Saturday, July 28, 2012


Aurora, you are a bad ass and thanks for the HYSTERICAL pix!
BTB spy at it again!


  1. Just looking at her makes me want to start taking antibiotics.

  2. Same here, FB, same here! I wanna pour acid on her...

    I just wanna see Rob out and about. Poor bb. :(

  3. I'm just glad her finally seen her true colors before he married her or had kid(s) with her. Could you imagine being the mother of his children??


    I just had a total Ana/Christian baby moment. 

  4. Not only has she fucked up Twilight but she totally fucked up Fifty. That whore.

  5. Wonder what's going to happen to her Balanciaga endorsements or any future movie deals....right now, if I was a studio or fashion house, I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole! But hey, Tiger Woods is golfing again, so she'll be back around soon enough....Now as for Rob, I just want to hug him and stroke that gorgeous hair of his...

  6. Oh lord don't get me started with having babies with him.
    It's like....good god!

  7. Oh God NO! I feel so bad for the wife too...but if they were married with kids too this would be so much worse!

  8.  BATL! Seriously. I busted a tit laughing at your comment! I fuckin' love you! *smoochie woochies*

    Rob is golden and anything he touches will be a hit. I'm really glad Kristen likes making Indie films because that's all I see her doing in the future. She was only mainstream popular because of Rob. Now that she fucked that up she lost a huge chunk of her viewing audience, WOMEN. Women are hunting bitches when it comes to cheating. We don't tolerate it. Well, at least the non-whore woman. Kristen obviously falls in the other category now. Just makes me wonder if this is the first time she's fucked around.

  9. IKR! Don't get me wrong the "makin' the baby" would be beyond incredible but imagine him as a father. He'll be the best dad.

     Kristen fucked herself hard in that mini cooper. Hope it was worth it. NOTHING IS EVER WORTH LOSING ROB.

  10. Ok OT but is this a recent pic and if so, she has the fucking audacity to wear his clothes?!

  11. Ok...I must confess that like to stroke something else of Rob's besides his hair (BTB mode is coming back out)... And I just helped a lady at work whose first name is Liberty! UGH!

  12. I thought the same thing! Those are his pants too, right?

  13.  The nail in the coffin for me was the fact that she was wearing a Dodgers hat while she was out fucking around. And now any pic of her literally turns my stomach.

    All this time we defended her so many times. Now we are left with egg on our faces. Bitch. Nothing more than a dirty whore bitch.

  14. Yeah they are his pants and if this pic is recent, I'm goona flip shit cuz she has no fucking right!

  15.  And we get to fantasize some more this November about him being a daddy!! I'm not going to let Kristen ruin the end of Twilight for me. I'm going to focus on what I fell in love with first and that's Robward!

    That bitch will not kill the love I have for this saga.

  16. sweet, sweet BTB. In time all things will heal and you will be 110% BTB again. We all took a blow because of this. We just have to cut out the negative and just double up on the positive..aka ROB!

    Liberty? Are you fucking kidding me? You can't catch a break from trying to re-start from the drama. I'm sorry! But what a fucking coincidence! Damn.

  17.  Just did some searching and that pic is from June 2nd. Which means she still might have been a cheating whore at the time.

  18. Yeah, the last movie is 4 months  away! That disease can kiss it!

  19. I hate her I hate her I hate her I FUCKING HATE HER!

  20. We couldn't do anything more to her then she's already done to herself. She still has fans but the number dropped WAY down. Indie films are going to be her career. She'll tank in blockbuster films in the future.

  21.  Let me get this straight. You hate her? LOL

    I'm sorry. I'm not making fun. I hate her as well. Let's all head out to the LA premier of BD2 and egg and rotten tomato her ass on the red carpet!! I think we know Rob won't be near her!

  22. I'm gonna flip a switch here...does anyone see or feel that Rupert is manhandling her in the pics next to the wall? Something about her seem off. But in the car pics she is clearly smiling and enjoying herself. I wonder if he had to force the issue at first, then she caved (quickly)....

  23. Yep I hate her dirty ass! lol. I hope her career tanks

  24. I think he was fucking with her because she is the highest paid actress in the world and she would benefit his career. I think he manipulated her but there's no excuse for her because she has ROBERT FUCKING PATTINSON ON HER ARM AND IN HER BED!

    Both are pieces of shit to me.

  25. She's going to play a tramp (again) in her next movie, Cali...  I think her role will be very convincing.  

    I think the slut has come to realize (after doing all her slutty roles) that she like to sleep around.....

  26. She no longer has to act anymore. Just be herself.

  27. Imagine how embarrassed HER parents must be....they work in the fucking movie/TV industry...they are well known and established...the fall out is going to be harsh for sooo many people...

  28. RS reminds me of Roman Polanski...the 1960's director who was accused of raping a 17 Y/O girl...he fled the US to avoid prosecution...if RS manipulated or coerced her she needs to speak up for women everywhere...she is still stupid for falling for him, there is no excuse for this...

  29. that whole video of that scuzzball adjusting himself was if rob did it.....(johnny bravo impression)hooooo momma!

  30. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 28, 2012 at 1:01 PM

    No she looks pretty fucking willing to me

  31. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 28, 2012 at 1:05 PM

    No, this guy can't have been the only one she cheated with. She's so stupid...I just didn't think she was that capable of hurting Rob. 

  32. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 28, 2012 at 1:06 PM

    She really did...I can't stand to look at her in the BD2 promo's anymore. 


  33. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 28, 2012 at 1:06 PM

    I'd be on the front line. 

  34. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 28, 2012 at 1:08 PM

    That's a good way to look at ticket will be for ROB and the rest of the cast only. Kristen isn't going anywhere in her career after BD2 finishes. She threw that all away when she destroyed Rob. 

  35. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 28, 2012 at 1:09 PM

    You know I read that he is contractually obligated to appear side by side with her during the promotions. I can't believe that Scummit would make him do that but then's fucking Scummit. 

  36. Just imagine how pissed off Summit Entertainment is! Because of her I'm taking sides with so many that I hated before.

  37.  Both are nasty but he is fucking creepy. Liberty needs to kick his ass out and take every penny he has! He made them move to LA from London o pursue his directing career. What a fucking douche bag he is.

  38.  IKR! I'm on the edge of my seat to see Cosmopolis in a few weeks! FUUUUCK US HARD!

  39. When I see her pix I don't think she's that pretty anymore.

    We need to change our BD2 countdown clock!!!

  40.  I just want to burn anything I have that has her face on it. She disgust me.

  41.  OMG. I'm sure they will fix that on his request. They don't want an upset Rob on the carpet because fans will kill them.

  42.  You live in KY or TN, right? I tell you what. If I find a good-great copy of it I will burn a copy and send it to you. Cool?

  43. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 28, 2012 at 2:35 PM

    Beauty is only skin deep....she's physically beautiful but all I see now is an ugly soul. 

  44. You got it! As soon as I find a good copy I'll let you know and you can email me your addy and it will be in your hands in a matter of days. ☺


  45.  I think that's how I'm seeing her now. She'd have to walk on water and get Rob's forgiveness before I could start liking her again.

  46. He is a low life, power trippin' ass grabbing DICKHEAD! I hope Liberty heads back to London with the children where she has the love and support of family and friends...Rob too...

  47. Me that my eyes have been opened, I believe more and more that she just used Rob and Twilight for her career. She may care about him, but certainly not like he does for her!

  48.  I wouldn't shit you. You're my favorite turd. (that's so gross, sorry I said it)

    But seriously. I will do that for you. It's not a problem. I sent Marcela, Aurora and MegO a copy of BA awhile back.

    I love my BTBs and I will not let them go without, EVER!

  49.  Exactly. Only the best for Rob and Liberty plus her two. Fuck the losers.

  50. Oh, me too! I doubt it will play here either...

  51.  Exactly! Rob has talent beyond anything she could do. And that's one of the things we defended about Kristen was her acting skills. I can't count how many people said she couldn't act. And Rob gets praised for his acting chops. LOVES HIM!

    Karma is a bitch. FUCK YOU, KUNTSTEN!

  52.  Where do you live?

    I should probably start making a list. LOL

  53. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 28, 2012 at 3:00 PM

    I'll never like her again. 

  54. Omg there's a pic a uhaul leaving Rob's house ! I can safely say he kicked her ass to the curb!

  55. I read somewhere that the house was his. I think she's moving her shit out. That house will be on the market so fast!!

  56.  Good for Rob! I think it's the best thing for him to get her out of his life. I think she's toxic. He loved her way more than she loved him. And that makes her the stupidest whore-cunt in the world. When she makes NR look good then you know we have to kick that bitch to the curb...just like Rob did. LOL

    Peace, Love..Pattinson♥

  57.  It's a nice fucking house! Too bad Kristen tainted it with her negativity and whorism.

    Do you see Kristen's car in the pic? THAT FUCK CUNT.


  59. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 28, 2012 at 4:11 PM

    wow shit is serious!

  60. Honolulu....and the next time Rob wants to go paddle boarding, he can call me!

  61. Good for Rob...though this is still hard to digest. I guess his decision is made...he never did  like cheaters.

  62. Look look look

  63. He definitely made that clear in his interview awhile back. He's hurt but he's staying strong. More and more reason to love a man that our hearts is already filled with. ♥

  64. Each day that passes and the more we learn the more my heart is sadden for Rob.

    Checkout this new article (Tears may fall):

  65. She sould fucking move out!!! Bitch!!!

  66. And you know Rob won't stay there because it's haunted with memories he thought were good. I say all of us BTBs buy a big ass house together and let him move in with us!!

  67. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 28, 2012 at 8:05 PM

    fucking stab me!  


  68. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 28, 2012 at 8:06 PM

    I can't see him in the car????

  69. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 28, 2012 at 8:07 PM

    ***starts looking at real estate in NYC***

    He can be close to his family in London but still be in the US where all us BTB's can fly INTO him easily! 

    Just saying....

  70. I don't know. Maybe my mind was just wanting to see him in the car. You know like," Imma drop this bitch's car off and walk a boss"

  71. I wonder how long it will be before Kscrew appears on an Oprah or Barbara Walters special crying her eyes out?

  72. Yes please! We need an Edward pic not hers!

  73. A fucking men FB! I agree 100%. I'm supporting Rob and well the other Cullen men too but my support is not for her anymore. 

  74. Oh fuck, let's hope scumshitchanges that before the promo. Would be unfair of them to ask him to do that. Fuck hopefully he has some hot piece of ass to take to the premiereto flaunt in front of KScrew!

  75. Thinking he probably burned the fucking hat thanks to KScrew... cheating fucking bitch. 

  76. Moving trucks had arrived. 

  77. I'm guessing when her career starts to go downhill. Fuck I wouldn't put it past her to try and spin it to put some blame on Rob like some of the fucking hos on Facebook. Some even have the audacity to say maybe Rob was fucking abusive to her?!?! Like really I wanna fucking know what the fuck those cunts are smoking! Must be some pretty fucked up shit!

  78. Pic isn't clear enough... my bet it's people's wishful thinking... I'm hoping he leaves her high and dry. He deserves someone who will love him and I don't think thats Kristen.... look at all of the pap pics of her and Rob and she does everything in her power not to be seen with him but she lets herself be seen with a fucking 41 year old married father of 2!?!?!?!

  79. Like the Playboy Mansion , but...... better!!

  80. I don't either.... Guessing it's people hoping it is. If it was I'm sure there would be more clear pics. 

  81. My thoughts exactly, Especially with the perfume ad. Who wants to smell like K-screw!?

  82. Hey ummmm not all of us are Americans! lol. 

  83. Fuck, you already posted this in comments below. Sorry. I should read all the comments before I post. Always late to the party, because of the time difference.

  84. I agree Karen.... to think how many hours we spent defending her! She really is just another fame whore....

  85. Well I'd like to stroke more than his hair.... he probably needs some comfort lovin'! :) 

  86. I was a bad fucking BTB and missed it when it was here... had too much fucking stuff going on and I'm so fucking pissed! To think I saw SWATH and I couldn't see Cosmopolis! Mind her Cosmopolis was 1.5 hours away and SWATH was 5 mins away but fucking still!!!! 

  87. She sure did and I love her even more for it!!! 

  88. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJuly 29, 2012 at 2:20 AM

    YES. THANK YOU! I thought he set it up! He kept looking at the camera and this means, he obviously KNOW it's there. 

    But either way, K did it. She cheated. Bottom line is she cheated. A kiss is cheating,from my understanding. 

  89. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJuly 29, 2012 at 2:25 AM

    I still have this bit of hope, where by, I think this is all a joke K is playing with us. Maybe to teach us not to trust papps, because look, none of the statements are official. They're from People magazine, who claimed Taylor came out of the closet a few years ago. But then, come the question, why would she do this? Had she and Rob been having arguments? So she felt lonely and ran to another guy? Why would she ruin Rupert's family too? 

    Guys, we don't know what their relationship is really like behind closed doors, and I assume you all are mature enough to understand what I mean by this. 

    On the other hand, I can imagine that somewhere in a cold, empty bedroom, Robert Pattinson is sitting on the floor with his guitar, playing a somber song and sobbing. Either way, I'm still going to watch BD2. I'm a fan first of the book series, and will follow this through until the end, no matter what. 

  90. I dont tink it's him...

  91. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 29, 2012 at 5:32 AM

    Tehee I know. He can have a BTB home in the states for us American BTB's and other BTB homes in other countries so we can all go to which ever house when we want. :)

    He should stay away from buying a home in LA! Too tainted!

  92. Hi girls.Yesterday  I was reading some mags here in Brasil.Not the tabloids. Respectable ones. But this not proves that they know everything right?
    anyway,in this one I read some comments and I just got more confused ya know?
    first, they are saying that it's all PR. Since the first twilight movie.
    second, this PR is because Robert and her (cannot say her name anymore) are never kissing or touching and whateva and that they are like their characters in Twilight, like dead people... no salt whatsoever.
    third, all this shit is just to boost the BD2. and that Robert was an unemployed singer that found Twilight and now is the second british actor best paid bla bla

    holy shit. this is only the beginning of all the shit I read . there are much more and I was like pucking. Than I realised that this is what 80% of the people that are non twilight or Robert fans are thinking or always did.

    and then I got furious. I dont think Robert is so lame. But I cannot stop thinking that they HAVE to portrait happy faces  during promotional stuff . This is their JOB for Christ sakes!
    That's why I have a feeling...I had felt this for some time already.... that they are hinting this shame joke from a long time ago already.... Robert is hinting on mags about fidelity and does not understand why people cheats and how can they see two people at same time and then during the CC he is saying that what about making a twilight sequel where the characters got divorced..
    and then you see they making out at a roof corner during OTR after party.
    Seriously??? I didnt believe it at that time I was just WOW because hey NEVER, I said NEVED got so reckless. and then they arel all kissing and hugging and making out OUTSIDE the building, in a roof... and during an after party at the most important film festival????? why hundreds of páparazzi lurking around buildings???

     It makes me crazy.

    I remember a long time ago I read some lines saying that they would be together during the Twilight movies, and as soon as the last movie was out they would break up.but c'mon...she had to cheat on him, with a 42 yo married bald scum???  she is just so low that she could not find something better that that???
    or maybe the better ones just had no interest in her watsoever.

    Oh Jesus, It hurts to say all these things...

    BUT again....I just refuse to think Robert is a part of this  hollywood scum???. I dont think he is. But he is learning the ways.

    And for the whore - I should not judge her. But I hate her because she did it to the most lovely and beautiful man in the world.

    and for the future - it's complicated ...or no. I dont think he can take her back after all this shit. People are laughing his ass off now and if he takes her back they will call him a double joke and lazy ass.   
    But if he does take her back. Oh well, what do I know?... nothing.

    I am sorry my ramblings. My head is just a little mess right now.
    and the waiting is killing me. I cannot wait to see next weeks events. I want to see Robert kicking asses all around with Cosmo promo and  start working and film the next projects.
    I miss him.

  93. He would love Amsterdam ;)

  94. Hi Dra, nice to see you here. BTB is a fanatstic non-drama blog. Feel free to email me if you want to vent some more. You have my adress :)

  95. thank you Hannah.

  96. Your welcome dear. I understand the need to talk about this all. That's why I come here, people understand. I read the same news you read on the internet. Everything is getting so confusing. I hope we hear more of Rob soon.

  97. If he's a bad boyfriend just break up with him...why publicly humiliate him and the wife and children of your lover? I am so confused because she ALWAYS talked about how HONESTY and PRIVACY were the most important things to her, well, Kristen, my meter is calling BULLSHIT!

  98. When's moving day?????

  99.  As soon as we see the Rob Cock Light in the sky. That will be our sign that he's ready for us.

  100. Welcum to the wonderful world of BTB's....

  101. A treasure to be kept....

  102. Oh I agree 100% Karen. It's just those stupid little girls on Facebook who wouldn't know a real relationship if it bitch slapped them in the fucking face!

  103. Ahhh okay! :) Just didn't wanna be left out considering I'm the only Canadian BTB.... ♥

  104. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 29, 2012 at 11:15 AM

    I don't leave out my BTB's!

    Love u all!

  105. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 29, 2012 at 11:18 AM

    Ahahaha nice! Well done!
