Friday, August 17, 2012


Have something to vent about?

Then is your lucky day!!

ME? Well, to all those stupid ass reporters asking, are sure you're ok?

Just fucking look at him.
He's perfect.

*dryhumps screen*


  1. Karen**BTB to the end**August 17, 2012 at 9:47 AM

    IMHO Rob has proven to the WORLD that he is a professional and takes his work seriously by upholding his commitments no matter what is happening in his personal life. He has shown everyone what we already knew...he is a gentleman and respects his friends and family, even those who have hurt him.

    Now on to a more masochistic topic....I would like to know...what is the current status of the relationship between Kscrew and Rupig? Can we expect to see a date night anytime soon? Sick I know, but my BTB's will guide me through!

  2. All those nosey reporters can fuck off! He's obviously trying as hard as he can to get through the hard times. He's not gonna cry for them so they can just keep dreaming! He's still his quirky adorable self. We BTBs don't want that taken away from him!

  3. Those two showing up somewhere would be career suicide! But I still wonder what her crazy fans would do if she did get photogged with that POS.

  4. He is perfect...there's not a single thing about him that could be improved upon. He  makes me melt. 

  5. Karen**BTB to the end**August 17, 2012 at 4:17 PM

    I know right? Sounds like she's well on her way anyway....

    But Rob is just shining right now and I hope nothing's stops him from being the best he can be. I would love to see him get nominated for something prestigious this awards season...that would be using on the cake for him!

  6. De-fucking-vine. That is all.

  7. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBAugust 18, 2012 at 4:03 AM

    I had to take a few minutes out from my vent post because Bob. Bob looking so damn good right there, teasing all of us with his tie and formal attire. Please let that hair stay for a while longer, because I miss it so much. I haven't seen that precious hair since 2009. 

    Okay, to the vent. I'm worried. Really. Worried. About the BD2 promo. I know that in BD1 promo, Rob and Kristen had very few interviews together, but then there's always Q&A panels and then the red-carpet premiere, where they as the main stars, have to be beside each other and take photos together on the carpet. Awkward times to ensue. Thank god it's the last one. 

    I am aware that in the fandom, there are people discussing that they wanted to not only booed her, but actually harm her during this promo. Someone wanted to jump the barrier and physically hurt her (?) from what I know. Okay, that's borderline psychotic. Seriously, if you're one of those people who are planning to do this, you have a mental problem. If you even once think to pull out a knife or worse, a gun, while she's signing, do understand your actions will affect others, not only her, but us as fans. Not only that, you might even caused major troubles for future fan events for other teenage movie series. Think of it this way, if Rob wanted to murder her, he could have easily done that, but he didn't. And really, he should be feeling more hurt than you. You're not in the relationship with her, he is, but look at how professional he is handling it while you're all caught up in your emotion. 

  8. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBAugust 18, 2012 at 4:05 AM

    Current status? Hmm...

    Rupert still have his job as a director for Snow White and the Huntsman 2. Kristen lost her job at 'Cali' and as Snow White in the sequel. Is all. 

  9. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBAugust 18, 2012 at 4:06 AM

    LOL, yeah, I still can't believe people are still defending Kristen by saying the photos are photoshopped. -____-. I would like to slap them in the face. 

  10. JESUSFUCKINCHRIST! Oh Marcela! Thank fuck you are my life line because these pix are making me see the white light.

    Who am I kidding? I'm going to hell.

    These pix made me see fire and brimstone. Hot just like my Rob.

    (this gif is just too funny not to use)

  11.  My anger is gone and has transferred to even more love for Rob (if possible). No one has the right to cause harm to anyone else. Well, I have the right but I digress. Crazy bitches need to step back and take a RL pill.

    I'm okay with Kristen now. WWJD? LOL

  12. FUCK! I've commented twice in this post and haven't stated my vent. My sexy lil' BTBs always distracting dirty lil' vixens!

    You all know me so you already know everything pisses me off. Ugly people, stupid people, ugly-stupid people, pathetic people, desperate people, attention-whore people. Whores don't really bother me, everyone needs a trade I guess.

    But I am thankful for my BTBs they are my touchstone of sanity in this fucked up world. Without any of you I would be in solitary confinement.  And that's sooo not a good look for me.

    Love you, BTBs! ♥

  13. Karen**BTB to the end**August 18, 2012 at 1:34 PM

    It is so scary that people think that it would be right to physically harm Kristen. I don't like what she did either, but I don't want her hurt! I suggest that if you want to make a statement to her, just be quiet...not yelling or throwing things.

  14. Aurora23❤BTB❤®August 18, 2012 at 3:46 PM

    This whole Kstew harming has gotten out of hand! People have to stop thinking that Rob is really theirs! Get a fucking life!

  15. Hey D.B. Sweeney, who the fuck are you? And what gives you the actual fucking right to be calling Rob a douche? Fuck you you lowlife nobody. He's never done anything to you and I'm pretty sure you don't know him. STFU and fuck off!

    There's my Saturday vent!

  16. My vent.... MTV can go fucking suck a fucking hairy monkey fucking ball! I hate that we never get the interviews with Josh! :( Sometimes sucks being in Canada. 

    My other vent.... I fucking hate packing but I'm so looking forward to a vacation on the Okanagan and the gorgeous resort we'll be at in Summerland! 

    Oh and I'm sorry but the Robsten fans are fucking delusional! A bunch of them are saying they say Kristen and Rob together in NY but no pics? Yah okay then we'll all believe you! *insert eye roll here* 

    Also kinda sucks for the last Twilight convention there is only one Cullen (Peter) and no Rob or Taylor or Jackson ect.... sucks cause it's the last one too! :(

  17. I'm alittle late at the venting post

    2 vents
    1)ok i live about 5hrs away from NYC why the fuck can't i make it out there to  meet the hot fucker. cause of money and damn RL

  18. 2) how about when parents don't fallow thru with their punishments. The fucking little brat i babysit (almost 4)scratched the hell out of my son. showed mom, wasnt happy with her daughter told,her no treats. well why 2hrs later I find a photo of her on facebook with a bag of Chips. Thats a mother fucking treat

  19. Really? Do stupid fucks really need to go this far? I'm about to become Team Kristen again just to go off and defend her. But not defend her for cheating but defend her for being attacked in such a money-whore making scheme.

    What a bunch of cunts.

  20. Wow.  going too far....

  21. So much hate at these people!
    Why can't they just focus on supporting Rob instead of spending all their energy on hating Kristen?! I don't get it. If you don't like her, fine. Ignore her. JFC

    Go see 'Cosmopolis' instead, people! That's what I'm going to do again tomorrow.

  22. Karen**BTB to the end**August 19, 2012 at 3:27 PM

    I read about these...this is getting ridiculous!

  23. Karen**BTB to the end**August 19, 2012 at 3:27 PM

    I agree! Wish I could go see Cosmopolis - tell me how it is!!!!

  24. Karen**BTB to the end**August 19, 2012 at 3:34 PM

    Here's my sunday vent....I read yesterday that none of the leads will be attending any of the Twilight Conventions - no explanation given, and that is just fucked up! Not sure who is at fault - Scummit for trying to save face, the actors themselves or their managment teams. The Twilight fans have poured their hearts, souls and wallets into this franchise. Now we are getting a slap in the face at the final installment of the Saga. Yes, Kristen screwed up. That's in her personal life. They have jobs to do - let them do it. I bet they're worried about how some of the more "enthusiastic" fans may react. And if those t-shirts are any indication, I don't blame  for bowing out! i"m just very sad that it is ending on such a sour note...

  25. Really good! Even of you don't understand everything they are saying, you can look at his pretty face instead! :-)

    It is pretty wordy though. And not the type of movie I would normally watch but I make an exception for Rob. He is amazing in it.

  26. Karen**BTB to the end**August 19, 2012 at 3:36 PM

    I was reading about this on GC. If he is truly a friend of Kristen and her mother, he need to go sit in the corner and be quiet. He just re-fueled the fire over this.

  27. Ok, so let me introduce myself. I have been loving Rob and Kristen (and Twilight) since the first movie. I come to a couple of websites regularly. One of them used to be Rob's Closet, which I looo-oooved so much, so I was super glad to find you guys here. Even though I'm not exactly sure what BTB means, I'm sure I am one lol! Anyway, if I may rant?

    I love Rob as an actor and I really think he is an upstanding kind of person (not to mention highly do-able). About this "scandal" though. It's not his fault or anything like that, so that's not where I'm going with this. I mean he's the done-wrong one and all. BUT, in my very humble opinion, it would be nice if he would publicly say, "Ya know what? Yeah, Kristen fucked up, and I don't forgive her (or do forgive her as the case may be), but she isn't a whore or a serial cheater. She made a shitty choice. She's been my best friend and girlfriend for a long time! Just let us move beyond this, together or not. Get Off Her Dick already!!" 

    I mean I think it might be  helpful to her, him, the franchise, everyone, if he would make one, just one, public statement and then never say anything about it again. That's my rant...thanks for giving me a place to say so.

  28. Karen**BTB to the end**August 19, 2012 at 6:20 PM

    Awesome! I felt the same way about Bel Ami. I'm not a fan of period pieces, but it was so worth seeing that cute little butt of his!

  29. Karen**BTB to the end**August 19, 2012 at 6:23 PM

    Those idiots also need to remember that despite what she did to Rob, he still cares for her - deeply I bet. So hurting her would not solve any misguided attempt to avenge Rob in any way, shape of form. God forbid something did happen to her, Rob would probably withdraw from the public eye including any promos for his films, which would be very sad for all of us.

  30. Karen**BTB to the end**August 19, 2012 at 6:26 PM

    Good for you! I find myself feeling the need to defend her (just a little) from these crazies. Like I said above, hurting her would only hurt Rob too. He still cares...I kinda wish they would both give a statement asking for privacy and maybe the tabloids would call the dogs off...wishful thinking?

  31. I just spotted this link, with an old Rob picture from the HP days... hands up who is glad he discovered hair stylists (mind you neville scrubbs up good in the up to date pic) 

  32. Lol! Ah aren't we happy someone invented the hair gel! But he looks divine anyway :)

  33. Ahhh! His beauty makes me cry!!! I need a hug you guys!!! Cyber hug please... *weeps*

  34. Why why? What happened? Somebody fill me in!! I have been away for a couple of days for work..

  35. I agree, the fallout is disproportional to what actually happened, and the psychos... some of them need to up their medication, after day 1 I haven't gone to the hater sites...
    and welcome...

  36. Karen**BTB to the end**August 20, 2012 at 7:34 AM

    Welcome. I also think it may be time for one or both of them to issue a statement. There's plenty of Twilight stuff coming up and now it seems like the fans are going to suffer the fallout from this "indescretion" too...To me that is a big no get paid to do a job no matter what is happening in your personal life.

  37. Welcome darling!!!! BTB=Best Twilight Bitches!! LOL

    And yeah, you fit right in!! LOL

  38. Thanks! I felt it deep, deep, deep inside...that I fit in here :)
