Monday, October 15, 2012

Robsten is back!

Robsteners are saying YAY!

Others, cry for Rob not being single anymore...

FB and I are holding sign that says 


  1. Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! Sex tape! 

  2. Am I reading into something when I noticed Rob was walking in front of Kristen when they were leaving? I think I'm just paranoid. lol

  3. Usually she walks in front so he can stare at her ass and follow it home :) Hmmm... Must be her turn to follow his :D

  4. For everyone who wanted pic... Here it is, right?! :) I just want him happy. I'm nervous about BD2 tours, but I think most fans will be pretty well behaved. PR has done a fair job of announcing them reconciled, and now a pic/video a month before, to give everyone some time to see proof of them hanging out together and getting ready :D

  5. Still don't know what to feel. Numb maybe? Why does this affect me so much? Gah!

  6. Hmm! I was expecting this! I hope he is happy :)

  7.  Team sex tape!

  8. Yeah you are right! I don't think you are paranoid babe! It does seem like an act... Before he'd always laugh when with her! Now it looks like they were fighting! I have a feeling they will break up after the premier - * robstens please don't kill me*

  9.  I think something is different.

    Mmmm...visions of Fifty dance in my head.

    I'm having a moment...

  10. IKR! Remember how they looked at happy, romantic. Now it's like "we're just hanging out". And Rob is gentleman and he didn't look back to make sure Kristen was behind him when came outside. Something is off about this.

    Ugly cry is about to engage.

  11. Hhhmmm....

  12.  I've gone from having a moment to needing the rest of the day off.

    *thanks PL*


  13. You're welcome!  ;-)

    While googling Rob manips I found this......Ummm.....don't know what to say....

  14.  I can't say anything because I'm choking on my own saliva.

    *right click & save*

    I love you so much PL! OMFG nothing but ♥♥♥!!

  15. *OFF TOPIC*

    I just got my copy of TTS - The Complete Film Archive and it is INCREDIBALLS! If you do not have it or planned on getting it you should. This book is so beautifully put together..OMFG! I'm fangirlin' over here!

  16. God that GIF will give me nightmares!!!! LOL
    Yeah they always looked happy! At least he did!!! Something is definitely off!

  17. This is NOT the first image I wanted to see of Kristen's bed audition in Twilight.

    *vomit rises in throat*

  18. You've got my vote!

  19. I know what you mean....maybe he grew a bigger set of balls and is making Kristen work hard for a chance at them! LOL! He definately has to protect himself somewhat right now, but time will tell if he feels as comfortable with her as he did before. It's rough when someone does this to can't be expected to just open your arms without fear. But then again...make up sex is always good!

  20.  She should have to move mountains and kiss the feet of the Gods to get back in good with Rob. I think she really lost the touch of reality that said " Hey, I'm with Robert FUCKING Pattinson, I'm a lucky bitch!" she has to walk across the coals of hell. I'd eat the coals of hell to get with Rob. LOL

  21. I should have mine by this weekend! Can't wait!!!

  22.  You are going to FLOVE IT and FLIP THE FUCK OUT! They stocked this book with so many goodies! Decals, movie pass replicas and don't forget to look in the very back of the book...OMFG! *evil grin*

  23. I was so excited by this book my orgasms was having orgasms!

  24. LMAO - I agree with you FreezeBurn.  Can't help but wonder if this wasn't for publicity for the movie....they have to play nice.

    For Rob's and all BTB's - I hope he plays the field.

  25. I still want the fucking R/K audition tape!!!!

  26. **pulls out big girl shammanties** I can't wait!

  27. ooops! How did my hands get there????

  28. Gawd I hope not! I never took Rob as a sell out...but money talks. I think he's just being very cautious...he has every right to be...

  29. Maybe that's one of the new "rules" the tabloids are spouting: no sex for 1 month and Kristen must walk 5 paces behind Rob at all times to remember her place...GAH!!!

  30. Only time will tell...after the premiere then maybe we will get  information.  Oh well, I need to get over this.. on a better note...SEX TAPE!!!

  31. I think before all the hoopla he had always walked in front of her but IDK something does feel off

  32.  Same here. I don't think Rob a fake hollywood actor...I'm so confused!

  33.  He can play on and off our "fields" anytime he wants!!! FULL CONTACT BABY!!

  34.  Maybe he's the one wearing  the pants in this relationship now?! LOL

  35. With so many people on other sites saying they won't believe anything until they see pics...I felt it was a matter of time too :) I can't wait for all the BD2 goodies to start rolling in soon!

  36. Lol...the ping ponging tabloids are having a heyday with these two. Gah is right! :)

  37. He was sometimes the bulldozer for them through the throng of crazy paps! :) It does seem off. She looks like she feels bad and he seems like he's trying, and in time if they do stay together they might start to look like they had before? :) Have you seen the 3 minute video? That one looks even more off...hmmm...

  38. Just this once I wish Rob would talk about what's going on. Not because I need to know, but to stop the insanity of these negative tabloids who are making tons of hits and money off him/them. I'm sure Scummit had a hand in some of this, but I could never imagine Rob allowing full control? And if a contract is involved...sheesh! I agree, it is confusing at times. I feel like we are seeing real life mixed in with some PR. What is a fan truly supposed to believe right now? I'm waiting for the "after movie" stuff... :)

  39.  I have a feeling that if Robsten did do a Q&A or try to set the story straight it would probably be just as bad as it is now or worse.  Either way we are less than a month away from our MOVIE!!!


  40. I am happy to see that they are both working it out and in a better place these days!  NGL... It is hard to read some of the negative comments directed at either one of these two because it makes me second guess myself.  Then, I just remind myself that I am a fan of both and would like them to be happy, successful, and at peace, either together, or separately.  

    P.S.  A sex tape of these two would make me completely forget that any drama happened between these two, so BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!  LOL!  ;-)     

  41. I know what you mean!!!  LOL!

    BTW...  I love your new avi!!!

  42. Where is my million "Like" button???  LOL!

  43.  Hear! Hear! I've learned as long as I follow my heart aka clitoris then all decisions and actions will be right. *evil grin*

    All the best for Robsten! ♥

  44.  I know. It's beyond disturbing and seeing CTC tested my gag reflexes AGAIN. They could have at least included a pic of Kristen and Rob on the bed!

  45. I agree... His happiness is key at this point!

  46.  Damn. I've had it wrong all this time? I thought was my happiness with him. lol

  47. My guess is that Rob is finally being the assertive one in the relationship this time.  Before, it seemed like she was the one leading the relationship, and he just went along with it because he was blinded by just loving her.  It will take time for her to re-gain his trust and respect, IMO.

  48. IKR???  I try NOT to read most of them, but it is so damn hard!  The conflicting reports are giving me whiplash, though!!!  LOL!

  49. I think some of the "off" feelings that some of us are having are that we are not seeing the Rob that we are used to seeing around her...The Rob with the adoring eyes and hands that could not stop touching her, etc.  This "new" Rob seems more confident in himself and is not waiting for life to shit on him, again.  He is out and about living life in public with, or without, her, and enjoying himself.  Meanwhile, Kristen has a lot of shit to work through, and I dearly hope that she is going to counseling for it.  For now, Rob is simply living his life on HIS terms, and A-fucking-MEN to that!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Idek. I'm just gonna be looking for signs of betrayal from now on. Even though idk Rob personally, I don't want him to get hurt again.

  51. The video seemed normal to me because I do not expect two people who have been through a cheating episode to be all over each other, especially if they are working it out in the public's eye.  My guess is that she has a lot of ass-kissing to do with him, and he is done kissing her ass for the time-being.  LOL!

  52. Nothing better than make-up sex!!! ;-)

  53. That's my theory!  He tried it her way, and it obviously back-fired on both of them.  So, he has decided to do things his way!

  54. I see that you like my new manicure???LOL!

  55. I get confused, too, with all the shit out there!!!

  56. MTE!!!!  That's what I have said all along. One of them, if not both, need to do a one-on-one with Oprah, Babs, who-the-fuck-ever, and put ALL rumors to bed, once and for all!!!! Or, better yet, do it in print for the highest price and donate the proceeds to charity!!!

  57. The clit never lies... it may pump, pump, pump, but it never lies!!! ;-)

  58.  Long live the clit! The magic 8 ball of our crotches!

  59. Wishful thinking, but I would love to see them sit down with Oprah and tell the whole dirty truth...biggest ratings for an interview ever! I wonder how many offers they've gotten for something like that?

  60.  That's way I'm so confused. Conflicting bullshit.

    I think Rob has read FSoG and now has a firm grasp on the relationship as well as Kristen's braided ponytail. ☺

  61. This is NOT the last that we will be seeing of Cathy the Cunt!  With the saga ending, we will see tell-all books cum out, and CTC will be one of the authors, if not Nikki Reed!!! LOL!

  62. LMAO!!!  Rob can NEVER disappoint a true BTB!!! ;-)

  63.  IKR. But like he told Jon Stewart, his personal life isn't for sale. I fucking love that man. (Rob not

  64.  I actually feel my frosted flakes raising up in my throat the more I read your comment. lol

  65. No, no, no...  TY!!!!!!!!!  LOL!  ITA... Tighter pants would have been hotter!!!!!!

  66. So true! My favorite Rob interview is with Nightline for the WFE promos. He so clearly explains why he feels his personal life should not be splashed around for everyone's entertainment....gotta love that man!

  67. Lucky Austrailia...Monday!

  68. LMAO!!!  Cheers!!!

  69. I know that it is sad to think about the saga ending and the tell-all books cumming out, but this bitch ain't gonna lie...  I will be reading me some tell-all BS!!!!!!  LOL!

  70. Awwww!!!  We ALL want his ying-yang!!!!!!  ;-)

  71. I do not know how they deal with all the BS...  :-(

    All will be ok with those two if Rob has finally read FSOG!!! ;-)

  72. You are right about that. And we are seeing only what the media is allowing us to see. We don't know that 5 seconds after they cut off the video he slung his arm over her shoulder and kissed her forehead (awwwwww)... The media is gonna milk this as much as they can. But I do see a more confident, yet cautious Rob these days...but can anyone blame him?

  73. I want video proof please!

  74.  I wonder if she has the audition footage or Summit or BOTH!

     Holy fuck balls in my mouth...

    I wanna see that so bad!

  75.  You know Rob is spanking that ass extra hard these days!

  76. Another example that many people truly don't know where FSOG came from.....

    I was on a field trip for my son's third grade class last Friday, and the teacher, another mom, and I were talking about a center where the kids were making ropes, and one of them commented, "That is very Fifty Shades of Grey".... so we began to discuss.... they had no idea that it started out as fanfic for Twilight!  When I said that CG was Edward and Ana was Bella, they were surprised.  The teacher asked which actors I pictured while I was reading... and I was like, "Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed"   NOT!!!!!   No, I actually said, "Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart", but then I was thinking, 'what a stupid question!'    Right??

  77. Yep! And, pulling her hair from behind! LOL!

  78. Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. I bet that CTC has footage still. I, too, would FLOVE to see it!!!

  80. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBOctober 17, 2012 at 1:20 PM

    I'd much rather try not to believe it, but unfortunately, I do believe it's a Scummit stunt. Look, let's face it, morals doesn't come when money gets involved. If you're offered millions and millions of dollars to get back to your ex, and all that ex ever did is cheat once (presumably), and only to get back 'together' until January, would you say no? Plus, they could also be under contract to stay together every Premiere. We would never know these details. 

  81. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBOctober 17, 2012 at 1:22 PM

    Well, at last we know they are friends again. Or that they are talking. That brings some sort of closure for fans. I'm sure it's difficult enough to forgive someone and try to move-on privately, let alone doing that in the public's eye, but they seem to be doing so. It's rather obvious Rob seems cold towards Kristen, and no one's going to blame him for being so. 

  82.  Spoken like true fine print on a contract. LOL

    Loves ya!

  83. How do we know this isn't an old video?

  84. I think I would just like to hear one line from him personally -- not all these supposed insiders -- that yes they are back together and trying to work things out. He's only really said he'd walk the carpet with her so she doesn't get boo'd, right? Maybe I'm missing more direct quotes from him???

  85. I check Gossip Cop mainly, but can't read the comments anymore because some of those people get beyond vicious and I hate leaving a site angry :) I check in and check out...

  86. Sometimes it takes a huge smack upside the head for some people to truly come around. They both definitely got that. And if it should make them stronger, well, then it makes them stronger :) Time can only tell huh?

  87. I know he doesn't like to sell his private life, that's cool for any actor who feels that way, but sometimes I just want him to do some defending where career wise it could help mellow so much hate out there. A few sites, that I won't go to anymore--or read comments, call him an idiot and I hate that. I know I'm just wishful thinking! :)

  88. I worked marketing for years and there's A LOT of behind the scenes discussions and "persuasions" that are always offered. It's up to the buyer if they accept or not, and you're right, people on the outside sometimes never know. Hollywood is one of the trickiest too, with so many factors to work around: money, PR, morals, future of career, image, and so on. We don't always know if what we're getting is real... So I just follow Rob's career and can only hope the best for him :)

  89. I just wish it never happened in the first place...wahhhh :)

  90. That happened to me too! Well, not the same story, but when I told people they were like "No way!" Lol

  91. Very good point!

  92. Every time I see this picture, this is what I imagine Kristen is thinking....
    "I'm so sorry, please don't ever leave me"

  93. OMFG! I just want to crawl into the pages and be a part of that world - so awesome!

  94. Have you seen the new pics of R&K? I can't post from my iPod, but RPLife has them. They're intrusive, yet shows them hugging and kissing :)

  95. He did an interview with VF Italy and was very open about his relationship with Kristen, his "girlfriend", he didn't dispute what she was, and I had to read twice because I was like "Did he really say all that?" Wow :) Then his manager jumped in and said, "No more personal questions. But Rob was answering them all... Lol, it was actually cute!

  96. I ordered it! &27...whoa! But like I said SM has my credit card set for speed buy! ;)

  97. They're gon already! But I did see them...didn't save any though!

  98. Do you have a link to that?

  99. I would have paid $50 for the book! It's that good. ☺

  100.  IKR! Who or whatever team created this book deserves a BTB hump!

  101. Yes, I will get it for you when I get to my laptop :)

  102. NOW I believe it! My heart is beating again. ♥♥♥


  103.  Bitch is wet in her black bra. HAP-HAP-HAPPY DAYS!

  104. Hold on to that thought...if the paps took pics of them in her backyard they are sure to try to take pics through the windows!!!!

  105. And see-thru white bottoms?????? Chee hoo!

  106. Here it is...♥

  107.  They are so adorable! I freaked out when I saw the pics yesterday! So unexpected!

  108. and isn't he in his skivys tooo???

  109. See theylook like they never broke up!!

  110. Oh no she di'int!!! She be puttin' the sex on that sexy fucker!

  111.  FUCK YEAH! *hi5*

    Now this is how we celebrate our countdown to BD2!

  112.  We needed this so badly!!!

    Haters gonna hate...Lovers gonna love. BTBs are Lovers ♥

  113.  I'm so glad! I know it's going to take time for them both to get back to solid ground but they do belong together. But if it happens again...OFF WITH HER HEAD! But let's not go there because it's not going to happen. LOL

  114. just spotted some new photos here

  115.  IKR?!

  116.  Fuck the haters!

  117. That's all I'm saying. *wink*

    OMG..those gifs! BATL!!


  118. Damn, they weren't apart long enough for us BTB's to have a crack at his sexy ass.....

  119. OMG! :-)

    Just saw a ton of these on tumblr.  Seeing them together, and seemingly acting like nothing ever happened, only solidifies my ideas of a PR stunt.  I don't think they ever broke up.....
    I still can't find any justification for why Kristen would behave the way she did with Rupig.  I just can't fathom any reason for her doing it... which is why I think I will always hold a small grudge against her.  I am so torn about how I feel about her.  I can't really see her cheating..... she doesn't seem like the cheating type.... I get this feeling that she explores her sexuality and infidelity in the characters that she plays, but not in real life.... did she simply have the moment of mis-judjement like she says she did?  Did she get caught up in some sort of "role"?

    I will never know, but I'm trying to just be happy for them, because they seem happy.

  120. It is so confusing...I think they took a break, but never broke up. The PR stuff just sends shivers down my spine because I think they would never do that...but I never thought anyone would step on Robert Fucking Pattinson either! But we don't know what really happened and it's driving us all nuts! But like you I am happy for them in the end.
