Monday, October 29, 2012

(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸SPOOKY OOKY ¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯)








Let's get the party started!
If you have a real-life scary story please share it with your fellow BTB sisters!


  1. Damada92**BTB to the end**October 29, 2012 at 6:06 AM

    I'm scared for any East Coast BTB's....please be safe! That stormis scary enough for me!

  2. I'm in VA and we're suppose to get heavy rain, 50-60 winds and then MAYBE 4-8" snow. Totally fucked up.

    The BTB I'm most worried about is Aurora. She's in NYC and I heard they have or might be evacuating parts of NYC. Let's all surround her and her family/friends with the white light. 

  3. Damada92**BTB to the end**October 29, 2012 at 6:43 AM

    Wow, please be safe! I live in Hawaii and we had a non-event tsunami Friday night. I have a cold and can't sleep now!

  4.  OMG! That sucks! I hope you feel better. ♥ I guess even in paradise RL can bitch-slap ya sometimes.


  5. I have a scary story!

    One time I saw a picture of CH! the end *SCREAMS*
    It still gets me... LOL

    The same happened when I heard Nikki and company's song!

  6.  I had a scary dream. I dreamt I was in dead end alley holding a box of Twinkies and you can only imagine who was standing at opposite end of the alley. OH GOD! It still makes me piss myself!

  7. I'm surrounded by kids!! now thats scary.


    I'd never dress as a twinkie in halloween, can you imagine if fatty was near by?!?!?!?!

    *hides in corner*

  9. I hear that! lol. Even more scary.... my son's 7th birthday party is next Sunday and there will be 18 fucking kids! 

  10. My in-laws were in Hawaii then, they were supposed to be back yesterday but grounded in San Francisco cause of all the little earthquakes. There was a 7.7 quake off of BC and that's what caused the Tsunami warnings, we felt it in Alberta even. 

  11. If you get 4-8"of snow you'll have more than us! We only have a little dust of snow so far. Stay safe FB. I hope Aurora is alright too! Has anyone heard from her?

  12. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBOctober 29, 2012 at 12:16 PM


    I have had a few experiences with the supernatural world, based on the fact that I grew up knowing that in a part of my culture, we have a slight obsession with ghosts and voodoo and magic and stuff, so I grew up believing in it. One of the story was that there was (I'm not even joking) a ghost that saved my life. I was in year 5 and just had an argument with dear mother. There we were, with shopping bags in our hands from the supermarket, about to cross the road. She was  a few metres behind me as I stormed off to get away from her. I step on to the road from the pavement, and time went slow-mode suddenly. I felt someone physically grabbed me and pulled me back, with a force that was so strong I end up with my whole back on the pavement. And at that very moment, a very fast car zoomed past the spot where my leg was just a second before. It was just the weirdest feeling ever and this was in 2003. My mum was a full witness there, so I knew I wasn't nuts or anything, but she didn't see any ghosts pulling me. I just knew there was something not-of-this-world that saved me that day. Second story: My cousin have 2 houses in this one huge ass land. The first house was built in the 80s and  second was a few years ago. It was well known in that area, not because of their size, but because of the ghost stories coming from it. These are aggressive ghosts. They're the ones you want to avoid, because they will harm you. So my cousin and her parents and siblings have had ghosts shaking their door handles, knocking on their windows, calling their names when they sleep..just pure creepy stuff. Oh, swimming in their swimming pools. And no, they're not making things up. They have staff members (security personnels and maids) living there too, and these guys told me the stories. I've spent a week there for 4 Christmases with my family and theirs and our extended family. I never once see anything, or get touched by anything, thankfully. My mum however, was in the bathroom (and she's a strong believer that there is no such thing as ghosts) and my dad was watching the TV, when the lights turned off. Mum heard my brother's voice called her and dad did too. But when she answered, the voice didn't reply back. Then the power went back on. Here's the thing though: They're on the first house. My brother and I were on the second house. The houses are separated with a medium-sized garden between them. Mum have had her leg pulled by ghosts at one point too, because she felt hands grabbing it as she wanders around the location. And there's other stuff that has happened as well, but it's 3 am here and I'm too scared to try and remember them. 

  13. WHOA! Great stories! My nipples got so scared they inverted! lol

    I bet that it was your spirit guide or one of your angels that grabbed and pulled you back. So amazing!

  14.  That's scary as hell! I'd rather be dipped in Twinkie cream and be chased by SM then be surround by a herd of kids. EEEK!

  15.  DAMN! How many kids you got? Every time we talk it feels like you're making a birthday cake or planning a party for one of them. LOL

  16. Here's one of my true ghost stories. Hand to Bible all true.

    During a Summer I was at home alone cause the rents were at work. There was a knock at the door and it was an old lady. We exchanged pleasantries and she wanted to see the hardwood floors in the house and I told her we had carpet down in most rooms (this was the 90' She seemed to get upset and said how beautiful the hardwood floors were. Then she left. I never saw a car and I thought that was that. I told my rents and they paid no mind to it. Within a week of that happening.....*this is where it gets fucked up* I woke up from a dead sleep and saw this old lady standing my beside my bed starring at me. I got startled but in my state-of-mind just closed my eyes and opened them again. This time she was bent over alittle getting close to me. I shut my eyes super fast and rubbed them to make sure I was awake. I open them again and she was within inches of my face. My adrenaline was pumping, I could scream, I felt suffocated! I shut my eyes again and reached down and snatched my blankets up over my head and stayed that way until I could see the sunlight break through my sheets and blankets. I was so sweaty and scared. I couldn't even tell my rents that morning.

    And get this. And that following year in the Spring my parents decided to replace the carpet. Once they had the carpet pulled up they saw the most beautiful hardwood floors and so they just had them buffed and polished and they've been that way since.

    SPOOOOKY OOOKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  17. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBOctober 29, 2012 at 12:42 PM

    For real? Shiiiiit.  O_o. Must be some old spirit that lived there before or something...okay, that's so creepy. 

  18. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBOctober 29, 2012 at 12:45 PM

    Yikes. Have fun! LOL

  19.  Forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr real! After I told my rents what happened to me my dad started joking that he did hear that an old lady hung herself in my room....what an a'hole. LOL

  20. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBOctober 29, 2012 at 12:49 PM, that's not even a funny joke...dude, how old was the home? O_o.. 

  21.  I'm pretty sure the house was built in the 1930's. It was a cute little cottage house but it had been built onto when my rents purchased it.

    I could tell you some stories about things that have happened in that house that would turn your hair white!

  22. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBOctober 29, 2012 at 12:56 PM

    O_o... I would say yes please, but that one story you wrote already scared the living crap out of me. LOL 

  23.  LOL! If you're ever in the states I'll invite you to my rents house for a nice weekend holiday.


  24. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBOctober 29, 2012 at 1:01 PM

    Your rents STILL live there? Holy Jesus Christ.  Major applaud to their bravery. Seriously. 

  25. She's the octo-mom from Canada LOL!!! but she doesn't look like Angelina Jolie, she's MUCH hotter!!!!

  26.  Yep! They sure do. And you know what's crazy. After my grandmother passed away (my dad's mom) alot of activity stopped at the house. I think my Granny made some of or most of the ghosts/whatever it was go away. I always talk to my Granny when I'm home visiting. I know she's there in spirit ♥

  27.  IKR! I had to rearrange my room/bed after that happened. So freaky.

  28. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBOctober 29, 2012 at 1:13 PM

    Awwww :3

     Our dead loved ones always hang around for us <3 That's great news to hear! 

  29. Ok, here is my story:

    Last year my son was alone in his room playing and all the sudden he starts laughing really hard. My mother brain thought "Ok, its sign he's doing monkey business ( he was 2 at the time). But when I went in his room, it was so cold, not a regular thing in september in Vegas. So I asked him what was going on, and he said there was a grandma with a baby making him laugh...

    I shitted my pants!

  30.  Yeah, he's a good guy when he's not being a douche. lol

  31.  I believe it! Kids are open to spirits! It's when we get older we get more close-minded.

    Anyone else getting spooked the fuck out? Maybe this post wasn't a good idea. LOL

  32. Are u fucking insane? Need a bottle of booze?

  33. *blushes* I only have 3! I swear! I just also have 5 nieces and 1 nephew and friends with kids who ask me to make cakes ect.... lol. Bad thing is, no idea what I'm making my kid! lol.

  34. Oh it's at the fire hall so there will be booze! lol. Gotta love hubbys connections! This way my house stays relatively unscathed and theres lots of booze for cheap! :)

  35.  And this is why I call you the BTB Martha Stewart. You are incrediballs!

    And I have no doubt that you will think of the most perfect cake to make. *wink*


  36. Well thanks FB but I'm not Martha.... lol.

    I feel like being lazy and just doing a bunch of different cupcakes but this is actually a quiet hockey week so I have no excuse... lol.

  37. LMAO Octo-mom seriously?!?! LMFAO! My vajayjay aint no clown car! ;)

  38. I'm with FB in believing it! When Austin was around 2 he would talk about grandma Joan (that was my grandma who passed away 2 years before he was born) he would talk about watching her paint and she loved painting. We had never mentioned her to him at all and he would tell us all of this stuff and one day he saw a baby pic of me and her and said "See thats Grandma Joan! I knew she was real" kinda freaky stuff!

  39. Fuck! Freaky stuff!!! Fuck I would freak out! I suck at scary stuff.... no spooky movies or anything for me!

  40. Yah no more stories unless Rob is going to be in bed with me making the bad dreams go away! ;)

  41. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBOctober 30, 2012 at 8:06 AM

    Kids can detect spirit. EVERYONE can. But we choose as adults to open our mind to it or not. That's the difference. Also, stress and emotional instability matters. 

  42. You can only remember 20% of you're dream...
