Monday, September 24, 2012

We've Got Mail! BTB Meeting Weekend!

Hello Dear BTBs, 

I was so excited to FINALLY get to meet Marcela! The flight from Hawaii was good and arrived on time. As I was making my way to the baggage claim area, I saw a very handsome man peeking at me from behind a pillar - lo, and behold, it was New Moon Edward holding a BTB sign for me!!! (funniest thing I have ever seen at an airport) Well my panties got wet immediately, and behind Edward was Marcella - cute as can be and laughing already.

-----> I have to add, (this is M) it was only the top part of Cardboard Edward  LOL as I have a hard time sharing his bottom...   And I held 2 signs for BTB Karen to recognize me... See Bellow:
Do I have to add she recognize me right away? even tho we had never met before? Cardboard Edward has that charm... Plus, I think everyone, and when I say EVERYONE was staring at me at the Las Vegas Airport! LOL

 As we drove around looking for somewhere to eat breakfast, our conversation was in typical BTB style - Le MonsterCock and  tight pussies in white swim suits. We settled on stopping at the MGM Grand and grabbed some Starbucks and a couple of chairs to get to know each other - how we came to love Rob and discuss the Rob and Kristen rumors.

-------> After screaming like twats, we finally got to my car, and poor Karen was forced to be driven around Las Vegas by a crazy person. I'm the first one to admit, I'm a horrible driver, I often speed, and miss exits... but I make it up by being cute and screaming to pedestrians "I'M A LOCAL"... they understand LMAO! 

So, after a couple of pics by the boxing ring, we headed to the Flamingo Hotel over-21 pool and grabbed the last 2 lounge chairs and enjoyed our Margaritas and Mai Tai's while hanging at the pool, talking trash about the skinny girls and the fact that they need to eat a few cheeseburgers!

-------> Dude, Karen! Don't skip the part where you asked me to rub tanning oil on your thighs! And the underwater humping?!?! I thought we shared a special moment! Damn tourists... I feel like a whore... LOL J/K!  Plus Karen got to meet my Local BFF and BTB, she also joined in the underwater humping.

Later that night we sat down to watch a Robmovie....Marcela picked Little Ashes. Now LA is one of Rob's more daring films and poor Marcela was scarred for life watching Rob get more lip action than he did in Twilight!!!! It is a good film and he did a great job (the reason DC wanted him for Cosmo) but you gotta get past the guy-on-guy lip locks!!!

-------> Seriously, I'm still having nightmares about Rob kissing dudes... that's not right! 
I had the best time meeting you BTB Karen, the pool, water, cocktails, and special moments were unforgettable. PLEASE COME BACK SOON!!!


  1. Christ! That was a lot of typing for my fucked up hand! LOL!!!

    I'm supposed to stay off "the hand" for 10 days... but dude, I'm starting to feel like this guy! LOL

    KAren!!!! I had so much fun! Please lets do it again REALLY SOON! This momma needs the mini vacay! LOL 
    Love you tons, you are the best, here and even better in person, you crazy bitch, I fucking love you! LOL!!!! 

  2. I'm so jealous! lucky bitches got to meet each other. RL , children and financial crap prevent me from leaving good ole Roc cha cha!!! Sounds like you guys had a blast

  3. Awwwww We had a blast, I hope one day we can all get together! Hey what do we know, maybe a BTB wins the lottery and get us all together! LOL

    But its a dream I'm not letting go! I wanna meet all my BTBs!!! 

  4. Yah okay I hate you both now... lucky fucking bitches! lol. I can so imagine how hilarious of a scene that was at the airport! Looks like you BTBs had a fucking awesome time! I think next time someone should come to Alberta.... especially during the winter and they can enjoy the -30C and yah.... not much else! lol. So is Las Vegas forever changed now that 2 BTBs have been there together?

  5. LOL!!! I already told my husband to take me there next time he goes to Edmonton! LOL

    Dude, I wish you could've been here too! and FB! and all the BTBs I can't wait to meet FB in person, I'm actually shaking BALT!

  6. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBSeptember 24, 2012 at 11:19 AM

    Laughing so hard at this post! You both seemed like you had an absolute blast! :D 
    Ah, Internet friends, who knew that "stranger danger" rule will quickly disappear once you realised not everyone is a 60 year old male stalker. We're just a bunch of people in need of a..special treatment. Underwater humping is included in my 'things-to-do-before-I-die' list now. 

  7. LMAO makes sure he brings you in the summer.... don't know if you could survive our cold winter! Plus with NHL lockout I couldn't even take you to a freaking Oilers game! lol. 

    It would be insanely epic when you and FB get together! lol.

  8. Dude! You're missing out! Underwater humping its like dry humping, but WET and in bikinis! LOL!!


  9. it was the perfect weekend, even if the water in the pool tasted like Jizz LOL!!!!!!!

  10. Aww! Is that a pic of you and Karen? If so, who is who? lol

  11. LMFAO!!!!!

    I'm to the left holding the camera! Karen is to the right with her gorgeous curls :) I envy her hair so bad! 

  12. Karen was helpless to my charms, I had her at "Ello Luv" LOL!!!! 

  13. I can't imagine what you're going to do when you meet FB! How can you top cardbord Edward?! LOL
    Great idea!

    And it's great that you had so much fun! <3

  14. LOL @jasperismydestiny:disqus  the gif lol

  15.  I can't wait to meet my Marcela! I know there will be at least 15-20 videos posted on youtube of us rolling around together in the airport.

    I already have my BTB countdown clock.

  16. LMFAO!!!!!! I can see it in my head already! I can hardly wait! Cmon! Fifty, that movie needs to start filming PRONTO! 

  17. I'm funny! LOL Just assuming you girls would know who is who! LOL Brain fart! 

  18. I only knew cause I saw your 30th bday pics and the pics of you with your hot brother... lol. 

    Karen you do have some amazingly gorgeous hair! Both beautiful BTBs! 

  19.  You and I will make a scene for sure and probably a few bucks from the fellas watching us. LOL

    I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!

  20. Karen**BTB to the end**September 24, 2012 at 5:24 PM

    Oh, know I don't want to give away our secrets! A little leg hump here, tittie grabs there... Soon Vegas will be over run with BTB's cumming to see you! When you are ready for another BTB day at the pool, just let me tan is fading fast! I need you to rub oil ALL OVER ME next time! LOL! Love you!

  21. Karen**BTB to the end**September 24, 2012 at 5:39 PM

    Yes you did!

  22. We are ALL helpless to your charms!!! ♥ How fun BTBs, and great retelling, I felt like I was there with ya!

  23. That weekend sounds so great that its time to plan BTB Conference 2012. Who is in!!? Cardboard Robs are supplied in delegate bags and used as seat fillers if necessary.  A five day conference on how to B a BTB. R18 naturally.

  24. Karen**BTB to the end**September 25, 2012 at 1:15 AM

    I'm sure Dr. Cullen would recommend underwater humping to cure what ails you! Nine out of 10 doctors recommend a BTB weekend in Vegas!

  25. Ah! You lucky bitches!!! I am sooo jealous!!! Seems like you two hot ladies had a great time!!!

    Any plans of coming to the land of Australia, anymore??? I am holding on to my tits until that day comes *sigh*

  26. Sounds like you guys had an awesome time!!!!  I need my own cardboard cutout of Rob. But if I did, I would probably never leave home.  ; )

  27. If I remember correctly, your words were "That crazy twat DeeDee" LOL!!!!

  28. Awwwwww *bats eyelashes*

    My hand is feeling better, I can caress your skin again....

  29. I wish!!!!! Those boys from thunder down under have me sold! 

  30. LOL!!!!!!

    There are no secrets with BTBs! LOL

    I can't wait to see you again darling!!! XXOXOXOXOXO

    your husband was the best, I was afraid he would take me seriously when I said, he didn't need pictures of our weekends, that he could just see the new episode of cops with moms gone wild! LOL!!!!!! 

  31. I have curls and they drive me nuts. You can have 'em.

  32. Karen**BTB to the end**September 26, 2012 at 12:10 AM

    Me! Me!

  33. Karen**BTB to the end**September 26, 2012 at 12:12 AM

    Are you kidding me? My DH wants to be the one taking the pictures of us rolling around on floor BTB style or taking underwater pics of all the leg humping! Trust me, he's a guy above all else and some girls smooshing boobies just does him in!!!

  34. Karen**BTB to the end**September 26, 2012 at 12:13 AM

    I had straight hair until my last baby...damn hormones!

  35. Karen**BTB to the end**September 26, 2012 at 12:14 AM

    I thought she was hovering in the background somewhere...scared thge shit outta me!!!

  36. To Marcela, and anyone else who has made fun of me on this post: "Take a little time to reflect on what you are missing in your life the next time you make fun of someone or bully them...they are not the problem, you are."

  37. You're still lurking this site? We haven't talked about you in forever. You just give us a reason to start again. And I'd rather not. Goodbye

  38. BATL! The gif queen is back!

    *grabs & hugs*

  39. Hi Babe!
    I fucking missed you!

    I got an email that crazy Deedee commented on a post from 2012. Like WTF?!?!
    Who allowed her to use the internet again?

  40. I was notified the same way. I guess all the voices in her head finally got tired of her dumbass as well. Now she's trying to irritate us. Time to restock our shelves with cunt-b-gone. lol


  41. Seriously, I forgot about her. And I was fine with it. But she just can't let it go! Jeez

  42. But anyway! Happy New Year!
    Love ya!

  43. Same here. Deep down she wants to be a BTB. Never gonna happen. We are elite and true blue bloods. 😘

  44. Backatcha babe!

    OMG! That first gif makes me wanna cry.😢

  45. Awww

  46. Me?? No. Never

  47. *looks at gif*

    O' hell no! Covers ears.

    You say that and I see your halo floating above your horny BTB horns. 😘

  48. I'm a perv. What can i say! :-)

  49. Oh yeah! 😎

  50. Im fucking cracking up!!!! LOVE YOU MY BITCHES!!!!!

    I even love DEEDee, that crazy cow, she just can't enough! LOL

  51. LOL! Sing it, BTB!

    Drunk karaoke time?

    Fuck yeah!


  53. For someone who claims we're not worth her time and we're harassing her ect, you sure to go to great lengths searching out our posts and commenting. If we mean nothing to you why come comment on our blog after months of radio silence? We haven't started rumours... have you read your own FanFic cause that's where we got our comments from! In my opinion, you like this attention, even if it is negative because it's attention. Your like a deprived child seeking out attention from a parent.

  54. This bitch is so pathetic. Not only does she wait forever to reply and sadly attempt to defend herself but when she says she's done with us and never giving us another ounce of her energy SHE COMES BACK! lol

    I drugged around a bit and found another post of hers. I swear I peed alittle when I read it. 😂

  55. Does it really take you 7 months to come up with a reply? Bitch, you're so slow you couldn't get accepted at the Special Olympics.

  56. You crazy fish. You love coming here and getting attention. And we love making fun of your dumbass.

    BTW. I love the post you made on a other site. I've attached it below. LOL

  57. Actually, up until I posted these recent responses, I hadn't been in here for months . . . or much of anywhere online for months . . . because I was recovering from a severe concussion after a bad fall on an icy sidewalk in February, a fall that left me unable to walk without a walker *(up until just a few days ago, when I finally managed to "graduate" to just using a cane) and a fall that triggered a 10-hour-long attack of tremors. Yes, you read that right . . . a 10-hour-long attack of tremors *(my Essential Tremors, my seizure disorder.) Just imagine what it would feel like to have seizures . . . full on seizures where virtually your entire body is shaking so badly that you can't stop it, and you have extreme nerve pain in your arms and your legs for the entire ten hours that you're shaking uncontrollably. THAT'S what I was dealing with that day, and that's also what led to me being unable to go home to my own apartment until just three days ago. I spent the past two months at my mom's house, living with my mom and her husband, and having physical and occupational therapists coming twice a week to help me to recover, and to get well enough so that I could go back home, even with some assistance. So, needless to say, I've been more preoccupied with just getting back on my feet and being able to get back home *(and I had to stay at my mom's house while I was rehabilitating because I couldn't even walk up the steps to my apartment when I was on the walker . . . I couldn't even walk up the steps from their finished basement in their house, which is where "my" bedroom and bathroom were, to their living room and I had to crawl up and down the steps on my hands and knees, for weeks. And so I was only able to be cleared to go back home three days ago, under the condition that I stay in my apartment, and my mom is the one who brings my mail up from my mailbox downstairs, and she brings me meals she's cooked so I don't have to try to make anything more complicated than a bowl of cereal or microwaving something for myself. And I've been dealing with a host of other issues on top of all of that, besides. So I really don't give a damn right now if any of you feel a need to make fun of me for posting this latest response to your responses, or if any of you think that ANY of what I posted is in any way, shape or form, "funny" or "hilarious" to you, or if you think I'm "going to great lengths searching out your posts and commenting" *(and I hardly think that my going to my Disqus dashboard qualifies as "going to great lengths searching out your posts," but that's really irrelevant to the main topic of discussion). I also do not "wait forever to reply and sadly attempt to defend myself." WHEN I have seen posts on here, I have commented on them. But . . . unlike all of you, obviously . . . I do have a life and *(obviously) lately, it's been more important for me to be able to just get back on my feet and be able to walk without using a walker, so that I can get back to living my life and taking care of myself. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some physical therapy exercises to do. And that's far more important than thinking about this site, or any of you, or about anything else you may or may not have to say to me in response to this. Goodbye.

  58. I believe you are full of shit of the crazy things that has happened to you. If you are done with us then GO! Don't keep doing these fucking stupid driveby replies. And stop writing books as messages.

  59. Full of shit? Really? Wow? smh Just goes to show you have zero compassion, no heart, and you're full of yourself . . . AND you're the one who's so full of shit your eyes are brown. Everything I posted in that last message was the 100% truth, and you actually treated it like it was a joke?! If you had been the one who had ten staples put in your head *(AND a tetanus shot directly into the open wound in your skull, WITHOUT anesthesia besides, btw) and if you were the one who had lived through ten hours worth of seizures, and everything else I've dealt with in the past two months . . . you wouldn't be too happy if someone else treated you like you were a joke, or like you were just making it all up. YOU'RE the joke, and this site! So if you think I'm such a "joke," STOP FOLLOWING ME ON DISQUS THEN, DELETE ANY AND ALL MENTIONS OF ME FROM THE BTB BLOG RIGHT NOW . . . AND DON'T GO AWAY MAD, JUST GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE! NOW!!!!!!!! Self-centered, heartless, assholes! Every last one of you! I haven't needed any of what you've been doing to me for the past couple of years, on this blog and on other sites, and I certainly don't need any more of it to be heaped on me now! As I've tried to tell you before, believe what you want to believe about me, think what you want to think, I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ANYMORE. Just KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES and TAKE ALL THIS CRAP that contains any and all references to me . . . the insults to me, the dissection of MY story, all of it . . . OFF OF THIS BLOG NOW, PERIOD!!!!!!!

  60. A message to anyone on here who thinks that I'm "making anything up" or "lying" about anything that I wrote about in my story. My story . . . the story that others STOLE from me and posted here without my permission . . . WAS in fact inspired by the fact that I WAS born with hydrocephalus and have lived with it my entire life--and every single one of the experiences with my hydrocephalus that I wrote about in that story were FACT, NOT fiction. And my father DID die from a glioblastoma--a very real Stage IV brain tumor. Look it up, people, I'm not making any of that up, either, because I wrote about that from all of my very painful memories of the ten months my dad lived with cancer. And I also did, in fact, slip on ice outside my apartment on February 18th, and end up with a gash in my head that was so deep and so large that it took ten staples in the ER to close it . . . plus a tetanus shot, because of the fact that I hit concrete and there was dirt and gravel in the wound that they had to pick out. And I also did, in fact, have an attack of my essential tremors after I hit my head that were so severe that they were very much like seizures, for TEN HOURS straight in the ER . . . and I had three doses of Propranolol in addition to my "normal" dose that I'd already just taken that morning . . . before they subsided. And it was those severe seizure-like tremors that caused all the side effects that I've been dealing with ever since. I have not made ANY of this up. What, do you want to see my medical records and the accident report before you'll believe me?! smh Like I said before, don't go away mad, just go away!


  62. No, I'm not "slow," I was just in a relationship. Seven months ago, I started a long-distance relationship--a relationship, and a friendship, that just ended for good a few days ago--and so I didn't have time to come in here. Seven months ago, a guy who had previously been just a good friend became more than that, and we were even talking about marriage and a life together, and about me moving from Indiana back to Texas so that we could be together. But then that all fell apart, and now we're not even speaking to each other anymore. I still talk to his two best (female) friends, but not to him. And certainly not to the hoe he's with now, who relinquished custody of her children to her ex husband just to stay with MY ex boyfriend *(and MY ex boyfriend is LETTING her do that smh--just one of the many reasons why we're not even speaking to each other anymore, because I don't even know him anymore. He's not the same man I knew.)

  63. This is a fairly recent picture of him *(Dec/Jan IIRC)---His name was David Brown

  64. .....................
