Sunday, January 8, 2012


Robward, don't fuck the bear! Fuck my pussy instead.


  1. I have nooo idea!! *0* LOL@ *fuck my pussy instead* uh...excuse me Edward dude midnight, my place, and I'll give you Miss Pussy to fuck with ;)

  2. get a camera ;)

  3. Bahaha!
    Aww Robward cuddling a lil ole teddy bear...
    I'm next to cuddle!!!

  4. Awww. That is so sweet!  I just want to stroke his hair.

    I want him to stroke my hair as well.... wait, what hair?  ;-0

  5. What hair and which fella are you talking about? I have to ask because there are some pretty wild fetishes here in the BTB world...a teddy bear fetish would be pretty mild. ☺

  6. He's got that bear in a choke hold fuck position. Is it a dream he's taking out on the bear or is he just into cute little fuzzy things? *evil grin*

  7. I would stroke the hair on Rob's head (the one at the TOP of his body)he would stroke my (lack of) hair... if you catch my drift.

    As far as fetishes go, I'm pretty tame... I don't think I could even tolerate a stuffed bear in the same room with me... "It's watching us," I would say....
    Don't get me wrong, I can be one sexy (and sometimes dirty) bitch... ALL of my posts are things that I would do, but I'm kind of shy about it.

  8. I'm so jealous of a plush bear right now!
    But wait, Edward Cullen is a vampire that doesn't sleep, like ever! Looks like he is fantasizing about someone....hhhmmm. Tell us you're dirty secrets Edward

  9. This video goes hand-in-hand with this post.

  10. OMG, well thats a pervy commercial! LMAO!
    And a bear doing it with a rabbit?!

  11. FB OMG!!!! LMAO so wrong but so funny! Thanks for the laugh I needed it! 

    They won the trophy today 8-3 and Austin got a hat trick and an assist but before he got his 3rd goal he was hit from behind into the net and hit his head hard on the bar at the back and he didn't tell DH who is his coach that his head hurt well since then he was a bit dizzy and then tonight threw up. DH checked him over and said it's probably a mild concussion, I phoned the health link they said the same thing and if he throws up again bring him in. Thankfully no more throwing up but it's nerve wracking and stressful and this is supposed to be no contact hockey for under 10! Too fucking stressful of a weekend I tell ya! I need some quality BTB time! I'm hoping for some fucking pee my pants funny posts FB!!! lol. 

  12. Get rid of the bear Rob! I would be so much more fun for spooning! :)

  13. Ummm......yes?!

  14. Oh Meg, this sounds so fucking stressfull. I think I would worry 24/7 and have grey hair before I'm 30 if I have your life. LOL
    But your boy sounds like a tough guy. So good luck for the upcoming games and tell him to kick ass!

  15. FUCKIN' A!! CONGRATS TO LIL' MAN! Hope he's feeling better. I bet his adrenaline kept him going.

    I'll do my best to make your panties soaking wet!

  16. And yes my pussy is holding a teddy bear...just to help lure Robward because of his teddy bear fetish.

  17. Yah he was excited and still some post concussion symptoms today so off to the DR we go, thankfully our DR got us in for 2:50; we can also get his bronchitis checked at the same time. 

  18. Thanks PL! It is too fucking stressful! He's off to the DR today. 

  19. I hope the lil' fella feels better! *smooch for him*

  20. LMFAO!!! that was priceless!

  21. woo kinky!! LOL

  22. I'll do anything to get THE ROB in me...even fuck a teddy bear.

    And I know you would do the same. I'm sure your freak number is higher than mine. LOL
