Sunday, December 4, 2011

Naughty Girls: What's in your Christmas List??

What kind of BTBs would we be if we didn't share the best of the best Twilight gifts out there this holiday season!!!??

We got all your Must-Have items in store! TOP 10 TWIGIFTS! 
So get your pen & paper ready... YOU KNOW YOU WANT ALL THESE!!!

FB and I have personally tested and tried out all these, to present you with only the most awesome ideas! You will be envied....

#10 The Hair Bow
- A beautiful accessory, I tried to model it... but it would't stay on!
Well, it must be the lack of hair. FB tried to tell me that it goes ON YOUR HEAD, but that's just silly!

****More After the break!!!

#9 The Bathroom Set

-Because who wants to be in the crapper without Robward? Right? Eeekkkk

#8 The Etsy Tampon Case
-Oh, this one I understand! We all know how Edward loves blood!

#7 The Lion/Lamb/Wolf Wall Art

#6 The Coffin-Vampire-Box-Thing
-The lined paper really gave it the final touch...

#5 Edlow or Edward Manlow, your choice

Eh, I can't decide, how about BOTH!
A little limp, but good as any dry humping material...

#4 Twi-Xmas
-Because your neighbors MUST know you are a Twi-Tard! 

#3 Dolls, Dolls and More Dolls

Felt Edward - The resemblance kills me, literally...
This is my (Marcela) Must have doll, LOOK! It's like real Edward
it even has the nipples and belly button,  its uncanny!

Err, 'Cute' Edward?...
FB must-sleep-with Doll, can't say I blame her... look at this cutie

for the wolf girls! 

#2 Twilight Book Pages Bangles 
-Because what else can you do once you are done reading the Twilight Saga... Right?
FB and I both have a few of these... 2 words - NOT WATERPROOF! 

And the best of the best for the end! Just what you've always wanted!!!!

#1 The Little Pony Set With Edward & Bella's Faces Stamped on their Asses!
-The little fuckers even sparkle!
Once you reach stardom what else can you aim for??
BUT, your fucking face on an UNICORN'S behind!
We all know these little gay creatures even fart rainbows! <3

Well, I hope you like all we have in store!!
Your goal is for your home to look like this! 

I have no words.... Seriously


  1. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 5:55 AM

    Yes ladies! BTB UNCENSORED is your one-stop shop headquarters! You better get them while you can because these motherfuckers are FLYING off the shelf!

    I actually returned the original gifts I got for Marcela so I could get her some of these. Marcela didn't really need a set of 2 diamond carat earrings!! She needed the HIS & HERS MY LITTLE PONY! OOPS! Don't read this comment Marcela!

    *jumps in front of Marcela, blocking comment*

  2. i would like to have that shower curtain... NOBODY would take a poop in my bathroom anymore...

    the pillow too because i love that pic of Rob... NOT the one with arms (that shit scares me like hell)

    i'm not sure about the garland... where's the apple? and the chess pieces? it feels incomplete

    and well, any of the dolls would be great! they're all so nicely done! with all the details! breathtaking!

    that's it for now... gosh look at that room! i'm so close! so close! i still don't have a cardboard Rob, (Marcela do you believe that?) apart from that (and the creepy lady) it looks like a picture of my room...

    now i'm going to my mother in law (that cow) for lunch, you bitches wish me luck

  3. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 6:16 AM

    GOOD LUCK! May the power of BTB be with you! lol

  4. *covers own eyes* I'm not looking!!! Lol

    Hmmm I slept so good with my manlow... *rolls in bed*


  5. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 7:42 AM

    Mornin' sugar booger! (that sounds so gross when it's typed out)

  6. The lion, lamb, wolf pics are disturbing! WTF?

    The manlow is actually worse than those damn wax statues of Rob!
    The Edlow is definitely more appealing! I could hump that face 24/7!

    "Cute Edward" is a hand puppet! Perfect! I have a messy job for him!
    I hope he's washable!

    Thanks for the gift ideas!

  7. there are no words just no fucking words~

  8. #10 - Is that a bottle cap in the middle of the hair bow?!  We can make our own hair bows, bitches, with all the drinking that goes on around here!  LOL!

    #9 - Is that baby Nessie growing some pot in the bathroom???  WTF!!!

    #8 - I guess it will be ok if one gets blood on this tampon case!

    #7 - Like everyone else, I have no words for the Lion/Lamb/Wolf "art"!

    #6 - Is this where Stephenie stores her twinkies at her bedside???

    #5 - I love this manlow!  I want one so I can put it between my thighs for "lumbar support", of course, bitches!  LOL!

    #4 - Is that another Edward, is it a Jacob, passed out after being to close to her stank-ass???

    #3 - These dolls all look small enough to use as "decorative" tampons!

    #2 - Book page bangles... just in case you are on the go and need toilet paper!

    #1 - If these "ponies" promise "unicorns", then I am buying a life supply of them!!!

  9. Good luck with milking the cow!!!

  10. Good morning, Corazon!!!

  11. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 10:54 AM


  12. LOL!!!!! She's back with a fucking vengeance! LMFAO!

  13. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 11:16 AM

    Her fangs are glistening! I never knew I could be turned on by a pregnant woman. NOW I KNOW. YEP.

  14. CORAZON!!!!!!!


    Congrats on the baby AZ!!!! Now You'll have some time to go back on all the old post and see how many times your name came up!!! LOL FB and I REALLY missed you babe!

    I'm so happy I'm wetting myself!

  15. LOL!!!! Still like it my love!!! 
    I'm so happy AZ is here! Our prayers were definitely answered! 

    *smooches darling*

  16. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 11:18 AM

    I asked her to be a mod/poster. And she said she would in the near future!!!! YIPPY! Could this day get any better??!!

    Maybe it could.....are you pregnant BTB? *evil grin*

  17. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 11:19 AM

    The Heavens opened up and shined down on BTBs UNCENSORED! HALLELUIAH!!

  18. LOL Me? NO WAY LOL
    I'm so happy she's here!!! She could be our Krisbans Rep! LOL 

  19. I am just getting warmed up!  ;-)

  20. If people thought that I was a bitch before, they have seen nothing yet while preggers!!!  LOL!

  21. I HAVE MISSED YOU, TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks!  I will be sure to read on from the beginning!  I hated being away.

    Go put on your shammanties, woman!  LOL!

  22. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 11:33 AM

    There's no one better for that job then her!

  23. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 11:34 AM

    My nipples just got hard. FUCK!

  24. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 12:24 PM

    I want it all and I don't think I could sacrifice a single thing. I'm a greedy twi-bitch. ☺

  25. hello fellow twi-bitch LOL!!

  26. *applauds* that was PRICELESS!! *wipes eyes from laughing*

  27. and shes ROCKS!

  28. well start getting hot and sweaty! I hope you have a girl then you can slowly introduce her to the world of Rob and Twilight LOL

  29. ohhoooo that just made my panties wet

  30. give em hell babe!

  31. *_- nough said

  32. *dying of laughter* that is just too priceless for words!

  33. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 6:17 PM

    backatcha! *wink*

  34. hey O/T for a sec I have some good news Breaking Dawn(PART 1) will be out on DVD and Blue Ray Febuary 11th 2012! and here some SHITTY news in the audio comentary part instead of the cast of Rob and company it will(at least in part one OH WHOPPIE DOG SHIT!!) be BC!(Bill Condon) now I HOPE that once Part 2 comes out on DVD IN 2013 that they will have the audio comentary of the cast(the 4 of them)

  35. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 4, 2011 at 7:37 PM

    That's good and bad news. I'm glad we don't have to wait until March but no cast for the commentary? Really? I don't know if I would even listen to it then.

    Thanks for the update, BTB! U fuckin' rock! *blows kiss*

  36. *blows kisses back* your welcome BTB! well the special features SUCK HAIRY BALLS yeah I'm glad too that we won't have to wait til the spring when I saw the movie I noticed that they left the part of jacob and rose goin at it with the fighting like when she puts FIDO on his dog dish and he does all the blonde jokes and this was susposed to happen when Bella was still preganant

  37. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 5, 2011 at 6:59 AM

    That would have perfect dialogue for the movie. It would have been so easy to write it in and when everyone would have seen it that would have had a BD book moment. 

  38. yeah that would have been a definite BD book moment but MR the CUNT! did'nt put it in there I think the CUNT and Twinkie Queen should hook up oh to see that would have been priceless if they are putting that in part 2 then I am going to find her facebook page and riper one!! I FUCKING that CUNT BITCH!

  39. ya got that right!! :D

  40. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 5, 2011 at 9:05 AM

    Yeah. It was a huge fail. That would have made the movie more relateable to the fans.

    I think SM has been cutting back on the Twinkies. She has lost some weight! I wonder if she started eating virgins instead of Twinkies. Less filling.
    *evil smirk*
