Wednesday, March 14, 2012



But we don't believe you one bit!
We've all seen this pic:


  1. I'm sure it was hard.... to film, you dirty bitches! LOL

  2. Well Rob said it wasn't that hard...... to film! 

  3. Mmmmm.....Hard! Kristen is one lucky bitch to have that in her mouth

  4. Is this an interview cause I wanna watch it! lol. 

  5. FUCKING NICE PACKAGE! *licks screen*

  6. yeah REAL "HARD"

  7. *evil smirk*

  8.  I'm not even sure I could take it completely when it's soft but being a BTB I'm willing to break bones and crack ribs to shove every inch inside me.

    It's just how a BTB rolls.

  9. Hard......Rob......Cock...........must .......not........cum..........squirt...........again........for.......the.....billionth.......time ........since........yesterday' MY GOD..........

    I'm fucking done for the last 24 hrs of non stop Rob cock and ass BTB info!!!!!

  10. BTB sacrifice and take one for the team, even if it ruins you for other men for eternity!!! LOL

  11. He is so fucking adorable, it breaks my heart... he makes my vag cry, oh no!! *squirt*

  12. It's a good way to go my BTBs!

  13. and cooter.... ahhhh cooter! lol. 

  14. You and I can volunteer as hardness checkers for the next sex scenes he does! lol. 

  15. Like fluffers, but for Rob's cock?.... hmmm I like it!

    I'm quitting my real job tomorrow!!! LOL (I wish) 

  16. *holds hands with MegO*
    It's been a pleasure serving with the best, the bravest and the horniest of all...

    See you in hell, my sister, my friend.... my btb

  17. You just love saying cooter, don't ya! LOL

    Me too!! Cooter cooter cooter!!!!! LOL

  18. Who doesn't like saying cooter? Cooter..... hehehehe COOTER!!! 

    *screams* Show me the cooter! Ahem sorry I got a little carried away.... lol

  19. I wouldn't want to go any other way my BTB! 

    Love ya my horny BTBs!

  20. I don't have a real job but I would definitely be quitting it tomorrow for that job! Where do we apply? lol. 

  21. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 1:22 AM

    Oh My God...... what a good way to start my day! When i first saw this scene in Bd i was wondering why they put a sheet over him right there. Now i know;)

  22. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 4:36 AM

    It's going to be crowded in hell :)

  23. OK I just had a true blonde moment.....thats where he pulls the sheet up over him and laughs right?  Oh Rob were you embarrassed?  Oh how much Id love to see that hog of his.  Pose for playgirl Rob. *reaching for my rabbit*  UNF...

  24. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 6:25 AM

    yes, that's the one. like he needs to feel embarrassed * rolls eyes*  we BTB
    girls love to see that big bulge ;) *graps down to touch cooter*

  25. He did say he was allergic to vaginas......

  26. Didn't he say that right after he and NR stopped seeing each other. That meat muffin must have been realllllly fucked up. ☺

  27. I wouldn't want another wing-wang in me if I had Rob's once. It just wouldn't be fair to the other fellas. No other man can be the mountain that we call Rob.

  28. IKR?  Another man would taint that shit.  I would have my pussy framed, and a vial on my bed stand would hold his baby juice. 

  29. I wonder this all the time.... How often do actors get aroused during sex scenes?  How embarrassing would it be for a guy to be sporting massive wood, or a girl to have soaking panties? I guess if they truly were attracted to each other it would be no big deal... but if you were attracted, but you  "shouldn't be" (because you have a BF/GF/spouse) how do you keep those reactions at bay???  I wonder if this has happened to R/K (separate or together)?

  30. *ATTENTION LADIES*! *dances around to get attention* go(IF you don't have the books) to  and pre-order your copies just got mine yesterday and I FUCKING LOVE IT!! I almost creamed when Ana lost her virginity and when Christian just was fucking her hard and how the writer described the love making/ sex between C &A oh GOD!! so fking erotic!!!

  31. I'm so excited for the author! Good for Icy! I've had my books since they went on-line last year and they have been read lustfully, along with the original MoTU!!! I so want to see a movie out of this!!!

  32. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 8:22 AM

    did you get any sleep last night? I didn't sleep much when i was reading it and i was horny the entire time. my husband was wondering what happened to me ;)

  33. Rob, you are such a dirty boy! Don't change a thing...we love you just the way you are!!!

  34. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 8:24 AM

    don't they sometimes wear something which is called a modesty patch? so they don't get that aroused. thought i read that somewhere.....

  35. that is SO true love him just the way he is!

  36. no I did'nt!  DAMN that book isfucking HOT MOVE OVER JACKIE COLLINS!!

  37. please god let there be a movie!!!! this morning Iwas reading some of it and I was almost creaming in my panties! seriously NOT kidding! jsut picturing Rob in that role OH MY GOD!!!

  38. OH GOD I want him to pose for Playgirl but he won't but I bet Kellen would definitly do it Rob noooooo way LOL!!

  39. With all of us holding hands together.... HELL YEAH!!!!! 

  40. and a NICE bulge I must say *licks lips* if he saw that pic he would have a STROKE  ha ah ahhahahaha

  41. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 8:38 AM

    I read a post on a different blog that Hollywood is fighting over the movierights. i would love to see Rob and Kris doing this movie, but i don't think that is going to happen.

  42. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 8:39 AM

    I'm reading The Office right now. I already ruined 4 panties ;)

  43. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 8:44 AM

    Holding hands?I need my hands to do other things ;0

  44. A modesty building would not be enough of a barrier to keep me from being aroused if I had to do a sex scene with Rob... just sayin'.

  45. Did your husband rip them off of you?  *wink*

  46. Is that as far as you are in the books?   Oh, what a RIDE you have before you!!!!!
    FUCKING LOVE THAT BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   UNF!

  47. My sleeping was "disturbed" while reading that as well.  I know I've said this over and over... but I would fucking SHAKE while reading those books.... I shook from lust, happiness, disgust, nerves, sadness... every emotion was so on the surface for me.

  48. I wonder if Kristen has ever read any fanfic.  I seriously doubt Rob would... unless maybe just for laughs... guys don't read that shit.... it's too bad too, because they could learn A HELL OF A LOT OF GOOD MOVES!

  49. That book was good... not really enough angst though... drama and sex go well together, and the drama was a little tame in the Office... don't get me wrong, the sex was awesome!!!!

    Another good read is Last Tango in Forks.  I'm about 1/3 the way through and it is very hot... can't tell how dramatic it's gonna be though.

  50. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 9:21 AM

    Yeah, i know what you mean. but i love the sexscenes in it. Just finished the part where they fuck in her car. I also have last tango in Forks, i'm going to read that after i finished The Office.

  51. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 9:21 AM

    I wished ;) he is still at work, maybe tonight.....
    I just soaked them and had to threw them in my laundrybasket.

  52. Does anyone know??? I'd love to watch it as well.

  53. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 9:22 AM

    ofcourse you still feel the rubbing and the presurre ..

  54. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 9:25 AM

    I wonder about that too! I think Rob must have an idea what's going on with FF.  And i agree, every men should read fanfic. I'm  still trying to convince my husband to read MOTU.

  55. I can sympathize. ;-)

  56. loved the office enjoyed the angry sex

  57. nope he said it 4

  58. Me too! I've told him about it and read a couple of passages, but guys are just too has to be in their face, not imagination!

  59. My, oh, my...Rob sure has a lot of "long" things about his body: tongue, fingers, legs, feet, and my favorite - his dick!

  60. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 9:56 AM

    mmmmmm..... my favourite too ;)

  61. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 9:58 AM

    When i read a couple of passages he was like: OMG you Rob fans are soo dirty.

  62. we can get it in their face * evil grin, brings out a grey tie and a flogger*

  63.  HELLO???!! I was making a joke. ☺

    *taps microphone*

    Is this thing on??

  64. U little shit!!!    :)

  65.  LMAO! *MUAH* L♥VE YA, BTB!

    That's why I love the BTB world. We can be sarcastic bitches and we all know it's just to get a giggle. NOTHING but LOVE.

  66. Have you read Emancipation Proclamation? Is now a book as well, the book it's called "Sempre"
    I'm like half way...

    LOTS OF ANGST AND DRAMA... and sex *fans self*

  67. LMFAO!!!

    *covers ears*
    Yeah, it's on, and the sarcasm is dripping from it! 


  68. Seriously... he'll be like "Hey, this girl is leaking..."


  69. I can't help it, i'm reading The Office right now. can't control my dirty thoughts ;)

  70. all my favorites!!

  71. oh I am now up too where his mother comes for a vist and they are runing around tryng to get some clothes on I was laughing so hard so that she does'nt find out about his "playroom" HILARIOUS and I am LOVIN the ride I want to RIDE him

  72. these books are EROTIC that is all there is no other words to describe it *almost creams just thinkin about it*

  73. LMAO!! I want to read that one too!!

  74. I have that story on my google list!! I'm up to chapter 5 I will finsh it soon LOL

  75. will pre-order those soon!

  76. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 4:11 PM

    do you have? Because i can send it to you if you want! I got it from Jennifer. I think my email is in my profile.

  77. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 15, 2012 at 4:11 PM

    sorry, didn't see this post before i ask you if you got The Office :)

  78. I HADN'T SEEN THAT!!!! Ahhhh!
    And when he leaned over to kiss her head, do you think he shoved it in her back?
    What a tease, Rob!!!

  79. I see "1" big reason Ks possibly dumped MO!! ☺

  80. Can you imagine how many women mailed him BENADRYL!! lol
