Wednesday, July 25, 2012


*hangs head in shame*


  1. LOL  
    #still upset. Idk anymore. 

  2. This made me laugh so hard.... thanks FB!

    This article sums up what we're all thinking:

  3. and that he's sweet, humble, funny, energetic, worshipped her,  loyal...need i go on? there's eighty reasons. She fucked it up for a cheap thrill. stupid bitch. Sorry, I'm still so pissed of!

  4. Ok, that was amusing...... and sad . I don't know if I want to cry or laugh. And now let's all hope he fucking dumps her!!!!

  5. LOL, loved it... but why doesn't my office have those celeb gossip meetings... much better than productivity or team building crap!

  6. Thanks for this! I needed a good laugh!

    And I think it's time to step back and let Rob and Kristen handle this on their own. It's not our relationship! They have to decide what's best for them. 
    Time heals wounds. Maybe this one too. We'll see...

  7. I jus need to vent a bit more, I'm still so angry and dissapointed. I just read on Hollywoodlife that Rob found out last monday when the mag called his rep, she didn't even tell him herself. So I don't buy  the "I feel sorry"-remark. Apparantly she started kissing Rupert right away after stepping out of her car, sure that sounds "momentary"! I don't greet my male-friends like that. Hope Rob can go on with his life without her soon.

  8.  Anytime, BTB! We needed something to break the tension. ☺

  9. I agree. We vented, screamed, broke shit over this and now it's time to let the dust settle and let them figure this out on their own.

    Who ever knew this day would come. Damn.

  10. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 26, 2012 at 5:33 AM

    I'll always be pissed off....I can't believe she hurt him. 

  11.  They say Rob found out Monday but not by Kristen. His reps were contacted by Us Weekly.

    I really think she thought she was going to get away with it. How sneaky is that? And I don't care how upset she is. She's 1 of 2 who created this situation.

  12. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 26, 2012 at 5:44 AM

    She disgusts me....I never in my life thought I'd say that. How do you hurt a man like Rob.....I'll never understand it. 

  13. Just wanted to tell you that HollywoodLife is the biggest trash site out there. They write their 'stories' based on tweets from Rob and Kristen's fans. They don't have sources.
    98% of their articles are not true. That's it! :)

  14. Yup! It's not our business. 
    And I know a lot of people will probably hate me but I'm still her fan. 
    I like Rob and I like Kristen!

    Bit like I said. We need time for our anger to disappear/dissolve! It's just too fresh right now. And everyone has a right to be angry but let's stay human and not call her names.

  15. I would NEVER hate you for the way you feel. And I have your back 110% if any bitch gives you grief over it (NO JOKE!).

    Who knows! I might come around and think she's cool again, but not for awhile. LOL

    I just really want to know to know what Rob will do. It might just take time to figure it out and that's probably for the best. Maybe it's a good thing he's about to head out and shoot his new film. Time to breath and get away from the hell hole of Hollywood.

    Kristen did a bad thing and she has to deal with it. It really is just between her and Rob. But we're so passionate and protective over Rob that we take personal offense to her actions towards him. What can ya do???!! Not a fuckin' think.

    *hugs PL*

  16. Thanks for the info PinkLady, I didn't know that. I jus don't know what to believe anymore. You're right, it's time to move on. I'm done venting, it's not helping anyway. X :)

  17. I'm wondering why she released a statement... normally they are so private about relationships.... my suspicions are:
    a. worse to come, trying to pre-empt it by saying 'mea culpea'
    b. studio pushed her, so that by the time OTR press junket starts it will be history...

  18. No problem! These kind of gossip sites just make it worse.
    The only reliable site is People magazine, in my opinion. But sometimes they're wrong too.

    And yes let's move on! We are the last people who can change anything about this situation! 

  19. Aw, thank you for your love and support! 

    And I totally understand that you need time. It's ok to not like her at the moment. I'm sure she doesn't like herself too right now!
    But yeah, I think it's for the best for Rob to concentrate on his new movie. Some distance for a while might do good for both of them. 
    And I'm not gonna lie I will be heartbroken if they break up after this but it's Robs decision and I will respect it no matter what.

    But most important! Love you BTB!


  21. I don't really know! But isn't it typical for America?! Like Tiger Woods and so on. It's like they think celebrities owe them an apology every time  they do or say something bad.

    Oh lord, I hope there isn't more to come because it's fucked up enough already! And it was really heartbreaking to read (for me). She never said she loved him in public and now she did. I really don't know what to think of it. But I'm kind of glad she did. And it sounds like her and not her publicist. 
    But it's a possibility that Summit wanted an apology from her because she still has to promote this huge movie. OTR is too small for it. I don't think she is going to do more promo for it. And it comes out in December in the US, I think. So it's still far away. Sounds more like Summit to me.

  22. I suppose at the base of it all, we don't know them at all, we know the roles they play, we know the way papparazzi portray them, but we dont' know them!    
    Its just we got invested in the characters, bella/edward / ana / christian... and want that to translate to them.   
    I would have been surprised if they had lasted for years, not because I dont' believe in their relationship, but just because as you grow up you all change... very few people end up with the person they dated in their late teens.
    Until then, I just posted this above, so enjoy!

  23. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 26, 2012 at 9:10 AM know....I was thinking earlier that there are enough women in this world that would bow down to him....he could have sex with different girls three times or more a day every day until he's like 50...and they'd still keep coming (pun intended on coming). 

  24. hmm, Dec release date normally means they want a run at awards/Oscars... and they like it all to be nice and clean and tidy in their personal lives... maybe they want this movie to be in the running for the various actors (i need to see if its a miramax production, they really play the PR game for awards season).

  25. So I'm back from more family vacay stuff and honestly still reeling from this shitstorm. I really can't say any more than anyone else has...but I hope Rob is licking his wounds in a safe environment and not off getting plastered trying to forget this betrayal. Sorry...still a little bitter I to all the BTB's...

  26. I agree! We don't know them! Only their friends and families can say that they do. We just know bits and peaces.
    I personally thought it would last longer but oh well. 

    So how long is the line for the mind blowing sex? Do I get a chance in 2012? LOL

  27. Yeah, I heard that it's possible they want to release this late (in the US) because of the award season.
    And Kristen had really great feedback from Cannes. We'll see if they can look over her private problems and just evaluate her work.


  29. That made me laugh too!! Now, don't kill me, cuz you know I love Rob or else I wouldn't be  part of this fun little group, but....
    Here is my question...Do you think  she really loves him or do you think she just loves that HE loves HER? Because let's be honest, in their relationship, we all know who wears the pants and who wears the nipple clamps.

  30. This song pretty much sums it up...

  31. I'm holding you a spot in the queue, I think assuming he doesn't need time to recover we're good for November!

    here this made me laugh...

  32. Thank you Mell! That's so nice of you! LOL
    This is so bizarre!

    And Bella Swine?! So sexy! :-)

  33. Rob completed adored and seemed so in love with her. For the longest time I thought it was kinda one sided. I believe she loved him but not the same love he has for her. After Cannes I started to feel differently but now with all of this.... I know no one is perfect but if she loved him the way he loves her I don't think she would have cheated!

    Gossip Cop is saying that Kristen never had sex with Rupert.... from the pics it seems too intimate to me. I think they had sex or everything leading up to sex.

  34. I heard on Gossip Cop that there are more pics.... :( Hopefully they're wrong!

  35. Yeah just saw them. They're basically the same. Just more of them. There are also some where they both look right into the camera. And that's what I don't understand. It's like it was staged. But why???

    And I hope GossipCop is right and they didn't have sex. I mean it was daylight and they had their clothes on. I would feel better if they didn't. Ugh

  36. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 26, 2012 at 10:25 AM

    Way to make me cry...thanks alot. I love James Morrison. 

    =( that song is so sad. 

  37. Or not...
    according to all the gossip sites he's left their home (of course they are NEVER wrong)... I suspect they will try and work things out, if nothing else to try and get through BD2 junket... how awkward would that be at each premiere / on the private jets / in interviews... 


  38. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 26, 2012 at 10:28 AM

    Not saying he ever would.....I'm saying there are enough women that adore him that he could...

    Including me...he could point and I'd obey. 

  39. I'm just making up the spare bed in case he needs a place to crash tonight ;-)

  40. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 26, 2012 at 10:43 AM

    lol spare bed....not yours?


  41. husband has to sleep somewhere!!!!

  42. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 26, 2012 at 10:48 AM

    Isn't his voice gives me chills. Rob's voice gives me chills to.....and to think of all the songs he sang about that bitch Kristen....I never thought I'd talk bad about her...ever. 

  43. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 26, 2012 at 10:49 AM

    It's Robert Pattinson....your husband would understand =)

  44. i am addicted to his song Undiscovered. KS makes me sick and I will never view her the same again. Rob deserves someone loyal and doesn't seem embarrassed to be seen in public with him. What a way to eend the saga, huh?

  45. HAAHAA!at least i'm laughing. love their take.  Kristen-  I hope what u did was worth it cause ur letting go a great looking man. I hope she suffers

  46. TIDRP - LovesRobX50July 26, 2012 at 11:14 AM

    The reason he's so adored and respected is because he's adoring and respectable...I've never once in any interview ever heard him put someone down, or get a dig on someone, I could only WISH to have a man look at me the way Rob looked at Kristen every single time....and she threw him away like trash. 

  47. I just can't believe she actually did this. With someone so old and so.....fugly!

  48. That sure as fuck would make me feel better about the situation!

    You kill me with the things you make and find!

    HOLY FUCK BALLS!!! BATL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. I think he's gonna take her back too and work things out...which I'll vomit, but ok, it's Rob's choice. BD2 is gonna be sooooo awkward, though, no matter what he does. WHAT I REALLY WANT IS A ROB / TAYLOR TOUR!!!! ♥

  50. Guessing here: I think she really loves him, but doesn't understand the concept of true love. I think she loves that other guys find her hot. She left MA for Rob for the same reason. Rob wanted Kristen, and she basically said, "Okay! Uh, bye Michael, this guy's more popular than you...'sorry'!" I can imagine half of the reason she met with Rupert is he found her totally yummy and she offered a taste. There's good ways and BAD ways to feed an ego...male of female.

  51. Admit to ONLY what you got busted for is the name of the game...

  52. Love back! I hope he's with his buddies who will offer him sound advice...♥ [cause he don't wanna hear mine! lol]

  53. LOL @ Steve Carell & "every NBA player ever!"

    My guess: Rob's gonna take her back

    And I'm curious --- If this is a set up like other sites want to try to claim...exactly how would this work for Rob, Rupert and Kristen??? I don't get that...?

  54. BolansCatBlack (Joan)July 26, 2012 at 12:45 PM

    That was the actual first time Ive smiled in two days! Thank you for that Cooter. I heart you!

  55. So this is the one you want?

  56. BolansCatBlack (Joan)July 26, 2012 at 1:19 PM

    Nuh uh.....I love you more! Every Clit needs her Cooter!

  57. Well, we're all human... at least until the last 5min of BD1!

  58.  Aww! Clitty Cat! I will FLOVE you forever and ever!!!

  59.  Yep!

  60. It probably SEEMS like America because most celebs live in California and where the Hollywood news mostly goes down, but I, FOR ONE, don't expect apologies...answers are nice though. If a celebrity is told to apologize and they do, that's up to them...not something we demand as a whole country...

  61. I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you! 
    It's typical for Hollywood.  Because if the celebrity doesn't apologize they are going to bash him/her even more. But thats just my opinion.
    And a lot of people were expecting a statement from her.  Like it's a given (On the internet at least)

  62. This went down in Hollywood, no denying that...but people from around the world wanted to hear from her. I would never deny someone an opinion, but even if it was said about another country being put down as a whole, I'd still think "Whoa...really? Just them, no one else?" And you can bash me after this for trying to correct something that's a fact, but I'll be honest I'm fine, but yeah I guess I'm just one of those people who didn't want to be lumped in the negative and typed it out instead if shutting my mouth. I, uh, tend to do that sometimes. :)

  63. Thanks! I almost fell from the couch..It's hilarious, thank you thank you.

  64. Your welcome! Make yourself home . There's only one rule here at BTBs Uncensored. Do not drink or eat while reading posts and comments. We are a choking hazard. *wink*

