Monday, November 26, 2012



Don't even pretend you are looking at his hair, or face, or glasses...

I'm SURE most of you bitches will say 



LMC is teasing us AGAIN!




  1. Oh thank god!! I'm at home with my dirty thoughts.  Over at robsessed they have this on their blog but don't want to offend those fuckers of there with my perverted thoughts. gah I just want to rub my hand  Right there!! I hope Kristen does it. Alot !! maybe thats why it all a bulge right there cause she was rubbing it.

  2. LOL!

    Hmmm Maybe Rob is the one with the dirty thoughts?? 
    yumm crotch and jaw, fucking kill me now!

  3. What is that hand doing?!? is someone trying to reach for LMC?!?!


  4. That man destroys me

  5. LMC is wanting to get free! Just set it free for all the BTBs... I'm sure LMC is feeling crowded and trapped.... we're just worried for LMCs safety.... :)

  6. Here:
    Let's do this together,

  7. All I want for Christmas :
    I want to have a combine side by side visual, of this pic, and the motion From the gif from yesterday, and oh, with my head on Kristen's body. Oh yeah, yes, yes, yes .....oh Rob.
    A girl can dream right?!!!!!!!
    I was a good catholic girl until I met you guys, there goes my sainthood.
    I love you guys:)

  8. LOL!

    I dont believe that one bet!

    You were a perv inside the whole time, we just brought it out to play!!

    Which is good! We love pervs!

  9. Christ i've been a perve from way back. They just feed my need

  10. Lmao, I know what you mean! I find my self watching way more than I should, but the funny thing is, I keep imagining myself in these mixed!! Is that normal?

  11. I thought we, were friends! The sick and the twisted should stick together!
    Yes, I confess, I am a Perv for Rob, and I love it!! I love Rob, but your bitches makes me want andy
    The Moment I took her out strengthed hand, and I came here, I just knew I belong!!!!

  12. Now THIS is my kind of post! I love you Marcela!

  13. Do you RC girls remember the Peacock video from way back....we should revise that with all these new pics....

  14. I have a feeling LMC has been getting a good work out lately!

  15. I feel like this is the only sanctuary left for me to obsessed over rob and rob alone, and i dont have to feel bad about it. Thanks ladies. No drama, just Rob.

  16. Maybe if we all start chanting "cum to me LMC" it will work!!!

  17. Sorry, but I had to cum back again, and lo and behold, he really IS wearing did I miss that the first 5 times I looked at it???

  18. LOL!!!!! I knew it! BTB to the Core, I didnt see the glasses the first 10 times! LOL

  19. Fuck yeah!

    You want him to bend you over and take you everyday and twice on Sundays? Just say it ;) 

  20. When LMC is busting zippers nothing else matters! Did you see him on Ellen when she called him out about his zipper always being down? Fucking hilarious!

  21. Have you looked through the archived blogs yet? You will be amazed at our devotion to Rob and his assets...LOL!!!

  22. Oh yes, please!

  23. I started and was truly amazed, and excited!! Unfortunately, I have only gotten thru one month. funny you mention that, because I started going thru yesterday, when it was hot and heated over there on the other site. I will try to do a months at a time. its good to get to know you guys a little more, and i am really glad to have found this site.

  24. Twice a day, for a whole fucking year! Yeah, works for me...:))

  25. I was over there too....whoa! It was a hot mess!

  26. I know, it's fucking crazy sometimes over there. Hot mess you got that right. I don't wanna fight, I just want to lust and talk about Rob. Is that too fucking much to asked? I have my RL, so why get so fucking worked up about his fucking personal life? Who cares, he loves her, we all know that, leave the guys private life alone. Why cant it just be about him? WTF? Idk, its crazy, I'm so over it, so I come here to get my Rob fix, this is the only place where it's all about Rob and everyone show respect for his choice, but we don't talk about it all fucking day, because its non of our fucking business, whom he is with, as long as he is happy!
    Sorry, I was ranting.

  27. OMG...the banana. BATL!


    Oh and you know what? I typed in "btb uncensored" in my chrome search thingy and you know what it suggested? 


  29. I know what u mean. Iwas over there and there are these two that are taking up space fighting. Grrr...get over urselves! THIS! here is my safe haven

  30. OK, you know I love him too (or else why would I be here!) But it looks like he wet his pants! :o

  31. thanks to you, I've found it,too!!!!!!!

  32.  We're always looking to grow our BTB family!


  33. IKR. Just one mention of HER name and those bitches get so pissed off that their tampons shoot out like heat-seeking missiles. WTF???!!!

  34. this is stuff I like, my mind is not as tame as Edward looks, I wonder if I should change to salacious George.

  35.  BATL! Go for it! Let your BTB freak flag fly!

  36. Oh Simone, I am so glad you have found BTBS, you're gonna love it hear. Hope you have a corrupt mind, if not you are screwed!
    How was it my fault you found this place, do tell?
    I see you have had your official welcome from the wonderful freezerburn!!!!!

  37. Omg, Angela I just saw this, and yes this is our safe haven. Haven't seen you in a while over their, what's up?

  38. My start on the other blog was somehow weird. This constant fight modus is annoying and I liked your reply. I looked for your profile and what to say, my gut feeling said yes and I'm following you. I can be a lovely and nice person but I want my mind-fucking fun too.

  39. Yes, I do remember you, you were caught up in that fight, but I liked the fact that you stood your ground, and wanted to draw your own Conclusion. I try to respect everyone's opinion over there, because we're not always gonna agree, and what Mizzzar wrote to you was absolutely correct! You should go back and read that comment. Majority of the girls over there are vey good girls, they are fun, intelligent, smart and they love Rob. As far as following people, just follow the people whose opinion you valve, and by the looks of thing you won't have a problem with who to follow.
    Now on to this wonderful blog which you have stumbled upon, because of will love it here, its Rob, Rob, and Rob all the fucking time. You just have to be a Robperv!!
    P.s...see that lady with the avi with her hand reaching out to you? Once you take her hands, you have entered into the RobFzone!! Simply put, you're fucked!!!!*evil grin*, she turns you into a Freezebian for Rob!!!!

  40.  There was a fight and I wasn't invited? My feelings are hurt! You know I love to rip and chew trolls apart. Was this before we met?

    And you sweet & sexy words towards me. It makes me wanna cry but instead I'm going to tackle you on the bed and give you the BTB wrestling match of your LIFE!

    Wanna wrestle???
    *evil grin*

  41. The fight was recently, this week or last week! Poor Simone got caught in the middle of it, but she escaped unharmed!!!! Yeah!!!

    Wrestling is place or yours? Fuck the bed, lets do mud!!!!

  42. I'm getting nosy here, what do you want to hear from me. Getting wet everytime I watch Cosmo sex scene? Telling my BF he is the reason why I'm so horny? Am I a Robperv? Don't know, you have to tell me! I don't believe women who tell me that they like him because he is so "EDWARD", no for me he is an "objet de désire".

  43. Ok, you have pass the test, you are a fucking perv!!!
    Simone my Rob, it's always been Rob!!!!
