard!

  63. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!

    Cookie M: Are you gonna make love to me Christian?

    Christian G: No Cookie Monster, I don't make love, I FUCK... HARD 


  64. WTF is happening?!? 
    Are all the Twi-Hard going Twi-Tards?!

    Bitches need to get a grip! 

  65. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 12:25 PM

    Glad Im not alone! Im pretty definitely sure EVERY part of Rob's body makes my nips hard!!!!

  66. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 12:27 PM

    Oh Hannah!! I just sent you an 10 seconds ago!!! I missed you girl!! I guess you saw all my drama on the other blog. Im soooo over it! And thanks....I won't hold back...haha!

  67. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 12:28 PM

    Hahaha....Im too fat and lazy as it is!!!! ;D

  68. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 12:33 PM

    Hmmmm....niceidea! I think Id like to floss with pube pubes,like the ones I pick out of my throat afterwards,ya know what I mean?? ;)

  69. It's fucking annoying out there. Every time i post a comment on that blog I have to watch out being attacked. It sucks not being able to just being honest. Want to tell you that I'm still a BTb, even though I changed my name. I'm just undercover now. Couldn't stand the crap anymore about my name. Please don't be offended.

  70. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 30, 2012 at 1:00 PM

    See thru boobie top! wohooo

  71. Dude after like an hour I finally found the prude giving you shit... ARGH what a bitch! 

  72. Dude! I hope that bitch from Robsessed shows up over here, I left her several replies, and you know my avi it's linked to this website... so I'm just waiting... fucking cunt, I'll rip her a new one! 

  73. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 1:52 PM

    I know! Right??? Fucking prudish cunt!! Preaching at me....."saving us from ourselves"....WTF ever! If lusting after Rob is a sin,I'll gladly face my maker for it.....compared to the horrid things people do to each other nowadays,Id say spanking my monkey to a super hot guy is pretty low on the "sin" list!

  74. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 1:55 PM

    LMFAO! I think she'd shit her pants and the drop to her knees and pray for our perverted souls if she came here. Arlene calls her "The Church Lady"...haha! 
    She better beware two assholes means we can BOTH stick our foot up her ass!!! :D

  75. Dude! then I'm already in Satan's list! LOL

    WTF with the fucking church lady, she needs to get her head out her ass and get laid! 


  76. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 2:08 PM

    Yaaaaaay! I won't be alone!

  77. Fuck yeah! Where's the end of the line ( damn time zones)?

  78. Love the burp! Have you seen the fart one too??

  79. BolansCatBlack (Joan)April 30, 2012 at 9:29 PM

    I'll let you have cutsies in front of me...I'll wait patiently for my turn! ;)

  80. So glad I missed the drama over the weekend...but I did check out the post and comments today...Damn, why do people have to deny what they are thinking anyway? I just don't understand those "holier than thou" attitudes. I love that blog, but I get tired of reading the shit from some of those who feel they know more than the rest of us! I'm just glad to have found my BTB's!!!!

  81. You came to the right place! lol. Welcome!!! 

  82. hahaha speak for yourself FB! I can go stuff my bra and make my boobies look bigger.... lol. 

  83. I need to make sure mine are perky forever too! I've been bugging hubby that I need a boob job... I want bigger! lol. 

  84. hahahah were you not warned about that from some of the other BTBs! 

  85. OMFG BATL!!! *squirt squirt pass!* Fucking epic!

  86. Come here and we could get some epic BC bud! ;) 

  87. I haven't in 5 years.... last time was at a wedding with the bride and groom after the ceremony just before the dinner. 

  88. Time zones, damn RL!!! lol. I was hoping to come on here last night cause it's been a couple days but Austin's hockey game went late and we got home at fucking 11:30 with 3 kids.... ugh! Good thing his team won 19-8 or I'd be hella pissed!

  89. Seems theres been a lot of hating going on in the fandom, some people have had problems on facebook and twitter too. 

  90. What were they saying about your name? I've never changed mine cause no one has called me a BTB to do it! lol. ;)

  91.  We're not offended but pissed the FUCK off.

    Please tell me where and who was talking shit.


  92. I wish I could give you some of mine! I'm willing to be skin and bones just to get back to my C cup. I hate big boobs!

  93. Aurora23❤BTB❤®May 1, 2012 at 11:32 AM

    WHo the fuck is giving you shit for the BTB logo?

    Names please! That is not cool at all!  You don't need nor should have to hide what you like!

  94. A C cup would be perfect! That's what I want!

  95. Hannah VerschuurenMay 1, 2012 at 11:52 AM

    There were some bitches almost two weeks ago who compared us with peadophiles and childpornographers. they sai we live in a bubble , because we are al perverts who don't see how bad we are. And after i replied on that comment they started with attacking the BTB in my name. They kept going and going, I was sick of it.

  96. Hannah VerschuurenMay 1, 2012 at 11:53 AM

    It was Younglove and someone who replied as guest , but when I checked her profile it said Jessegirl. Solas also tried to interfere. It's always the same with them. They think we're bad for lusting after Rob.

  97. Hannah VerschuurenMay 1, 2012 at 11:54 AM

    They'were burning me at the stake for being BTB. They connect that name to evil right away. They call this a pornsite * rolls eyes*

  98. Hannah VerschuurenMay 1, 2012 at 12:00 PM

    Oh i can take care O f Solas BTW. She 's jewish , just like me. But she's really orthodox ( I'm not) and I know how to get her in trouble. She's not even allowed to look at Rob.

  99. I wonder why they don't say shit like that to me? I WANT THEM TO! NOW!

    Let us know and we have your back. OKAY??!!!

  100. Hannah VerschuurenMay 1, 2012 at 12:05 PM

    Thanks hon! I will let you know next time. * smooch*

  101. Aurora23❤BTB❤®May 1, 2012 at 12:08 PM


  102. Aurora23❤BTB❤®May 1, 2012 at 12:10 PM

    Wonders how they know this site is porn if they are SOOO against talking like that about Rob!!

    Fucking idiots! They are hiding cause they are FUCKING twats!

  103. They must be sneaking over her. BUT WE DON"T WANT THEM!

  104. Fucking TWATS!!!!!

    Dude, if you still have the link of which post that was let me know!! Fucking Bitches!!! 

  105. Dude!!! You are a original BTB from the very beginnings! 

  106. LOL!Nowendertheyboostupourviewersto2oKthismonthLOL!!!

  107. I thought I was always just MegO.... lol.

  108. Fucking haters! They're just jealous that we can actually speak our mind without being worried... they long for that type of freedom of speech but the sticks shoved so far up their asses prevent anything but bullshit to come out of their mouths.

  109. WTF... I'm getting really fed up with this shit!

  110. Nonsense! You are a BTB to the core! one of the originals!!!! 

  111. Me too! Fucking shitty ass people trying to ruin everything. I don't mind drama once in a while cause well lets be honest it can be fucking funny! But lately it's just too much! People are deleting their twitter/facebook ect. over all of this shit.

  112. Awww well thanks Marcela! ♥

  113. BolansCatBlack (Joan)May 1, 2012 at 10:00 PM

    Hahahaha!!! Sounds like a plan to me!!

  114. BolansCatBlack (Joan)May 1, 2012 at 10:01 PM

    Well,atleast you probablyenjoyed  eating the dinner.  ;D

  115. BolansCatBlack (Joan)May 1, 2012 at 10:03 PM

    The chick sounded like she was reading to a kindergarten class from a Dr Suess book!  "I will fuck Christian. Christian I will fuck. Yes,I will fuck him. Fuck him until he nuts"

  116. BolansCatBlack (Joan)May 1, 2012 at 10:06 PM

    Thank you sooooo much. I feel I am at home.....with all my crazy sisters around me! :)
