Saturday, January 7, 2012


Of course the only good movie on tv right now is The Notebook. And yes I'm a sappy bitch for it. I'm boo-hooing already and it's only been on for 40 mins.

The tears start swelling up at the scene where Noah tells Allie that he'll be whatever she wants. GOOD GOD!

And now I'm going to go buy the blu ray of this movie.


  1. I'm having to use my shammanties to absorb my tears. SO NOT COOL!

  2. Awww, it'll be ok! Just wait till the end of the movie! :-)

    Yeah....The Notebook....Ryan Gosling.......Yeah....swoon

  3. Shammanties have a dual use.  Who knew?
    I cry at EVERTHING....  From the collapse of our educational system, to a monkey giving a kitten a flower.... I am a complete sap... 
    It's kind of ironic though, I NEVER pick out love stories... it's not really my genre... but, that is where I found my Robsession.
    Years ago, friends would tell me about the Twilight books, and I'd be like, "No, thank you!"
    Then I saw the previews in 2008, and that Rob (Cedric) and Kristen (Zathura... my boys used to love that movie) were starring in it, so I was curious.  I then picked up the book and all hell broke loose!

  4. Love that movie. Now i n eed to watch it again

  5. It's been a couple of years since I watched it. But once I started watching it I couldn't change the channel. And I watched Under the Tuscan Sun before it. I'm a hot mess tonight!

  6. I know how it ends! I already know the ugly Oprah cry is going down tonight.


  7. All hell did break loose didn't it...look at us all now. lol

  8. AAAAAWWWWWW this movie is really good I bawled my head off in it

  9. heres is another "chick flick"/sappy movie which I love and that is Steel Magnolias I love it and also The Big Chill

  10. I LOVE  Under The Tuscan Sun that movie was SO good! it was the best

  11. As for me I am a HUGE HP fan and I have been for 10 years and one time my bff told me about HP and I said oh I don't know and she said just read it you will love it trust me so I went to Borders and I saw the book on display and I picked up looked at it then I put it back down started to walk away and then I thought oh fuck it I'll read it so I bought it and then I took it home and read it then fast forward to 2008 Ihad just finshed the last HP series and I was DESPERATE to read anything and I wet to target and saw this book of Twilight and I thought hmmmm interesting so Ipicked up looked at what it was about and I said oh fuck it just read it I saw Eclipse and NM that same day and bought those and on that day nothing else was the same again all though I will say this when it was announced that HP6 was going top be moved from 2008 to 2009 i was livid I was SO pissed and I wanted to write to WB and yell at them then i find out oh Twilight is going to be a movie and that it took HP's spot that year so I went to see it thinking OH FUCK what if this guy IS 17 and when Rob graced FUCK HOT FINE presences that was it for me!

  12. IKR?! I don't know what the fuck I was doing before Rob came into the picture LOL!!

  13. loved that movie too

  14. I can't get into the HP series. I was flippen through the channels and stopped at the part where Robward was saving Krisbella from James in the ballet studio and thought "Hmm he looks hot" , i know that it was twilight so i thought "hmm i have to watch that" so I had to find out when it was on again so I could see the whole thing , the rest is history.
    Now I'm a fuckin addict

  15. I cried so much tonight watching it that I got a headache now.

    Fucking chick flicks!!

  16. Just goes to show all good movies come from books.

  17. aaaww *goes to give  massage to FB* IKR?! fucking chick flicks have you seen Sleepless In Seattle I loved that movie too oh it's my favorite one

  18. yeah they do and this movie was good :)

  19. LOL! oh wow how time flies and we are still addicted but I love it and I love Rob! and when I saw HP4 and I saw Rob for the first time I though wow he is goooood lookin and it was fate and I had a feeling that I would see him again and then Twilight happen and that's okay if you are not an HP fan  but it is a good series :)

  20. exactly it is just one BIG blurr! xD

  21. Fuck I love The Notebook! I'd always loved Ryan Gosling since I was a kid and he was on Breaker High so it was so awesome to see him in a role like this! All my friends who laugh and call him a geek and so not Hollywood hot, then The Notebook came out and they were all drooling over him! 

    Austin's team won again 8-1 so A finals tomorrow so we play 1 less game now! :) Austin got another hat trick too (3 goals) and also got cross checked from behind and pushed hard into the boards. They didn't like my kids too much! lol 

  22. I have to watch this and Grey's alone I seriously fucking ugly cry during this movie!

  23. I was late to Twilight cause I was leery. Didn't get into it till I had horrible pregnancy insomnia early 2009. 

  24. OMG! They got their baby back!! Bitch went to the door to get a pizza and there's their baby girl. Awwww!

  25. Don't get me started on last weeks episode so where the girl watched her parents and grandmother die from the accident. Ugly herky cry is what I did!

  26. I use to watch RG on the Mickey Mouse Club with Britney Spears,  Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera! Fuck I feel old now.

    Congrats to you Austin for being a bad ass! Ask him if he wants to be our first male BTB! lol

  27. So are Meredith and Derek back together?

  28. never read the book, didn't know there was one.

  29. What??!! Have haven't watched the most recent episodes?

  30. Yeah, not so good I hear. The director made it much better. At the end of the book Allie starts to unbutton Noah's shirt to have sex.


  31. I didn't know about WB moving HP6 and Twilight taking it's spot. Cool factoid!
    When you watched HP4 did you give much thought to Cedric (Rob)? I admittedly thought he was good looking, but thought no more about him... I think there was something that told me he would grace the screen again somehow. Even back then, the scene of him having his name called in the great hall, and in the courtyard with Harry, and on the bridge with Harry.... there was something about him... I could see he had some mad skills. He was, unfortunately, just a tool though... they only needed him do be killed off, so naturally I did not attach any feelings to him. Something stirred when I saw the first previews of Twilight on TV, and saw his name tied to Edward... all of a sudden I had to read the book!

  32. Hell no. Has it been good?

  33. It's not as good as it use to be but the last few episodes are better then what has been for last season or so. I cried about 3 times during the episode.

  34. lol maybe I should have slept and had a crazy ass pregnancy dream to write  book off of? 

  35. I think I was 5 when that show was on! lol.

    He really is a bad ass, seems as though my rebel son was probably playing with a mild concussion for the 3rd period today and they still won the championship and he was 4 points himself! But ya no BTB membership for him..... he doesn't need to learn how bad his mom swears or is a pervert! lol. We'll save that till I embarrass him at his wedding one day! 

  36. Fuck I was trying to hold it in cause DH came home early from Fire practice. Fucker knows thats not allowed on Thursday nights when Grey's is on! 

  37. I know! I had Happy tears there! YAY!!!

  38. Go watch the last episode and the one before the winter break!

  39. During the whole show I was thinking that Meridith and Derrick would take in the kids from the crash. Then the oldest said she just turned 18. Then I thought she might want M&D take in the youngest 2. My head and emotions was all over the place during that episode. It was so good! Almost worth the 4-5 week wait for a new episode!

  40. I never watched the past season on ABC. I started watching it on Lifetime then I got addicted. WTF?!

  41. I'm only a few years older than you! Awwww...sis! lol

  42. Maybe so! But do you really want people calling you a twinkie bitch? lol

  43. True but how could I be a twinkie bitch if I've never had a twinkie? lol. 
