Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Rob has made it beyond clear that he's not talking about his personal life. So why do these reporters keep trying to pull something out of him?

Do they really think they're that good or special that Rob will just breakdown and have a Barbara Walters interview with them?


Alrighty then! I guess it's time to go into BITCH MODE.
Time to start beating some sense into these dumb asses for not getting the hint.

We got your back, Rob...and your front!
*hubba hubba*


  1. Aurora23❤BTB❤®August 15, 2012 at 7:01 AM

    Just like GMA this morning, he asked the question and Rob shot him down with saying he is there to promote movies and make movies! bravo Rob!

    GMA only did those promos for 1st interview for ratings! They did not get what they thought they were going to get which is gossip and scandal! 

    We def got Rob back! 

  2. Aurora23❤BTB❤®August 15, 2012 at 7:14 AM

    OMG, this picture of him and his TONGUE PORN!

  3. TIDRP - LovesRobX50August 15, 2012 at 7:16 AM

    He never left =)

  4. TIDRP - LovesRobX50August 15, 2012 at 7:17 AM

    He's classy through and through....It's insanity how much I fuckin love him....i'm borderline fangirling like a bitch right now. 

  5.  I'm with ya, BTB!

  6. Karen**BTB to the end**August 15, 2012 at 8:36 AM


  7. Karen**BTB to the end**August 15, 2012 at 8:38 AM

    This "Showbiz Tonight" show had a bunch of crap on it besides that worthless interviewers questions. They were debating whether R & K should reconcile because their babies would be so cute! I sat there watching it waiting for a good interview but all it was, was crap!

  8. Karen**BTB to the end**August 15, 2012 at 8:39 AM

    Damn right! He is one in a million..

  9. That bitch pissed me the fuck off yesterday when I watched that interview.  God!!!  I just wanted to kick her in the face.  Just back the fuck off his personal life already and shut the fuck up about it!!!!!!  Rob handles that shit amazingly and I just don't know how he does it.  Love him!!!

  10. Mmmmmmm....he is yummy!

  11. This bitch and the dude from Access Hollywood pissed me off! Fucker had it going good and just when the interview was coming to a close, the douche blurts, "So you're staying with Reese then?"

    Nick pulled him away so motherfucking fast!

  12.  I really wish Rob would hire some BTBs to be his PR or even security.

    We would start off nice then if things didn't change we would go all BTB on the bitch's ass.

    BTB being nice:

    BTB taking care of the situation:

  13. Hell yeah we would.  Where do I apply for that job?  I would have drop kicked that bitch yesterday.  Love your GIFs.  They are perfect.  LOL!

  14. 'Are you really ok?'
    This lady is so stupid! Like he would tell you all his problems and worries when he met you like a minute ago. Jesus.
    And David C. is sitting there and probably thinking: 'Are you for real? What am I doing here in this room. I wanna talk about my movie?!' LOL 

    Stupid journalists!

  15. imdead.

  16. A gif is worth a thousand words, unless it's a Rob gif then it's priceless.

    Just stare at it. Time stands still and all worries are gone in the world:

  17. Everytime they ask that question i'm cringing and yelling at the tv, computor screen. Shut the fuck up. what do u think hes going to say...No, I'm suicidal!!

  18. The bitch needs a 'BTB bitch slap' in the face! That will shut her up!

  19. that is yummy! Mmmmmmmmmm..............

  20. There's not that many things in this world that I would give my life for but Rob is at the top of the list!

  21. Probably not the posting to make this comment, but I am pissed off that it appears KStew has been dumped from sequel of SWATH, while Rupert is apparently being kept on.
    I just think that is such a sexist Hollywood thing to do... dump on the woman...
    Whatever else KStew has done, I don't think this should destroy her career... Its just such a twisted sexist mans world!

  22. If it's true than it's really fucked up!
    Universal said that there is no script yet and nothing is decided. But they fired a scriptwriter who was already writing a sequel with Snow White in it. Now they want to focus on the Huntsman. Good luck with that.
    Not that I want a sequel now but if she's not allowed than so should be Rupert.

  23. to be honest, I enjoyed SWATH (even with Helmsworths realllllly dodgy accent), and would go and see the sequel... but not sure I would go to see the huntsman alone.
    FFS, men in hollywood get away with so much, racism and spousal abuse, claiming their kids aren't theirs, screwing around - and they still get work!

  24.  I enjoyed it too. The movie was good. And the cast was great.

    I don't know if I would see the Hunstman story. Probably not in the cinema.

    Yeah, Hollywood forgives men faster than women. Really sad.

    Have you read Jodie Fosters article about Kristen?

  25. excellent article... thanks for the link.
    the worst thing about hollywood is that so many people want the fame but lack the talent, so they hype the celeb thing (cna you say kardashian or paris hilton), and its generated an environment that the media will do whatever to get photos of all celebs... The UK media / phone hacking scandal was phenomenal for the disregard of law... and you know that somewhere someone is trying to hack K and R phone to get the 'read details'...

  26. I agree. It's because of those 'celebrities' -who are famous because they are famous- the media expects every actor/singer to be that way. Because if Kim K is willing to sell her life for a TV show and tell us everything about herself than everyone else should too. And that's stupid. Their job is to sing/act and that's it. Whatever they do in their private life is not our business.

    And I heard a little bit about the phone hacking scandal. It was horrible. I especially heard about Sienna Miller and how in the end she thought that her own family was calling the paparazzi because everytime she went out of her house the paps were there. I can't imagine how she felt.

  27. OT...popsugar has now a big pic front cover with her. Maybe they are paying popsugar to do it because now they want to promote her and the new film at TIFF..ARGH!! talking about her flawless skin and all.. W*ORE.
