Tuesday, May 21, 2013

No more Robsten.... AGAIN??

So the rumor mill says Rob is a single man again *sharpens cougar teeth* 

What the hell happened?!?

Did he finally realize BTB are the women of his dreams? Why have one , when you can have them all!!! Right?!?!

Well, tell me in the comments why you think they broke up, or who will be the best replacement for Kstew... Fell free to add my name!! LOL

**Love you girls, sorry for the absence again, real life was sucking BIG TIME!


IheartLMC*BTB*Rover*MBL#1*MTTS said...

ALOHA! *waves to all the BTB's* ok, so IF Rob is single he should date....ME! 'cause I'm a selfish bitch! He said he would not be against dating an older woman....oh, and never mind that I have a husband....LOL!

Tiffany Wallace said...

Ok. One, that picture is heavenly. Two, I think they just ran their course. They aren't forced to be together anymore because Twilight is over. They don't have to be lovers and best friends. And life is life. People grow. Maybe he wants an older woman who knows what she wants and treats him right. I'm sure there is a list on here somewhere he can choose from, right?! :)

MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...


YES!!! we come as individuals or as a package! LOL

He can pick from a variety of hot mommas! The only thing we don't have is SANE! LOL

MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

My husband know the only man I'd leave him for is Rob LOL!!!!

Ever Cardboard Rob sometimes takes his place! LOL

IheartLMC*BTB*Rover*MBL#1*MTTS said...

I fucking love me some cardboard Rob...top or bottom, I can make either end work for me!

IheartLMC*BTB*Rover*MBL#1*MTTS said...

I would gladly step up to be that "older women who knows what she wants and treats him right"!!!! But seriously, if they did break up, I feel sorry for the next girl he dates - she will be ripped to shreds no matter who she is by all the jealous bitches who really think they have a chance with him...

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

I'll add my name to the list even if I'm not really that much older...lol.

MFOXY♥Im.IronMan♥Hard4Rob-BTB® said...

HELL yes!!! BTB to Rob's rescue!!! LOL

♥K~K♥BTB♥Peace.Love.Pattinson♥ said...

I volunteer as tribute!!

✭MegO-BTB✭ said...

Yup! We can show him some fun, kinky times!

RobsfantasticBTB said...

Lmmfao, if there was ever a time to truly use that quote!!!, omg omg!! Perfect!!

♥K~K♥BTB♥Peace.Love.Pattinson♥ said...

FUCK yeah it is!

K2☼_TR♣QotD♦MB♂HO2M said...

Ahahahaha! That was great! They pick 2, so I'm going in with you!!! :0)

♥K~K♥BTB♥Peace.Love.Pattinson♥ said...

Woop Woop