Thursday, December 1, 2011


'Tis the season to be a horny bitch!

I can actually hear all the ovaries exploding from you all looking at this pic.



Marcela♥Airhumps♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

UNF!!!! This picture has me airhumping like MUTHAFUCKER!!!!!! 

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB said...

I thought a little Rathboner would fit in great for our 2nd day. *evil grin*

MegO said...

ahhhh Marcela and her airhumps! We're truly home!!! :)

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB said...

Like apple pie and a mother's hug.

MegO said...

mmmmm that sexy little smirk is perfect in the picture..... he has plans! I'll gladly volunteer to be your present Jackson! 

Marcela♥Airhumps♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

You little evil genius! *Grabs FB and humps her leg*

Marcela♥Airhumps♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...


Marcela♥Airhumps♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

Oh yeah baby!!!!!

...just like this

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB said...

We know what a BTB wants. *nods head*

Marcela♥Airhumps♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB said...

AND THAT'S WHY I DIDN'T GO SEE THE NEW MUPPETS MOVIE! GROSS! Just imagine what that green fucker does to the pig!! *shivers*

MegO said...

oh FB not a visual we need! lol. 

Marcela♥Airhumps♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...


★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB said...

You want a visual??!! YOU REALLY WANT A VISUAL! Go watch Kermie fuck that poor little bunny! lol

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB said...

Anyone else smell frog legs and bacon?

*snarls nose*

MegO said...

oh poor poor bunny!

Marcela♥Airhumps♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

OH, don't feel bad, he loves it! LOL

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB said...

Got give the bunny props. His hat stays on straight.

MegO said...

Fuck that takes talent!

Marcela♥Airhumps♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

Great now I'm hungry...

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...


Marcela♥Airhumps♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

Yipeee!!! Looking for another pluggin I found that one! The internet is full of treasures! 

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Where is my Jennifer?? She needs us to kiss her booboo. Pucker up bitches! Our BTB needs some TLC.

Aurora23 said...

Just woke up from a nice nap and screamed in delight! Txs

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

WAKEY! WAKEY! Put your mouth on Rob's snakey!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

You are a treasure! SMOOCH!

MegO said...

The clock kinda makes me sad..... 1. Cause we have to wait for fucking ever for part 2. and because it's the of the movies. Yah they've had some fucked up moments but still.... :(

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Makes you wonder what's going to happen after BD2. Will BTBs continue? FUCK YEAH WE WILL! *rebel yell*

WastedGirl*BTB* said...

So much hotness...can't keep humping screen.....
Right click, lick, hump, aaaand save
*bows to the mighty Marcela & FB
I need to get a towel and clean my screen.

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Can you just imagine what that mouth could do to you?? Fucking angels sing when I think about that happening. *lights two cigs* One for me and one for my cooter pie. And P.S. I don't smoke. lol

WastedGirl*BTB* said...

I bet that mouth has some serious skills!
*lights up with FB

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

I bet when he goes down the labia lips just suction cup to his face because it doesn't want him to pull away.

leahreallyitis said...

hey BTBS! I'm here!!!

leahreallyitis said...


★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...


*hugs Leah*


★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Set aside his sexy fuckin' looks but can you imagine how sexy he smells when he's gettin' all freaky on your ass.

Fuck. I'm getting lightheaded. I need to sit down...ON THE RATHBONER! lol

leahreallyitis said...

I bet Ashely loves that ;)

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Is she still screwin' Jackson?!?!?!


WastedGirl*BTB* said...

Like the horny bitch she is!
Locks on and wont let go!

leahreallyitis said...

DAMN look at the smirk! *licks lips*

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

The jaws of life couldn't get him out from between my thighs!

leahreallyitis said...

LOL! I saw him in person and DAAAAAAUUMM!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

IKR! It's good fuckin' thing my computer is not 3D because I would have fucked it to pieces by now. And that's just not covered with the Geek Squad...I asked. *grin*

leahreallyitis said...

I would like to be the one to find out!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

You and Marcela both! You bitches! Nah..I loves ya. ♥

leahreallyitis said...

hey I get a turn next! ON HIS ANNACONDA

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

I'd probably pass out before he started. Just looking at that smirky smile and looking into his eyes.

*FB passes out and falls out of chair*

leahreallyitis said...

*puckering up* come on Jen!

WastedGirl*BTB* said...

It's the safety seat!
He wont let you fall!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

You have to wait! It took you forever to get here! lol

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

I could probably hang upside down on that bitch and I bet I wouldn't fall off!

leahreallyitis said...

I want to lick his face then work my way down to mister candy cock!!!!

WastedGirl*BTB* said...

911 showing up help!
(sorry thats where my head went)

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

I hear ya... but I'd 69 his ass! I'd do all kinds of math on that man.

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...


WastedGirl*BTB* said...

*adds that to list of stuff to try
*ass smack for FB, cause she's brilliant!

leahreallyitis said...

just think in febuary my dear BTB they will annoucing aaaalll the dates for BA! and they FUCKING FINALLY have an american distributor and its SONY BABY! and they have a release date list for Northern America and everywhere else so look out for ittoo be lookn for it!!!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

What can I say? I'm here for the details.

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Jesus Christ! Are you trying to kill me??!!! I can not wait for that movie! It's rated R right?

leahreallyitis said...

LOL did you know that BA FINALLY has an American distributor and that it is SONY! and that they have aaall the release dates all ready for Northern America and it BETTER come to Northern California and when it does fuckin froget it I will  begone  for awhile LOL!!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

I can not wait for it! We have been teased by this movie for what? Almost 2-3 years? That's bullshit!

leahreallyitis said...

yep I agree!!! <3

leahreallyitis said...

damn straight!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Leah, I have to tell you...Marcela has built this site from the bottom up. She is the most fucking amazing person! I, we owe her the world for giving us a place to call ours.

*dabs away tears* Runs over and starts kissing Marcela* FUCK, your sexy!

leahreallyitis said...

ha ha ha haha! aw too bad the Geek Squad does'nt cover that *smirks* I was going to ask them that myself *snaps fingers* DAMN

leahreallyitis said...

aw hugs back! this is SO FUCKIN AWESOME and yes this BITCH is here!!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

I know, that plan is a bust.
*shakes head in disappointment*

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Bout fuckin' time! I've been stalkin' your ass for two days. lol


leahreallyitis said...

he looked SO damn LICKABLE I was like just SO fuckin taken back!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

You went to a concert right? You got to see him all sweaty and thrustin' and singin'....o' lord here comes the dizzies again.

leahreallyitis said...

woo easy there girl! LOL! but have fun ridin him!

BD1♂ Ami♥ BD2♀ Csmpls♠ Cptvs☼ said...

Maaaajor rated R!!! Yee-haw!

leahreallyitis said...

LMAO! aw I want a turn next!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

I can't help it. Once my mind starts thinking it it's like a train with no breaks. lol

leahreallyitis said...

*puts FB on list to buy harnes*

KL☼__BD1♂ Ami♥ BD2♀ Csmpls♠ said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I use mine as a total keepsake of all my fave stuff...don't forget to cum play there, too. ♥ And congrats, the background of fire is awesome.

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

AH! I didn't even think about a harness! I was just planning on working my body against gravity. lol

leahreallyitis said...

IKR?! one look at that GOD would make me "cum"

leahreallyitis said...


leahreallyitis said...


leahreallyitis said...

*sulks in corner* LOL okay I'll wait then he can come thru my window at midnight and we break my headboard then the kitchen table then the counter then the dining room table

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Chick! I would cum so much I would end up dead.

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Well, well, well...listen to bragger! Fine! You can go next. *rolls eyes*

leahreallyitis said...

woooooo that just made my cooter twitch

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Cooters unite for the love of THE RATHBONER!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

We're did my Marcela go? *pouty face*

leahreallyitis said...

hell fucking yeah! it is! or they will be some excutive tied to a chair, naked,(not a pretty site) molasses poured over them and some ants at the same time eating their dicks!!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Fuck that! That's too much work.

*pulls out a 9mm* This outta work.

leahreallyitis said...

fuck yeah we have been just when you think we are one step fuckin closer we get two steps  fucking back and your right it is BULSHIT it has been two damn fucking years!!!

leahreallyitis said...

LOL!!! good one!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

I don't even want to think about BA just sitting on a shelf just waiting for it to eye fuck me to death. It just pisses me off even more!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

That's just how Marcela's airhumps make me feel.

It's a great feeling, such a happy place! ♥

leahreallyitis said...

wow second day?! I have been REALLY sick last week so this is why I have out of the loop I was rushed to the fucking ER on thanksgiving I had plans over the weekend to see BD and everything and I had pancreatitis/gallstones that piss me off!!! but I'M BAAACK! and look out cuz I am going to raise some serious hell!! this weekend!!

leahreallyitis said...

yep we sure as hell do!!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Holy fuck! I didn't know. I am so sorry. But you are better now, right? See! These are reasons why you need to stay in touch with your BTBs!! Now you have no excuse, you know where we're at. DON'T FORGET IT! *shakes finger at Leah*

♥ ya babe. GET BETTER ASAP!

leahreallyitis said...

yeah *sighs* it sucks BALLS

leahreallyitis said...

yeah I know right?! bout time!

MegO said...


Dammit does that mean no whips and cuffs for the rescue mission?!?!

MegO said...

It'll be after midnight baby cause he's with me allllll night! ;) He likes my shower with the body jets..... we have fun in there! ;)

MegO said...

KL you made it over here! Yay!!!

leahreallyitis said...

I went to a meet and greet and the cast was there Jackson, Ashely, Charlie, and Nikki and they were all really cool and I took pics however some of pics are okay I did take a REALLY GOOD ONE OF aSHLEY AND SOME BITCH WAS IN MY WAY WHEN i WAS TRAYING to get a pic of Jackson so I made up for it and also there was a concert of the performers from the soundtrack and the cast got to answer some questions and Jackson was saying that the wigs in the movie totally SUCKED and then I said I agree and he looked over and smiled OH FUCK I wanted to  die!! he was SO fucking nice and SO fucking beautiful!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

You finally made it so it's all good.

leahreallyitis said...

I know been there and I'm still there!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

That's awesome!!!!

MegO said...

mmmm sweaty and thrusting..... I'll be back in 5 mins BTBs! lol. 

leahreallyitis said...

ha ha ha ha haha!!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Take your time. We ain't going nowhere.

pssst...take pix if you want. lol

leahreallyitis said...

*here lies FB* she "came" right on schedule and came and came and came

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...


leahreallyitis said...

*rubbs hands together* "CUM" to mama!!!

leahreallyitis said...

amen BTB!

leahreallyitis said...

oh well that way works too LOL

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

*raises hands in the air*


leahreallyitis said...

I can't fucking wait!!!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

Cold steel always gets the wheels rolling faster.

leahreallyitis said...

I know it is SO damn fucking frustrating! they can't seem to get past the Edward(fucking image)  and that pisised me off to no end!! BASTARDS!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

The way they underestimate us fans is so damn stupid. Makes you think how and why they have their job.

leahreallyitis said...

wow that is so fucking amazing! *goes to tackle Marcela down and kiss her*!! THANK YOU BABE! *wipes tears*

leahreallyitis said...

i LOVE IT it is so awesome! the background is so amazing!!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

She is a straight up bad ass. I'll never be able to thank her enough. She's my BTB soul-mate.

leahreallyitis said...

woooo me too  and it is a very happy awesome BITCHIN place!!

MegO said...

I'll save the pics for another time.... I don't want to excite you guys too much!!! ;)

leahreallyitis said...

oh no kiddin it's likehelloo us woman want to see him us women are the ones that will see 15 fuckin times over! but oh now they don't think with their head they think with their DICKS and also their DAMN money and woo we lure the teens well i say FUCK em! this for grown ups only and Rob is a grown up and he is who we want to see!!

leahreallyitis said...

neither will I she is the best! I could send her a gift as a thank you for putting this AWESOME SITE TOGETHER!!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

I think they forgot it's the 21st century and woman have their own minds and OWN money and we know how to separate characters from each roll.

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said... are so sweet. She likes liquor. lol

leahreallyitis said...

yes mam'm and oh believe me I will regliously BABY!!! yeah I was SO FUCKED up but I am better and thank the fucking gods! this is my HOLY GRAIL!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

All good things come to BTBs. So, stick with us.  *wink*

And we show alot of dirty pix! *hee hee*

leahreallyitis said...

DAMN that frog can HUMP!!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

That frog scares the hell out of me!

leahreallyitis said...

LMAO!!! I am not interested in this movie at all  speaking of WRONG and gross my bff sister thinks Joe Jonas is hot i ALMOST said why?! but I bit my tounge I did not say anything LOL!! but oh I was thinking it!!!

leahreallyitis said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeewww *runs to the toilet*

leahreallyitis said...

ha ha ah ha hahahahahaa!!

leahreallyitis said...

I just ate my dinner LOL!

leahreallyitis said...


leahreallyitis said...


leahreallyitis said...

yeah he seems to be enjoying his himself

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

I guess the muppets did okay in making some money but it came nowhere close to Twilight money. It only made $42 mill over the holiday weekend and BD1 made over $65 mill for it's 2nd week. And those are just the US amounts. It's already made over $500 mill globally!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

SORRY! *turns head and giggles*

MegO said...

BD1 has done pretty fucking awesome at the box office I hear people comparing it to the last HP and how it didn't make as much yada yada, well you can't compare cause the last HP was in fucking 3D! Us Twilight fans should be proud! Although I would have liked more thrusting during the honeymoon..... *sigh* lol. 

MegO said...

That's fucking jack rabbit sex! That poor bunny is going to have one sore hole when he's done! lol. 

MegO said...

So jealous.... it fucking sucks living in Canada! lol. Kellan came here once and I couldn't go cause darn kid had hockey! 

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTB said...

You are absolutely right! Of course HP is going to make more money. It has a  HUGE following of both male and female and Twilight prominently female based. And like you said HP made more money because the movie tickets cost more because of the 3D experience.

I don't know why everything in the media world has to be a competition. Shouldn't we like/love what we want and respect others of the same thing. When we're all dead and gone it's not going to be able HP kicking Twilights ass at the theater, it's going to be what we were passionate about without an agenda.

Holy fuck. I woke up on the opinionated side of the bed this morning. lol

K☼__BD1♂ Ami♥ BD2♀ Csmpls♠ said...

I was "propositioned" to get my ass over here!!! lol Hi, Sunshine!!! ☼

MegO said...

I'm glad you were propositioned over here! I've missed everyone!!! As long as you keep that avi I'll always know it's you! :)