Thursday, December 15, 2011


(Photo is from the Breaking Dawn Pt. 1 Movie Companion)

I really want to be romantic and whimsical about this pic but I can't. All I see when I look at this photo is the knowledge that both of these sets of hands have been wrapped around the Rob pocket monster and also ventured to the Valley of Kristen.

Should someone really get this much pleasure from fingers? Is there a support group for this specific fetish? Oh yeah there is....and I'm already here.


  1. ***runs behind you to join you****


  2. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 15, 2011 at 5:56 AM

    There's something to say about support in numbers. *grabs Aurora's hand* And I don't think we're alone. lol

  3. Right with you FB.  Both of those hands have been wrapped around the monstercock. UNF

  4. Just think about what the people connected to the fingerporn are doing.

  5. *licks screen*

    Yeap, I can almost taste Kstew's cooter and LeMonsterCock...


  6. *hyperventilates*

    Cheese and fries! too early woman... I need my coffee! LOL

  7. He'll yeah...great minds think alike! When I saw this pic I immediately made it my iPad is so sexy, sensuous and fucking hot! How did we get so lucky to have R and K to lust over?

  8. *raises from chair*

    hi! my name is Mariana and..... i'm addicted to finger porn!
    *everyone claps*

  9. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 15, 2011 at 9:32 AM

    I can't believe how jealous I am of fingers. lol

  10. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 15, 2011 at 9:33 AM

    God is a woman. ☺

  11. IKR!? so fucking unfair *ugly cries, stomps feet*

  12. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 15, 2011 at 9:38 AM

    My normal joke would be that I bet they taste like chicken but in the situation I better they taste like Heaven on sex.

  13. We will never be alone!  ALways by each others sides no matter what...well until ROb is there, then we need to separate to each have his scrumptious fingers let his do his Magic!

    Sorry just got back from seeing the movie "Shame" which is basically soft porn but OMG you see penis, seashells, ass, boobies, and just everything of everyone within the 1st 5 minutes of the movie!  Plus lead guy is this hottie and you see all of him! HUng is not the word!!

    Go see it if you can!   

  14. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 15, 2011 at 2:13 PM

    OMG! I heard about this movie last night on E! News! It's only in select theaters! Is that John Hamm?

  15. No Micheal Fassbender! He is super yummy! He was in 300 as one of the beefcakes, in Hex(movie sucked but he was evil villan hottie), played young Magneto in X-class.


  16. speaking of finger porn, in the movie SHAME, the main character guy has a scene about him using his fingers in it!! WHy did i giggle inside my head and think of BTB's???

    You all are sooo computed in my head!  

  17. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 15, 2011 at 4:41 PM

    I need to see this movie. I guess I'll be driving 50 miles to a good theater...again. My town only shows the "blockbusters". *shakes head with disgust*

    Is it a good movie...other then the straight up sex & nudity? lol

  18. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 15, 2011 at 4:42 PM

    LOVE the new pic for the countdown clock for BD2! I might have told you that already a few days ago but I'm drugged and stupid right now. lol

  19. I personally liked it a lot! Shows what it is like for people who deal with sex addiction go thru from this one characters view. Plus it was fucking hot!

  20. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 15, 2011 at 7:04 PM

    Hmmm...I think I'm going to have to see this movie and most likely have a post about it. You inspire me ☺

  21. Awwwwww! Seriously it was good!

    Here is a link that shows one of the scenes from the movie! Yeah hotness!

  22. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 15, 2011 at 7:41 PM

    DAMN! I gotta see this movie now. lol

  23. Their hands are a little limp and wonky.  I want to see some firm grips and WHITE KNUCKLES!!!  UNF!

  24. IKR! I wanna see white knuckle grips! Then you know the deep grinding is going on.
