Sunday, September 2, 2012


I had a total brain fart last night.

All BTBs that saw Adventureland raise your hand.

I thought so.

All BTBs think about Kristen's character in Adventureland and tell me what what makes you go..WTF!!!

Again, I thought so.

If I'm not mistaken didn't Em (Kristen's character) have a boyfriend and then was busted for seeing a married man, Mike Connell (Ryan Reynold's character).

This is spooky!

Is this art imitating life or life imitating art??

Yeah. We know.

Fuck yeah we're drinking drugs!

Smoking and swallowing them takes too long to get in our system!

I'm totally freakin' over this!


  1. *raises hand* I've seen it and all I could think about was "You're not your character in Adventureland, bitch! This isn't a movie! Look at your life, look at your choices!"

  2. Karen**BTB to the end**September 2, 2012 at 2:07 PM

    *raises hand* This was the first non-Twilight movie I saw her in. Actually downloaded it to my computer to watch...funny how things play out isn't it???

  3. * raises hand* Saw Adventureland. When the first pics of her and Ruperve cam out it reminded me of this movie right away. Except Ruperve doesn't have Ryan Reynolds hotness . Maybe K doesn't know how to separate RL  from her characters!

  4. *raises hand* I know! It is totally fucked isn't it? Maybe she felt more attuned to Em then she ever did with Bella! During the twilight years I heard her say in a couple of interviews that she was nothing like Bella in real life. What boggles me is that she had freaking Robert Pattinson all for herself!!! Then she lost him!!! Tisk tisk!

  5. The bf was watching Zombieland the other night and I was like JE is so fucking lucky! He worked with Emma Stone in Zombieland then he got to work with Kristen in Adventureland. I had a little giggle moment because of the name similarities between Zombieland and Adventureland. Then I started thinking about Adventureland and the plot laid out in front of me and then I had a WTF moment. How could I have totally forgotten about this???

    I just rambled. Sorry! Welcome to the inside of my head. LOL

  6.  Love me some RR!

  7.  Preach it, BTB! PREACH IT!

  8. he is .... do-able isn't he! lol

  9. I haven't seen Church Lady in 4EVER!!!!  lol

  10.  She's still kickin' and sayin':

  11.  So dooooo0-able! But he's pretty as well as fuck hot! It would be weird doing a guy that's prettier than me. LOL

  12. lol...see, i quoted that to my own kids once and they looked at me like I was ... 'special' ...of course Dana Carvey is like what ... 100 years old now and they have no clue who he is!  
    find me a tumblr gif that shows how my kids looked at me when I said that!  dammit! I wanna know how to do that!  lol

  13. lol..even when his mouth was fused shut in Xmen...he was pretty fuckn hot!  Of course ... that mouth would come in handy when you sit on it and all! :P

  14. Ah! I'd hate to be in her place...maybe she could join the rest of us and ogle at Rob from afar! LOL

  15. OMG! That's a brilliant idea! I would welcome her. We could put her through our BTB rehabilitation program and get her shit straight again. We would have to be careful though...some BTBs still want to go Bad Girls Club on her ass. LOL

  16. She didn't lose him..she threw him away. 

  17. I would be one of the BTB's to go BGC on her. 



  20. Hey girl!! I've been looking everywhere for you. Where have you been? Are you ignoring Facebook?

  21. *sigh* I wouldn't mind some RR. My goodness, when he takes his shirt of ......... uhuh yummy!

  22. HANNAH!!!  how r U love?  I was on there...yesterday i doin' better?

  23. A little bit better. Just came home from hospital ( for my shots) Got some extra meds to keep the fever down. Jakob got 2 days off from work so I can rest and my mom had the kids today. I missed you! You're ok? 

  24. I'm good.
    I've missed you too uno (;

  25. I'mmoreonfbnow.Maybewecanchattomorrow.InevergotoRobsessedanymore,Iwanttoo,butIdon'tknowanyothepeopleanymore

  26. I'm replying again. That down below is weird! I'm more on fb now, maybe we can chat tomorrow? I hardly go to Robsessed anymore, I don't even know al those people. Like it better here ;)

  27. Karen**BTB to the end**September 3, 2012 at 11:31 AM

    I hear's funny how the tabloids are questioning if Rob is going to break up with her or not...seems to meshe did that when she let Rupig suck face with her...Rob had no say in that!

  28. Karen**BTB to the end**September 3, 2012 at 11:34 AM

    She could give us some inside-her information about Rob! LOL!

  29. Yup, if she wants to be a BTB it's a must! 

  30. And he's Canadian so even better! ;)

    OT Hubby said to Alie last night "Does mommy have a boyfriend?" Alie's response "Yup, Rob!" Hubby jokingly said "Rob who" Alie's response "The hot guy in the movies silly daddy!" LMAO I have such a smart daughter.... ;)

  31. mmmm or Ryan Gosling.... we have some hot Canadian Ryans!

  32. Karen**BTB to the end**September 3, 2012 at 12:42 PM

    I'm jotting down my questions he cut/uncut? Long lasting or more of a quickie kinda guy? Come on over Kristen...

  33. I hated her and Ryan's characters for that in the movie! Infidelity ruins things for me and very rarely do I come out saying what a great movie, or I loved that book! I just can't... The other parts in AL were funny. And when she was crying and yelling, whoa, she rocked that part! ;)

    I've said it before, I don't hate her, but I will never see her the same again. I'm sure in due time her and Rob will be fine again, together or apart :)

  34. Ahahaha! I don't blame them!!!

    So where do we start with her? Enrol her in the church?? Spend a day at the Amish program?? Tom Cruise???

  35. Hi Hannah!  I just read that you have not been feeling well. : ( I hope you get better soon!

  36. Karen**BTB to the end**September 4, 2012 at 9:56 AM

    Agree....I find it hard to go back and watch/read interviews from her when I feel that she was just spewing BS...I'll get over myself soon enough, but I hope she gets her shit together. As for Rob, he has been through the wringer this summer but I know he will come out even better on the other side.

  37. Watched part of it and I don't feel like watching any of her movies now. Not becuz I hate her just becuz i'm stilll disappointed in her. YOU HAD A FUCKHOT GOD  AND U JUST WENT TO SUCK FACE WITH THE OGRE!!!

  38.  BATL!!!!

    You are hardcore in breaking her down! I wouldn't subject my worst enemy to TC. LOL
