Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I hate Victoria Beckham.


  1. It's from foster the people, I think it's called don't stop

  2. Don't Stop (Colour on the walls) by Foster the People. 

  3. FB you like Pink right? Did you hear her new song with Nate Ruess???

    Oh and did you watch our Hump Day show??? ;) 

  4. I just watched this video for the first time yesterday. The video is stunning!

    P!nk is a girl crush of mine from the very beginning. FLOVES HER!


  5. FUCK! I missed Arrow! I need to set it in my DVR. FUCK! Guess I'll go be a BTB pirate and steal the episodes and then I'll be caught up. *wink*

  6. Not a problem BTB, it's one of Austin's hockey warm up songs! lol. 

  7. She's fucking amazing! I was MIA from the computer yesterday cause I've been so sick so I didn't know if you'd seen the video... I think I found a new fav song! lol.

  8. I swear to God. I would probably piss myself watching these little boys go at with these songs playing. I bet it's a riot!

  9. It's funny you call it a DVR.... we call them PVRs here! Go set it as soon as you can BTB! I still have to watch this weeks episode. I'm behind like a weeks worth of shows cause of this damn illness and NHL hockey is back so it's constantly on both of our TVs... lol. 

  10. She really is. She's definitely a BTB even if she does or doesn't like Twilight. lol

    She's just bad ass and finger in the wind.

  11. LOL at times but it's getting rough! Next year Austin is in contact league and already there has been loads of contact this year.... Ryley even too and he has 4 years before he is in contact. Ry's last game whenever he would get a breakway the kids would chop at his feet with their sticks like they were chopping down trees! I'm amazed he stayed on his feet! I like watching the 4 and 5 year olds who don't really know how to play yet and are just having fun! lol. 

  12.  Are you feeling better? Poor lil' BTB.

     *sprays MegO with Lysol then hugs her*

    I've been so lucky with no cold or flu. I drink oj first thing in the morning eat apples everyday. I say that then I'll wake up in the morning with my head in a bucket. lol

  13. Exactly FB! She would so be a BTB, she's got the attitude!

    I remember when she first came out and all of the girls at my school hated her cause she was so different from Britney... I was like fuck Britney I'll listen to Pink! lol. 

  14.  PVR? What does the P stand for? Program?

    I will set it today! I can't be missing a hot piece of ass..oh hell no!

  15. I'm usually pretty healthy but it seems every fucking February since I had Alie I get fucking pneumonia! I'm starting to finally feel better, just really weak which sucks.... I have to be better for the weekend cause Ryley has a tournament 2 hours away.... getting up at 5 am is so going to suck!

  16. Exactly! I liked Britney but P!nk was real and fought against the machine to be herself and not some cookie cutter popstar. She makes being a bitch a great thing. ♥

  17. No you can not be missing a hot piece of ass! 

    Personal Video Recorder..... yah us Canadians are kinda weird eh? lol. 

  18.  OMG. This is where the kid/hockey thing gets real ugly. I would be calling them a cab or something. LOL

  19. Yah I was never a Britney fan... but I didn't listen to much pop when I was younger, it was mostly alternative rock and classic rock. My favourite band ever in Junior High though was the Smashing Pumpkins, I even tried to convince my mom to let me name our dog Corgan after Billy Corgan.... lol. 

  20. Consumers relate more to words like "personal" more than "digital". Some consumers are intimidated by technology and if you put a "personal" spin on it then it will be easier to go with the flow.

    I just rambled. Sorry. lol

  21. Eh that does make sense. 

    FB I think you and I always ramble on these posts lately! lol. We're the only ones here.... why not eh?

  22. LMAO I wish I could call him a cab! He is only 7 though and I still have to tie his skates for him and I'm in charge of the teams jerseys so if I'm not there they can't play! lol. Yah it sucks but I get to stay in a nice hotel room with only 1 kid while hubby is home with the other 2 for the night! Thank god for moms too cause she has to take the oldest to his home game cause the husband has to work. 

  23. Please tell me you had a Corgi dog! The idea of Corgan the Corgi rocks my mind. LOL

  24.  We have to keep the BTB flame burning. RL is a bitch but so am I if I don't get my BTB time. Talking with my BTBs pushes away all the drama and stress that goes on in life.

  25. Mine too! Right now I really should be cleaning cause my damn SIL invited herself and her 3 daughters over even though I am sick... but fuck it! 

  26.  See...that's when the CPS would come knocking on my door if I had kids. lol

    That is cool that you get away and have less to take care of. YOU DESERVE IT!

  27. LOL not but damn that would have been awesome! It was a schnazuer. 

  28.  Are you serious? OMG. Get them a drink and rub your cooties all over the glasses. LOL

    Yes. I'm evil.

  29. LOL 

    Yah it'll be nice... I realized I'd never been away from all 3 kids for more than 12 hours.... thats kinda fucking bad! 

  30.  Being a MOM is hardest job in the world and I say that from standing outside looking in.

  31. (replying to the cooties comment)

    I wish I could but then I wouldn't hear the end of it! She knows I'm sick too. 

  32. Well if you ever want practice I'll volunteer my 3!!!! 4 if you count the husband! You'll love my kids, the husband has taught them some colourful language and Alie thinks Rob is the most handsome man in the world so he must be a prince! 

  33. My sister named it Bailey after Bailey's Irish Cream! lol. 

  34.  Sounds like me and your kids might get along just fine if they spew "colorful language". lol

  35. Yes you would get along with my ids, the boys know better now though but Alie, she thinks it's hilarious! Especially cause the boys laugh so hard! Although right now instead of colourful language she's been quoting Fat Amy from Pitch Perfect... lol. 

  36. Oh God....when he was running.....when he was runninggggggg

    Wahhhh. Did you see his stomach muscles does he fuck Victoria anyway....she's like 2 pounds. 

  37. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!!!! *sends husband to the gym asap* LOL
    Did I tell you that my husband used to be a soccer player? yeap, and now he better start running!
