Monday, September 10, 2012

Just What You EVER WANTED!!!!!

Are you ready to feel loved...

Then this is for you!

Introducing the: HUSBAND PILLOW!!

They had me at Dry Hump!


  1. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBSeptember 10, 2012 at 7:50 AM

    If that "Morning Wood" attachment and pillows has a Michael Fassbender one, I'll buy it. 

  2. LOL!!!!! I'm sure it comes with a XXL attachment LOL!!!!

    And Easy Clean ip?!?! Just hose him off!! LOL SOLD!!! 

  3. That's all I ever wanted. Fantastic! And even my cat will snuggle him?! Fucking perfect.
    Where can I order this?! I need it right now!

  4. I will place your order! You don't wanna take too long and miss your chance to get the morning wood attachment!!! LOL!!!!!!

  5. I think this is a good idea...but I would much rather have one that spooned me.  uno?? and then that morning wood would wake me up with a smile...after I got up and attached it and went back to  bed to pretend to be asleep and then woken up by said morning wood! LMFAO 
    Does this thing have a weight limit??  I'd hate to hump the stuffing out of it! :O

  6. LOL!!!!

    If its offered to BTBs I bet it's heavy duty LMFAO!!!

    I love the fact it has nipples, I wonder if they are already hard? 

  7. lol...I'm sure they are!  I kinda hate that the way it's drawn makes me think of South Park tho....LMFAO!  It's probably stitched together with 3oolb test braided fishing line, to withstand any amount of all-day-all-night-marathon-sex a woman can dole out on it's poor morning wood.  There should be other attachments post-pecker-pump cock and viagara infused cock...vibrating coils and whatnot! :P

  8. Now it won't be weird when you say you hump your pillow cuz it's Rob!

  9. OMG, that was my first thought! This bitch! I don't want it if comes from her.
    I bet she vomited all over him after she told him 'I love you Rob'

  10.  No, I can't miss it. The morning wood is the best thing about this pillow.

  11. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I never thought It was WEIRD!!! LMFAO!!!!

    I Seriously fell off my chair laughing just now! 

    Ok, time to hump my bed pillow till I get my Rob husband pillow! BATL!

  12. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    She's is not the creator, but most likely the cats parts inspired it! LOL!!!!

    Even if she pukes on him, you just hose him off! LOL

    Oh God, not hungry anymore..... 

  13. This brings back memories!
    DeeDee and her fucked up story about Rob falling in love with her- a 40 year old virgin, having every ilness there is on earth.

    The pillow could totally be her idea though. :-/

  14. LOL well I've never really had the urge to fuck my pillow but hey....whatever blows up your skirt.

  15. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBSeptember 10, 2012 at 2:39 PM

    Do you keep her story?

    Did anyone keep her story? 

    Kind enough to share it so the new people know what insanity we have all felt? LOL

  16. hi girls...anyone knows what happened with Robsessed ? I have tried to enter the page but it's out since this afternoon...

  17. GoDaddydotcom has been hacked...they are the server for Robsessed.
    It might take a while to get it back up and going...especially since Robsessed isn't run by a business or

  18. hey everyone yeah it is really me I have too tell you all that(this is serious) some of the blogs have been hacked into and Robsessed was one of them Jennifer and I have been trying too figure out what is going on and she has e-mailed the mods there and so far nothing back so far the BD or site works and the thinkining of Rob site works too this also happen too the suouthern fan ficsite as well and I kept trying too get on it for weekd it has been down and now finally it works but something or someone is fcuking with these sites and I just wanted for warn ya that it going around whoever it is those fckers!!

  19.  Found my new favorite pic. You likey? LOL

  20.  Don't even mention the "DD"!! It will wake from it's stagnant slumber and start talking about cancer and Rob and I can't handle it. And not to mention the friends and family pix.



  22.  I've always humped my pillows. It's the only way to get them EXTRA fluffy.
    *evil grin*

  23.  You're avi is giving me hiccups and orgasms!


  24. LMFAO!!!!

    Be careful! I've seen some real twats over there, they're gonna chase us down with pitchforks like fucking witches!!!! LOL!!!!! 

    I love the Robssesed site and a lot of people there, but FUCK ME if there are A WHOLE BUNCH OF TROLLS! 

  25. Yes! That was my goal! Crotch porn! With a little btb juice


    That was totally me las night too! LOL 

    My girlfriends had a get together for me so I could see my old co-workers, and some bitches I care NOTHING about showed up!

    Don't crush the happy bus bitches!!! LOL!!!

  27. thanks for the info,jen, i was wondering...
    hope they'll get it work again soon... :/

  28. Hi Olive, I was worried and am grateful for the information! I sent you an email btw.... :)

  29. I hope the morning wood attachment vibrates.....mmmmmm.........

  30. Is that a sign?! ;-)
    They need to get rid of some trolls before they launch that site again though.
    How funny that some people come to this site to ask about Robsessed?! *snort*

  31. Nothing keeps BTBs down though!!

  32. Hmmm perhaps this could plug into the wall... For high powered vibration and realistic body temperature LOL

  33.  If I don't burn the bridges how will we get rid of the trolls??!! LOL

    But seriously there are some awesome chicks over at Robsessed. I really like Kate and Tink. And that's where I met my Jennifer (heart skips a beat) and my Clitty Cat there and sooo many more! I guess in every garden there's weeds...LET'S SMOKE EM'!

  34.  Goal accomplished!!!

  35.  I hate those kinds of bitches..aka leeches. They only come for free drinks/food or ruin the fun or both.

    They just make me wanna watch a movie.

    This movie:

  36.  Trolls ruin everything. They really need to clean house before reopening. lol

    IKR! I'm seeing names I've never seen before. Are we the "IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY" headquarters or something?

  37. NOTHING!  The negativity only makes us stronger and our bond keeps us growing. XOXO

  38. I can safely safe that you and I are pros at the pillow hump.

    But for the newbies here's a tutorial:

  39. Haha! Should it have it's own lubricant???

  40. I wish!!!!!!

    But no :( She removed it faster then you can say "PUKE"!


  41. Here I found this paragraph...Enjoy:

    "Suddenly I feel the first familiar wave of post-op nausea wash over me, and he can see my eyes open wide and the color drain from my face and all I can do is point to the small, kidney-shaped plastic basin next to him on the table. He reaches over, grabs the basin, holds it up to my mouth and gently supports my head and neck in his hand as I release the anesthesia in my body, repeating the process a couple more times before I finally feel that it's over. When he senses me relax on the pillow again, he picks up a damp washcloth and gently washes my face and mouth. Then, as he puts down the washcloth, he turns back toward me, brushes the hair from my face, holds my hand again and says "I just want to hold you right now. No, I don't just want to . . . I need to." He pulls down the railing of my hospital bed and climbs in next to me."

  42.  BAMFTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to read it all over to piss myself laughing!

    I love how he brushes the hair from her face. I'm sure the full mustache and beard gets in the way of foreplay.

    And there's nothing hotter than hospital bed cuddling.

    I'M DYING!!! LMFAO!!!!

  43. Fuck me if i didn't find a profile for her 'story' LOL!!!!

    TopRe: New Rob Fanfic-"'Ello Love" (NC-17)
    by DeeDee777 » Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:12 am
    I set my story in the future only because I knew that there was also a Twi Tour date set in Chicago for next year already, too, but I knew that this year's TwiTour Chicago date was coming up soon, and I knew I couldn't go to this one. I'm still holding out hope that I'll be able to go to the Chicago weekend next year. Oh, and just FYI for when you read it . . . with the exception of me having "brain cancer" and, of course, the whole storyline of meeting Rob being fictional, too . . . basically everything else in that story is, in fact, autobiographical . . . at least as far as the relationships I have with all the other characters in the story. I put a lot of myself, my friends and my family, and my own personal experiences into that story.I really felt like the fact that I made "myself" the female lead character in this story really made the story more personal for me . . . sort of like my own little "love letter to Rob." And, when I'd initially written this story as "Hello, My Love" . . . a Hayden Christensen fanfiction that I'd initially written for about three years ago . . . I was inspired to write the story after reading someone else's fanfiction on that forum, and I had the idea to write a semi-autobiographical story, incorporating my personal experience with living with hydrocephalus and my experience with watching my father die from brain cancer, and it just sort of seemed natural for me to combine those two elements, to not only add drama to the story but also to help me work through the feelings of grief and loss over my father's death that I was still dealing with at that point . . . and it did end up being really "easy" actually. The story practically wrote itself. Initially, I'd ended the story without an Epilogue . . . but then I'd added the Epilogue later, because the last chapter just didn't seem like a very satisfying ending to the story. Then, when I got the idea to update the story and turn it into a Rob fanfic, it was even easier, because about 90% of the story was really already "written" . . . I just had to change a lot of little details throughout the story, and I ended up actually adding in a few details in the love scenes here and there, taking some of my favorite parts of love scenes from another Hayden fanfic I'd written and incorporating them in there.
    DeeDee777 Posts: 60Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:46 am

  44.  YOU ARE A GOD!

  45. LMFAO!!!!

    *bows* thank you thank you.... but you havent seen nothing yet!

    Letters to Rob found DeeDee777!!!!

    FUCK ME!

    @jasperismydestiny:disqus  must read!

  46.  You are making a sad, sad day so much better! THANK YOU, LOVE YOU!


  47. I'm glad, don't be sad *hugs* i love you

    And this bitches at letters to Rob are INSANE

  48. We should have a Deedee special!!!! 

    FOR HUMP DAY!!!!! 

  49.  HOLY HELL! I'll be in the hospital bed next to DD! Maybe Rob can be my candy striper..stripper. lol

  50. To every one of you who mentioned me in your comments on this post: "Take a little time to reflect on what you are missing in your life the next time you make fun of someone or bully them...they are not the problem, you are."
