Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Moanday!

Let me start by saying I'M SORRY!!!!
I have family in town and this one's a TALKER.
God help me, I think I'm to the point on going Mike Tyson on my ass, and chewing my own fucking ears off...

Well, the good news our beloved Rob was spotted today, looking yummylishous in his blue pants, showing the mcMuffin in his pants DAMN! 
AND the beanie is back! 

Also, KStew was spotted leaving a "Florence & The Machine" Concert in LA, showing some leg! RAWR!

hmmmmmm Nice!


  1. twilightboysdazzlemeOctober 8, 2012 at 6:33 PM

    My favorite will always be the green chinos YUM YUM

  2. Blue is good - very, very good!

  3. Arrggghh daaaayam I want to know if they are back together... So far all signs point too..... No. IMO

  4. Errrrrrmmmmm... They always seem to be in different places. If they just got back together wouldn't they want a little time together after so long apart?
    I dunno... I'm totally just speculating.

  5. Well, they still have to work. Attend meetings or events and they're not always invited together. This time Rob was invited to NY while Kristen stayed at home and went to a concert with her dad. No big deal. IMO. And I think they do spent a lot of time together. We just don't see it because they want to stay private.

    I think we'll see them soon together. :-)

  6. Yeah... You could be right. There have been twitter 'sightings' already... But of course until we see pics...

  7.  I read earlier today, that it is official (according to "sources") that they are back together. 
    Now, I know I've been away for a while...  and the breeze ova here is a little chilly : (
    but I thought I'd put my two cents back in....
    I don't think they ever broke up.  I think this was all a media/PR/conspiracy, but I can't tell who is benefiting (or suffering) from it. My first thought was that it was to ruin Summit, now I'm thinking they are the beneficiary of it.... Do you know how many fans (and non fans) will tune into BD2 promos to get a first glimpse of the two of them "back together"?
    Of course, Rob and Kristen will benefit from this as well....  Kristen can shed her "Bella" character in place of  more serious roles, her characters in movies like OTR and Cali will be more believable now..... and Rob was able to really stand alone and truly shine in the spotlight during Cosmopolis promos.
    If you look at all the facts from a business and political stand point... tons of people are benefiting from all of this.  And Kristen and Rob don't seem like the type of people to give a rat's ass about what people think of them, or say about their relationship.  They have a private life that only they know and care about, and their connection is so much deeper than the media (and the media is just a part of their career that they have to "deal with"), after all they've been through, I don't think the 'scandal' that is being portrayed is anything but humor to them...  I have so much evidence to back this up, but I'm taking up too much space already.

    Missing everyone!  (and Rob too... but he's on my mind constantly anyway).

  8. I agree...that are not joined at the hip. Not all couples are together all of the time..if they were, trouble would have never started!

  9. I don't even try and figure it out anymore. The PR mess has me dizzy with there ping-pong statements and "insider" crap. I do believe that even though they may hate it, R & K have to play some sort of PR games because that's how an actors life/career works a lot of the time. I also believe they are trying to work things out, but don't know if it will last? I'll never see her the same, and I wasn't even the one supposedly in love with her... Good luck Rob with whatever happens! :)

  10. I can tell you I suffered from it. I really liked them and the "before" excitement of BD2. If we find out for sure down the road that this was just a scam...oh man I'm gonna be even more pissed, cause it backfired with me. And if Rob was in on it? Volcano erupting! Luckily it doesn't affect my RL, but it will with what movies I choose to go see...

    I also read they were "back together", but don't believe they broke up in the first place. That he just got away to think about if that's what he wanted to do? I honestly don't even try to figure it out anymore cause the media is having having way too much fun with the fans, and I hate whiplash. :) After BD2 is when I think we'll start getting more of a truthful outcome?

  11.  Hey Star! I'm happy to see you back here! ;-)

  12. Again with the fucking Blue and then shes wearing blue shoes. Coincidence?? Hmmmm.... loving the bulge :P

  13. I heard they were spoted at that what it is? by 2 seperate tweets

  14. I agree with you Star. altho I have come back to them(R/K) have been manipulated in some way...

  15. Baby boy in blue. *licks lips*

    Kristen is fuck-hawt as usual. *licks lips*

    Anyone got some chapstick??

  16. Yeah. My summer was a whirlwind of craziness. My husband changed careers and, of course, when a man needs to change direction, the whole household gets turned upside down. 0_o Everything is all good (it was never "bad"... just crazy). I have tried doing some online studying in my spare time as well, so that I can get something going as well.
    All the while I thought about my BTBs often... as well as the whole Robsten thing... just didn't have time to drop in and discuss. Thank you for the welcome back!
    xoxo ♥

  17. I have been so back and forth. My very first reaction was shock coupled with immediate denial (which is why my brain has concocted the whole conspiracy thing)... Then I hated Kristen and vowed to never see anymore of her movies, INCLUDING BD2... Then I continued to make excuses for her, while still wracking my brain about the simple fact that she could even TOUCH Rupig without hurling... and regardless of whether this was a PR stunt, Rob still has to look at those horrible images of her ass pressed against his virus-infested cock *takes deep breath to calm rage*.
    .... Anyway, I think I may be getting over it a little (regardless of WHY) and I may even rent SWATH. It's a recovery and healing process. ;)

  18. I hear ya :) I was very mad at her, and like you, in complete and utter shock. She had Rob!! I won't buy SWATH because it would make me nauseous to, but I did see in theatre -- they all did do good. I am going to BD2 to support Rob and one if my favorite series :) That cannot be helped, lol. I wish him happiness, and if Kristen is who he wants then that's who he wants. <3 I just hate stupid PR games! They want people crazy over this and I truly think they're succeeding...
