Monday, March 19, 2012


Thanks Aurora for the emails!


  1.  Kristen with an English accent.

    *drip..drip..drip..drip......shoves towel between legs*


  2. LOVE how Kristen looks but Matt douche Lauer asking her that question about Fucking Hunger Games fame is fucking RETARDED!!!

    But she of course handled it well & I like how Charlize kinda gave it back to him by saying its just a grin when he tried to get too personal about her babe!!!

    GOsh her in those leather pants was hotttttt

  3. Yes so fucking hot! 

    I just realized, we get to see her movie on June 1st, then a week later Rob in Bel AMi!!

    FLoods will be happening big time in June!!! 

  4. Matt Lauer just irritated the hell out of me. I just wanted to pluck the two remaining hairs form his head. 

  5. I'm trying to find a copy of the 5 minute trailer but I can't find anything that I can copy or embed. Any super techie BTBs that have it or can get it email us or post it a comment!


  6. thank you babe! I just annouced it on the st. pattys day post (LOL) that there is a new trailor I CANT wait and yeah HG not my thing it is just.........yeah whatever.....Kristen did say she was going to try and see it cuz her friend is in it but whatever.... not for me  *sorry Kristen* but love ya hon!

  7. IKR?! I CAN'T WAIT! the summer will be EPIC!

  8. I don't like the Today Show they are too intrusive and too FUCKING nosey! and I don't like Anne Curry either NOSEY FUCKING CUNT!

  9. that  second photo YUMMY!!!

  10.  Did you see Matt's interview with the cast of Mad Men? He made sure he shoved his head up their asses. He's such a butt pirate.


  12. "hair black as night, lips, red as rose, bring me your heart my dear, dear, Snow white"
    "Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the horniest one of all"

  13. Seriously!?! We still have more than 2 months to wait for this!  Gah!
    Good thing "Thrusting On-Demand" Rob will be distracting us! 


    LOOKS AWESOME!!!!! ♥♥♥

  15. WOW....

    That's all I can say! Thanks Aurora!!! ♥♥♥

  16. It just looks amazing and knowing this is going to be a trilogy just makes it even better.

     I knew Robsten wouldn't leave us hangin' after Twilight is done.
     *wink and nudge*

  17. I know!! Unnnnfffffff I tried to upload the vid, but its just not working I guess :( 

  18. You know it! I got my purchase finger ready for my remote and my other fingers ready know. *evil grin*

  19. Yeah, the interview was weird. His questions were boring. And he had to mention Mirror, Mirror and The Hunger Games! Like, really?!

    Btw: I saw an interview with Julia R where they asked her how it was to play a witch! LOL
    She said: I'm not a witch I'm a Queen! I had to laugh at that

  20. It's being a stubborn little bitch. I think it will go SUPER viral by the end of the day then we can upload it then. ☺

  21. Just another pot stirrer. AKA loser jerk-off.

    Kristen just rolled with but CT made a few jabs. She's such a bad-ass. I guess it's official now..the QUEEN bad ass. lol

  22. A Study I made up 2 minutes ago, shows that you learn "accents" easier while getting it one nasty...

    Lucky Kristen!!! LOL

  23. She's so cool! And she calls herself a Bitch. How can you not like her?! 

  24. Ok, I downloaded it and I'm trying to upload it to youtube! Cross your vagina lips! LOL

  25. I would just end up speaking in tongues and gibberish.

  26. Can't cross mine they are smiling from thigh to thigh!

  27. AMAZING! Love, love, love it!!!!Great cast, great movie!

  28. My woman wood is screaming like a Banshee right now at those gifs!

  29. LOL!!! It's so fucking awesome I cant stop watching it!!!! 

  30. ;-)

  31. I just heard that Bel Ami will be available on DVD in the maybe the US wont be far behind! Keep our fingers crossed for Bel Ami.
    and also...I can't wait to see SWATH...taking DH with me...maybe he'll get as worked up over Kristen as I do over Rob and we can go home and fuck each other's brains out!
    oh...and Good morning BTBs!!

  32. And that's the expression she makes when Rob unzips.

  33.  Mornin' lovebug! SMOOCH!

    You have been giving ALL kinds of yummy BA info and vids lately. Who's your spy? lol

  34. I just have to give a shout-out to all the BTBs that keep us updated of all the things we love.

    I swear I think some of you BTBs are C.I.A. agents or F.B.I. agents or something. You find the info out fast! And that just goes to show how great we all are.

    Love you all!

  35. Good morning and good afternoon everyone. And a special thank you to Aurora!!!
    Love the trailer, the more is see from this movie the more i want to see it.  My son just watched the trailer with me amd said:" What's that?", "Well that's Snowwhite", She looks cool!! He said. So what was that guy saying about not letting his five years old  see this movie ?! Ridiculous, my son can see this when it comes out on dvd, he saw every HP aand Twilight so he can handle this:)

  36. Good morning to you. My DH already promised to take me to OTR because he's a big Jack Kerouac/ Beatnik fan but i'm sure that i can persuade him to go  to SWATH with me.
    He's not really into Kristen though, he's more of a boobguy.

  37. We would al look like that when Rob unzips LOL ;0

  38. awww..FB...I could tell you but then I would have to kill you...or withhold sex or something just as bad...I can however email you...*wink*

  39. This has enough action in it that I think i can persaude my DH to go to the theatre to see this.  Kristen looks fantastic.

  40. You know my address and where I live. Come on over! *wink*

    Is it Summertime over at your place? I can't believe it's March and almost 80°.

  41. IKR! I've shown my bf the trailers and he is totally captivated. He loves the mirror for some reason. Should I be worried? lol

  42. Well my DH will have the 2 for 1 deal. He's always thought CT was hot and he thinks Kristen is hot too

  43. yeah...the weather is perfect! and at night, between the frogs and the sounds like any night in July!!  If I could find you Tori...I'd grab the keys and head out.  I need some time away from 'it all'

  44. Your hubby has some good taste!

  45. It really is up to the parents. My kids are allowed to see movies within certain expectations. Breaking Dawn we watched at home and I fast forwarded the sex scenes cause at 9 and 6 they don't need to see that, but they have seen Transformers, Captain America ect and the 9 year old wants to see Hunger Games and SWATH. I'll probably take him to both. My only rule for some movies is that if it's questionable I have to see it first and if I feel they can handle it I take them. They also understand it's not real and for entertainment only. 

  46. My hubby sure isn't a boobguy.... good thing for me! lol. He likes Kristen Stewart so he said he'd go see this with me and our 9 year old, 6 year old isn't too interested but he'll probably change his mind when the movie comes out. Won't be taking the 2 year old though she thing of Snow White as the disney princess who isn't as cool as Belle (her favourite)

  47. Weather is nuts here too. We only had 3 big snowfalls all winter and the snow is almost gone now and it's March! The snow doesn't usually melt until end of April/May here!

  48. She makes a fucking hot Snow White!!!

  49. loooooved it! can't wait!

  50. I loved how Chalize also said that Kristen better look in her crystal ball for the Hunger Games question! lol. 

  51. I'm still bitter about Bel Ami.... :( 

  52. Yes. i'm not taking my two year old either, she's also in the Disney princess stage. i always see the movies first before my husband and I decide if it's appropriate or not. My son didn't really get the honeymoonscene, he was just like: why are they naked? and i said that i didn't know that and my son said: well, it must be warm. LOL

  53. I love Charlize and her Kristen together makes me want to see the movie so much more!

  54. My 9 year old probably would have gotten it... lol. It probably was warm.... all hot and sweaty and .... yah okay my mind wandered!

  55. And we all love you & Marcela for having this site for all of us BTB's to chat and get crazy on!!!

    ***Humps & Licks****

  56. I just saw that and I am debating buying it since it is a Region Free version on Blu Ray which hopefully means US can play it on their players and other regions!

    I did the calculation already to see how much USD it is and it comes out to $28.73!

    I'm an accountant by day & a Crazy BTB all the time! :p

  57. I will wait...I'm gonna view it on demand and record it from will have to suffice until the real dvd comes out.

  58. Yes!
    The whole cast is fucking hot!

  59. IF i could record it I would but have no clue how to. :p

  60. I can't wait either BRING IT!

  61. this movie will be a hit!

  62. lol then your DH will love this movie

  63. I agree he sure does!

  64. Okay looks like you can pre-order Bel Ami movie in both UK & Canada Amazon websites as of right now! 

  65. good afternoon! :D and I am glad your DH loves the trailor do you know yet when it will be released in your neck of the woods so to speak :)

  66. oh my god you will not believe this when I went to see BD 1 in the theater(I am not makng this up) some women brought their kids KIDS!! to see this movie this woman who sat next to me had her EIGHT year old child, with her and I think a friend CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! KIDS to see Breaking Dawn!!

  67. this is my opinon I think Breaking Dawn is not the ideal movie for a young child to see it is too mature for them to see it unless they are old enough and mature enough to understand and when I saw some women(it's like leave the kids at home with Dad) bring their YOUNG childern to go see this movie that's brining your kid to go see BA seriously I'm sorry but that's I hopw I feel about it

  68. well I would not bring a young child to see this movie I'm sorry but that's just me I know I have a big mouth lol

  69. YEAH BABY! *whispers* that makes the both of us ;)

  70. ya got that right!

  71. no I did'nt see that one LOL @ * he made sure he shoved his head up their asses* and yeah he is such a butt pirate LOL


  73. I can't wait til June 8th baby! and I can't wait til June 1st! LIFE IS FUCKING good!!

  74. *** humps and licks*** back at ya!!

  75. I am assuming BA will be available in september or october for DVD cause it will be in the theater June 8th GOD I CAN'T WAIT!!

  76. the score/soundtrack is available april 3rd all  I know is I get to see this movie IN THE THEATER YES BABY!!

  77. it comes out in theater June 8TH SWATH  June 1st OH LIFE IS GOOD!!

  78. It comes out june 7th ! I'm really looking forward to it.

  79. Don't feel sorry, you're entitled to have an opinion and i  love that you say what's on your mind. We always watch the movie in advance before we decide if our 5 year is allowed to see it. We kind of thought Twilight was like HP, fairytale-like, bit of violence but not too much. I think there's nothing wrong with our son seeing two people who love eachother kissing. The honeymoonscene was in our opinion really tame, nothing happened, no thrusting or moaning. I do notice sometimes that in my country we look different at things like this, i'm not judging just acknowledging it. 

  80. I had intense chills for five minutes and five seconds!!! Kristen just kept getting dirtier and, and Charlize is like, BAM, bitch! to that blonde-penis guy. And then enters Chris. Ho-ho-huntsman!!!

    Her accent made me melt. Of course, she did have a good "teacher"!

  81. Our baby girl is gonna rock that bitch!!!  The trailer is fabulous!!!  June cannot get here fast enough!!!

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