Friday, July 27, 2012

Caption THIS!!!!!

I don't even want to know what she's looking for... really.

Yeah... Ewwwww 

Let me see... Yeap, still mad as hell with her! 


  1. BolansCatBlack (Joan)July 27, 2012 at 10:20 PM

    "WTF? Is that tuna smell coming from me?"

  2. WTF?! Whose pubic hair is this?!
    Fuck if I could only keep track...

  3. Look so cute! I got crabs!
    Awww I'm just like the little mermaid... slut version.

  4. BolansCatBlack (Joan)July 28, 2012 at 2:55 AM

    Def not her itty bitty titties....I <3 old married cock would never fit.....but her labia however....that could be different story,she fucks around so much they probably hang low and flap together in the wind. "Fwooop,fwoooop,fwooop" (Thats KHo's twat lips sound BTW!) In fact thats probably what she's doing in the picture adjusting her clam lips like guys adjust their balls!!! Rolling each one up and smooshing them in her undies,so they don't drop out her pants leg.  "Oh shit...Goddammit,theres my damn cunt lip again hanging out my pants!"

  5. BolansCatBlack (Joan)July 28, 2012 at 2:55 AM

    Im pretty sure thats a porn movie,Marcela.....LOL!

  6. BolansCatBlack (Joan)July 28, 2012 at 2:58 AM

    She can apparently knit a sweater with all the stray man pubes down there!

  7. talking to her crotch: I know I fucked up, no more le monster cock anymore.

  8. TUNA. It's whats for dinner. At least if you plan to fuck Kristen.

  9.  DAMN IT! I made a tuna joke! LMFAO!! Great BTB minds think like!


  10.  And as soon as she said that her pussy ripped itself off her body and ran away crying and looking for Rob.

  11.  Don't forget the vag warts...oh wait, we can call them barnacles to go with the mermaid theme.

  12. Have you all seen this? It's not only does Kristen got something going on down there so does Rupert. Shocker I know. *rolls eyes*

  13. LMFAO, you're on a roll Joan!!

  14. Anyone else think this is true? I have a feeling it might be. Rob doesn't seem to be the kind that shrieks and hides from something.

    (Source: Sky News Australia)

    Actor Robert Pattinson wants to talk to director Rupert Sanders
    about what happened during his affair with girlfriend Kristen Stewart. The
    'Twilight Saga' actor is reportedly curious to know details of his
    girlfriend and co-star in the vampire films cheating on him with her
    'Snow White and the Huntsman' director.Devastated Robert moved
    out of the Los Angeles home he once shared with Kristen on Thursday
    (26.07.12) after photos were released late on Tuesday night revealing
    that Kristen, 22, had an affair with the married motion picture boss,
    41.A source close to Robert told "Rob wants to
    have a man to man chat with Rupert to find out exactly what happened
    between him and Kristen. "Kristen has already betrayed his trust
    by cheating, so he can't be sure that she will tell him exactly what
    went on between her and Rupert. Rupert has a wife and a family to save,
    so Rob feels like he has nothing left to lose and would be honest with
    him."The insider went on to reveal that Robert feels doubly
    betrayed because he trusted Rupert as the director of Kristen's film and
    had no idea the two were getting so close while he wasn't around.The
    source said: "Rob really was blindsided by this and he's going through
    the typical stages of being cheated on. He was hurt and heartbroken,
    then angry and pissed off, and now he just wants answers. "He's not ready to talk with Kristen, it's too painful, so he's going to Rupert."

    *starts wigglin"*

    This just makes me want to fuck Rob harder than ever...which I never thought was possible.

  15. "Shit, were is my clitring?"  or "oh no, everything is sticky with Rupert's smelly jizz"

  16. *tear*

    Bitch... I'm past sadness... full on angry mode now.
    But I have a soft heart. and your comment made me pout a little...

  17. Getting ready for a great birthday weekend??

    Happy Birthday to your lil' man!! Party like a BTB!

  18. who was in there last, Rob or Rup?......

  19. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 28, 2012 at 8:39 AM

    "ah shit some of my vajazzle is missing. Maybe that is what made Rupert choke?"

  20. Oh no. Poor Rob. We just need to put him in a BTB cacoon and let him heal and we just grind against him.

  21. You guys all already said the good ones dammit! lol. Seriously you guys are on a roll! 

  22. Everyone is calling her trampire but imma call her K-kunt

  23. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 28, 2012 at 8:54 AM

    If it is true, shows everyone what MORE of a fucking wonderful man he is which we already knew!

    Kwhore was stupid to cheat OB him! She seriously had a fucking wonderful man!

  24. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 28, 2012 at 8:55 AM

    She's a bitch. 

  25. Really makes you wonder if she ever cared for him as much as he does for her. Fuck she was willing to hide behind bushes and garbage cans just so they weren't seen together but yet she's out in the fucking open with the married man!

  26. So true....I didn't want to even put his name there, but unfortunately, it's the truth....BiTCh!

  27. do do do do do.....I wonder if I'll get that Oscar for my performance over the last 3 years as the loving girlfriend?

  28. LOL! Aurora just sent me the cover of the NY Daily paper.!!

  29. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJuly 28, 2012 at 9:29 AM

    Ewww. I do not need to see this after I saw this picture: I NEED BLEACH!!!! And yes, that is 54 year old Madonna. 

  30.  Oh God! I hope she's wearing her medic alert necklace. BITCH IS DOWN!

  31. This one?

  32. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJuly 28, 2012 at 9:36 AM

    She didn't fall. It's a part of her tour dance...which is really disturbing. I mean, yes, she has a great body (arm muscles and all) for a 50 year old woman, but God, please, I do NOT wish to see THAT. 

  33.  Should have know. BTBs are the fastest bitches in town. LOL


  34. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJuly 28, 2012 at 9:43 AM

    That poor man. He's staring at it; either in disbelief or horror. LOL

  35. My thoughts exactly. She always shied away when she was with Rob...but fucking put her with some lowlife married man and she's practically ass fucking him in broad daylight! I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!

  36. What a Pig!!!!!

  37. LO-fucking-L!!!!

  38. LMFAO!!!!!!!!! I know. This probably reconfirmed that he's gay. LOL

  39.  IKR! He's doing this in front of Charlize Theron! WTF! Kristen is just nasty and she probably does the same thing..but in front of CH??!! She's Hollywood Royalty.

    Did you hear that CH is pissed off at Kristen and Rupert??! She is pissed the fuck off. She is actually good friends with Rupert's wife, Liberty. Makes me wish the Evil Queen killed SW now.

    Here's the link if you want to check it out:

  40. So well said.  This is all such horrible bullshit... I can't get over Kristen's behavior....  it's completely unthinkable... it's fucking evil what she did and how she flaunted it.  

  41. And other times too... hanging all over Tom at Rob's premier... she would never hold onto Rob the way she did with Tom... one of his BEST FUCKING FRIENDS.. and in that low cut dress so he could stare at her tits all night...
    and during interviews with other guys... she would touch other guys all the time... grab their arms and legs and she would never touch Rob in public... AT ALL!SHE MAKES ME SO FUCKING ANGRY!!!!!

  42. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 28, 2012 at 12:58 PM

    In hindsight I don't think she did....I remember all of his ways he'd try to touch her and I never once saw her embrace any of his affection until at the Cannes festival a couple months ago. She's a stupid bitch I hope she suffers. 

  43. I'd fucking laugh and cheer if he hooks up wieh katy Perry * evil laugh

  44.  Here's a pic they couldn't publish that they got of Kristen.

    Guess you were right! Meat curtains for days!

  45. Kristen who??? Finally! Rob gets to see some real tits!

  46. "So this is what I get for cheating on Rob...haters AND crabs."

  47. BolansCatBlack (Joan)July 30, 2012 at 8:10 AM

    OMG! I just puked,laughed and farted all at once! I LOVE you Cooter!!! 

  48. BolansCatBlack (Joan)July 30, 2012 at 8:11 AM

    Thank you,madam!

  49. BolansCatBlack (Joan)July 30, 2012 at 8:11 AM


  50. BolansCatBlack (Joan)July 30, 2012 at 8:11 AM

    Im soooo baaaad!

  51. BolansCatBlack (Joan)July 30, 2012 at 8:12 AM

    Grosssssssss huh?

  52. I now understand when I hear "bitches"say they are spreading their wings and singing. GEEZ!

    If that's what that means than I'll just whistle, thank you very  much!

    Loves you back!!

  53.  Now you know why I posted the labia mud flaps pix.

    Payback!! LOL
