Friday, December 21, 2012


What's going on Kristen!?!?

You are one of the hottest and highest paid actress in the world, and the gf of the hottest man on earth!

Why male Hollywood keeps dumping you?!

I don't think is true... could it be?! nooooooo I refuse to believe she has smelly cooch... Can she really be stinky?!

This was supposed to be an awesome Romantic Comedy...

First Ryan Gosling backed out...

And now Ben Affleck dumped her too?!


I was ready to have new fapping material! 

But hey, here's an idea:

How about Rob?!?


Full article HERE


  1. Things that make you go hmmmmm.....

  2. I don't think it's the guys. I think it's the guy's girlfriends and wives that make them back out. LOL

  3. A movie with Rob AND Kristen in it???? That's so crazy it just might work!!!!

  4. Yes indeed. WTF is going on?

  5. Well, the script was originally written for Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. But they both couldn't do it. So RyanGos didn't dump Kristen!
    But yeah, Ben did. What was the last comedy with Ben Affleck though?! Was it that JLo movie?! LOL

    I hope they find a great actor! I'm ready for some new Kristen movies. Let Rob help you find some new projects Kristen! ;-)

  6. That's a tough situation for any Wife/partner. Kristen is younger, pretty, has a nice body, and is in a situation right now where some of the women in hollywood are probably feeling insecure with their husband been close to her. These two guys are young and they both have young wives. Younger women or maybe i should say women in general are more jealous. So they probably told their husbands not to do it. WTF do I know??????

    I have always say hollywood is a mans world, they set the rules and the women follow. One day your hot and the next your yesterday's news.
    With her success I would think these actor wold be happy to work with her, especially since she has had big box office hits in two different movies this year.
    I wish I knew what was going on there??????????

  7. I could be wrong, but I think she should do one of two things:
    1.. Take some time off, relax herself without Rob.
    b....go to Australia with Rob
    I don't really know what is going on in Rob and Kristen's relationship, because they are secretive about each other, but if Rob was my man and he's going to Australia and I have nothing line up.....I would be on that fucking plane going to Australia come January with him.

  8.  I agree with you!
    And I think she might really go with Rob. Or follow him there towards the end of filming.
    Besides, she has family in Australia. So why the hell not travel there and visit them. Plus spent time with your boyfriend.
    We'll see! ;-)

  9. Hey you are you gone again? Or, Are you been elusive again, because you know it turns me on!!!

  10. Hey are you gone agin?, or are you been elusive because you know it turns me on!!!!

  11. Yep we will see. Hey maybe Rob shoud pick her up and throw her over his shoulder and said: woman you're goin and that's that!! Lol.....after all he's my romantic hero. I love that guy. He could do no wrong in my book.

  12. Merry Christmas BTB's!!! 

  13.  You said a mouthful! And you said PERFECTLY!

    Wanna hump? lol

  14. I wish my absence was to tease and turn you on but I've been so busy that it feels I've been hung up by my nips with tinsel!

  15. With you, anytime! Ain't nothing like a good hump, after all you're my dream hump! Wink:))

  16.  You grab the whip cream and I'll grab the Smirnoff Whipped Cream Vodka! Now this is how I wanted to spend Christmas! ☺♥

  17. Forget about Christmas? yeah today I can, after I have reviewed all my goodies!!!
    *hung up by my nips with tinsel* ouch, if its so painful don't do it?! Lol you always make me laugh.

  18.  Usually I'm game for any Fifty inspired kinky fuckery but holiday stress is not that kind of fuckery I'm up for. It actually was a good holiday, I just like bitching. LOL

  19. OMR is that a drink, because I am down with that! This calls for an innie not an outie, I hope it's deep enough for a good shot of that!!

  20. Ain't nothin wrong with a little or a lot of bitching, that's how we get what we want!
    Works every time.

  21.  Have you seen all the flavors of vodka that is out now? Blueberry! Marshmallow! Layered cake! It's crazy!

    The bf loves the whip cream.

  22. Marcela.. I just realised that I have been banned by fb from  commenting.on this site..(I commented a few months ago).... that is interesting because that fucker FB has ventured over to other sites and hurt many people I know with her fucking revolting words.. and yet I have 1 go back at her here and I am banned, not that I give a fuck about this site but Jesus... all take and no give huh?  anyway, what got me fierce was that I have just looked at my disqus dashboard and there is a message from this site.. actively wanting people to hate  mail me on my PRIVATE email address.. given out, for fucks give out email addresses???????????...and as a mod she altered nearly all my comments..can you do that?... Really..... I will pursue this email address should be everyone elses..  I plant this on you because that bitch will just alter my comment again..

    Sorry to dump this on you.. but I should not see a hate invitation on my dashboard..

    Ps.. for FB.. no one hated on me you bitch...  ;D

  23.  Awwww! So cute how you ran to Marcela for help.
    Scratch pathetic. I love how you ran to her even though all of us was laughing our tits off at your stupid fucking ass.

    Keep running your mouth and I'll show you what else I can really do.

     Why do you come here? No one likes you? But who does?? Go back inside the used condom you call home and shut the fuck up.

    Oh yeah...HAPPY HOLIDAYS, you fucking fish taco.

  24.  I respect and protect all my BTBs and expose stupid fucks like you.

  25.  I fucking LOVE how you ran to Marcela and she also told you to STAY THE FUCK OFF THE SITE. Don't believe me??? Go back and read it for yourself you stupid fucking troll.
