Saturday, September 22, 2012


This is a double post!

 Our sexy as fuck BTB Marcela has injured herself! She cut her hand on a piece of broken glass and had to get stitches! 
I think we know who her doctor was...

We FUCKING love you Marcela!!
We all wish you a super quick recovery!

I'd cut my leg off if it meant that this was my doctor.



I totally forgot about this magazine! That GOD I had pre-ordered it and just received my two copies from Amazon.

All I can say about it is INCREDIBALLS! There are fold-out posters inside of past EW magazine covers. And let me tell you bitches...the Rob cover is .. NO WORDS....*floods*

There is so much about this issue that is so amazing that I can't even start to give details.


  1. awwwww typing with my left suck ass, but I fucking love you!!!!!!

    Pain pills awesome, but I can kiss my hand modeling career good bye LOL!!!

    I need my BTBs to lend me a hand, if you know what I mean! LOL

    FYI: Typing this took me longer than CH tits, ok thats gross...

  2. Karen**BTB to the end**September 22, 2012 at 12:00 PM

    Well, if you can't take care of yourself, let a BTB lend a hand!!! (or a finger....or even a big toe!!!)

  3. Karen**BTB to the end**September 22, 2012 at 12:01 PM

    I ordered mine a few weeks ago and completely forgot about it! Should be in the mailbox soon!!!

  4.  I got two hands and two feet at your disposal *I know you like it kinky*. LOL

    I hope Cosmo will make you feel alittle better next week. *wink*

  5. IT'S SO FUCKING AMAZING! Wait till you see the fold out poster of Rob and his chest hair..UNF!

    I'm totally fangirling right now.

  6. Too many Twilight memories! I'm gonna break down on November 16.

    And i hope your hand heals Marcela! At least you dont have annoying eye floaters like me

  7. I hope you feel better soon Marcela!!!

    And holy shit...Rob is fucking hot in this cover pic.  I must order me a copy.  That will be my top priority for today....well that, and drinking a shit-ton of beer.

  8. Karen**BTB to the end**September 22, 2012 at 2:31 PM

    Can't wait! Changing into my shammanties in anticipation!

  9. Karen**BTB to the end**September 22, 2012 at 2:32 PM

    I know what you mean about breaking down...I have a feeling many tears will be shed for many reasons! I just hope the "drama" stays on the down low during the press tours!!!

  10. Get better soon Marcela!!! ♥♥♥

    I NEED that EW... hopefully I can fucking find it here!!!

  11. The cover is amazing! I don't know if it was Photoshopped but Rob does look alittle thin in the face but FUCK ME is he HOT!

  12.  Amazon, Ebay for sure if you can't find it on your Canadian newsstand. lol

  13.  I think we're all going to have a Breaking Dawn Break Down when 11-16 comes around.  The rumors about the way BD2 ends is going to KILL US!

  14.  YOU WILL NEED THEM! EW kicked ass with this Twi-Edition. It's from start to finish. Can't wait for you to see the back cover, it made me tear up.

  15.  Here's a pic of the fold out poster of Robward.

    Dear Lord, Give me strength to not blow both ovaries.

  16. Ouch Marcela!! Kisses to ur booboo... :)

    This cover is awesome! *replaces Bella with myself* Even better!!! :D

  17. He definitely does NOT look 17! I love watching him grow into more of a man every year! Unfortunately that makes ME older too...dammit! :)

  18. Order mag first, who knows what you'll end up buying after a shit ton of beer! Lol

  19. I'm gonna hold on to the armrests after, screaming, "Noooo! I won't go!" They'll have to remove me seat and all! I hate that this is the end, but I'm ready too to move on with more Rob goodies!!! ;D

  20. I forsee the drama being minimal, people seem to be more behaved in person, and I'll bet the interviewers will threatened within an inch of their lives to stay focused on the movie. What will be weird is answering questions about Edward and Bella's love for each other, cause some are gonna ask it in sneaky reference to R&K themselves... :) Should be veeeery interesting. :)

  21. I haven't heard the rumors! What are they??? I do know Kellan said to stay through the credits... And as long as I don't snort everytime Bella says, "I love you" to Edward, it'll be great, no matter what! :) 2 months feels like forever away!!!!

  22. I can't wait till we have posts with Rob in military clothing! More dog tags and sweaty goodness!!!

    ** THUD **

  23. Aww! Feel better soon! Find yourself a 'hand twin' like Joey from friends!!! Otherwise here is my 'big toe' for you if you know what I mean!

  24. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBSeptember 22, 2012 at 11:31 PM

    Oh, Marcela, I feel so bad for you! Hope you have fun in your appointments! Those doctors and their beds! ;) 

    Do you have to pre-order this mag/subscribe to EW? I need to hunt one down in Australia. Hmm.. 
    Also, fuck me, Rob from the eyes to his nose, looks like my friend  who's name is also Robert, only my friend has Brad Pitt's mouth. #creepedout

  25. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBSeptember 22, 2012 at 11:32 PM

    If you can't handle BD1's  montage, you can't handle BD2's ending, because we know they've done some tweaking to it and if it makes the cast cries, we as fans will turn into a waterfall. 

  26. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBSeptember 22, 2012 at 11:33 PM

    Awww!! *HUG* Hope you will get better very soon!

  27. If you find out where to get this in Aus will you let me know?

  28. His face looks much thinner! he looks about 30! Now are more like the same age. I approve.

  29. I think it's gonna be a big sentimental flash back scene right at the end when Bella throws off her shield and let's him read her mind. It was a great end to the book. Unfortunately I'm gonna do the ugly cries I can tell... Shameful!

  30. That would be cool, a recap of all the movies before!!! Okay, now I really hope it's that :)

  31. Yah I'm sure I can get it at Chapters... but that means a trip to Edmonton and yah now that hockey has started I have no time.... damn kids! 

  32. Thanks baby girl!!! I hate it! LOL But I can't stay off the site! Even if takes me forever to type 1 sentence! 

  33. Damn Kids! They are our masters and we the slaves! LOL My little Dennis is starting soccer next week! He's 3 years old! *MELTS*

  34. FUCK.ME.

    *floods livingroom*

    NOT FAIR, I need a hand!!! LOL

  35. LOL!!!!

    PLEASE!!! After seeing Rob in that EW mag,./// FUUUUUCKKKK~~~

  36. Awwww! Alie wants to do ballet but as bad as it sounds I don't know if I'll have the time for her to do it this year! lol. I love watching little kids play soccer! They all just follow the ball in a clump... it's so cute! 
