Sunday, March 18, 2012


Looks like Rob is guarding me pot of golden condoms!

Let's use them all today!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, BTBS!


  1. HAPPY ST.PATRICKS DAY BTB's! yeah go ahead and pinch me I'm not ;)

  2. I'm up to chapter 16 of Fifty! DAMN! I keep having to change my damn panties every time! :p

  3. helloooooo where the hell is everyone WAKE UP! ;)

  4. Everyone always wears green: your boogies are green! 

    Yeah gross but made you LOL right?


    Love ya BTB's!

  5. everyone is either out & about already or hung over from drinking the green yesterday!

  6. well Rob I guess it is just you and me then baby no one wants to "cum" out and play today *evil grin*

  7. Yep! Also you can't sit still when reading it!  ITS that good!!!

  8. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 18, 2012 at 9:39 AM

    I live in Europe, can anyone tell me what exactly do you celebrate on St. Patricks day?

  9. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 18, 2012 at 9:40 AM

    I'm awake :) It's almost dinner time over here. Just having a lazy sunday with my hubby and kids watching BD and reading Emancipation, proclamation.

  10. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 18, 2012 at 9:42 AM

    I'm having the pantie problem with every FF i read. I'm doing a LOT of laundry nowadays ;0

  11. I think most of us Americans don't even know what/why we are celebrating. LOL!  Something to do with catching a Leprechaun and hoping that he will leave you gold, or some shit like that.  It's truly just an oportunity for us to eat Green Eggs and Ham, Corned Beef and Cabbage, Irish Bangers.... and of course,  LOTS and LOTS of BEER!
    Anyone here Irish, and can fill us in???

  12. I just started reading The Mysterious Case of the BR... Thank you for the suggestion.  I am only on chapter 2, nothing has happened yet, but I'm so extremely intrigued with Edwards situation.  Looking forward to continuing reading!

  13. Well, it still sounds like one hell of a party!  ;)  We are having queens day soon, the day we party all day long in Holland, but everyone is wearing orange instead of green.

  14. LOL!! I would not be surprised xD

  15. yeah that's pretty much it LOL!! all I did was watch GOF on the family channel last night and Order Of The Pheonix

  16. well have fun on Queen Day and party!!

  17. oh cool sounds like nice relaxing day and ff woooo yeah! well it is about 10 in the morning here and I need to take a run to the store so I will be leaving soon

  18. IT IS SOOOO GOOD! you will love it! is he in the facility yet??

  19. shit you have seen my laundry DAMN I had so much this weekend and just for one person! Me!!

  20. where do u find that one?

  21. I wish I was hungover.... went out last night and had an allergic reaction to this drink I tried and yah... not fun. I only got to have 2 Guiness and then I tried the other drink and had to go home to have bendryl and just stayed home... lol. 

  22. Oh no! I have high allergies to shit too! Sucks big time! I have to carry a Epipen always! Hate when bouncers and security give me a hard time about carrying it!

    Feel better Meg!  

  23. I've never had an allergic reaction before.... it sucks! My sister said maybe it was the tequila but I've drank a lot of tequila and never reacted before and if that's the case just shoot me and put me out of my misery! lol.

  24. depends on where the tequilla is from! Rum & beer are my friends, TEQUILLA is not friendly to me either! I stay far from it!

    2 advil and a glass of gingerale will make it all better! :)

  25. No headache or stomache problems here. It was hives and itchiness. I was fine once I took the benadryl.. kinda ruined my St. Paddy's day!

  26. *Whispers*

    Hello everyone.... I think I had an awesome nigh as I had to open my fridge with shades on.

    Seriously, I can hear my hair growing right now lol *ouch*

    Well, let me enjoy my afternoon without kiddos and a massive hangover! 

  27. No idea, but it has turned to be one of my favorite holidays aside from halloween! LOL

    Any excuse to drink I'm in! any excuse to drink and dress as a my inner slut, I'm DOUBLE IN! LMFAO 

  28. OH IM READING THAT ONE TOO!!!! What page are you on??

  29. OH, I'm wearing green, but you have to look for it *wiggles eyebrows*and once you find it... you can still pinch me ;) RAWR! 

  30. I hope you still remember everything you did! And it wasn't anything like that :-)

  31. LMAO Marcela! My family is irish and I doubt they know what it's about too....

  32. Ummm kinda jealous.... my night of drinking was shot to shit thanks to having an allergic reaction to fucking booze! Seriously it sucked! lol.

  33. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 18, 2012 at 3:05 PM

    I'm at page 268. I love Carlisle as the scary mob dad, he really freaks me out. What page are you ? I wanted to read more this afternoon but my mum and dad came over to for a visit and i can't send them away  saying: i've no time for you i want to read about Bella losing her virginity .

  34. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 18, 2012 at 3:06 PM

    I wanna know too! I couldn't find it on fanfiction....

  35. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 18, 2012 at 3:07 PM

    Thanks, it's on april 30th.

  36. lmao!!! I'm almost in 900 sooo good!! and I agree carlisle is so fucking scary, ufffff wait for it girl/.... just wait for it!!! 

  37. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 18, 2012 at 3:21 PM

    Ii just started reading it yesterday. I finished The Office friday.  I LOVE FF!

  38. He just arrived at the facility, and just met Dr. Cullen.

  39. Loved the Office!!  Damn by the second Chapter I was like FUck yeah!!

  40. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 19, 2012 at 3:00 AM

    For you. Enjoy ;) !!! 

  41. Fuck that was hot! Just woke up & clicked on the link & DAMN!!!

    THanks for an awesome wakeup Hannah! You rock! :)

  42. RAWR is right and happy monday(yeah right :/) just a few minutes ago I got to see the NEW tralior(with an extra five minutes added ) of SWATH! IT IS FUCKIN AWESOME! IF you can get it on your home page watch it or try to get it here in BTB land :D

  43. *shouting over the innercome* I BET YOU DO HAVE A HANGOVER! xD

  44. wow so you are allergic to booze what happend did you break out in hives :( *comforts Meg* I'm sorry :( before I was diagnosed with Diabetis type 2 I used to put away apple tinis or beer or anything when it was a specail occaison LOL

  45. wooo work it baby! LOL!!

  46. oh okay! LOL

  47. oh cool it is so good! I loved it! I WISH that one was a book seriously it is that good!

  48. yeah you go too  it would be easier to google it here itis mystery case of the bird rorschach it is 29 chapters and it is GOOD! there is a real funny part in it too oh god it's it is priceless! IMO anyway lol!!

  49. google: mystery case of the bird rorschach it is 29 chapters and it is GOOD!

  50. I better not be allergic to booze! I think it was just in one type of booze in the drink, I'd never had it before cause I sure don't react to my vodka or beer or tequila or rum..... yah I kinda sound like a lush! I'll blame it on my irish background... lol.
