Friday, February 1, 2013


After hearing this song from the movie trailer it makes me want to see it. I'm such a big whore for a great song/remake song.

Lissie - You Can Go Your Own Way.

I'm a sniffling bitch over this version.  

And of course the fuckers stole the song that is my FSoG anthem.

Christina Perri - Arms.



  1. LOVE both songs. I actually kinda wanna see this and the last Nicholas Sparks movie with Zac Efron made me fall I kept trying to figure out who the other guy was in the trailer, he's from Revolution! Thank you IMDB! I like this movie/music post Friday stuff! Good idea FB! 

  2.  Oh yeah! The movie with the ghost brother. LOL I never watched it. LOL

    Josh Duhamel is pretty fuckin' hot. And he likes kids...I think.

  3. No there was another one last year too, the ghost brother one was horrible too, damn friends taking me to cheap movie night to see crap! No the other one was The Lucky One and it was bad! So not impressed. 

    Josh isn't bad to look at, still can't get over he's with Fergie! lol. 

  4.  Oh God! There's been more than one??!!! LOL

    Fergie just looks like a hard road that no one should ride on. WOOF!

    Am I getting a Josh "50" vibe from this pic?

  5. I'm the wrong one to ask about 50.... lol. 

    She does! She has not aged well at all! 

    I have friends who want Stephen Amell in FSoG. He's the guy from Arrow.... whole reason I started watching the show.... *blush*

  6.  Wasn't she a hardcore heroine user back in the day? I heard she's had a ton of dermo jobs done to fix her skin but she's just old looking for her age.

    FMH. Hello, Stephen. May I swim in your blue eyes?

    Damn. He's like a hybrid between David Beckham/Rob and someone else....fuck! I can't think of his name.

    But Yuuuuuummmmy!

  7. She did do drugs, can't remember if it was snorting cocaine or heroine, either way she's a poster child to not do drugs! Drugs are BAD! lol 

    Yes he is yummy isn't he? Should see him on Arrow, lots of shirtless scenes! 

  8.  If that's what it did to her face I don't even want to know what it did to the rest of her body. *cringes and gags*

    Arrow is on the CW, right? Me must start tuning in or DVR'in his fine ass!

  9. No kidding and poor Josh has to look at that.... 

    Yup CW every Wednesday! It's my guilty pleasure show without the guilt! ;)

  10.  Definitely Poor lil' Josh. He doesn't know wither to fuck it or shoot it and put it out of it's misery.

  11.  I will also be joining the Wednesay - Hump Day - Arrow watcher!

    Again, you are getting me hooked on a show.

    Do you work for all the networks as a pimp? lol

  12. Hmmm let me think if there is anything else you should be watching.... lol. 

    Fuck they should pay me for this! Damn networks!

  13. Aloha Bitches! OK, so I am not a fan of Nicholas (no happy endings) Sparks. I have watched The Notebook, Nights in Rodanthe, The Lucky One, Dear John, The Vow....all the while thinking "this is gonna be the one with the HEA" but NOOOO...he doesn't fucking beleive in it! My RL sucks enough, so when I watch a movie, I want an HEA!!!!!

  14. Wash that Charlie St. Cloud...I forgot about that one. The only good thing was Zac taking his shirt off to "warm up" the girl!!

  15. FB! I haven't been able to watch Cosmopolis yet! I'm so busy. It fucking sucks! I miss my BTBs!

  16. OMG! I've missed you so much!! BTBLAND has been a ghost town for awhile. :(

  17. I miss all of you! It's cuz Rob hasn't done anything! :( Fucking hell this blows. And I hate college! It takes up too much time

  18. The world has stopped spinning since Rob has gone MIA. I've resorted living under my bed and listen to this song on repeat...

  19. Don't feel bad I haven't either! Now I'm fucking sick with pneumonia again and a fucking ear infection! :( I went out and bought Cosmopolis the day it came out and it's sitting on my TV stand so lonely like....

  20. Did you see the new pics of him on the set of the Rover?

  21. I have it waiting on my laptop cuz FB is an angel sent from the BTB heavens and mailed it to me.

  22. FB the angel strikes again! She hooked me up for Bel Ami too!

  23. LOL he likes to make us cry! I loved The Notebook, mostly because I've loved Ryan Gosling since he was geeky Sean on Breaker High! lol. 

  24. Is it just me or does all the BTBs hear this song in their head..

    ♪♫RED ROVER♫♪
    ♫♪RED ROVER♪♫
