Friday, October 26, 2012




We haven't had one in a while, so here it is! 

What do I have to vent about?
Well, just the fact that RL has me by the ass, and doesn't allow me to be HERE where I want to be the most...

Nikki Reed... WHY the fuck her song with her hubby had to be included in the soundtrack!

*angry stomping* 

And, the fact that the BD2 tours already started and Rob was wearing THIS fucking shirt...

Love it or hate it they say... Well, if there is one thing I hate the most in this world (well a few) is Paisley Pattern (or whatever thats called) shirts, aside from small penises and Nikki Reed...

BUT Rob makes everything look good, even that fucking shirt... 

I WOULD look much better in my bedroom floor, just sayin' LOL

How about this shot in Australia?


  1. Hey Y"all! yeah that shirt was blech! but who the hell cares cause whats underneath it was our Rob. it wouldhave been much better if the thing was just off showing all that chest hair.  my vent I guess would be I'm tired of all the kristen bashing on differant sites. We don't know what the fuck happened, maybe it never happened we just don't know so should we be tearing her a new asshole? I'm sure those folks bashing her have never done anything wrong in their life *note sarcasm*

  2. I agree with you 10000% about NR, Small penises and the paisley shirt! lol.

    So that fucker over at BreakingDawnMovie... OMFG she is certifiably psycho!!!! She kept posting her blog on her conspiracy theory and telling me to go read it so I had the same opinion as her and when I told her I wasn't just going to add hits to her blog she told me to lick her armpit and suck on her toes.... LMFAO!!! She is fucking crazy! Like DeeDee crazy! 

    RL for me sucks too, still issues with my dad and my sister... she was pissed that mom babysat for me last Saturday so I could goto a fire dept function that was a goodbye party for 6 guys who had left the dept this year, one being the deputy fire chief. She wanted mom to watch her kid so she could go drinking for the weekend... she still got to go drinking cause a friend watched him but I guess all she did was bitch about me.... fuck shes 5 years older and acts like shes 17! 

    I'm seriously wondering why I let my kids play hockey too... lol. This week has been crazy! We have hockey 8 times this week between 2 fucking kids! I am proud of my Spike though, his teams game last Saturday they tired 5-5 and he had 3 goals and 2 assists so he was involved in every point and got the MVP award. 

    My other vent.... all these BD promos are driving me nuts, I wanna watch them but I want some things I haven't seen when I go November 15th and see it! lol.

  3. I agree about the bashing but the complete and 100% denial and all of the theories drive me nuts too. We know something happened cause she wouldn't have issued an apology if there wasn't something, especially since their relationship was so private. I hear ya too, there has always been a lot of Kristen bashing and it's just gotten worse.... or Rob bashing for taking her back. 

  4. Bitches need to get over it and be happy they seem happy, thats all that matters, right?!

  5. There is one good thing about that shirt. It makes me want to rip it off of him and nibble sex his chest until he needs medical it's a WIN-WIN situation. ☺

  6. At least the function you went to was important! My son goes to soccer practice 2x a week and if feels like I don't have time for anything. Cant imagine what its going to be like when my daughter starts wanting to do stuff

  7. Right! Ithink they are just jealous they can't have his dick in them. *snorts

  8. Don't get me startedon the damn denial shit!Grrr...

  9. LOL!!!!!

    Fuck yeah!

    That shit belongs to the ground... shredded to pieces and drenched in saliva... LOL!!!! 

  10. Seriously!

    My Son is 3 and just started in Soccer, fucking madness! 

  11. Yah I know but my fucking sister is too into herself to care about others, she treats my nephew like he's a burden and it drives me nuts! I would kill for 2 times a week! Practices alone are 3 times a week and then games.... Plus we had an extra practice this Maybe I should convince my boys soccer is more fun, especially since the season here is only 2 months! lol. 

  12. Ugh you have no idea!!! All you can do is laugh at them cause it's so fucking pathetic! lol. 

  13. Here's my vents...I have a head cold now thanks to my 14 y/o daughter and I wanted to divorce my DH twice this week! GAH...sometimes that man drives me nuts! But I can't wait for my BTB vacay in 2 weeks!

  14. **standing patiently in the BTB line for my turn at LMC**

  15. Fucking men!

    Ill be here waiting for you my darling!!!

  16.  I agre with you about the Kristen bashing. I'm so tired of it. Everytime I go on a site that has new pictures of her or Rob (JustJared for example), there are at least 50 comments about her smile, her attitude bla bla. People just can't shut up about it. What the hell, it didn't happen to you so why do you take everything so seriously. When she smiles it's like: How could she?. When she's not it's: See. She never smiles. Ugh.
    Fucking Nonstens are seeing this situation as a free ticket to bash her 24/7. And don't get me started on the people who 'lost their respect' for Rob because he took her back. Stupid idiots! It's his life. He can do whatever-the-fuck he wants.

  17. Cant't wait! *note to self, don't wear paisley around Marcela*

  18. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!

    You can wear anything you like! LOL You gorgeous beotch! 

  19. Okay lets be honest here, there is no patient BTB line for LMC! ;)

  20. Oh you didn't see the fun I was having over at BDmovie then? OMG Angela it was fucking crazy! lol.

  21. LOl! **standing in the BTB line tapping my fingers and stomping my feet for my turn at LMC** oh yeah, much better!

  22. I'm sure it was....its pretty yucky over at Robsessed too
