Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Hello my lovely BTBs!

 I blame my absence on Rob's absence.
It's been tough and here's a glimpse of those months without him...
 Yes, I eat my feelings.

 Yes, I turn into a little Asian boy when I cry.

Where the fuck is he? 
I want this back!
Am I alone?

I love you all and have missed you so much and let's make 2014 another great BTB year. 



★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB® said...

Where are my BTB babies??!!! I woke because I smelled the stank of fish so it must mean DD's back.

Do I stand alone when I think she is starving for attention and only comes scratching at our door when no one else cares?

Why did it take her so many months to reply? Is she that slow it took her that long to come up with a reply?

Dear DD,
We don't care about you and never have. If the only attention you can get is negative then what's that say about you? Go...Live..Laugh..Love and fuck off because we don't give a buttfuck about you.


FB's RubberTOY said...


MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

OMG!!!! I know there was reason my nipples were tingling! LOL


★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB® said...

RubberToy! How I've missed putting you in my mouth and other places! I love youuuuuu, RT!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB® said...

A completely natural reaction when BTB's get together. πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

IheartRP*KS*BTB4EVER* said...

Tell me...are the Bitches back????

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

If it's cause of DD it's smelled like fish for a while! I keep getting comments from I've missed you bitches! I haven't checked here in a while cause.... well it was lonely and I was scared!

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

Fuck I sure hope so!

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

Ahem... I love my BTBs and am asking for their help! Veronica Mars <-- my first fandom obsession is against The Hunger Games this round of the MTV Movie Brawl come vote please!!! Rob has a movie in the brawl too!

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

I hope you guys come back... I really need my BTBs....

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

No one has been back though.... :( Sucks cause I really need my BTBs right now.

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB® said...

Hello? Anyone home?

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

I am but no one else has been.... it's a deserted island here!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB® said...

We'll change that! 😘

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

Fuck I hope so!!!

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...


★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB® said...

I will move Heaven and Earth to make it happen!

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB® said...


★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB® said...


★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB® said...


★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB® said...


DeeDee777 said...

If the only attention you can get is negative, then that makes you a troll. I'm not the one looking for the attention. I'm not the one who posted someone else's work online without their permission. You all were. You were the ones who started this, by doing everything you've done to me. You're the trolls here, not me. So you can keep your fake "smooches" and your catty remarks. It's obvious, by everything you've ever said about me and done to me on here, that you've never cared about me. And that is precisely why I've tried, unsuccessfully, to get you to stop making me your personal punching bag. Yet you persist in acting like the trolls that you are and attacking me over and over again. So if the shoe fits, wear it, honey. I think this is a good likeness of you. Of all of you.

DeeDee777 said...

If the only attention you can get is negative, then that makes you a troll. I'm not the one looking for the attention. I'm not the one who posted someone else's work online without their permission. You all were. You were the ones who started this, by doing everything you've done to me. You're the trolls here, not me. So you can keep your fake "smooches" and your catty remarks. It's obvious, by everything you've ever said about me and done to me on here, that you've never cared about me. And that is precisely why I've tried, unsuccessfully, to get you to stop making me your personal punching bag. Yet you persist in acting like the trolls that you are and attacking me over and over again. So if the shoe fits, wear it, honey. I think this is a good likeness of you. Of all of you.

DeeDee777 said...

smh you don't have to repost it. I was just editing it because my picture posted twice. But whatever . . . you're still a bunch of trolls.

MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

Awwwww FB!! DeeDee is posting pics of her babies!!!

MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

And we still love you, you crazy bitch! Write another ff! Pretty please!!!

DeeDee777 said...

If you don't want to keep getting comments from me, then UNFOLLOW ME. Or haven't you figured that out yet?! It's that simple. Stop being the trolls that you all are and leave me alone. Each and every one of you. And take down any mention of me or my story from this site. Then you won't get any more comments from me, ever again. And then, I'm sure, you'll all stop behaving like trolls, because you won't have me around to be the object of your hate anymore. Isn't it exhausting holding onto all this hatred y'all have for me after all these years? I would think it would be. Isn't it time . . . long past time . . . for all of you to find something else to do besides tear somebody else down?

DeeDee777 said...

The physical appearance of the please makes no difference to me. And I know you don't love me. You're still a troll, you're still just doing all of this to make fun of me because you think it's funny and because it makes you feel good to cut somebody else down . . . and it's still childish, pointless, and it needs to stop. Now. For the last time, take down any and all references to me and my story from this site, grow up and stop acting like a bunch of trolls. And if you don't listen to me this time, then don't bitch, moan and complain because YOU force me to come back in here to tell you the same thing AGAIN later on. I will keep saying the same thing until you actually do it. I don't care how long it takes.

DeeDee777 said...

Nope. That would be your baby picture. Found it on Facebook.

DeeDee777 said...


DeeDee777 said...

.....Keep your "smooches." I don't need or want them. smh

DeeDee777 said...


DeeDee777 said...

Oh, how nice of you to steal the meme that I JUST POSTED. smh Please, do what it says.

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

You obviously do value the opinion of the posters on this page because our comments rattle you, otherwise you would't come back every couple of months to start up drama and get us to take any and all comments about your FF and you down. Sorry it's called freedom of speech, you don't like it you shouldn't have posted your "story" on the internet. Grow up and a get a life.

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

You keep coming back for more so obviously someone is enjoying the negative attention. If you were really a big girl you'd grow up and realize there is nothing you can do about your crap being posted on here.

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

For the last time then why don't we remind you, this is the internet and it's called freedom of speech. You call us trolls but you look for it, you come back and bring up old posts about you, you crave this negativity.

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

LMAO you think I'd actually follow you, you crazy bitch? I don't but when you reply to my comments on here it unfortunately sends it to my e-mail. I don't hold onto any hatred, I don't think about you at all. The only time there is hatred from me on here towards you is when you come TROLLING on here! Isn't it time to grow up and put on your big girl panties.... your story is old news and your the one bringing it up every couple of months.

DeeDee777 said...

Well, if my story, and me for that matter, are "old news" to you, and you and your little clique of "friends" here don't still all get your jollies from harassing me and making fun of me and calling me nasty names, then why wouldn't it be easy for you to just remove all of the "old news" posts about me and my story from this site? smh I WASN'T ASKING you to follow me, nor do I want you to. . . you or anyone else from this stupid BTB Rob-stalker site. smh And pot-kettle, dearie. You're a far bigger troll than I could ever be, even if I was trying to be a troll, which I am most certainly not. There's a difference between sticking up for yourself and trolling. You clearly just don't know the difference, and that's not my problem, it's yours. Plus, I'm not the one who consistently posts crude and vulgar posts about a celebrity I've never even met and probably never will. (Please, GOD, for Rob's sake I hope he never has to be subjected to any of you. smh Though it would be hilarious to see some of your crazy asses carted off to jail because you were caught stalking him somewhere someday. Karma's a bitch . . . and it will catch up with you; it's only a matter of time. Karma's caught up to my ex boyfriend already, and I was able to "see" it happen to him, via contact with a mutual friend. So I know it'll happen to you, too. It's only a matter of time.) And I'm also not the one who keeps on harassing a 45 year old woman whom I've never even met and whom I know nothing about, either . . . you all are. And the only thing I've been trying to do is to get you to STOP TALKING ABOUT ME ON HERE, REMOVE ALL PREVIOUS POSTS REFERRING TO ME ON YOUR SITE, and just LEAVE ME ALONE. I have not been "trolling." I have EVERY RIGHT to ask you to be an ADULT and to remove those derogatory posts about me. And, as an ADULT, you SHOULD be able to just graciously say "All right, if you want us to leave you alone, and if that is what it will take for you to be able to never have any reason to ever have to come onto this site again to defend yourself, then I'll do that." But you're the one who's refusing to be an adult in this situation, not me. My "big girl panties" are firmly in place . . . but it's clear, by the majority of the posts that you GIRLS leave on this site on a regular basis, that y'all need to find yours first before you can even put them on.

DeeDee777 said...

There is a HUGE difference between "freedom of speech" and other terms such as "forum etiquette," "internet libel," "cyber harassment," "internet slander," "internet property infringement" . . . would you like me to go on? I could. Just because it's online and out in cyberspace . . . without my prior knowledge or my consent . . . doesn't mean you have free reign to just do as you please, no matter what the situation is and no matter whose information you are stealing and no matter where you are reposting it without the creator's knowledge or consent. To think otherwise would be the truly immature thing, and that's why I've done my research on the subject, so that I am well aware of what my rights are in this situation. *(And, yes, anything that I personally create does not have to be "copyrited" for it to be exempt from your attempt at a "freedom of speech" excuse just because it is posted on the internet. That is precisely why I stated that my story, in whole or in part, was not to be reproduced or reposted anywhere without my knowledge and my permission. And why I stated that very same thing before each and every chapter of my story, not just at the beginning of the story. That's part of "forum /internet etiquette" as well as "internet property law." My story is now and always has been my personal property, and you stole it from me without my knowledge or permission. And you can't deny that the ONLY reason you stole it in the first place was to publicly mock and humiliate me, which is not only harassment and defamation but it also crosses the line beyond defamation into libel territory. I'm also well aware of the legal ramifications of what you've been doing to me. I just haven't done anything about it because, frankly, you're not worth expending the extra energy after everything I've already been dealing with in my personal life since this whole mess got started, and especially with the health issues I've been dealing with since February. So, again, for the last time, I am not "craving negativity" . . . and unlike you, I never have. I am simply asking you to be a mature adult and remove all traces of me and my story and all of your harassment of me from this site, as soon as possible. That is all.

MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

sorry DeeDee my love, fell asleep half way through this. Send me the cliff notes

MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

What hate! I actually love you!! Lol TEAM DEEBERT!

DeeDee777 said...

smh More evidence that MY "big girl panties" are firmly in place, but y'all need to find yours first before you can even put them on. Oh, and I'd never waste my money on Cliff's Notes, for anything . . . I critiqued Cliff's Notes in my college English classes, as a class assignment. They're a big pile of crapola . . . just like this site, and all of your opinions about me and anything to do with my life. Please just un-"follow" me, now, delete all mention of me and my story from here, and stop giving me any reason to come back here and have to deal with you trolls and this foolishness. It's really getting tedious. I'm moving on in my personal life from my emotionally abusive ex, and I'd like to also move on from all of this, once and for all, but you refuse to let me do that because y'all want to continue to play your baby games.

★FreezeBurn♥RobMyHeart★BTB® said...

Hold the fuck up. First of all, I don't wear panties. I let my wolf-monkey howl commando! Secondly, you and I both (along w/ all my other BTBs) know your “big girl panties" are actually Depends diapers. Because you are so full of shit.

We all know you thrive for any attention. Bad or good. We haven't talked about you in months and here you come making comments again so we'll talk to you and about you.

If you put half your energy into your hair instead of commenting to us you might not have such a rats next on your head. I say that in complete constructive criticism.

But seriously, fix that crap it's 2014.


DeeDee777 said...

OMFG, again with my hair?! What is it with your obsession with my hair?! 1) That picture is TEN YEARS OLD now, because it was taken in January 2004. And 2) The ONLY reason my hair was so curly is because I had JUST gotten it cut, colored and, yes, I had a spiral perm put in it at the time to add body and curl to my usually fine, thin hair, so that it could soften into looser curls as the perm grew out and my hair grew longer. So that "crap" as you call it was brand new, and that's the only reason why it looked as curly as it did. And you think you're so funny with your Depends comment, but it makes no sense whatsoever because there's not even a grain of truth to it, and it only makes you look childish and immature. As does your constant ranting about me "thriving for attention," when you know full well I do not. And I don't put half as much "energy" into responding to your childish comments about ME on here as you have in posting all the crap you have about me on this blog. And you know where you can stick your "constructive criticism." Same place you can stick every single one of your comments that you've ever made about me on here.

DeeDee777 said...


DeeDee777 said...


DeeDee777 said...


DeeDee777 said...

. . . I think that the problem is really with you . . . all of you who have ever had anything negative to say either to or about me on here . . . and your attitude towards me and your actions towards me, and not really with me specifically. And there's only one person who can change that . . . and it's not me. And, since y'all don't have my phone number, and you don't talk to me on a daily basis, then you obviously don't know me well enough to have this big of a problem with me that you'd go to all the trouble of copying and saving my entire Rob fanfic from a website where it doesn't even exist anymore, reposting it here, piece by piece, and tearing both my story and me apart in public just for your enjoyment . . . and then attempting to claim "freedom of speech" as your excuse for continuing to bully, mock and harass me ever since. You DON'T know me . . . none of you do. If you did really know me, then you wouldn't be making fun of me for the past two years like you have, or getting such enjoyment out of it, like you all obviously do. I've read all your comments on all the posts about me. I know how little you think of me, and I know that it doesn't make any sense to me why you feel the way you do about me, because, as this says, if you have a problem with me call me. Oh, wait a minute . . . that's right. Not one of you can call me, because not one of you even is enough of a FRIEND to me to have my number. So THAT'S just another reason why I think that all of this nonsense just needs to stop, now, and you need to just take down all of these blog posts that have any reference to me. None of them are Rob-related, anyway; they're about me, not Rob. There's no reason to even have them on here. Period.

DeeDee777 said...

Oh, and another thing . . .

DeeDee777 said...
