It's been way past due for me to do a post. I have to apologize my life has been a total bitch lately.
BUT not as a big of bitch as our favorite punching bag, DEEDEE777. She must have discovered a miracle drug because the cunt is back!
BUT not as a big of bitch as our favorite punching bag, DEEDEE777. She must have discovered a miracle drug because the cunt is back!
Yes, our sweet little survior is back with fist a blazin'! Her Vitamin B shot must have kicked in because she came after us like Stephenie Meyer at a Twinkie convention.
Here's just a clip of her sad attempt to redeem herself.
*please excuse me while I piss myself laughing*
Oh Heavenly Father above please stop me from laughing before I rupture something and end up next to DeeDee in the hospital.
When I think of Deebert I just want to:
I think that when the world comes to an end all that will be left is cockroaches, Cher, The Kardashians and DEEDEE777.
It's so great to be back and there's a new level of BTB-ism that has been woken inside me.
Brace's hardcore and it's cumming out hard!
p.s. Here's THE JAW...
Hello my lovely, horny BTBS! I've missed you bitches more than Kristen misses the Le Monster Cock!
I'm lost... I don't even remember seeing her crap I remember it from RC and all of the drama that ensued. I missed you bitches, your always leaving me! *cries*
Ahhh what is it about this one? She must have known she'd be a laughing stock and thats why she didn't really want her "story" out there.
Thank God she did! BATL!!!
She started replying to a post from like a year ago. Her stupidity is delicious and hilarious!
AND she comments using one of 80' pictures as her AVI... Dude she's asking for it!
She should be thanking us for putting her in the stardom! LOL
IKR. Some bitches don't appreciate a damn thing.
I have a feeling it might be a current photo. lol
It's being said that te role of CG is between Rob and Henry Cavill. I think they should rewrite and have both. lol
ahhh yah no wonder I don't remember! lol.
Exactly. lol she's like the crazy cousin that only comes out only so often. Usually because she's chewed threw her restraints. lol
Did you hear???!!! The official US release date for FSoG is 8/1/2014!!! And it's being said CG is down to two actors....Henry Cavill and yes, our ROB!
Ummm will I have to hand in my BTB card if I admit I never read FSoG? I tried the book and when it was FF but it's not my type of read.... don;t hate me! lol. I have a friend thats a huge fan though, funny thing is about 6 months ago she started dating a guy named Christian.... well every but Ang calls him Chris! lol. But umm hell yes to Superman and Rob! :)
Your BTB membership is for life! And there's no hate that you didn't “groove" with Fifty.....just a little confusion. j/k lol
Loves ya! 😘😘😘
Loves ya too!!!
Yah I know I'm an odd one! lol.
You're not odd, you're “special". lol
I was about to turn in my BTB status, was feeling so alone...
So, Vegas for August 2014??? BTB weekend bitches!!!
NEVER!!! You are a BTB for LIFE!!!
Ungrateful cow! LOL
It's so good to be HOME!
Since you clearly haven't seen the additional responses I left in your original post, and instead decided to post yet ANOTHER blog post just to make fun of me, I'll re-post this here, as it is in answer to the very same question that was asked both here and in the other post: Why am I so mad?! Hmmm . . . I'll tell you why. Scroll up to the BABY PICTURE. I KNOW you posted that picture as a "joke," but it's NOT FUNNY. That baby, whoever he or she is, was born with the SAME BIRTH DEFECT that I was born with . . . Hydrocephalus. How do I know this? The baby's skull is enlarged, which is a classic sign of hydrocephalus because it is caused by spinal fluid building up around the brain--which, if left untreated, would cause progressively worse brain damage and eventual DEATH. Also, the baby's eyes are crossed down and in--another classic sign of hydrocephalus in infants, including myself. I had corrective eye surgery as an infant to "uncross" my eyes. In my lifetime, I have survived seventeen brain surgeries, and I also survived having meningitis when I was two. And I lived to disprove all of my neurosurgeon's claims when I was born that I would either a) not live to see my 18th birthday or b) even if I did, I would likely have so many physical and mental challenges that I would be unable to graduate from high school let alone college. I am now 44 years old, and I graduated from college with a Bachelor's degree in English when I was 23. Yes, it took me five years to graduate rather than four. But it took my older brother SEVEN years to graduate from college, and he wasn't the one born with a birth defect. He just took seven years to graduate from college because he was "so smart" when he went to college at 18 (after spending his high school years in all sorts of AP classes) that he got "bored"--and he started partying and joined a fraternity. Flunked out and worked his way back in not once but twice, and THAT'S why he took seven years to graduate--not because he was "a retard" or any other nasty label you'd want to put on it. And there are plenty of other people out there who have taken five years, or longer, to graduate from college, too, for many reasons including financial reasons. So just the fact that I graduated at all is an accomplishment, and yet I still graduated in less time than a lot of people take to graduate as well. Now that I'm 44 years old, and now that I've lived with my hydrocephalus for all of those 44 years, I have also developed a seizure disorder called essential tremors. I bet you're just DYING to make fun of me for that now, aren't you?! *rollseyes* Pathetic, sick, and sad that you all get your jollies from picking on people with disabilities . . . especially for those of you who work in the health care field. Is it just because you don't understand what hydrocephalus is/never learned what it is/never knew anyone in your life who had it? Or is the fact that I wrote about all of this--my hydrocephalus, the brain cancer, etc.-- because I have direct personal knowledge of it, is that what makes you uncomfortable? Or do you just like making fun of people with disabilities?
"Burning bush wig"? Really?! *facepalm* It's a PERM, you idiot, and it was one that I'd only just had done about two weeks prior to this picture being taken, so it was new, and the curls were tighter.
And why is that, exactly? Why should I be "thanking" you for posting my story ON MULTIPLE WEBSITES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION? Would you like it if someone did that to you? I think not!
That picture was taken in January of 2005, and in the picture I was holding my newborn niece on the day she came home from the hospital. It's not an "80s picture."
If I'm such an "ungrateful cow," then why are you following me on Disqus now?
I FLOVE that you called me an idiot and you are the one getting perms. LMAOOOOOO!
NEVVVVVVVERRRRR! How could you leave us just when Deebert has returned??!!!! LOL
I missed you more! Now let me motorboat your breasticles!!!
You know you love it. Just the same way a cutter likes to cut. It hurts so good it gets you off that we are talking about you. You are just as twisted as your perm.😱😱😱
WHY NOT??!!! You are such an awesome train wreck to watch. And I think we're all hoping you write a sequel.
BATL!!!! It just gets funnier each time I read it!!!!😂😂😂
FUCK. TO.THE.YES. And now it seems Rob might be the top contender for the role of CG.
Speaking of baby pics. We found yours!!!
Awwwww!!! You are so cute! I just want to fill that over sized head with candy and hang you from a tree and let my BTBs take turns swinging a stick at you! I bet you are so popular at birthday parties! 😄😃😀
You shouldn't call her a whore. A whore is someone who's actually been fucked. And she's only been fucked over. lol
Come closer so I can dry hump your leg...there we go! Gawd, I've missed you guys! I've had to resort to various Rob/Kristen blogs that end up fighting about that fact that they may be fighting...but no mention of great make-up-monkey sex! What is wrong with those people???
Or they could play either Gabe, Jace or Ash from the Breathless series of books...those are HOT!!!
Or just have Rob play Beautiful Bastard , "The Office"...I would love to see that one on film!
You better do more than peek and wink! I want a strip show! Shack dat ass for us!!!😘😘😘
I haven't heard of The Breathless Series! I did watch an interview with Sylvia Day (The Crossfire Series) and her series is being developed for a tv series. Better be for HBO, Showtime or Cinamax!
*starts to google search Breathless series*
But my avi is showing an ass for you FB. I'm a good girl. Btw I missed you a fuckton!
YES YOUR AVI IS!! And you know IM LOVIN IT!!!
And I've missed yoU! Sorry for the long absence. RL had me by the nips and I couldn't pull away. 😢😢😢
But I'm back now!!😍😍😍
I haven't read The Office yet! I know, I'm horrible...don't even look at me!! I'm a BTB disgrace😵😵😵
Boob honks and humps for you! I have spent my time drooling over the rob tag on tumblr
Those other sites just prove their morals are in the wrong place. LOL 😉
Tumblr is great for Robporn gifs!
He gives me ladywood
WHAT! I can e-mail it to you if you like. I have both books now, Beautiful Bastard and Beautiful Stranger. Only BB is based on Twilight FF though, the other is an extra bonus porn book! Quite entertaining while riding the bus to work in the morning!!!
Oh, I would soooooo watch and record and replay that series many times! The Breathless Series is Rush, Fever and Burn will be out in August...I highly recommend them!
I concur...
BTB, you are not alone.
I just checked my library porn and I do have The Office but I don't have Beautiful Stranger. PLEASE! Email it to me! You got my addy?
Reading it on the bus, eh? I but you get that sexy evil, dirty grin when you hit bumps...don't lie! lol
Oh, shucks I only have The Office...Beautiful Stranger was never a Twi FF that I know of. I think they just wanted to write more smut.
And luckily on my bus there are more people who don't speak English than do, so yeah, I get to read porn while bumping down the good is that?
That is so good it makes me wanna break out in song:
You can't copy write fanfiction. Once it's on the internet it's free reign, don't like it, don't post it. Simple as that, now get a life.
BTBs like to follow the crazy, simple as that. Your crazy.
I think you need to realise it's not your disorders or sickness that get mad fun of, it's your "fanfiction" your writing and the way you present yourself. Your 44 your on here starting internet fights? Really?
What you didn't miss me? What the fuck! lol
I gotta say reading through these comments is just what I needed... I have had a fucking horrible couple of days and needed my BTBs!
If you miss one BTB you miss us all. It goes without saying. lol 😍
Preach it, BTB! Amen!🙏🙏🙏
We're here for you! XOXOXO
In her mind she looks like Kristen. I think there's another disorder that hasn't been diagnosed with her yet.
Phew okay.... I was feeling unloved for a moment there! :)
Thanks FB I need that, it's going to be a hard week.
ooo we're playing that? Can I look like Katy Perry she has awesome boobs! :)
Never feel that way....even if you haven't read Fifty. lol
Take my word, big boobs are more trouble than they're worth. I'd give anything to be a B cup again. I'm a 34D...pure hell.
Thanks FB it was a good day.
But they look so nice! Did I tell you what hubby said to me a while ago?
I was laying in my bed reading and he came in to talk to me and was using my boob as a pillow and I told him to move, he said "Why, they're nice and flat just how I like my pillows!" bastard! lol.
Do I need repeat my story of what happend at the grocery store??!!!! Small-Medium are PERFECT!
Damn! Now that's a backhanded compliment! You should have asked him does he also like his balls blue? lol
LMAO FB I need your every day wit in my life babe!
I'm there in spirit. So when you feel an ass pinch or boob squeeze....that's me!! lol
Oh good, thought I was going crazy, which is very plausible too! :)
Have I told you how much I missed you Bitches?
It's not your imagination, IT'S ME! 😀😀😀
Yes you have. But tell us again. It's makes me warm and tingly in my lady bits! 😘
WTF?! In YOUR mind, maybe YOU think you look like Kristen, but I don't think I do. I think the person with the "disorder" is the one who keeps on "starting internet fights" with someone you don't even know. *(And of course that's not me, it's all of you.)
I'm not the one starting anything. YOU started this "internet fight" when you started posting all this garbage about me ON THIS BLOG. And "the way I present myself"? I'M not "presenting myself" on here . . . YOU ARE! You're presenting YOUR VERSION of who YOU THINK I am, when you're so far off base it's ridiculous. I mean, really . . . does it make you feel better to cut someone else down, no matter what the reason? Do you feel like a big girl because you're sitting behind the anonymity of your computer and spewing all this garbage about me, when you don't even know me? Just the fact that you mentioned my age like it's some sort of negative thing proves to me just how IMMATURE you are. And I'm definitely not just talking about your chronological age, either. . . whatever that may be.
I wasn't saying it was "copyrighted" . . . What I said was that I was the ONLY person whose story you posted on MULTIPLE WEBSITES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, when my story, and ALL of the other stories by ALL of the other authors on the password protected fanfiction site where I'd originally posted this stated THE EXACT SAME THING at the start of each of their stories. And, at least according to the Admins of those password protected fanfiction sites, they wouldn't allow members to do what you've done to me. For that matter, my story hasn't been on ANY site for over a year now . . . so the ONLY way you would have been able to copy and paste as much of my story as you did would be if you had actually DOWNLOADED and SAVED my story onto your computer BEFORE it was removed from the two sites where I'd previously posted it. You wouldn't have had "free reign" to do that, according to the rules of the two sites where my story had previously been posted. And you didn't go around posting nasty messages about anyone else's stories. Just this one, just one of mine. So I'll say it again . . . would you like it if someone did that to you? I think not!
Twisted? No, that would be you, obviously. You obviously "get off" on talking about me.
My what? Oh, nvm. Clearly you won't get the humor in that question, since you obviously don't even know elementary school-level grammar. *facepalm*
It doesn't matter where you posted it, the fact is you posted it on the internet. If someone did that to me I'd be able to wear my big girl panties and not cry about it like a bitch baby. You need to get a life, maybe go buy some new batteries for your boyfriend.
Oh my god I'm so hurt that your criticizing my grammar on an internet blog, guess I should go slit my wrists.... better yet I'm going to go get into bed with my husband and wake up to my 3 beautiful children. Hope you remembered to pick up batteries for the boyfriend DeeDee! I think you need a name change too, DeeDee666 suits you more!
Your the one that keeps coming to this website.
Umm your age is a negative thing when you act like you do. You are the one posting on here and presenting yourself this way. I haven't posted anything about what I think you are. Sounds to me like your deflecting.
Please remember this is about you, not me. We're here to help you.
NAH! Just kidding. You crazy fucking cunt! LOL
If you weren't enjoying this attention you wouldn't be replying. You are so transparent. Let me were neglected as a child? A family member touched you inapproprately? There's a reason why you are sucking up all this attention. You are an epic fail. And you can't even defend yourself without sounding even more stupid and pathetic.
It's because your story was so hilarious! You made Twilight look realistic compared to your story. You sealed your fate when you released that fucked up fantasy.
Oh yeah, happy 4th of July!
I will not lie. My nipples do get hard when I get a reply from you. I think I'm falling in love!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Oh no! Didn't you hear? Her vibrator got battery cancer😢 we're expecting a fanfic about it very soon.
I hear Rob is a scientist who dedicates his life to saving it. BATL!
DAMN! You slammed that bitch! *breast-bump*
Because its the only attention she gets. She had to reply to a post that's almost a year old to get attention. That's all the proof we need.
Wait a minute . . . YOU'RE MARRIED?! If you're married, then what the hell are you even doing in a site like this, posting the things you do about an actor that YOU'VE never even met either? If I were married, I'd have to think my husband wouldn't like it too much if I were posting some of the crap that you and your "friends" post in here about Rob. And you're a mother besides? PFFFFT! What a WONDERFUL example you're setting for your children. *rollseyes* And just exactly why do you think that "DeeDee666 suits [me] more"? I'm not the one who's been posting all this garbage online about a person she's never even met and (clearly) doesn't even know at all. Oh, and the batteries? I'll give those back to you . . . along with the imaginary "boyfriend" you think that I have . . . because it's obvious that you need it more than I do. Clearly your marriage/sex life and your family aren't giving you enough satisfaction, so you continually have to post garbage like this online, on one website or blog page after another . . . all of your "fantasies" about Rob, and all of your pathetic attempts to attack me over and over and over again. Why don't you just let this whole thing go already, put YOUR "big girl panties" on and get on with your life as a WIFE and a MOTHER, like you SHOULD be doing?
Not "deflecting" . . . simply referring to "you" in general terms, referring to all of you as a group, not singling you out personally.
Pot, kettle. You're the one who clearly "enjoys the attention" you get from posting the things that you have on here about me, like this post for example. You're the one who's transparent, not me. And it's "stupid and pathetic" that you have to go on sites like this and post messages like this about someone you don't even know. Your "guesses" were totally off base . . . at least about me, they were. I can't say with any certainty whether you were making those "guesses" based on your own personal life experiences . . . because obviously I don't know you any more than you know me personally . . . but the truly "stupid and pathetic" thing is that you feel you have to say things like that at all, especially about someone you don't know and have never met.
And another thing . . . I really don't have the time to keep dealing with any more of your childish games on here, because right now I'm worried about a friend who is in the hospital with Stage IV liver cancer. Go ahead . . . make a joke about that. I dare you. Actually, I take that back. I know I don't even have to "dare you" to say anything because I know for a fact that I can expect you to make a joke about what I've just told you. I mean, why not? You've consistently turned everything else I've said into a "joke" that you think is just "so funny" that you have to keep blogging about it over and over and over again. So go ahead . . . make fun of someone I love like a family member dying of stage IV liver cancer. That'd just prove that you all are the ones "presenting yourselves" in an extremely negative manner.
*tap*tap*tap* Anybody here? Damn, they all left again....Come back bitches! Marcela, I put Little Ashes Rob on my avi just for you!!!!!
Well Jesus Christ! I fucking missed EVERYTHING!!! Well hello bitches!
You can think what you want just like I can have my own opinions but you are no better than anyone here, even if you think you are. Especially when you start to question someone as a mother and a wife. My husband has read some of the stuff on here and thinks these woman are hilarious. My kids are well looked after and loved. Do you have kids or a husband.... yah didn't think so. Don't start telling me what I SHOULD be doing.
Hi Angela!!! Missed you BTB!
I'm here, DeeDee is now bashing me as a wife and mother, hypocritical bitch!
FB come back! It's my birthday and I want my BTBs! :)
I told hubby Vegas for my 30th bday which is July 16th 2015....
Well, it sounds like she needs to take a chill pill for fear of getting BTB bitch-slapped....
Good Morning Angela! Damn glad to see ya!
So Rob is probably in Toronto filming Map To The Stars...he's gonna look so gorgeous driving a limo this time 'round...maybe we'll get more RobLimoSex again!!!!
Thanks BTB, yah she isn't worth it. I just find it hilarious thats she's here bitching at us for bashing her fic and whatever and then she says that? LMAO
My husband also reads what's on here sometimes...he's a big KS fan so if there's any Krisbian discussion, he wants to know about know how guys are...if I didn't have my BTB/Rob outlet my family would not be happy with me....this is for me! A happy mom makes a happy family!
Missing you again....
I'm sorry but where the hell does my tone imply that i think I'm better than my BTBs? It doesn't. Get your head out of you ass it isn't a hat. Also I never asked why you didn't have kids, yes you gave those reasons but I'm also guessing you didn't have people lining up wanting to go on that journey with you. Oh and saying you can have an opinion about how I should parent cause your an "auntie" is fucking hilarious! Aunties aren't the ones who are up at 2 am with sick kids, and waking up at 5 am to make sure the kids get to their hockey games. Aunties don't have to still cook, clean, be a taxi driver ect when they are sick and all they want to do is lie in bed and sleep. I am a MOTHER not an auntie and I am FUCKING good MOTHER! So why don't you get off your high fucking horse and just fuck off you twat. I'm done trying to be civil. I owe you nothing and I'm done talking to you. You can say whatever you want but your not worth it, your worse than a crumb on my shoe.
UNF I tried to tell hubby we should do a family vacation to Toronto, the kids and hubby can goto the Hockey Hall of Fame and I can try to get peeks of Rob, he laughed at me.... the man hates the idea of any vacation in
Ugh she replied to me, why is the devil after me?!?!? LOL.
Please stop "guessing" anything about me or my life, especially when your guesses are continually way off base and completely uncalled for. And, while I may not have HUMAN children, I have, in fact, taken care of a sick 12 year old cat who lost nearly half of her body weight and had to be put on a feeding tube for the better part of a year because she had developed fatty liver disease. Because I live alone, I was the only one who could bring her home from the animal hospital, with a feeding tube in her neck. I was the only one who could feed her when she needed to be fed via the feeding tube, give her the medications she was prescribed when she needed to take them, and because she also couldn't even stand up or walk for much of that time, I also had to keep her in my bathroom, with the floor (and, at night, my bathtub) lined with pads, clean her up after every time she "eliminated waste." I, too, was up at 2 am . . . and, at times, all night . . . with her, and yet I still had an entire apartment to take care of, plus feed and care for my other (healthy) cat, plus do all of my regular, everyday household chores, plus go grocery shopping whenever I needed anything for myself, pick up my own prescriptions, etc., etc., etc., etc. And I had to take Allie back to the animal hospital not once but twice before she finally turned a corner and began to get better. Also, I had to do all of those things for myself even after I'd had my hysterectomy. So, yes, I know exactly what you are describing, just under different circumstances. And, to be honest, if you think that my being an aunt instead of a mother means that I am "worse than a crumb under [your] shoe, then I hope for your sake you are not now and never will be an aunt, because clearly you think that being an aunt instead of a mother is somehow lowly or unworthy.
Sounds to me you made your poor cat suffer so you wouldn't be lonely. You accuse me of making accusations about your life and then you turn around and do it yourself... pot meet kettle! I am an auntie, I have 5 nieces and 1 nephew plus friends kids. I never said at all that an aunt is lowly or unworthy but it DOESN'T compare to a mother. The fact that you keep comparing sicks cats and nieces and nephews to being a mom shows that you have no understanding of what being a parent is.
EEERRMMERRGERRDDDD I was beginning to think BTB didn't exist anymoreeeeeee
Hello...hello...anybody here? BTB's come back! FB, Marcela! Get the cocklight out!
OMG!!!! just saw this! peed my pants and farted a little!!!
i just porn moaned reading this lmfao!!
i fucking love you woman!
You make me hurt so good!
crap, i really tried to read this, but nodded off after the first sentence...
better get busy with more fanfic woman, you are getting no-fun!
YOU'RE BACK! Holy fuck balls did I miss you!!!😭😭😭
If you don't pee, fart or shaft then it's never really that funny. LOL
dude im back in europe! fucking no internet no-where!!!!!
fuck me sideways!!!! ive missed you like a twat!
Angela my darling!!!!
And just how exactly would you know whether or not I've been "fucked" by now? (That fanfic is a few years old, after all.) Please don't talk about my life unless you know what you're talking about. Kthanxbye.
This wasn't even "addressed" to you, or in response to anything you had to say, so your "critique" is meaningless to me. And it's not my fault if you're so ADD that you can't even read a simple post online without "nodding off after the first sentence." *(Oh, wait, is that ADD or maybe it's narcolepsy?!) As for writing fanfics, I most certainly will not write any more fanfics for you or anyone else to steal and to criticize and vilify, on here or on any other website. The only websites where I USED to post my fanfics, either I'm no longer a member there, or the sites have been shut down. I am continuing to write, but it's a fanfic I'm co-writing with a friend, and it's for our own enjoyment only and will never be posted anywhere where any of you can ever get your hands on it. And I've also had far more important things that I've been dealing with in my personal life lately, including the death of a man who had been like a brother to me for 25 years. So pardon me if I don't want to play along with your stupid games anymore, or be your "punching bag" anymore. If you want to read fanfics so badly, why don't you write your own?! Then maybe, if you actually DO write something on your own . . . or once you get a few stories under your belt . . . then you can actually speak from experience when you criticize someone else's work in the future. Oh, and of course, having a Bachelor's degree in English would also help to lend credibility to your criticism of someone else's writing. So unless and until you (and this goes for any one of you who have made snide comments about me and/or my fanfic on this website or any other) suddenly have a BA in English, I'd suggest that you stop criticizing me and this story, on here or on any other website or social networking site.
Can't put batteries in a man. And I'll say it again . . . that story WAS written a couple YEARS ago, so how do you know whether or not I have a man in my life now? The answer to that is that YOU DON'T KNOW. So please just shut up about anything to do with my life, and stop speculating about things that you have no direct personal knowledge of whatsoever.
"Take a little time to reflect on what you are missing in your life the next time you make fun of someone or bully them...they are not the problem, you are."
To "FreezeBurnRobMyHeart: "Take a little time to reflect on what you are missing in your life the next time you make fun of someone or bully them...they are not the problem, you are."
We don't bully. We celebrate life in every second we live. You are the weirdo that comes scratching at our door like a dying cat. Remember you come to us, not us coming to you. Your desperate actions are sad but hilarious also.
I see from your inspirational comments to many of us that you finally read the book, Eat, Pray, Love. It's also a movie now, check it out!
Well, fuck me in the ass and shave my monkey! Fucking DeeDee got us back together! LOL I fucking love that crazy cunt
WE'RE BACK! So sorry for being lazy bitches! Forgive us? 😍
We've been real bad. I think we need a spanking!
Here's how I feel about all of this, and about all of your attitudes towards me . . .
This is for calling me a "crazy cunt" . . .
Just saw this online, and it stated very well something that I realized a long time ago, about all of you on here who have made it your mission in life to insult, mock, degrade and humiliate me online as much as you possibly can. . . . Goodbye, all. Believe whatever you want to believe about me. I don't really care. My family and my friends all know the real truth, and those people in my life who have seen the way that all of you have treated me on this site all agree that you're not worth wasting any more of my time and energy on, and I should just move on because like this says, I can't stop the rumors from starting and I can't really change peoples' minds who believe the rumors about me that all of you have started on here. It's obvious I'll never get you to stop doing what you've been doing, it's obvious that you'll never delete all the negative posts about me from this blog, and it's obvious that you're never going to understand my feelings about how you all have treated me. So I'm done. Goodbye, and good riddance. Move on with your small minded little lives, and find some other unlucky person to harass. I'm not your little playtoy anymore.
Oh, and you "don't bully" huh? Hmmm . . . Let's look at the original blog post, shall we?! . . . "But not as big of a bitch as our favorite punching bag DeeDee777. She must have discovered a miracle drug because the cunt is back." Referring to me as your "favorite punching bag" is something that only a bully would do, and so is calling me nasty names like "cunt" and "weirdo." Oh, and then there's the little comment in here from about a year ago, when you, FB, posted a pic of some random girl who clearly has hydrocephalus, and then decided to be very nasty about it and claim that it was "my baby picture" *(when it wasn't even a picture of a baby in the first place. smh But w/e) And you said, and I'm quoting here: "Speaking of baby pics we found yours!!! Awww, you are so cute! I just want to fill that oversized head with candy and hang you from a tree and let my BTBs take turns swinging a stick at you. I bet you are so popular at birthday parties." You don't consider THAT to be "bullying"?! smh If not, then there's something seriously wrong with your attitude about how you think you should be able to treat other people. And that's not even the half of all of the things that you and others have said and done on here to bully me. Oh, and then there's the snide comments about my sex life (which is none of your business anyway, btw, so you really should just shut the hell up about it. I shouldn't have to tell you who I have and have not slept with. I'm a 45 year old woman, not a child. Unlike you, the "woman" who is constantly behaving like a child. smh) And, despite what you think, I don't "come scratching at your door like a dying cat," I don't "lurk" in here, I don't check every singe day to see if any one of you brainless bimbos has posted anything else nasty about me. And I do have a life. A very full life. I just moved into a new apartment *(literally just last week), so naturally I have been preoccupied with that. I also have a new man in my life, so I am moving on from my ex David who had abused me mentally, emotionally and verbally--and probably the only reason he couldn't try to abuse me physically was because we were in a long-distance relationship and he was in Texas and I'm in Indiana. And I am happy
*(and, yes, I know, you don't care about any of this, but I'm just stating it so that you'll know that I don't just sit around all day twiddling my thumbs and waiting for responses from any of you, and that yes I do have a life . . . a very full life, and one that is, now, finally, quite happy, thank you very much, in spite of everything I've gone through in my personal life in the past year. smh And I really don't think about any of you or this site much at all, unless and until I either see that someone has posted a response to something I said on here, or unless I see something online that relates to what I felt needed to be said to you. Just like this message I'm posting now, about your bullying. That is all. Period.)
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