Monday, December 31, 2012


If you are planning on buying Cosmopolis then you should checkout They have an amazing deal on the DVD and an average price for the Blu Ray ($24.86).

WOWZERS!!! $9.96????!!!!!

**off topic..kinda** 
Has any BTBs heard any news on the BD2 dvd/blu ray release? I heard Feb. is the release month but not info. Anyone think we're getting a box set edition?


  1. I heard BD2 will be released Feb 16th.... hopefully thats true! My guess we'll get a boxset in time for Christmas 2013.... 

    Hope all of my BTBs had a fuck awesome Christmas and have a great New Year! I've been MIA again, we spent Christmas in the mountains with family at my SILs house, I had a horrible cold and no voice.... get home and we've all had the stomach flu.... lol. 

  2. Dammit! Wal Mart Canada fucking sucks hairy monkey balls! Blu ray here is $22.... oh well I'll order from Amazon! 

  3.  I hope so! Gives my bf time to save up the $400-500 price of the gift box set. LOL

  4.  I hope you all get better soon...eek! I'm so sorry!

    The circle will protect us from  you. LOL

  5. LMAO! Thankfully we're all on the mend now! Alie was lucky and the little brat didn't get sick once.... girl has an immune system like a rock I guess! 

  6. Yah hubby will probably tell me fuck no to the box set.... I'll buy it anyway though! :) 
