Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy SEXturday!

Whenever I see this man doing his sex face, my whole body lights on fire...

I want this man so bad I have tears in my eyes!!! LOL

Call me delusional, call me DeeDee I don't care!
 I want Rob, and I want him now!!!


As Edward I would let him manhandle me with his vampire strength any day!
I dont care about the consequences.
 I'll be a happy hoe!



    Yes please, and twice on Sunday!

  2. Don't worry your no DeeDee your just a woman who sees LMC and this gorgeous gorgeous man for the sex god he is! UNF!

  3. Fuck, Marcela! I'd give my right tit to have him move over me like that....damn....

  4. The right one eh? I'm kinda partial to my right one.... well both of mine.... lol. They might not be much but I like 'em.... plus I don't think giving up my itty bittys would get me in a bed with Rob, or a car... or a chair, a desk.... fuck anything! lol. 

  5. Thank you my BTB Im tripping today! I love him so much I feel like writing a crap fan fic about Rob and myself! LOL!!!!

  6. Sad but true Meg...ain't nothin' getting him in bed with me but my dreams! LOL...

  7. Oh but good dreams they are! ;) Just keep your boobies! lol.

  8. LMAO oh Marcela you could never write crap like DeeDee.... ahhh I remember when I jokingly wrote that crap story in like 5 mins and posted it on here as a joke.... that was fun! lol.

  9. Where is everyone lately? Am i the only one with no life now? lol. Since Austin is suspended for 2 games I have some free time and no one is posting.... dammit! :( lol. 

  10. UNF, I just want the rest of Rob's movies to be rated R and always have a couple of sex scenes in that too much to ask? The one with Cary Mulligan has my hopes up, she did naked for Shame ....

  11. LOL!!! don't let looks deceive you! LOL I have no life, but also too much family to keep me occupied and away from my safe heaven! 

    Awww BTB I've missed you!!! 

  12. lol I have no idea where it even is..... lol. It was fun though! FB was a fan.... 

  13. I've missed you too! 

    Damn families right?!?! I had to be up at 6 am on a Sunday cause the other boy still had hockey, he made it worth it though, another 3 goals today. That's 2 hat tricks in 2 days.... *proud momma*

  14. I am speechless just fucking kill me now!! When you said die bitch, you really meant it!!! I have been looking at this all day, and I have been speechless. The motion alone is enough to wipe out a whole nation of women!! What a happy death!!!

  15. Only you guys could get your hands on such prime, extraordinary, superb, mind blowing, footage!!! Omg......something is happening to me.. ..... I will be back !!!

  16. Hi Darling!!!!

    Seriously dude! These gif and pic kill me!!


    there goes my pants

  17. My pants have been off since the moment I saw this gif!!! It's freaking awesome, I can't get enough of it. It's truly terrific!! This gif should permanently be placed on the side bar, for us horny bitches to lust over!

  18. This gif, makes me totally want to do Rob now !!!!! You guys are fucking awesome!!! Thanks

  19. I'd be such a lil creeper while banging him eyes would be glued to his...I wouldn't close them for anything for fear of missing his sex faces haha

  20. Fuck me... There are just no words

  21. "Take a little time to reflect on what you are missing in your life the next time you make fun of someone or bully them...they are not the problem, you are."
