Friday, September 14, 2012


Got to vent?

Then this is your place to do it!

Let those feelings flow, and tell us what is really bothering you... borrow our ear and allow us to bitch with you.

Well, my vent for today is that I feel like crap. I woke up at 3am with my throat on fire, hangover and feeling like death with head to toe body ache... I feel so pretty <----Heavy sarcasm

My second vent is Jackson Rathboner. He choose Nikki Reed as the Godmother of his child...

Third, no Rob sex tape yet? FUCK!!!

And lastly, I don't know what to think about Kristen's latest try to get Rob back...
Hmmmm I think I like it, a little desperate, but hot as fuck! LOL

What do you say?


  1. BTW Kstew, I have the same blankets on my bed... DID U TAKE THOSE PICS ON MY BED!!! *gasps* I'm never going grocery shopping EVER AGAIN! 

  2. Is that really her??? It looks like her but since the pic isn't all over twitter by now I'm skeptical. Lol! Geezus if this is real the shit is going to hit the fan! For her sake I hope not!

  3. I dont think its real or recent.......... And its disgusting......... Dont know if she posted 'for' Rob... even to her its very low! I dont aprove what she did cheating on Rob.. I didnt aprove anyone cheating on anyone... Again: Dont believe she did this for real. 

  4. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBSeptember 14, 2012 at 10:32 AM

    That girl has some serious flexible spine right there. Rob bends her too much, girl is broken. LOL. 

    Okay, vent: I've slept 3-4 hours every night since Monday. I have 1000 words essay due on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. And on Wednesday, I had a one hour tests consisting of Sherlock Holmes, though I wish we had the Twilight questions, since we did studied Twilight last week in class. 
    And now, I am going to sleep, and hibernate for the next 24 hours or so. 
    Have a great day, BTBs! 

  5. Or was it really you, you naughty BTB! lol. 

  6. My vent, I got about 2 hours of sleep last night. Alie is sick and woke up at 11:30 last night screaming that her room is dancing.... yah don't know how that works. She ended up making me go sleep in my bed with her even though I had to bake a cake for my nephew's bday on Sunday. Then how a 3 year old takes up a whole king size bed is amazing! She woke up about every hour and if she was sleeping she was kicking me cause she was sleeping across the bed with her head by hubby and her feet on me.... so yah I need a nap, but I have to start decorating the cake....

    Vent 2, hubby is on call and everyone is going out tonight and tomorrow while I'm stuck at home.... it's been forever since I've had a weekend out cause hubby is either on call, out with the fire guys or playing hockey!

    Vent 3.... the fucking NHL is pissing me off! Fucking third lockout in eighteen years!!! Do they want fans anymore? Fucking greedy ass Gary Bettman can go bite some fucking monkey balls. He's been the commissioner of the NHL since 1993 and has been fucking with the league ever since. Every time there is negotiations for the CBA it ends up a fight! I don't blame the NHLPA for fighting him, he wants to cut the players commission but where is his pay cut? The players want to play so let them play!!!

  7. This  picture is fake ladies. This is the link to the real pics:

  8. Here's my vent. I got billed for a vitamin b12 shot that was said to be paid for by my insurance company! The fuckers screwed me! Fuck you doctor's office! How in the fuck do you expect me to pay for a $138 shot. You can kiss my ass! Plus I'm stuck at home with one bitch of a cold.

    And furthermore....really Jackson? Nikki Reed? Your son is gonna have little rhinestone embroidered suits put on him specifically requested by her husband!  They're going to take him to every American Idol show they possibly can dressed in said suit!

  9. I think from all the posts we are all sleep deprieved. For the last three nights, hell! First 2 nights my10 monthold not much sleep. I think she is going thru teething and then last night she sleeps great.  but....... there's a but, my husband wakes up with a damn migraine and is sick most of the night. So I didn't get much sleep because of his damn moaning.

  10. Karen**BTB to the end**September 14, 2012 at 4:07 PM

    Sorry ladies, but I'm having a good day! The flight gods look like they're going to let me fly to Vegas to hang out with BTB Marcella! Too bad Cosmopolis isn't playing anymore, but I'm sure we can find some Rob-trouble to get into!

  11. Karen**BTB to the end**September 14, 2012 at 4:08 PM

    She didn't...

  12. FUCKING A!!!!!

    I'm so happy!!!!!! Dude we're gonna have a blast! :)

  13. Is that really her or a really good manip. Her thighs aren't that big! Nice ass freckle too!

  14. Good call! But dang that looks just like her!!! Minus a ring and one necklace :)

  15. My vent is the stupid ass paps who take pics of people in their PRIVATE backyards and then print them. Like what happened to Kate and Zac, to name a few. Invasive pics in public sucks enough, but come on! They have absolutely no consciences sometimes!!! Good for Kate suing the mag back! :)

  16. Oh how fun!!! You two have an awesome time for all of us! :)

  17. I guess it's a real pic, but not of Kristen. The girl looks just like her! Hannah posted a link below... :)

  18. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBSeptember 15, 2012 at 10:55 AM

    Yes! I find it absolutely ridiculous that people are actually saying it's their fault for showing body parts, in their OWN backyard. I mean, what part of that is logical? Do we all not own our private places anymore? So what's a home then? Is a home a public place now? :/ The paps have taken it TOO damn far.

  19. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBSeptember 15, 2012 at 10:58 AM

    :( Doctors' offices are a hell of a place. I got charged $25 more one time because they said my insurance card didn't work and they won't wait a week  until I get the problem sorted. -_____-. 

    Ahahaha!! YES!! It's as if he honestly didn't have ANY other friend that he could quite possibly have chosen to be a godmother. Like, anyone. But no, it has to be Nikki. I didn't know they're THAT close. Did they bone at one time? 

  20. I honest to God thought everyone in the cast didn't like her from the way she distances herself from everyone. Stumped me. But yeah Jackson.....

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