Tuesday, April 30, 2013


As I read this, I was in my kitchen, first thing that popped-up into my head was: this blog, Rob and Kris...

OMG the pain I felt was unreal, it's unthinkable...

*wipes tears*

I remember when I first saw the poster for the movie Twilight; I thought it was juvenile and I refused to go to the theater and support that crap, I had seen the books, but they didn't appeal me at all...

Then, one afternoon, while I was surfing through channels HBO was playing said movie... and I said: "what the hell, I have nothing better to do" So I watched it...

Oh boy, oh boy...

When Edward enters that cafeteria, I was done.

Love at first sight, I never seen that man before, my panties were trembling...

That hair, the loopsided smile, that voice!

From that day on, About three things I was absolutely positive. 

First, Edward was Rob and he was an English man.

Second, there was a part of him, and I didn't know how dominant that part might be, that he was a adorable dork.
And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.


*tears up again*


  1. IheartLMC*BTB*Rover*MBL#1*MTTSApril 30, 2013 at 10:40 AM

    You are making me cry on the fucking bus on the way to work! I love you bitches, never change, never give up, never forget the gorgeous, beautiful Englishman that brought us together! Oh, and the American girlfriend too....lucky bitch!

  2. Oh I know!!!! I was waling as I typing this!
    How true! This fandom will never die, never change <3

    I love you my BTB!!!!!

  3. IheartLMC*BTB*Rover*MBL#1*MTTSApril 30, 2013 at 10:43 AM

    Even when I'm old and gray, wait I am old and gray, I will forever be a BTB and proud of it! BTW, I posted a comment on another RK blog and someone had to ask what LMC stood for....they had no clue! LOL!

    DID you tell them?!?!

    I can picture it in an English accent:
    -"Why thank you for asking, it stands for the one and only LeMonterCock.." LOL

  5. IheartLMC*BTB*Rover*MBL#1*MTTSApril 30, 2013 at 10:50 AM

    I did and I think it made their toes curl!

  6. IheartLMC*BTB*Rover*MBL#1*MTTSApril 30, 2013 at 10:54 AM

    Ok, seriously, I hope and pray that God takes me first because if I'm still alive when Robert Pattinson dies I will be inconsolable! My first experience was much like yours Marcela but it was my then 10 y/o daughter begging to watch it on pay-per-view! I fell in love at first sight and have been devouring anything and everything about him since!

  7. IheartLMC*BTB*Rover*MBL#1*MTTSApril 30, 2013 at 11:28 AM

    If I wept over the events of last July, my heart will ache, break and fall apart! Hey, Achy Breaky Heart!!! Thanks Billy Ray!

  8. Hi Baby!

    Love you too!


  9. Nooooooo......

    I refuse to think about this. They are going to live forever!

    Ps: What is this new Disquss layout?! I'm confused...I think the gifs are not showing anymore :-((((


  10. *Ugly sobs with PL*
    I know! I took me like a month to be able to post! LOL
    I had to disable all plug ins to be able to do so. They changed it, we had no choice *wails*
    But now its working, and YES! I can see the gifs ;) Just refresh the site.

    And yes too!!!! I refuse to believe Rob will ever die! I'd DIE TOO!!!

    FB! Where are our Twilight Coffins?!?!?! LOL

  11. Oh My Darling PL!! I've missed you like a twat! MUAH!!!!

  12. THIS Was the moment when I was DOME FOREVER!!!


  13. IheartLMC*BTB*Rover*MBL#1*MTTSApril 30, 2013 at 2:10 PM

    UNF...how I love this man!

  14. Where have my BTBs been. missed all of you!!

  15. I saw it with a friend, she rented it and after the movie she was like "eh, not my thing" and I was thinking what the fuck is wrong with you!!! I've since turned her.... :)

  16. Yah Marcela, I'm already sick so hence miserable and now I'm bawling like a bitch baby! BTBs never leave me again, I'll need you if we outlive Rob, which pray to the gods it never happens! Can you imagine a world without LMC?!?!?!

  17. Yaay! Glad the power came back on here! Aren't Robert and Kristen immortal?

  18. INDEED THEY ARE! You see! Tht's why we love you, you needed to remind us! LOL

  19. A World without LMC?!?!? That's how the dinosaurs got extinct LOL!

  20. We are BACK!!!!!!! And we missed you my darling! *Hugs attack Angela*

  21. Well it was either that or admit that I have a kid Rob's age! lol (you didn't see that!)

  22. My 2 SISTERS (I doubt we are related sometimes) don't like Robward! Can you imagine?!?!?! WTF both wolfgirls... WTF is wrong with this world! LOL

  23. :( We had no say in the matter, fucking disqus, I couldnt post forever, I tweaked it a bit, but still sucks!

  24. No LMC???


  25. LMAO! A world without LMC will cause BTB extinction and I for one don't wanna see that happen! The world needs more BTBs!

  26. I was here, checking every couple of days.... everyone left me.... all alone! I never wanna see that again! :( lol.

  27. My sister and mom are team Jacob... well my sister is Team Edward for the books but she doesn't find Rob attractive at all! I will point out my sister is perpetually single and just moved out of my parents house.... she'll also be 33 in October and has no taste in men! Her baby daddy who was the last man she has dated and that was over 7 years ago resembles a bull dog... he has the worst overbite! lol. I don't know whats wrong with my mom.... I'm say old age but she hasn't even hit 55 yet!

  28. I just wanna say... I am so fucking happy to see some action on this blog again! I need my BTB sisters, now where the fuck is FB!!!

  29. *does happy dance*

    I'm so fucking happy too! I've missed my girls! FB its on her way!!

  30. IheartLMC*BTB*Rover*MBL#1*MTTSMay 1, 2013 at 9:25 AM

    You have many BTB sisters!

  31. IheartLMC*BTB*Rover*MBL#1*MTTSMay 1, 2013 at 9:27 AM

    Noooooooo! Then I would have to change my name!
