Monday, August 20, 2012

Breaking News! Kristen Stewart Spotted!

Hello Bitches!

Errrr, Kristen was not really spotted, but this is funny as fuck!

I wanna start by saying I DO NOT condone Kristen behavior, and my heart still breaks for Rob. BUT, if you have never cheated raise your hand...

I'm done hating Kstew. I followed my own advise "build a bridge, and get over it". I got over it.

Whether they get back together or not, 
Kstew... I still love you.

And Rob, if you need rebound sex, BTBs are OPEN for business *wiggles eyebrows*


  1. delusional "fans" listen to Rob... LOL

    I'm so happy BTBs are not delusional, crazy? fuck yeah! but I like it!

  2. Thank you, Marcela! Love this post and pic is so funny!<33

  3. I've never cheated. Raising both my hands. I'm not "mad" at her either but..I still cant help but cringe at what happened. It's just nasty.

  4. Yep, listen to Rob!
    And go see Cosmopolis!

    Why? Because....

  5. hope he stays awayyyyy from her regardless of how much ass-kissing and crying she does.  He can do much better.  I am sure the btb crew would be ready and waiting.  wly Rob!

  6. Aurora23❤BTB❤®August 20, 2012 at 1:46 PM

    ***Raises Hands***

    Cheating is a no no for anyone! Once a cheater, always a cheater!

    I'm over the whole Kstew cheating! I still like her movies and will see the ones I want to.  I just dont like what she did and how it came about. It sucks but life goes on!

  7. My 2 hands are in the air like I just don't fucking care... anymore... LMFAO!!!

    Btw... This post's pic is my new avi... It's GREAT to be back my lovely bitches! <3

  8. Aurora23❤BTB❤®August 20, 2012 at 3:37 PM

    OMG AZ your back!

    How is everything? We have missed you tons!!!

  9. KS finally came out of hiding.  She was spotted today in LA and there are pictures.  She is still wearing the ring that Rob supposedly got her.  Interesting......

  10. You're back! We've missed you so much!

    How's babygirl? Congratulations by the way! <33


  11. I missed y'all, too, BTB-PL!

    My baby girl is doing GREAT! She is 8 weeks old and is feisty as all hell! Just like her mama... LOL! Thanks for asking, Sweetie!

  12. Yes, I missed all you long and hard! (That's what SHE said! ;-) )

    I am sorry that I missed out on the fuckery that is Stewmageddon! If I did not have the baby to focus on, I would have cut-up my Krisbian card already! LOL!

    We are doing fabulous! The baby was born on June 21st and was 8lbs, 8oz, & 19 inches long. She was born chunky and with lots of hair! My own little chunky monkey!

  13. No bitch really was spotted. She's wearing his fucking hat and the ring he supposedly gave her....

  14. Can you please link us the pic, or let us know where to find this new pic of her? Thanks, Hun!

  15. Here ya go!

  16.!  She's got some fucking nerve.  

  17. Tumblr and Twitter are blowing with pictures with arrows and shit. And I'm like SMFH, they obviously didn't mean anything to her when she cheated... what makes a difference now?

  18. I have been wondering since she went into hiding, if when she resurfaced she would be wearing that ring.  That woman has some balls for sure!

  19. I was hoping one pap would snap another pap flipping her off  or a vid of one saying "Hey whore, go fuck yourself."

  20. Nope!  That would be some funny shit!!!

  21. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBAugust 20, 2012 at 8:32 PM

    ^^^She's spotted. Why do I feel like I'm waiting for someone to harm her physically...I mean, it's just a matter of time, guys, before some psycho fan murder her and she'll be a part of one of those Hollywood tragedy. You know how this fandom is like before. How protective we were over Twilight. And then over Robsten. And now over Rob. And in doing so, some people are probably planning to attack premieres or some shit. I'm truly hoping no fans will do anything insane because guys, this could go VERY bad for movie premieres. For all we know, they could ban movie premieres for a few months, and then it's a goodbye to touch Bob Pattinson. 

  22. HOLY FUCK!!!



  23. Fuck me with bunnies!

    YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

    How are you AZ?! How's the baby girl?!

    Fuck me I've missed you!

  24. To add more fuel to this fire, some people have pointed out that she is still wearing the gold ring that Rob allegedly gave her some time ago, which she wore often before this shitstorm happened.  Here is the ring in question: is also still wearing Rob's Baltimore Orioles' cap.

    Why do I feel deja vu???!!!  It's the "Are they? Aren't they?"all over, again, IMO.  Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. IMO, the gold ring and hat may be a message to Rob, showing him that she is not over him...that is, if their relash is over.  It may also be a message to the fans, letting us know that Robsten is unbroken. In any case, she is fucking crazy for wearing anything that the public is going to dissect!  

  26. Did you just mention bunnies and fucking in one sentence???


    Yes, I am back!!!  I will try my best to join y'all whenever the baby is not sucking the pounds off of me!  YAY for me!!!  I fucking missed you, too, Corazon!!!

    I am doing better, thanks.  Having another c-section reminded me why I am done having kids!  My hubby has grand illusions of having baby #3, though... LOL!  Our baby girl is wonderful!  She is now starting to sleep through the night... YAY! I will send you a pic of her.

    So, what have I missed around here???  

  27. Oh how I missed you so...

  28. Thanks so much, K!!!  :-)

  29. ITA!!!  However, it's like a horrible car crash that I cannot help but look at and cannot stop talking about....

  30. We will never deny that we are cray-cray, girl...  LMFAO!!!!!!  NEVER!!!

  31. FLOVE IT!!!!!!!

  32. Just because this is funny as all hell, too...

  33. It's the same as Rupert still wearing his ring...! Yet rumors still fly high that Liberty is done. You're exactly right, we are stepping back in time with these two. It created chaos with a lot of people before with not knowing...HERE THEY GO AGAIN! :)

  34. Ah... I'll see If I can get a refund on our t-shirts
    But gotta agree, time to move on... anyone got any SM stuff we can obsess on?

  35. My hand is raised! But I have friends that cheating has happened: on them, and those on their spouses. Both sides suck, and reasons were all different, but those cheated on...that's very painful...and some people have a hard time getting over it, and some never do. It's personal choice and respected.

    With Kristen, no matter what Rob decides, I will never look at her the same. I do not hate her, I do not know her well at all. I do not respect her, because she didnt show any. But know she can better herself from this, and if she really makes Rob happy...God bless both their careers if they get back together :)

  36. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBAugust 21, 2012 at 6:19 AM

    Look, so many fans have speculate that this is: 
    1. Not what Kristen would do
    2. A set up by Rupert
    3. A JOKE played by Robsten to make us realise how papps can turn us against each other
    4. A way for the entire world to see how GOOD Kristen and Rob actually is at acting. 

    And I don't understand relationship stuff, so I don't know if there's any details I'm not seeing in her wearing Rob's stuff. I mean, are you allowed to wear your ex's things? Or can your ex forgive you and then allow you to wear it? 

  37. I'm always wrong when I try to guess, so I just sit back and wait and bite all my nails off in the meantime! :)

  38. ...and I'm in the waiting room pacing, waiting and wondering if everyone is alright... :)

  39. Am I the only one thinking that all she needs to do is put on a dress, some make up, and a smile and she wouldn't be chased by pap, as they wouldn't recognise her!

  40. Lol, JUMPING ROB makes me giggle no matter what! ♥

  41. Well said!  I feel the same way!

    IMO, Kristen needs professional counseling, then Oprah!

  42. Karen**BTB to the end**August 21, 2012 at 9:59 AM

    Welcome back chica! Congrats on the baby girl....I had 3 c-sections...and yes I advise to stop at 2 cause that 3rd one was a real bitch to get over!

  43. I have had occasion to go to church (I know... GASP!!!  LOL!), and one time the (young) priest spoke about infidelity.  He used termites as an analogy to state that infidelity is like termites infiltrating an entire foundation/structure. It has no boundaries and affects everything/everyone in its path.  Since I have known family/friends who have cheated, I can agree 1000% with what the priest said about cheating.

    As for R and K, I have always said that I wish them all the best - together, or apart.  Whatever the outcome is/ends up being, I hope that they find happiness and peace. 

  44. I get dizzy when I try to figure things out...besides what's normal for me. ☺

    I can see how tons of people are coming up with 30 different ways to speculate and assume. Rob won't say anything -- not a problem -- stick to your guns dude. Unfortunately, a circuls of false media goes on a heyday!!! Ive read a few people think this is a Cosmo stunt too. That they are back together, but won't prove it until after his movie does well. That she decided to wear his stuff out--making a silent statment, so the Krisbians will get excited, stop hating Rob for dissing her, and go see his movie now. That this is all PR games and fans are being played. *see, takes asprin*

    I'm just sick of hearing the same damn thing 5000 times and people on other websites arguing that everyone has to think like them. Yes, I want to know if they are back together. That's just me, and no harm in knowing. But I can wait, too. I don't "need" to know...just wanna...because I really do care and wanna clap or say "awww" either way.

  45. As we speak, ALL the twinkie trucks are in route to SM's hometown, as she cannot eat enough of her comfort food amidst all this Twi-fuckery!!!  LOL!

  46. I agree... He always puts a smile on my face...amongst other parts of me!!!

  47. LMFAO!!!  So true!

    I also think that she needs a new PR team!

  48. Yes, Life must go on...♥ I don't like what happened either, and still don't get it when I look at Rob and drool while listening and watching him. ☺ And if we never know the truth...I'm with you, I'll still be at the movies I wanna go see. ♥

  49. All good points!  Unfortunately, we will never know the truth, unless either one chooses to speak about it, which is highly unlikely.  But one thing is for sure, their silence will continue to fuel all speculation on the matter.

    As for one wearing the ex's things, it's possible and allowable.  She may be wearing his stuff and not have thought anything of it.  Again, everything is pure speculation.

  50. stomach still rolls at the thought... not as bad, but it still reacts... ☺

  51. here's the delivery guy!

  52. Well said, K!!!  

    As I have already said, I feel like we are re-living the same shit all over again... Are they/Aren't they together???!!!  WTF???!!! I would have thought that based on the awful experience they would have learned that NOT speaking to the media backfired.  If I were her PR person, I would just do a one-on-one,once in a lifetime interview to debunk everything, and then specifically state that she will no longer speak of the matter(s) ever, again.  I believe that she needs to take back control of her life and her image by being straight-up forward about it for once.  Hiding is what got her into trouble.  At this point, she has nothing left to lose that has not already been lost.

    Just my 2 cents...

  53. I think she might finally get it through her head this time, [?], that it's not okay to run into another man's arms just because he showered her with praise and was hot for her. And that when she makes a commitment, you stick to it or get out if the temptations are too much.

  54. It was said that Liberty recently posted a pic of a condor (bird) flying on her Vogue blog.  Speculation is that she is free from Rupig!

  55. Oh, no! He better move along fast or she will jump on the hood!!!  LOL!

  56. Thanks, BTB-Karen!!!  Spoken like a wise woman! I will gladly take your advice!

  57. I know that I am not alone...  ;-)

  58. On one of the pages on facebook I go on, some one tweeted that Rob and Kristen were  at the drs. Kristen is prego, the baby is his and they are very happy. Blah, blah blah... take it with a grain of salt- a fucking ship load

  59. Thank goodness I have stopped listening to Adele's 21 download on repeat... LOL!

  60. Maybe she is desperately wearing his things cause she refuses to think they are broken up

  61. She is the only one that can change herself for the better.  

    Oh hell... we do sound like Oprah already...  LMAO!!!!

  62. Fucking helll.... here we go with the preggo rumors, again...LOL!!!

  63. Your guess is as good as mine!  And, the media will continue to sell every speculation until she speaks the truth... IMO.

  64. I thought they would have learned, too? But they're gonna do what they want, huh? And if a media circus is the better choice to deal with vs. saying anything...then so be it. ☺ I do like Rob sticking to his guns and not anything out loud...even though in mag articles he has talked about Kristen [his girlfriend -- VF Italy] and been super sweet...but I'm also a fence rider [understanding all sides], that if he were to say anything, I'd be all for that as well. ♥ There really is no one correct way to handle this, it seems, and I can only imagine anything they do or say will be something else for tabloids to jump on and make up more about? I'm impressed all the people who do know what's going on...[their buddies]...haven't cracked?! There's always one...Wyck *cough* Wyck...who does! lol I think you're right...she doesn't have much left to lose at this point. If any of them were to sit down and talk about it, I'd be listening...♥

    I predict her and Rob will get back together [and that they probably are now]. I just have this feeling in my gut they're waiting to show it. I believe he's finally come to understand "why" some people cheat now....

  65. Oh goodness... *shakes head* Yeah, speculation times 1000! Watch it be she just likes the

  66. You my friend are the yoda of relationships.

    Start a show, you must. LOL

  67. LMFAO!!!!!

    I can see her nipples hardening from here LOL!!

    It's like a drug to her...

  68. She's gonna dry hump that car like I did Jackson lol

  69. LMAO!!!  I wish!  I need a job right now, too!

    Who fucking needs Oprah, right???!!!  ;-)

  70. Fuck yeah she is!!!  

    Did you see her recent pic at the last Comic Con?

    Mamma Mia!!!

  71. An avid bird watcher... HA... I FLOVE this theory most of ALL!!!!!!!!!!! *SMOOCHES*

  72. Most likely it has been Rob's choice of music since this shit went down.  Adele sings broken-hearted like no other...

  73. Sometimes amidst all this crap we just have to laugh for sanity's I sent you an email, let me know if you didn't get it... :)

  74. Welcome back AZ! We've missed you and yay for baby sleeping!!! Congrats on you baby girl! 

  75. awww that's great and June baby girls are the best! :) 

  76. OMG I love this blog seriously you guys rock! It's hilarious and refreshing.
    Well, are you guys seriously forgiving K-Stew? Because I'm not and considering what she's done  to him I hope he will, as Jon Stewart said, kick her to the curb

  77. Thanks, BTB-MegO!!! I agree!!!

  78. Thanks so much, BTB-MegO!!! I have missed y'all, too! It's nice to get back in touch whenever my baby girl gives me time! :-)

  79. which I'm guessing isn't much eh? Still newborn baby cuddles are the best! I miss them..... lol.

  80. Yes, it is still difficult to have a spare second to myself! ITA... newborn cuddles and kisses are the best!!! :-)
