Friday, July 13, 2012



FUCK, I sure have stuff to vent about!
STARTING with missing the live feed from CC yesterday! *wails*

I'm still so mad, I can't type!

7-min CLIP?!?!?!?!?

*FB calms Marcela down with the broom*


This picture is really making me feel better...
Rob squeezing Kstew tiny muffin top! LOL!!!


  1. HE is just too cute!!!!

  2. I need a fucking group hug! Where are my BTBs!~!!!

  3. Can I just say it fucking sucks I don't have Rob pinching my muffin top.WAAAAHHHH......

    My vent: I'm sick and tired of the jealous mofos picking bits between Rob and Kris. " Rob seems so tired, sad, unhappy like how kristen is"  blah blah blah whatever- I just saw a big motherfucking Robsten bubble on comiccon if you ask me.

  4. AGREE!!!!

    Fucking hags, they have nothing better to do!
    They looked happy and hot as fuck!!!

  5. there, there! *hugs

  6. I haven't read any of that but from the pics and the couple of clips I've seen.... Rob was his usual self! 

  7. Marcela I'm in the same boat as you and missed all the CC stuff.... we can be each others support group! lol. 

  8. LOL!!!!
    "there there" I feel like a crazy person (not that I am... ot am I?)

  9. *wails*

    I know *hugs Meg* I'm so mad still, I'm not sure this is normal!! LOL!!

  10. Seriously, they were the usual awkwards cute mess they always are! LOL

  11. My venting post will be a little long winded so just skip over me! lol.

    Where to start.... well last Wednesday I get a call from my mom telling me she has had to call the RCMP because my dad's friend called her letting her know that my dad was in a bad place and trying to kill himself. So after hours of trying to talk to my dad and going through all of this the RCMP got him but because he's ex military they treated him as if he was armed even though he wasn't and so he's upset cause they screwed up his shoulder he just had surgery on. Also my mom is having a hard time even driving her car cause he tried to kill himself using her car and it's really been hard on her and I'm trying to be there for her since my older sister is so immature and has made this all about her! He's doing better and is a Mental Hospital for at least 30 days and him and my mom are both going to see counselling. My mom has also decided to tell my sister, her and her almost 6 year old son need to move out because they don't need the added stress and fights she brings so now she has a poor me attitude and is resentful to my mom saying she turned her back on her and Jakob after saying she would help them! Sarah has lived with my parents for almost 7 years I think that is plenty help and since my mom has kicked her in the ass she has gotten a new place, new job and a dayhome for Jakob. She does have to give her dog away but it's for the better because she can't afford vet care for him. 

    Still trying to finish up at our old house so we can get it on the market! Then the satellite company we were going through has been nothing but a fucking headache! Took them 3 weeks from when they said they would come install to actually install it and they charged us $600 and the PVR isn't even working and it will be another week before they can even come fix it so we're going back to the company we had before and saying fuck you to Bell! 

    I really need to get my house organized and back in order too, I hate the chaos of moving! I miss my BTBs too and I definitely need to make sure I come on here more. 

    Sorry for such a long vent.... again! lol. 

  12. Yup and people are saying otherwise are just looking for some drama! 

  13. Probably isn't but BTBs are never normal! 

  14. Oh you are but that's a BTB prerequisite! 

  15. My thoughts to you, honey! We lost two family members last week. Not a good one for you and I lately huh. Sounds like things are coming around on your end and hopefully gonna be okay!! I'll be thinking abouth and sending mental huggs! ♥

  16. *cyber hug*

    I'm so sorry hun! Know that we all here to support you and send you the best wishes all the time!

    We love you Meg, stay strong baby girl! ♥♥♥

  17. I thought the panel was GREAT! What the hell are these people talking about? I must have Rob blinders on and can't see anything but sunshine and rainbows! lol ♥

  18. No kidding! Rob even made a paper airplane for a fan!!! lol

  19. I'm here baby! Let me hug you!

    You know this is the year where all the  twilight related events will come to an end.
    It was the last Twilight Comic Con. Then comes the last Twilight convention, the last premiere and the last movie.......*sobs in a corner*

  20. I'm tired of reporting of 50 shaded that have zero to do with the book.... its twilight all over again... 'Read the fecking book you lazy reporters'
    But spotted this and loved it...

  21. Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry all this crap is hitting you.
    firstly your mum is right, sis needs to get her arse into gear, 7 years is more than enough time to get it together.   Your dad is in the right place, and I hope it all works out for him, you should consider inserting that cable where the sun don't shine when they come back...
    Here I think you need a hug...

  22. LMFAO!!!!!!

    How appropiate!LOL!!!

    Like Bella, looks like Anastasia didn't have these either!


  24. Marcela, here's the beginning of the 7 min. BD PT2 clip! Crappy quality. You can only see half of the screen. But oh well...

  25. ITA...damn mother fuckers are just jealous! I think Rob wanted to pinch a nipple , but had to settle for her side! Hee hee...

  26. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 13, 2012 at 8:00 PM

    Tired of these selfish whores who taped the BD PART2 clips and are not sharing!

    NO FAIR! Share that stuff or Karma is going to get u!

    Found this 28 second clip that is clear and u can hear it. But only28 seconds bitches?????

    Share bitches, share!!!!

    Okay here u go and enjoy:

  27. Thanks Mel. That hug was just too cute not to smile! Yah I am 100% on my moms side. Yah they won't be coming back we switched and told them to fuck off and give me my $600 back... I'm going into the store 9 am on Monday! The company I went back to is so much better!

  28. Thanks Marcela. I love ya too! I'm trying to stay strong and I am so glad you made a Friday venting post cause I needed it.

  29. I'm sorry for your families losses, it's so hard losing someone. No not a good time lately eh? I think we need to fuck off for a week and go drink on a beach!

  30. So sorry to hear this! Stay strong and know that you have a place in all our hearts!

  31. Yup...Keep it in your pants Edward! Priceless!!!

  32. Fuck me....I would have jumped Edward right then and there...who cares if someone else was in the room!!!

  33. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 14, 2012 at 5:15 AM

    longer clip of the 7 minute intro of movie!

  34. Aurora23❤BTB❤®July 14, 2012 at 5:18 AM

    this is the 28 second cleariest one out there right now!

  35. Thank you, Meg! I hate crying...♥ Yeah, let's go lie drunk on the sand anywhere and watch stumbling, blurry, vampire-shaped clouds float by...

  36. Sounds perfect to me, especially after this week. Monday it was my birthday and my grandma phones to bitch me out cause I didn't give her a number to reach me (stupid phone company still hasn't hooked it up... 16 days and counting!) so she got my cell number from my mom, then proceeded to tell me how she wishes she'd just die and life isn't worth it when you get old ect and this is just after all this shit with my dad.... happy fucking birthday! lol. We really need that beach, fuck real life!

  37. Well, happy belated birthday! Sorry grama put a damper in it :( I'm beyond ready...LETS GO!!!
