Friday, August 3, 2012


OK my dirty mouth hoors!

Have something to Vent/Bitch/Complaint?


My Vent?
Here it cums:

1* If you are a Krisbian, and still love Kristen and defend her, GOOD for you. But please, to the delusional Krisbians that are making up facts about Rob, please stop. It's pathetic.

2* I want more naked Rob. That's all. For now, I guess jumping Rob will do (Olympic style) 


  1. My vent: K-HO signed up to another movie... Who the fuck is going to watch her???..ah yeah maybe all the Krisbians out there....

  2. Pretty much the same thing you said Marcela!

    Ok here we go...delusional Krisbifucks: I do not support her, I do not like her so kindly stop fucking posting pictures of yourselves on the internet with signs saying that you support her and that we should too. She CHEATED on Rob, she ruined a family and no I don't give a flying fuck about Ruperv! Yes, he participated in it but he isn't even a blip on my radar. And the reason he isn't getting as much shit is because he's nothing, alright? She's the more famous one and she's a whore! I am team Rob 100% and you fuckheads putting signs up about her slutty ass ain't gonna change my mind! And no Rob has not cheated before, he hates cheating as he's said. She can fuck off, you can fuck off, and Ruperv can fuck off! I hope he has dumped her ass and finds someone who loves him enough not to disrespect him the way she did. And who fucking apologizes to him in a magazine? What in the actual fuck?! Humiliated much? Yeah



    Okay, I'm done.

  3. Yeah and the director is 41,  married with 2 kids so his wife had better watch out!

  4. I wanna see more of this!!! That's all!!!

  5. Read that she hasn't landed the role yet.

  6. Ok, my bitches. here I present you a piece of my mind. 
    I can't help to be angry at Kstew bc I loved her so much, and she broke my heart. I need to vent to get all my anger out, but if I'm being completely honest i do feel a bit sorry for her now.

    For fucks sake she lost Rob.
    She lost millions of fans.

    She did what she had never done, and made her personal life public by giving an apology to Rob to the whole world.

    I'm still mad, but I understand why some people still love her. I'm sure PinkLady, still loves her, she was always supporting her, and I haven't seen her here lately.

    I want everyone to know, that if you still love Kristen and support her,you ARE STILL WELCOME. I will not disrespect your opinion. BTBs love each other and respect each others opinions. We don't always have to agree on everything, but BTBs are like sisters.

    Forgive us for talking shit about Kstew, but we are angry, we've been betrayed too. Some will take longer to heal than others. But I still love the Twilight Saga, Rob and heck... I still can't fucking wait for November! 


  7.  SHIIIIIIIIT! I don't just want to see it, I want him to do it to me.

    Asking for much? I don't think so.

  8. Aww, BTB! That was perfectly said.

    I started off an angry cunt but now I've moved on to the humor phase and just laughing it off as I heal from the bitch slap she put on us. I will not lie if I said there wasn't still a spark of affection I still carry for her. It's hard not to. I've adored her and even lusted after her for how many years??!! And just imagine what Rob is feeling. I hear they are talking who knows. Only one knows their own heart and they know what their heart wants and can forgive. It's just a fucked up situation and no one is perfect...well, except for BTBs. *evil grin*

    Peace, Love...Pattinson♥

  9. Haaha ! I that for real???

  10. I'm still pissed. I'm like bipolar. one minute im pissed at her, then sad, then next I say that she made a mistake, then pissed again.  IDK I just don't understand why!!!

  11. I love bad celeb gossip... Did you spot the latest one?   Scientology and pregnancy... 

    Re the ongoing crap... I remember hearing a celeb saying that he felt every celeb stays at the emotional age they are when the become famous, so really we're not dealing with a 22 year old who messed up, but a 17 year old who messed up... Hollywood is great for getting people around you who will swear on a dozen bibles that your farts don't smell, so after a few years you believe your expel Chanel No 5.     

  12. yes... who knew that one day the birth scene in BD1 would become one of the happier moments of the movie!

  13. Awwwww yes my sister, it's true when they say there is a fine line between love and hate...

    I'm still pissed as hell, but enjoying the humor in it a bit more everyday.

    Yeap, you wise prev-yoda, no one is prefect, (except BTBs LOL) so she made a mistake... 

    I made the same mistake too... so I've been in her shoes. it isnt pretty, but I was younger, and I got over it (and I was forgiven). She's a public figure, people won't let her forget that easy. 

    Plus was Rob's heart she broke... he's my precious LOL

    I miss PinkLady!!!  Where are you PL!!!!

  14. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!

    Edward with placenta on his face still makes me horny... 
    RAWR, shaggilisious

  15.  I make Yoda cool!

  16. Holy SHIT!!!


    WTF is wrong with this people?!?!?! 

  17. Yes, I looked him up. Scott Cooper, 41, wife's name is Jocelyn and he has 2 daughters.

  18. Dear lord my heart stops everytime I see this gif! Dat ass!

  19.  What is the movie?  Does she play a ho again?

  20. It's a very dark and twisted novel from the 50's I think. It's about a girl who is obsessed with her father. If done right could be a contender for the Oscars.

  21. Kinda late for that. Done done it. And I got "FUCK ME ROB" on my forehead and my "lips". 

  22. Has anyone read the fan-fics Gabriel's Inferno and Gabriel's Rapture? Just found out that these are being published in paperback and should be available in the new few months.

    I need feedback from some BTBs that have read these. Much appreciated! xoxo

  23. I read Gabriel's inferno *yawns* LOL

    it was ok, but not my cup of tea

  24. Hi there!

    I'm still here and I love you BTB's! But I just can't read all the hate comments about Kristen! I know people are still angry and say a lot of hurtful things and I don't want to fight because of that. It's just not worth it. 
    I wish both Rob and Kristen happiness! And I hope in time people will stop giving Kristen mean names. 

  25.  I am 110% ashamed of myself. I am so sorry for anything I said that made you uncomfortable and made you want to stay away. I love you, BTB and that is the very last thing I would ever want to do to you or any other BTB!

    Forgive me?


  26. You're HERE!!!!

    Oh PL I've missed you. Just so you know, I love you more than I dislike Kstew. I'm slowly getting over it. Like FB said we are all human and make mistakes.

    Please don't go away. We love you <3

  27. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBAugust 3, 2012 at 12:44 PM

    He is single.....

  28.  Aaaah hell! It's 'bout to get realz up in dis biatch!

  29. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBAugust 3, 2012 at 12:46 PM

    I heard she hasn't been signed up yet. There's NO WAY she could beat J-Law in getting this role. No way. 

  30. Oh my love, like I said in my earlier post, we are BTBs before anything. We are like like sisters, and like in a family, we all have different POV and says.

    Please don't go anywhere. We love our BTBs!

    And about Kstew, we are deeply hurt, because most of us saw her like a goddess, and now she showed us she's just human.

    I'm still pissed at her, but I can't say I hate her... Only time heals all wounds, I'm sure it will also heal mine :)

    Love you tons BTB <3

  31.  Gotdamn, bitch! Re-writing the Bible would have taken you less time! I'm commenting to you and I still haven't finished reading your comment. LOL

    But seriously....

    I can myself being a fan again in the (near/far) future. I really do admire her as an actress and she really is a bad ass. And what made me fall in love with her was her "don't give a fuck" attitude. Everyone falls down at some point in life but not everyone gets put on public blast for it. That's what sucks for her.

    Let he/she who is without sin, cast the first stone. I guess it's time for us to turn the page and let Rob and Kristen deal with this the way they see fit. Since it is their life. lol

    I know some BTBs will not budge on their decision to hate her. And that's fine and that is their choice. Diversity...the spice of life. LOL


  32.  You are so cute! <333

    Love you and of course I forgive you!

  33. I'm torn, too. I almost cried when the statement was posted and I realised the accusations and rumours were indeed true. Then I was angry, really angry. Now I just want to shake some sense in her. I mean if you look at the Cannes pictures (still hurts) you can clearly see how much she loves and adores him, too. It wasn't one-sided love. That makes it even more difficult to understand why she did it.  I don't think she's an awful person; just insecure. And I'm a bit scared what's going to happen when's she's reappearing in public...

  34. We are just pissed off lovers!!! LOL

    in war and love, it all goes!! 

  35.  Did you hear that??? My pussy cat just purrrrr'd!

  36. RAWR you can make anything sound dirty, I'm so turned on right now... LOL

  37. They said she'll be filming hunger games, so she can't do it 

  38. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBAugust 3, 2012 at 12:58 PM   :'') 

  39.  I swear to God if you stopped coming here I would bust open a vein! I love you and adore you like nothing else!

    Thanks to you, I think I can see the horizon to a prettier day. *muah*

    Let's hug it out, BTB!

  40.  Just like my ol' faithful vibrator that barely works anymore you gotta smack it a few times to set it straight.  I guess the same goes for my Kristen love. LOL

  41. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBAugust 3, 2012 at 1:02 PM

    Bahahaha!! What? I was venting :P 

    Yes, I also admire that side of her. For being so young and to just not give in to pressures from others who are telling you that you must do this or must do that. 
    Yes, agree. They're trying to work things out right now, but these gossips are not helping. And like I said, we really don't know what happened and would never know.   
    Yes, their choices. Just like those fans who still think Angelina is a cheater and a hoe for stealing Brad. She is, IMO. LOL 

  42. What can I say? I'm a dirty, dirty HOOR!

    Purebred BTB, baby!

  43. Hi Darling!

    I know, we are a dirty mouthed bunch here, but harmless. I'm very afraid of the crazy fandom gals (you know the crazy cat ladies out there) who want to run her over with a semi truck LOL

    I'm still angry with her, but I'm very known for my soft and forgiving heart. I'm aching for her stupidity. 

  44. LMFAO!!!!!!!

    I just love it when you talk all poetic BATL!!! 

  45. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBAugust 3, 2012 at 1:04 PM

    .....what...but K is not confirmed yet, according to her Rep though.. we'll see. 

  46. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBAugust 3, 2012 at 1:05 PM

    She is forever playing a ho. Her life is not fucked up enough and she's asking for more. 

  47.  I was just fuckin' with ya. You vent, BTB!

    You vent LONG & HARD!!!

    Is it getting hot in here? *takes deep breath*

  48. Oh God, I go looking and I actually find it!

  49. *Humps KK leg*

    I hope there is porn in Mission blacklist... although I doubt it LOL!!! 

  50. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBAugust 3, 2012 at 1:07 PM

    I'm feeling ya, hon . Them heat from anger and all in this post. Whew.. it's so stuffy and hot here.

  51. whatcha looking for in a book?   If you want paranormal with good sex scenes, try Black Dagger Brotherhood books by JR Ward (dark lover is first, my fav is 2nd book)

  52. MegO!!! We missed you! You just pop in and escape!! 
    I'll catch you next time and won't let you go!!! 

  53.  IKR! We better open some windows or pull down some panties!

    *runs to every window and nails them shut*

    I guess it's option B!

  54. D'aaawww! I've missed you too!

    I guess I'm used to hear negative comments from the media and her haters but it's more hurtful from people who used to be her fans! And I don't mean you specifically.
    But it's getting better. People are calming down and I'm glad! :-))

  55. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBAugust 3, 2012 at 1:11 PM

    With the amount of sex on screen that Rob is getting, someone need to create a video of the montage of those scenes, so we have a full on Rob porno. And that in turned could be our movie night here in BTB land. :P 

  56. Holy hell. My bff loves those mf'ing books! I can't do paranormal stuff like that. She tells me things and I just bust out laughing. 

  57.  You know it will be here as soon as we get more from Cosmo!!!!

  58. LMFAO!!!!!

    I know we can always count on Mell!!!! 

    Holy shit!!!!!

  59. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBAugust 3, 2012 at 1:17 PM

    Oh yes! :D Freaking hell. Rob and his sex movies. 

  60. I don't condone cheating (been cheated on myself, even twice by the same guy *stupid me*) but secretly I hope  Rob will forgive her. I think it's possible if there really was only kissing and making out. If not, then I don't think he will. He's going to shoot "Mission: Blacklist" soon while she's staying in California shooting "Cali", how could he trust her again?

  61. ok, if you liked the spicier elements of 50 shades - try leah brooke (i like the Desire OK books) or Tymber Dalton (love slave for 2 books)...  
    maybe we need a BTB goodreads account for recommending books!

  62.  I was confused too when I heard about it! I think it was called 'University of Edward Masen' (fanfic name). And it was on Amazon for a long time. So weird.

  63. Just found this one, it in no way fits into the discussion, but just had to share!

  64. Have you read 'Divergent'?! It's going to be made into a movie!
    I think Summit bought the rights! Damn :-/

  65. I actually haven't watched a single Brad Pitt or Angelina movie since this happened *lol*

    Yes, it's their choices. I'm just angry that RuPerv / RuPig can walk around in LA flashing his wedding ring while Kristen ha tto hide herself getting death threats...

  66.  It's not confirmed because the movie is not financed yet!
    And Jennifer Lawrence is filming THG and X Men next year.

    But they are also still looking for the other roles so it might be a while untill we know for sure.

  67. Cosmo is HOT! Whoa HOT! (I've seen it in May...) You'll love it!

  68. 14 days and counting!!!


    *strips naked and runs around screaming, "PICKLE IN MY JAR! PICKLE IN MY JAR!!!"*

  69. Yep! That's what pisses me off too. People foget he was involved too. He was the married one.

    It was similar with Brad Pitt. He was married but Angelina was the 'bitch'. People forgave him faster than her.
    I guess it's easier to blame the woman in this kind of situation. :-/

  70. I could go for a shirtless scene. He's all tan and muscley and sweaty! Whoo!

  71. LMAO! I knew Rob was in LONDON!!!! ☺ That's too funny...♥

    OMR, have you been over at Gossip Cop? Don't comment one way or another! Spare yourselves!!! It doesn't matter what you say, or who you want to defend...people just want to annihilate anyone!!!! I'm actually taking asprin now as I type this... *dizzy eyes are spinning*

  72. *raises hand* I'm in the "longer healing" time frame... ={ I know...sorry...

    I too understand everyone's point of view, feelings and outlooks on this whole sucky fiasco! I'm angry, confused and still in shock. It takes me a while to come down from stuff like this. I'm still pissed at Brad & Angelina! [but I swear I don't hold on to things ☺]

    I respect an opinon and love them... And I want to be able to vent sometimes too and not be judged for spewing my own confusion, or have people stop talking to me because of how I feel. I will get there with seeing less red... Maybe... In November, it'll be more like gold...♥ 

    I'll be at BD2 with a heart-on!
    Peace, Love & Twilight xoxo

  73. We should do a survey:

    Rob will eventually take her back
    Rob will move on with his life as a newly single man

    See, I already screwed myself over...I don't want either one! I'm stuck in limbo... =[

  74. I still cover my eyes on that part so I don't gag...☺ I can't stand to look at it!!! *oh, i'm sick now...*

  75. the Threads and Forums of Gossip Cop and Twitter are my new kind of entertainment... I never knew there are so many crazy people out there... (and I'm a psychologist; I'm used to crazy *lol*)

  76. He even had a big ole' smile on his face. I want to smack it right off!!!!

  77. I've never understood that either with Brad, Justin, Beckham and now Rupert? *huge exhale* PL, I'm exhausted...xoxo And glad to hear R&K are talking. My gut tells me they'll be back together soon enough...♥

  78. I'm trying to be all dark and mysterious.... is it working? lol. No seriously though life has just sucked hairy monkey balls and I've checked in but haven't felt like posting. I know I'm the shittiest BTB but I still love you bitches to the moon! ♥

    Oh and don't make promises like catching me and not letting me go! That just excited me! ;)

  79. Um...Lie Down in the Darkness, I think? It's not confirmed, but she wanted to role previously, and still might. I think it's even a book. She would be the lead girl living up to her sister's praise, her mom's jealousy cause she's so beautiful, and a lust crazed father-stepfather?  I don't know if it's a HO role???

  80. I have taken several psychology classes myself, and just a few of those posts alone would be great examples of, "Sometimes when you make sense...people just don't want you to." I seriously had to take asprin after the "Rob's in London" post. And I'm the doorknob who kept on reading!!! LOL Oh dear...

  81. I wonder if he'll be like Rachel and Ross from Friends [if you've seen that], where she tells him after he sleeps with someone else, "I love you, but I can't stop picturing you with her...ever." Gah, I wish Rob would send me mental brain texts!!!! lol

  82. Let's be positive! Whatever the decision will be, we have to accept it.

    I'm sending you my positive vibes! :-)

  83. This is your safe heaven hun! You can vent and say anything you want! Our love for you is bigger than all the bullshit piled together!! <3

  84. I read your comment, but all I see it COCKBLOCK LOL!

  85. Why the he'll does that make me want sob with relief? BTBland is awesome!!!

  86. I'm sorry life sucks!! I'm here for you hun! you know where to find me, love ya tons! And yeah, wait till I find ya! 

  87. Thanks Marcela, love ya tons too!

    I'll be hiding.... is an air traffic control vest too obvious? ;) I can add some Christmas lights to it too! lol.

  88. I have read Divergent and the sequel is out now, Insurgent. I think there will be a third book. I read this Blog / twitter sometimes by someone pretending to be Lord Voldemort, it's pretty damn funny... And he always recommends awesome books including Divergent, and I think from memory the Rapture series, Scummit seem to get all their ideas for films from him!! It you google Lord Voldemort Thinks you should find it.

  89. I'm right there with ya! My disappointment in her is because over the last 3 years of watching her interviews and how she claimed that HONESTY and PRIVACY were two of the most important things to her, she has thrown that shit out the window in one "momentary indiscretion". Trust me, I am not without sin, but I will come around soon enough to support her again...

    I am also happy to have this place to come to in the midst of the chaos. Sometimes I just want to read the gossip crap for giggles, but that shit gets deep fast! People are a little too invested...

    Love you all! Have a good weekend...

  90. Aurora23❤BTB❤®August 4, 2012 at 11:20 AM

    Was just reading all the comments on this post as I was away yesterday helping family and so could not comment or read everything.

    I want to apologize as well to my BTB's if I hurt you with any comments I made about Kstew! I agree with all of you about it was a BITCH slap to our faces for what she did & anger came out.  It just sucks that it happened.

    I love you all BTB's & remember that we all are here for each other!

    Marcela & FB: Thank you for making this site a place that we can be ourselves!
