Friday, September 7, 2012

Armpit?!?! WTF

Can anyone explain WTF is this?

Aparently there was an interview... 
Here is the piece
Stewart had just returned from Sydney with Sanders and her Snow White co-star Chris Hemsworth on the last leg of the film’s promotional tour. She seemed a little tired (those slight bags under her eyes were a bit more pronounced, and she seemed almost a little constrained by all her finery), but – with that cigarette placed behind her back, like she was behind a bike shed, and a drink in hand – she was in full swing. In retrospect, perhaps dangerously so.

“My God, I’m so in love with my boyfriend,” she suddenly confided, squeezing her fists and stiffening that little body with anticipation. “I wish he were here now. I think I want to have his babies.”

Had I heard her right? Wasn’t her “boyfriend” the one thing she never talked about? To anyone? And yet here we were. “God, I miss him,” she said, raking her hair back and exhaling a plume of smoke. “I love the way he smells. And him me. Like, he loves to lick under my armpits. I don’t get this obsession with washing the smell off. That smell of someone you love. Don’t you think it’s the whole point?”

Looking back, the exchange still feels surreal. It took place just three weeks before those incriminating pictures were allegedly taken. Was she even talking about Pattinson? Was she having me on? Who knows?

Someone please explain...
I don't see Rob doing this:
@RoyalKristen, you are a genius~


  1. Nom Nom Nom...

    Got razor bumps?
    No Worries!
    Introducing to the market:

    Rob's saliva, the new aftershave cream!
    Never suffer again!

    PS: it works best in bikini area...

  2. Lost in Translation.....ummmm....she was stoned when she said this.....errrr....the interviewer was stoned and Kristen was really talking about Rupig licking her armpit?  cuz THAT I would believe....LMFAO  :D

  3. Karen**BTB to the end**September 7, 2012 at 8:18 AM

    I think the interviewer embelished a lot of this interview. They talked about her holding a cigarette, but she quit smoking before Cannes. And hey, if Rob likes to lick her armpits....go for it! I just pray to god it wasn't Rupig she was talking about...UGH!

  4.  They also said she is 21 although she's 22 and that her father's name is Bill. Fail.

  5. This whole interview was weird. So many mistakes: age, fathers name, smoking.

    I didn't expect something like this from Vogue. It sounded like a gossip article.

    And the licking armpits thing?! Well, that's intersting! LOL
    Never knew Rob is into that kind of kinky stuff. But, oh well. If they both like it, good for them. ;-)

  6. Karen**BTB to the end**September 7, 2012 at 8:40 AM

    IKR? Too many mistakes for a magazine such as Vogue. I also read that the interviewer was a friend of Liberty's....who knows if that's true. Yeah, it sounds like something the National Enquirer would write about....weird. And, speaking from experience...the armpit is an errogeneous zone...but I prefer a clean arm pit!

  7. I don't think she means the smell after you went to the gym. Or I hope not. That's weird. LOL

    But, I guess they like it......

  8. My only legitimate explanation is that she was drunk off her ass or trolling because the media will print anyfuckingthing, ya know?

    I can see it now....all the comments about him..."Oh haha you think an armpit licker is hot"

    Immature assholes! I'm preparing myself. IDGAF I still love Rob!

  9. EWWWW! *gags* I don't even wanna think of that grandpa lookin motherfucker doing that! *runs to bathroom*

  10. I just knew that he was a kinky muthafucka!!!  Just the way BTBs like it/him!!!

  11. She thinks that she wants to have his babies... Um, well, bitch you lost your place in line, so *points* there's the back...  LMFAO!!!!!!!

  12. LMFAO!!!!!!!

    He is called Rupervert for a reason....  ;-)

  13. Ugh gives me the willies...and not in a good way. Creepy wrinkled up mofo! My dad looks younger than him and he's 44

  14. My thoughts exactly!  Who fucking needs any cootchie cream from Pure Romance when Rob's tongue does the trick for free!!!

    GAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!  Why Jesus Lord did she have to fuck him over???!!! (Sorry!  I am still having WTF moments about Stewmaggedon!)

  15. JIMD-Twifan since 2007-BTBSeptember 7, 2012 at 9:52 AM

    I always knew they were kinky...just, not THIS kinky.. 
    But okay then..
    To each of their own..
    Let them have their freaky sex...

    Though, considering how really absurd this article is, could armpits be a code name for 'p---y'? Is that why she never showered? Because Rob's smell is all over her? 

    Also, now we all know the one place Rupert hasn't got his d--k in: her armpit. It's her special place with Rob. 

    Okay, I NEED that sex tape now. Bill Condon, GIVE ME. 

  16. I don't get it!! When did she ever talk about her 'boyfriend'??? Had it been true shouldn't Vogue had 'published' this interview during the whole scandal debacle?? I just don't buy it! Not buying the 'armpit' thing either! Eeekkk....

  17. Cootchie cream??? Lol

  18. Like I said before! just doesn't add up. Either this(article) is just bogus, she's talking about Rupig, or the whole cheating thing is just a whole big lie. Argh...I need some tylenol and lay my head down

  19. LMFAO!!!!!! 

    I'll let her cut in my place if she let's me wash all the  Rupig smell OFF her and then feel her tities... just sayin' LOL!!!

  20. UNF!!!! Either that, or that interviewer is reading some really bad fanfic! LOL

  21. ME TOO!

  22. LOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!!!

  23. So, if we're doing translations of this ri-fucking-dick-u-lous interview excerpt, here's my take: "Oh, you're once again asking me about something I won't be talking about.  But just to prove how stupid you are, likeohmygod, I'm gonna say a bunch of really bizarre, out-there crap and prove how lame and unreliable the media has become! Thank you for making my point--"KS

    Sad how even media outlets once thought reliable are just laughable nowadays.

  24. But! I do love that gif of pitty licky licky! lol!

  25. LMFAO!!!!!!!

    With Rob, hell yeah *raises arms* have at it! LOL!!!!!!!

  26. I want that tape too!!!!!

    Gimmy gimmy!!!!

  27. Karen**BTB to the end**September 7, 2012 at 3:16 PM

    So true...Vogue is not known to be a trash rag of a magazine...

  28. Karen**BTB to the end**September 7, 2012 at 3:17 PM

    Yes Bill...give it to us...Director's Cut!

  29. this is ridiculous. all the humiliation and now this.
    this woman has no boundaries. I dont think Vogue is faking anything otherwise she would suit
    unbelievable. I really hope he never..I said NEVER come near her again. I know this is impossible since the BD2 promo stuff coming right there in the corner but you know what I meant.
    all the male around the word (and a lot of females) are laughing...Jesus. 

  30. yeah..maybe she was talking bullshit just to have we all crazy...she knew we would not like it.

  31. Lol, "Stewmaggedon" That's surely what it felt like!

  32. I'm lost in WTFland too! But that is GIF is hilarious!!!

  33. No kidding, some Tylenol, a handful of Tums, a heating pad, and Valium! :)

  34. Just thought you lovelies might be interested in this; it references this weird article in British Vogue:


  36. Ooo gotta get one of these!!!

  37. They have lots of neat products and toys! ;-)
