Thursday, January 12, 2012


Raise your hand if you were somewhat surprised by Rob's buzz-job?
*raises hand*
But should we really be shocked by Rob? Isn't he always doing something that makes us say...WTF? I FUCKING LOVE HIM or I'D LOVE TO FUCK HIM!
Either way he always gets to nipples up and a labia clap from me!

But the real question is, what's next??

Will our Rob get inked??


  1. Um if he gets inked, he will make me like him even more than I do right now!!!

    Who the fuck am I kidding, I still love him no matter what!

  2. Inked? Not sure my cooter could handle the thoughts that would swirl through my mind if that happened...that back of his with a tattoo would just be...UNF!

  3. I would trace every INCH with my tongue...and then I would do the same with the tattoo. ☺

  4. *licks lips* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm DAMN he looked so FUCKIN HOT! UNF on the shirtless Rob *traces finger over tattoo and slides down*

  5. I guess you're having your breakfast early today.

  6. LOL!!   and I have to admit I do miss his FH hair but all in all he looks FUCK HOT anyway NAKED would be good *shrugs shoulders* just sayin.....

  7. mmmmmmmmmmmm can I join you ;)

  8. he should get one on his shoulder blade mmmmmmmmmmmmm tasty!

  9. I am going to see his acceptance speech :) ps I wonder if he will be attending the GGA's???

  10. I heard he was. But who knows....looks like and rumor is he has a flu or cold. He needs to head over to our BTB clinic/spa for some TLCF!! (TENDER-LOVING-CARE-FUCKING)

  11. LOL!! yeah and desert too!

  12. ha ha hahah aha okay can I least stand in line I know and bring a book of War And Peace

  13. yes he should head over to our clinic for some SERIOUS(as ya said!) TENDR LOVING CARE FUCKING  I hope the rumor is true that he will be there at the GGA's but either way I will watch them I think Rick Gervais is fuckin hilarious!  and also the movie The Help is nominated love it

  14. I will definitely show him some TLCF!

  15. Rob just loves to suprise us doesn't he?! The buzzcut doesn't really bother me. It's better than the halfcut he had during ComicCon! LOL
    Rob, just stay the way you are and shock us with your crazy ideas. As long as Kristen is happy with it.

  16. I think she has the same mentality as the rest of us BTBs. FUCK ME, ROB and play me a song!

  17. I'm sure you would! Show him how you do a "attacking zone" and a "body check".

     Yes, I used hockey lingo and yes I had to look them up. lol

  18. OMG, yes! Who cares about the hair if you have the monstercock to play with!

  19. You know what I wonder a lot.....  Do Rob or Kristen ever come to sites like this and read the comments?... I have a feeling they do (whether they would admit to it or not)... and furthermore, do they ever post comments under an alias????  
    Maybe Rob is "stewy'sbox"  and Kristen is "BJ4Rob"  LOL!

  20. OMG FB I love it! Hopefully Rob will be up for a hat trick as well! 

  21. Maybe Kristen and Rob are Marcela and FreezeBurn...hmmmm.

  22. Oh FUCK YEEEESSS!  Who is star4????....  Tom.

  23. If it is, CONGRATS on your engagement and baby on the way!

  24. Thank you!  BTW, Rob, will you and Kristen be the God Parents?  It would be an honor.  You would be perfect religious guidance counselors for him/her.

  25. Absolutely!
