Thursday, September 6, 2012


Rumors are swirling that the two are talking and a reconciliation could happen.

With Kristen clearly wearing a tee that Rob wore is she forging forward with her love for Rob or just being a DESPERATE DEBBIE??!!

And what the fuck is with the glasses?? I don't know if I hate them or love them. Is this Kristen's way of confusing us again??

The part of me that is still very angry at her is thinking this:

But the other part of me that has let go of the anger says this:

What do we think about this BTBs?????

Thanks, BTB♥Karen for the heads up on Kristen!
L♥ves ya!


  1. It's either that or the girl is desperate and stole his clothes. Que sera srea.

  2. LOL!!!!!

    I love it! 

    Believe woman, I'm in the same spot as you are... I can't feel the same as before, but I have let go of the feeling, and now I just want her to be happy.

    In a serious note, I hope Rob has angry sex with her and post in it in the web... either way we'll be getting the porn we waited for all these years.... 

  3.  Kristen has put us BTBs in a awkweird situation. She needs a good spanking to straighten her lil' ass up!

    OMFG. From your lips to God's ears on the Robsten web-porn! And I think you know which "lips" I'm talking about.

    (I have no clue who that dude is but he did the perfect flirty eyebrow raise. LOL)

  4. Karen**BTB to the end**September 6, 2012 at 8:16 AM

    There's lots of debate on the Internet as to why she is wearing "his"shirt...personally, I would not wear anything of an ex-boyfriends, because that to me would be weird and disrespectful. So..... Maybe he's not the Ex-boyfriend and they already had mad, hate you, make up sex!!!

  5.  I'm thinking the same thing. Notice the necklace she's wearing???!! Hmmm...

  6. Karen**BTB to the end**September 6, 2012 at 8:19 AM

    ITA....I can only hope that if someof us are letting go with the anger, then Rob can too...but she still doesn't get off that easy...what kind of punishment would she have to endure if Rob takes her back?

  7. Perhaps thats her excuse- hers eyes are so bad she couldn't tell Rob from Rupig.

  8. OKAY... #1.  I don't think I've ever seen Kristen look LESS attractive in this shot!
    lose the glasses and shut your mouth babe, you look a little brain dead right there.
    and #2.  I fucking LOVE Kat Dennings!!  She makes it okay for us to be curvy and foulmouthed and fuckalicious again! ;D

    I am shocked!!!  Tom Selleck??  Please tell me you just had a momentary lapse of .... whatever it is that would lapse to the point where you wouldn't recognize Magnum P.I.  LMFAO

  10. I noticed the necklace too!  Hummm...last time we saw her she wasn't wearing the necklace.  I wonder..........maybe they are working on things.  I would never wear something of an ex's.  That would just be weird for me.  I also have to say, I am a little nervous for her on the red carpet tonight....with all the threats and all. 

  11. LMFAO!!!!!! 

    You made me snap my mouth shut! LMAO!!!!!

    Did I tell you today thatI fucking love you?!?!?!? BATL!!!!!

  12.  I think something is happening on the downlow with these two.

    As long as Rob is happy, I am happy. ☺

  13.  I'm sorry! I had to Google him to see who he was.  When you said Magnum P.I. I thought you were talking about condoms. LOL

    He's the guy that got into a "tiff" with Rosie O'Donnell over guns years ago on her show.

  14. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could recognize Tom Selleck's eyebrows as quick as Rob's bulge! 

  15. uno there's a gif for me shaking my head in shame at you right now! LMFAO
    he was on Friends too...did you ever watch that?
    maybe while you were throwing your sippy cup out of your crib perhaps?  :P
    He's on tv now...BlueBloods?  no?  well shit...what exactly DO you watch FB???

  16.  Like this?

  17. and that smile of his!!!  man when I was in high in the stone age of the late 80's ...LOL...he was the real deal...the shit! uno?

    LMFAO ;D

  19. I'm sorry I disappointed you.

  20. I forgive you.  But just know this...that you missed out on some nice man meat back in the day! lol   Tom has great legs too...although some think he is a little too burt reynolds hairy. DO know who burt reynolds is don't you???  LMFAO

  21. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBSeptember 6, 2012 at 9:23 AM

    Kristen and her glasses is back! Last I seen her with a glasses was when she was friends with Rob, hanging outside the Twilight sites and in bars and taxis.. *sigh* good times. 
    Gosh, Kat Dennings, seriously dude, she's so cool and hot. Just one of those women that makes me question my sexuality.

  22.  Oh no! Hairy?

  23. I am beginning to think so too.  And I agree, as long as Rob is happy...that's all that matters to me!  ; )

  24. I don't know what to think of all this crap! Except I like the shirt better on him!!! ♥

    She makes a HUGE point by wearing his stuff. Right, we just don't know if it's delusional or not. Hey Kris, how bout wearing something that simply says, "Rob and I are back together..." Now that I'd get!!! lol

  25. Thank goodness someone is as "young" as me on here!!! lol Back when we rode dinosaurs to school...☺

  26. There is so much debate about it on all over facebook. It's making my head fucking spin. She's prego, it's a publicity stun, blah blah! why would Rob want to go thru a stunt like that if he knows she will lose a bunch of fans and it might be dangerous for her. Hello!!

  27.  I can say without knowing him personally he is not fake like that. He's just Rob, he's not the HOLLYWOOD asshole. That's why we love him so much. ♥

  28. don't you give me that crap! 
    just yesterday, we were all willing to pick Rob's pubes out of our mouths...happily I might add! ;D

  29. uphill .... both ways!!! LMFAO xD

  30. I am! lol  ran outta room down there....talking about Rob's pubes and all, yeah...from the looks of it, he's gotta jungle down there and dh always says 'there ain't much grass on a well-used playground' .... poor Rob.  You neglected baby?  I'll take care of THAT :P   lol

  31. I'm nervous for the shouting people will do, and not all of it nice, I'm sure. They may wisk her by all that too. But the interview questions...I don't want to hear any until I after I know it's safe to listen. ☺

    I think her and Rob already know what they're gonna do. But Hollywood, thought most try to keep it seperate from real life, is a big media game with crap like this. Last time she talked about wearing Rob's stuff, she told said, "Hello! Yes, we're together. It's obvious." But seriously, then just EFFEN say it! lol

    I wish her well tonight, Love Garrett and Viggo, Looking forward to seeing pictures of them all! ♥

    And then Rob and Taylor presenting the 2nd BD2 trailer tonight, too!!! Ahhhhhh! The screams for them is gonna blow the roof off that place...☺

  32. They'll be back together by BD2. The world will have calmed and everyone will "AWWWE" the reconciliation by then... [or, so says my Magic 8 Ball!] ♥

    Yes, best of luck to them both with whatever! ☺

  33. When I glimpsed the first picture of Rob at Jimmy Kimmel, I thought immediately he must have had sex shortly before... maybe it was hot, angry make up sex? ;-)

  34. yep!! but the very worst had to be that fucking pterodactyl shit!  it's like pidgeon shit...only ten pounds at a time! :P

  35. Karen**BTB to the end**September 6, 2012 at 10:53 AM

    I agree! He would never allow himself or anyone he cares about to be put through this shit for any amount of money or Rupig on the other hand is another story....

  36. Karen**BTB to the end**September 6, 2012 at 10:55 AM

    He was pretty happy on Kimmel wasn't he???

  37.  That's why he uprooted his family from London to LA. He's an attention whore, money hungry, ugly fucker. He'd sell his kids if it would make him rich and famous. He's so gross.

  38. Karen**BTB to the end**September 6, 2012 at 11:14 AM

    Yeah, I think these two "TELL" us a lot without "SAYING" anything....

  39. Karen**BTB to the end**September 6, 2012 at 11:16 AM

    And I would buy his kids to save them from this mother fucker. My DH may be a dick sometimes, but when it comes to our girls, he would give up his balls to keep them safe and protected.

  40. And every pic that comes out of him he's got this grin on his face. He's so proud of himself. You can tell this isn't the first time he's cheated on his wife. Mark my words, more bitches will be coming out saying that they've been with him.


  41. Yeah, I am not going to watch any of it either until I know that all went well.  And I am soooo excited to see Rob tonight.  I have missed his yummyness over the couple of weeks. 

  42. He was happy!  I think I have watched that interview like 500 million times.  I can't get enough of happy, laughing, cracking dirty jokes Rob!  It makes me smile.

  43. That shirt definately looked better on him...although I prefer Rob shirtless, as I am guessing we all do.  LOL.  I wish she would wear a shirt that says that too.  The suspense is killing me over here....are they together...are they not together!?!  I guess only time will tell. Hmmmmm 

  44. He was! And funny and kinky ;-) 

    He is an actor but I don't think he could fake it if it was really over between these two...

  45. Totally! I think I knew they were together before they even did!!! LOL ♥

  46. Me too, even though we keep him fresh and in our faces here, lol. Oh, I know! And when they play the YouTube snippit from MTV, my heart is going to be racing and then I'm going to silently squeal when him and Taylor walk out to insane screaming and the new BD2 trailer!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ Ahhhhhhhh...

  47. The funny part is they wouldn't say anything about being "together"---Okay---But then Kristen would show up in matching clothes, shoes, bracelets, hats, backpacks. So why didn't Rob make her go change so it wasn't "obvious"? He had to know the public would... uh, make the connection. But mostly, why the hell didn't he wear her clothes?!? I mean, cum on, I could so see him in cuffed, skinny jeans with his ankles bare all the way down to some mulit-colored Converse! LOL ♥ Or a crop top or mini dress! Hello? Sexy!!!

    I think the PR suggestion right now to them is, wait to say what's going on. It's not time yet... Sometimes in Follywood, an actor will play the PR game if they feel they need to... IA, time will definitely tell. ♥

  48. My heart goes out to Rob.  He is a class act...she has no sense whatsoever.
    I hope that he's happy regardless and he knows that he can't trust her ever!  They will play nice until after the movie.  She is very desperate and since they lived together I am sure there were items that were left.  just my thoughts....mess around sure...but never get serious again.

  49. I'm clearly too invested in all of this....anger still flares in my chest at the fucking mention of her name.....the fuck is she pulling wearing that necklace and his clothing.....I really might lose it if he goes back to her. 

    Sorry to say, but I think I might be steppin away from these sites for a while....why am I still so angry about it? Am I the only person left in the world that DETESTS what she did to him?


  50.  You have to process through this the way you need to. We will miss you like fucking crazy, you know that right??!!!!! No matter what WE are here for you and LOVE you!!! xoxoxo
