Friday, November 16, 2012




What did you think?!

Or still in shock like me?!?!




  1. Twilight means so much to me. BD Part 2 was exactly what I needed it to be. The final meadow scene destroyed me, as I knew it would. 


  2. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBNovember 16, 2012 at 10:11 AM

    I feel like Stephenie Meyer slapped me across the face, yo! 
    For years, I hated how Breaking Dawn ended without a battle. Now, that bitch is standing there, laughing because she finally figured out how to write a good battle scene and she wrote the most painful one. It's like, "Hmm..let's see who I can kill" . When that head of Carlisle was shown, I felt sick. And then Jasper. OMFg. NO. NOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. 

    Loved the title sequence. So artistic/creative. Also, that music. It hurts when I hear it. THE LAST TWILIGHT MOVIE ever. I still remember looking at pictures of Twilight being made. The chase sequence is really pretty. The enhancement of vision and sound from a human to a vampire is clearly shown. The Devil Child is finally shown! Yay! And…..the effect was so disappointing. I’m pretty sure they could do a much better job at it, because that thing looks damn fake. It annoyed me to no end how bad that effects job was. I was pumped for the Bella vs Jacob scene!!! They got that one DAMN right! :D  Jazzy and Alice <3 <3 AHHH MY COUPLE. ADORABLE. I CAN’T. I was holding on to my Alice necklace the whole time. Ugh. Perfection. I NEED THAT COTTAGE. Whoever designed it, please come to my house and design my room. And then, hot sex. HOT. Sex. Even when it’s all cut from the R18+ scene. HOT. Still HOT. Whew. BATH sex. OMFGGGGG. When Carlisle’s head was hold. WHAT. THE. FUCK. This was NOT in the book. um..then the giant ass fight scene that went on for like 20-25 minutes. Loved this addition. My heart though, felt ripped and stabbed everywhere because all I see is these beloved characters dying; head chopped, body smashed, falling into cliffs. JASPER. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.SEEEEETHH. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooLEAH. OMFG. STEPHENIE, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE. THIS IS HORRIBLE.Oh, and that Bella-Edward kick makes sense now. YES. Then the big surprise was revealed: It was just a vision. And everyone in the cinema breathe a sigh of relief after the confusion. You can hear a PIN drop in my cinema because everyone was dead silent. I mean, for YEARS, we all have waited to see the boring argument scene. But nope. This was a hostile battle scene. And my cinema viewers all applaud and cheered. That final montage. *cries* All those memories. Ugh. I held back my tears at first but nope, it started coming. Just their happiness. FOREVER.  The credits. All the cast members. All the characters. This beautiful series. And then the final realization hit me. I won’t have a Harry Potter nor a Twilight movie to look forward to anymore. :'(I'd like to thank to Twilight for the past 5 years. All the friends I got to know and all the memories. It truly changed who I am and my life in this sense. :) 

  3. Fuck you summed up my night perfectly! lol. 

  4. As corny as this will sound..... they saved the best movie for last! Yes some of the scenes I wanted to see were cut.... the banter between Jake and Rosalie wasn't there and I loved it in the book but they got the movie pretty fucking perfect. Fuck I didn't breathe through the whole fight scene! I was almost hysterical as soon as Jasper was dead... I kept chanting no... this isn't right! No! I bawled during the final meadow scene. Fuck Aro's chuckle was creeeeppppy! It's so bittersweet to think this is it.... no more movies to look forward to from this series and it honestly breaks my heart.... :( I'm kind of a sad BTB today. Well guess I should go finish packing and doing laundry so we can get on the road.... the hwy we're driving on has a ton of wildlife so we're trying to leave before it gets dark and in Alberta in November that's at like 4:30! lol. 

  5. I KNOW!!!!
    ARO was fucking creepy, he looked like a pedofile LOL
    I love it too, the fight scene, OMG I yelled "I want my money back!!! NOOOO Carlisle couldnt be dead, AND JASPER?!?!" Jesus fuck, they almost killed me!

    I'm so happy I didnt read any spoilers, they truly had me believing for a minute or 10! LOL

  6. DUDE!!!!!!

    Seriously that CGI was shit, but just as creepy as I imagined.

    I was cracking up when the rumanians started talking they sounded like dracula! LOL "I vant to sack yer vlood" LMFAO! I was dying! 

  7. Okay,let me get this straight,Carlisle and Jasper die but it was all just a vision? It wasn't real? Because If they really die I refuse to go see it. After Edward,Jasper is my favorite character. Someone please tell me what up....and I don't mind spoilers.

  8. step away from this posting honey.... forget everthing you've read...
    This is not the posting you are looking for!!!!

    Go!   See!  Enjoy!

  9. Well I really enjoyed the movie...
    My fav bits, Charlie... I love  his confused look, he just plays it the right side of concerned father, without looking like a fool.
    I loved Michael Sheen, he camped the hell out of Aro - I mean he had the creepy politician thing going on, I was jsut waiting for him to start talking taxation!!!
    Some of the baby CGI was creepy as heck.
    The battle was excellent, and you could have heard a pin drop when Carlisle was beheaded.
    Ok, hands up who is going back in the next few days to see it again?

  10. CONS: Vamp sex was too short, CGI baby was CREEPY
    PROS: Vamp sex, battle scene, all the new Vamps, especially Garrett...Jacob's one liners...

    I was sitting next to Marcela and about ended up in the row behind me when they took off Carlisle's head! I gasped...she stopped breathing...LOL! Overall, I FUCKING LOVED IT AND WILL DRAG MY DH TO SEE IT...

  11. YOu Pretty much summed it up for me...When isaw Carlisle's I jumped out of my seat screaming NNOOO!!! So much emotion for a 10 am showing and was able to go back at 5pm and really watch the battle scene.
    The last meadow scene I had the whole ugly cry going on ladies....I. CAN'T. BELIEVE> IT'S. OVER!!!!!

  12.  hi everyone! i've never posted in here but i laugh my ass off reading everybody's posts so i figure i'll finally post something since the end has come... 

    THAT FUCKING MOVIE WAS AWESOME, i kind of did a double take when Carlisle was killed, i was like what the fuck just happened... and then  they killed jasper and alice went crazy, and i loved every second of it specially when jane got scared and started to ran away, i was like yeah bitch you better run! Aro was amazing, it was creepy as hell the way he talked and just perfect, when the vision ended i think everyone and i mean everyone took a sigh of relief, it was really good and i LOVED the scene when bella went crazy because of pedophile Jacob's crush on her daughter and edward's reaction to it and i had an ugly cry going on when it ended, it was a perfect ending just showing everyone that participated in the saga, and i just loved it.

    well that was good to get out, i love reading this blog is good to know that everyone just loves twilight but still have a good laugh about it.

  13. BolansCatBlack (Joan)November 17, 2012 at 12:50 AM

    Will someone PLEASE tell me whats up with Carlisle's head being lobbed off and Jasper dying? Did it really happen or was it a dream sequence or an Alice vision? WTF??  Marcela,Cooter....where are youuuuuu???? Help meeeeee!!!! I MUST know or I absolutely refuse to go see it. I shant shell out good money (that I could use for shoes) to see my Jazzy die!!!!!

  14. Hey Clitty-Cat!!!!! Do you really want a spoiler? Or just know all is well in the land of Forks? LOL Either way I will tell you. ☺


  15.  HI! and WELCOME!! *hugs*

    Aro totally creeped me the fuck out! When he let out that cackle-laugh I about crawled under my theater seat and started sucking my thumb because I was so scared!

  16. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBNovember 17, 2012 at 5:31 AM

    Do you really want a spoiler? 

    Yes. That scene exists. Oh, and about Jazzy, as a fellow Team Jasper member, you will have nightmares. Cheers, I couldn't sleep last night. 

  17. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBNovember 17, 2012 at 5:31 AM

    *hands up* Definitely!

  18. ME ME ME ME...hopefully this afternoon... I may have finally converted my DH to a closet TWIHARD!!! I came home from visiting Marcela and he had all kinds of things to tell me about that he found out on the internet!!!

  19. It's all good...a little scary at times, but good...

  20. BolansCatBlack (Joan)November 17, 2012 at 3:40 PM

    Tell meeeeeeeeeee!!!!

  21. BolansCatBlack (Joan)November 17, 2012 at 3:40 PM

    Tell meeeeeeeeeeee pweaseeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

  22. Here you go my love! ♥

     The movie follows Stephenie Meyer’s book closely, up until the point
    where Alice (Ashley Greene) enters the climactic scene to defend
    vampire-human hybrid Renesmee’s (Mackenzie Foy) existence. She
    presumably shows Aro (Michael Sheen), through her thoughts, that she
    knows there is no threat and thus Renesmee and the Cullens should be
    left alone. But then she realizes that it doesn’t matter — Aro wants a
    fight no matter what. She mouths “now” to Bella (Kristen Stewart), who
    sends Renesmee off with Jacob (Taylor Lautner). Then Aro gives an order,
    and the Volturi guards take Alice away. Trying to protect his daughter,
    Carlisle (Peter Facinelli) charges after Aro. Sadly, the vampire-doctor
    loses his head to the Italian ruler, sparking the battle between the
    two sides. Many end up dead, including Jasper (Jackson Rathbone), Jane
    (Dakota Fanning),Caius (Jamie Campbell-Bower), Marcus (Christopher
    Heyerdahl) and Aro — who is killed by Edward (Robert Pattinson) and
    Bella themselves. However, right after Bella finishes the Volturi’s
    leader off — the scene changes, and we’re back to Alice and Aro touching

  23. Just got back from watching Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2!
    And aaaaahhhhhh

    Fuck, it was awesome! Seeing Edward and Bella so happy and in love! <3
    Renesme was kind of freaky in the beginning but so pretty later on.
    Favourite Jacob scene?! When he took off his clothes in front of Charlie! A+
    Also probaly every scene with Aro! Fucking creepy dude.
    WTF moment was definitely when Aro killed Carlisle! I was like 'Jesus, what happenend'. And then Jasper and Seth :'(

    It was funny, thrilling, romantic!

    What to do with my life now?! LOL

  24. don't forget to point him to Midnight sun...

  25. Ah, great idea!

  26. I got to see BD2 again yesterday afternoon with my DH and youngest daughter (the other 2 went to see Wreck it Ralph). I must admit I did shed a few tears this time. On Thursday I think I was just too pumped up and numb, but this time it really got to me. Although the vamp sex wasn't what I expected to see, it was done well (they could've moved that damn table out of the way!) I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did!!

  27. Anybody know that SM is going to do now that Hostess went out of business???? LOL

  28. That fucking twist, dude! As soon as Carlisle "died" I was in tears. And that ending! Oh my God. "No you see. No one loves you as much as I do." My fucking heart. I don't want it to  be over! What am I gonna do without it? *sobs and makes whale noise*

    And Rob looked insanely hot in the entire thing!

  29. BolansCatBlack (Joan)November 18, 2012 at 10:28 PM

    OH THANK CHRIST! I was sooooooo pissed if it was really ending that way. Okay,Cooter,you've just earned Stephanie Meyer another $9 from I will now grace the theatre with my presence!!! I kept telling everyone for the past year ,with my luck I would drop dead before I got to see the last film....and then I find out about all these deaths and I was like "Well FUCK! Wouldn'ta mattered if I had croaked 'cause now I don't wanna see it anyway!" But,you've restored my faith! You are the best Cooter a girl could ever have! I lovessss youuu!

  30.  BATL!!!!! That pic is killing and so true! I'm your Cooter girl and you're my Clitty-Cat! And I lovessss youuu back! XOXO

    P.S. You will FLOVE this movie!!! I saw it twice on Friday and now the bf and I are going to see it on Wed. ☺

    P.S.S. You gotta tell me what you think after you see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. I wish I'd went to see it again instead of hockey.... talk about a bad fucking weekend.... ugh. The kids won the whole fucking tournament but cause of fucking bad refs my kid is now suspended for 2 league game.... he's crushed. 

  32. I'm glad I went in spoiler free too! 

  33. Everyone clapped when it was revealed it was just a vision.

  34. twilightboysdazzlemeNovember 19, 2012 at 8:07 PM

    But with the twinkie shortage that bitch will never finish MS now!!! And from the recent interviews it doesn't seem like she has any intention of going back to vampires....ugh

  35. twilightboysdazzlemeNovember 19, 2012 at 8:08 PM

    Not finish MS

  36. Well, does she think 'the host' will keep her going???    I can see MS appearing in about 2014 just as her supply of twinkies runs out!

  37. I love reading the comments from btbs. You guys are F*cking awesome.

  38. I can finally read this post! I tried so hard not to read any spoilers! I thought my heart would stop during that battle! I yelled to my friend "No one is supposed to die!!!" The entire theater gasped when we saw Carlisle's head! Then I was like..."THANK THE FUCKING LORD!" And I sobbed like a baby at the end. I don't even know why! The song...the flashbacks...everyone in the credits! Sooooo fucking good.  The only thing that is super annoying is the friggin close up sex. There could have been a way to get some wider shots and still keep the rating. I'm going back tomorrow. I'll be less emotional and able to be more critical! LOL!
