Saturday, August 11, 2012


Maybe not YO' MAMA! But it is Kristen's mama.

Hmmm.. I'm actually at a loss of words.

Kristen really needs to let her mom in on fashion 101.
Rule#1: Just because it zips, doesn't mean it fits.

Ok. Maybe she can't get the pants off and now she's just going to ride around town until they loosen up.

I think this gives us a glimpse of Kristen's future.

Kristen's reply to this post.


  1. Ohhh....that is some scary shit!  

  2. Maybe Rob should consider himself lucky at this point in time.....just sayin'

  3.  You know what they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Just sayin' part 2......

  4. She's so rude sometimes but it's hilarious! If she ever critiqued my style, I'd prob cry. I try to buy what's fashionable but I only have so much money, ya know.

  5.  Did you see last nights episode of FP? She made a comment about Kristen. OMG. I almost died.

  6. No. I don't have satellite TV. All I gots is Netflix. :( What did she say?

  7. I know I shouldn't talk, I probably don't look much better...but neither is my superstar daughter embroiled in a cheating scandal - Oh well!

  8.  It was about Vanessa Williams outfit (below). JR said it was loser than Kristen Stewart.

  9.  LOL! It's a dog eat dog world. And we are the H.B.I.C.!!

  10. Oh boy that is one fugly dress. Looser than KSlut? LMAO!

  11.  Ooops. Did I say loser? My bad. I meant looser. *evil grin*

  12. She fucked up!

  13. She is a dumb bitch.  I mean, who the fuck fucks around on Rob Pattinson!?!   

  14. LMAO @ who the fuck fucks around. Bitch done goofed. She is gonna regret what she did. I hope she gets booed at for the next two fucking decades!

  15. I am responding to you up here because I ran out of room at the bottom.  Damn straight she will regret it.  I am sure she is regretting it now.  I hope he walks away from that bitch and moves the fuck on.  I am guessing she will be booed at the BD2 premier.  That should be interesting to say the least....

  16. Understandable. It happens to me when I talk to FB. Chick just has too much to say. lol. Flove her.

  17. I agree with you! But you know what would be better than booing her at the premier - silence. If the fans could keep their mouths shut for a few minutes, I think that would make a bigger impact on her than anything. She's so used to all the noise at events like that and booing would just be noise. But silence...would be deafening!!!

  18.  I thought so...

  19. Trailer park chic! Completely fits the bill of being KSluts mother! I agree, Rob should consider himself lucky!

  20. Do you think Rob will take her back? He's so unpredictable sometimes, and I'm biting my nails to see what happens!!! Gah!

  21. She's pimping that muffin top like a sexy motherfucker! LOL

  22. I see K fans trying to cheer for her and fights started... I wonder if she will try to get out of going if things haven't calmed by then? I know she's under contract, but those can be broken if both parties agree. And if her and Rob are back together by then ---I have this feeling in my gut --- how will he be with her? And there's still MTV before that... I'm nervous for everyone for what's coming, ahhh! I'm still anxious for BD2 though :)

  23. I have no idea, but I really hope not.  

  24. IS it just me, or Kstew's mom is getting a bit chubby? LOL

    Here is my healthy eating tip...

  25. I feel the same way.  I am also super nervous about Rob's interviews next week.  They better keep that shit all about Cosmopolis and not ask him about his personal life.    

  26. Wow...that is so true!  Silence would be perfect and kind of scary at the same time.  What a trip that would be for her.

  27. I read in an article I just made up, that she was the one in charge of watching Bear, and she lost him... LOL!!!!!!

    He was later found... short of breath and thin as paper LOL

  28. LMFAO!  Love the GIF.

  29. OH.MY.GOD!  I am fucking rolling right now.  That picture is just too much!  Hahahahahahhahahha

  30. I know! Interviewers can be so sneaky, and I don't want to watch him go through that! :(

  31. Since we don't know why she cheated, we can't speculate if it's up to Rob...she may not want to get back together. Speaking from experience, people cheat for a reason, and not just for the thrill of it. Maybe things were getting too serious between them and she freaked out...we'll probably never know. At this point, I just wish them both the best. I will definately continue following Rob's career, but Kristen's....hmmmm not sure about that yet. I really only got into her stuff because of Rob.

  32. Fingers crossed that he is his usual funny, sexy self! Please keep the questions to his movies, not his personal nightmare!

  33. When he smiles for the first time, I'm going smile too and think, " There he is..." :)

  34. Part of me thought she would want to from the, "I love him, I love him...I'm so sorry." Very true we don't know, and if we never do then we never do. I too will follow Rob, and never see her the same like when I was a fan. The whole thing sucks. I honestly thought they would make it :(

  35. I just may cry seeing his beautiful face live again....not on those stupid magazine covers at the grocery store!

  36. I wonder if Scummit has recommended a meeting with the two of them to discuss this shit....I wouldn't doubt that they've tried to patch things up so they don't lose money...

  37. I feel like it's been forever since I've seen him, even though comic con was only a month ago. Yeah, I see those covers and just shake my head...

  38. I've learned not to assume and anything is possible and can happen. Thinking of the paps waiting around like vultures makes me sick...

  39. OMG!!!this is hilarious....LMAO

  40. Don't know, but whatever he chooses, it's NONE of our business and if you truly love Rob as a fan, you'll never EVER judge his decision. And we'll never know what's behind closed doors. 

    "This thing with everyone knowing you, it's weird, because people have this one-sided relationship where they look at your picture and feel they know you more than someone they actually know. I don't really know myself that well.  " -Robert Pattinson

  41. Dear people of the world, THAT is not an accurate example of how most Australian dresses, FYI. 

    On the other hand, I am starting to really appreciate my mum and her love of fashion clothes. Because that's just, yikes. O_o. That red bandana she's wearing on her head made her look like (scratch Snow) Hoe-white. 

  42. It's funny, it's no ones business, but lots of people what to know. And I'll be honest, I'm one of them. And it's for closure reasons, so people can move on based on Rob's decision. It's sounds weird, but his decision will be like, "Okay, let's move on" regardless. I invested a lot into Rob and Kristen in a happy way. This scandal has stunned me and made think WTF? I truly don't get it and would love some help, based only on a fan basis. If Rob never tells, or anyone else...I would never argue or judge :) It ain't my life, just my entertainment decisions.

  43. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBAugust 12, 2012 at 1:13 AM

    I'm not aiming this personally at you, please know that. I am one of those that would like to know how he handles it. But I refused to be a fan that will judge him in the end when he chooses his decision. By that I mean, if he chooses to move on, then okay. If he choose to get back to Kristen, then okay. It's up to him. We're not in this relationship, Kristen and him is. And yet, it confuses and disgusts the hell out of me how people are forcing him to do this or do that (break up with Kristen and don't take her back), when clearly it is not our right to do so as even his friends.The way I see it, these aren't advices. Advice is when you recommend someone an opinion, but not expecting them to follow it.  This is more like forcing by the fans. As in, if he takes her back, then he'll lose some of his fanbase because some fans would think that it is a very dumb action to do. Who are we to think he's dumb for taking her back? Or if he didn't take her back, who are we to celebrate that decision? For all we know, if he did that, he could be exacting that decision while crying in despair. He may not be happy and dancing away with his decision if he chose to break up with her. And yes, I understand people want to protect him, but if so, then we must respect whatever decision he makes in the end and don't full on judge it. 

  44. No, I didn't take it personal, just that I might need to explain myself better. Actually we are on the same side and good :)

  45. She looks like a biker babe and then I scroll down to find her peddling a bike not riding a bike. I find that kinda funny

  46. And we don't know exactly what going on...

  47. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! I know, i did actually snorted out loud LOL

  48.  BATL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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