Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Friday Bitches!!!



Need to bitch about something?
Do it here!

Who made my shit list this week:
-My Mother: For being unappreciative even though I spent a fucking small fortune for my brothers graduation -yesterday- (I paid for all the food, cake, plus I got him an awesome gift- a watch, which he loved and was very thankful for). She comes today and goes on an on, how we were all running late and how is so stressful to be the head of the family... PFFFFT I do fucking everything for her! I'm her bank, GPS, assistant, translator, driver, google, slave and much more... I'M FUCKING TIRED!!!!!

-The husband: for being an asshole, but we made up when he tied me up and spanked me last night... it's all forgiven LOL

How about you my darlings?!
Angry? Pissed? Sad?


  1. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBJune 15, 2012 at 9:04 AM

    Angry Rob is so hot.
    Okay, on that note, my Physio for trying to crack my back and pressing down on the pain points because it'll 'make it better'. Then telling me I may not be able to walk during the weekend. I have 2 parties on both days this weekend. FML. How is one suppose to get drunk with back pains?!

  2. A BIG FUCK YOU YOU STUPID BITCH TO MY MANAGER =) (for various reasons). 

    I'm applying to Johns Hopkins for grad school for fuck's sake....never doubt my intelligence again...or I might punch your fuckin teeth down your throat. Keep in mind that I can...because I'd be easy to fuck up your face and wipe that smug ass grin off of it. 

    That is all. =)

  3. ok, here it is: - I'm fed up and annoyed , because I still want to write a post about me going to Berlin for the Cosmo premiere and standing two fucking meters away from Mr. Monstercock himself , but RL has been a bitch lately aand that's a understatement. So I feel guilty towards you girls that I haven't done that yet. Which brings me to this: - When 3 fucking doctors tell me antibiotics doesn't interfere with my birthcontrol I expect not to get pregnant!!!!
    ( that's why RL has been a bitch, because it went wrong)

  4. Object of anger: an immature little 18 yr old bitch who's boyfriend dumped her cuz she is a pathalogical liar so my sister decides it would be a good idea to take her dumb ass with us and stick her with my grandma and I. She's a motherfucking slob who doesn't clean up after herself, still calls her mommy when she's sick, eats my fucking groceries but doesn't contribute to the bill, takes all the hot water in her goddamn 45 minute showers! I want to kick her ass out! FUCKING DUMBASS TEENAFERS!

  5. Oh Girly!!!! I don't know what to say! Congrats? or I'm sorry?

    I have an "ooopsies" WFT happened to my birthcontrol - BABY too!! ;)
    and it was hectic for a while (VERY HECTIC), but he is the best ever. I cannot imagine my life without that little troublemaker - FROM THE START! LOL

    I love you!
    Hugs and kisses

  6. ARGH!!!! I hate that!!

    And here is even worse! I love doctors and I've had the best experiences working here in this hospital. 
    But the new Drs the ones that are here in their fellowship are the WORSE, they think they are fucking Einstein, and everyone around them are dumb!

    I have 2 degrees you assholes and I'm fluent in 2  languages and I'm pretty good in another 2 too! I may not be a Doctor but I'm pretty smart!!! ARGH!!!
    FUCK YOU!!!

  7. WTF!!!!

    Kick her to the curb! not before switching the salt and sugar though! LOL

    That'll teach her! 

  8. I'm sorry would be more apropiate. I'm not pregnant anymore..... ended up in hospital last monday. That's why I haven't been on the blog or didn't sedn you the email with pics from berlin. I it too late to send it? Berlin premiere is happened a while ago. Love you too, hugs and kisses back

  9. Take your time, do it when you can. But if it's not in our mailbox by Sunday you will hear a knock at your door on Monday morning. ☺

    Are you preggo??????????????????????????????

  10.  I use to do the depo shot but that fucked my cycle and body up. Now I free ball it and try to avoid the bullets...or swallow them. LOL

  11.  If I get pregnant I'm giving the baby to MegO. Maybe she'll take yours also!!

  12. not anymore, it went wrong last weekend. :(

  13. My vent is about the Robsessed bitches that TRY to take shots at me and my other beautiful BTBs. Don't these fucking McFish twat sandwiches realize we will never, never, never ever back down from a fight? I'm gonna have to pull an Ike Turner and beat a bitch soon, I can smell it in the air.

  14. OMG! Sweetheart, you do know that we are here for you not just for the silly fun stuff, right? We love you and want to support in any way we can. You can even email me Marcela or myself and we will be there for you.

    WE LOVE U!

  15. Aurora23❤BTB❤®June 15, 2012 at 10:13 AM

    Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that Hannah.  We all love you over here! Taking care of yourself is priority! 

    ***smooches & big huggs***

  16. I'm so sorry. I'd sue the fuck out of those doctors.

  17. Oh I'm tempted. She's about the length of a snatch hair from finding her trashy clothes in the yard and the doors locked on her stupid ass!

  18. Thanks , that measn a lot to me. It just wasn't meant to be...

  19. Thanks Fb, good to hear that. Love you too!! I do have some good news. I won tickets for Cosmopolis yesterday at a Dutch radiostation. I will receive them next week.

  20. oooo something going down there?!?! 

  21. I had one bitch of a gyneacologist. A woman offcourse, I rather have a man down there. She didn't stop rambling about getting a different birthcontrol. Mine works just fine if they don't put me on antibiotics and lie about the consequences!

  22. Hannah I'm so sorry.... :( Take care of yourself BTB. *hugs*

  23. No getting pregnant right now missy! Mr attitude almost 10 year old and miss I'm 3 and damn important are enough right now! lol. 

  24. Thank god the 6 year old is fine right now or I'd really be pulling my hair out!

  25. You definitely deserve and need them right now. Have a good night out! 

  26. Well pain meds and alcohol can be fun.... 

    Feel better soon! Back pains suck! 

  27. Aurora23❤BTB❤®June 15, 2012 at 10:31 AM

    My vent is my fucking HEALTH!!

    I seriously need to live in a plastic bubble! Anytime I try to fix one thing, the medicine to fix it gives me another problem to the mix!  It's getting tiresome, costly and making my body a fucking mess!

    I want my body back!

  28. oooooh, bitch fight!! What happened? Can I help? * pulling up sleeves*

  29. :(

    Oh baby girl *hugs*
    We are all here for you!

    And of course it's not too late! Send it when you can, and we'll make a party out of it!

    Take your time, we love you SO FUCKING MUCH!!!

  30. Thanks Meg, It has been one emotinal rollercoaster last week. 

  31. LMFAO!!!!!

    remember you can't get pregnant in the butt too! LOL!!!!!!

  32. There's always some bullshit going on over there. This same bitch I got into with a while back decided she wanted a 2nd serving. Between myself and Star4 we took care of her. LOL

    She said I was mean as a snake and mad as a fucking hatter. And I knew that already...tell me something I don't know. LOL


  33. Ugh I have so much to vent about.... 

    First of all my grandma can be a great lady but she invited herself to stay with my parents for 2 weeks! My mom had knee surgery yesterday and Grandma has been bitching cause no one is paying attention to her! My dad and sister are both working full time and mom has been busy and then had surgery, what does she expect? Then she tells me I can't let Austin go for a sleepover at a friends tonight cause she wanted a picture of him and is leaving tomorrow! Seriously! So she then decides she should just go to his school?!?! Like he really wants a senile old Irish woman he barely knows coming to his school! 

    My second vent..... my baby is 3! lol. Really I am mad about that cause she's my last baby and I don't want her to be 3. I'm making her video montage (I do this every year) from age 2-3 and she's just changed so much! :(

    Third vent... hubby is a douchebag of the worst kind! First I asked him last week not to take call for anyone cause it was Alie's party on Sunday and last year he ended up going to a bad car accident the whole time of her party and missed everything. So Sunday halfway through her party he leaves cause he took someone else's call and got a firecall. He will now be on call for 2 weeks straight. Plus his Captain stepped down and because he's Lietenant everyone is looking to him to apply and if he doesn't he'll be pissed if someone with less experience becomes his boss! 

    I haven't had much time on here either cause we're packing and getting ready to move. Plus I've been working on advertising for hubby's one company and the other company some kids tried to break into so we've been doing police reports, plus hockey and all my other crap going on. Thankfully Austin's last game is the 20th, they have to play a team of 11-14 year olds who are in hitting league cause they've pretty much embarrassed all of the Atom level Last game the score was 25-2! 

    Anyone watch the Kings win the Stanley Cup?!?! 

    Sorry for my ramble. 

  34. lol oh FB I love ya! Glad Star had your back.... I've been a neglectful BTB... :(

  35. Ugh that sucks Aurora! I hope you get better soon! 

  36. Do it!!! It's for the health of your sanity! She's 18 old enough to be on her own!

  37. Well we're here if ya need. Or message me on Facebook!

  38. Would you like me to make a random call to her? I'll be able to do it.

    I use to make prank calls all the time. Hooked-on-Phonics hates me to death. ☺

  39. I used depo after Austin and it fucked me up so bad, would never go back! 

  40. Damn! You just need to change your name to Cosmo♥Girl♥BTB. Because you get all the cosmo connections.

  41. what's her screen name? 

  42.  I think it was Prnny but her name is Penny Mitchell. LOL

  43.   My ex works for Motorola. I'm going to have him design and develop a plastic bubble for you that has wi-fi.

  44. I know what you mean. Once they turn three there not babies anymore. Leah doesn't want mommy to help her with things and beggs me every morning to go to school wwith a backpack just like her big brother. She also had a growspurt. She's got legs like a supermodel and she just turned three!

  45. I never have to see her again. She's not my regular doctor .

  46. Sorry in advance, for all my long-winded-ness....

    Vent:  I am obsessed with Rob so much that it hurts.  I have never wanted someone as much as I want him.  I have fallen for stars in the past, but it always passes.  What is it about Rob that I can not shake (like I would ever want to)?  I was just thinking about all of this last night while "laying down in bed" *wink*.....

    Eight years ago Rob made his appearance as Ced... he was dorky, self-depreciating, funny, real, approachable, and kinda cute- yet thin and gawky- and had some 'growing' to do.  I loved his personality like I love the next dorky, sweet guy... but so often those humble, funny guys don't have the looks and mojo that it takes to truly have me captivated .....

    Then there are those guys (celebrities, or otherwise) that have an amazing face and screen presence, but the more you learn about them the more annoying, self-centered, shallow, etc. they appear.

    Fast forward eight years, and we have the MAN that Rob has grown into.  He has kept every ounce of the boy he was, yet he has gained so many more wonderful qualities, and mind you, he did it all in the terrifying spotlight of Twi-craziness.  He has shocked critics with his talent; chosen an amazing, real woman to share his life with; has maintained his humor, humility, humanity and sense of self;....... and all the while he has physically turned into an Adonis.  He is the finest creature on God's green earth... a true gift from the Heavens... he brings tears to my eyes... there is nothing that I can say to do his inner and outer beauty more justice.... and I don't think my feelings for him will ever change.  I am stuck in purgatory loving him fruitlessly, and it is a bitter-sweet burden to bear.

  47. Look at you go! You fiesty bitch! MUAH!

    It's all good now. It's under the post on 6/13 with the EW cover and I think there's like 500 comments. So not worth combing through it. lol

  48. Still, I feel bad and I miss my BTBs! I'm taking a lazy I don't give a fuck day!

  49. Oh I know what you mean about the legs! Alie is as tall as my almost 6 year old nephew but she won't gain weight! lol. She's wearing size 4/5 clothes but needs size 12 months for the waist. Last year at her 2 year old well being check she was 90% for height and 15% weight! lol. Her doctor said if he had to guess Alie would be 5'11 when she's done growing... I hope he's off by a couple inches.

  50. I think they pulled it, right? A friend of mine used it and it fucked her thyroid up majorly. She gained all kinds of weight. I was like, FUCK! Might as well get pregnant if the birth control is going to make you fat. 

  51. LOL okay good! Although I do love the baby stage... (yes I'm crazy!) In our new house I'll have an extra bedroom for another baby.... or I put the boys together in one of their big ass rooms and I can have 2 more babies! lol. But after baby stage does anyone want them? lol. 

  52. well until you meet Rob and seduce him! 

  53. Did i understand it correctly... you lost your pregnancy?  I am so, so extremely sorry for what you are going through.  That is so horrible.  *hugging you fiercely*

    It will never be too late to tell your Berlin story... not here anyway.  If you don't feel like sending it to other blogs, whatever... but you must send it here... even if it's next year... no rush at all... just don't loose your memory of it... for your sake and ours.  ;)

    Love you so.  ♥♥♥♥♥

  54. Leah has the same thing. she's so skinny even skinny jeans are floppy on her. the biggest problem is finding skirts that keep hanging on her waist.

  55. YES PLEASE!!! But Dordrecht is a bit far away from you.

  56. Oh I am so owning it! No housework done yet.... Alie is dressed, hair done ect but I'm not dressed and I am sitting here watching Handy Manny with her with my laptop.... so win win!

  57. Yah thank god my adjustable waists! I find the GAP mini skinny fits Alie pretty good. We just weighed her and she's still only 25lbs, her brothers were both 30lbs at this age and they are both too skinny too! My kids can't wear any sweat pants or anything like that cause they need to have the adjustable waist even with the slim fit feature GAP has. 

  58. Meant to add this above....

  59. Aurora23❤BTB❤®June 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM

    Wohoo! Party inside Aurora's bubble!!!

    Thanks FB! You always  know how to make a gal dance with joy!!!

  60. Aurora23❤BTB❤®June 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM

    thanks MegO! Im trying! its day by day!

  61. That was so funny.. What was that all about anyway... was it a link to the thread?  It didn't make any sense, I'd never seen that before.

    I was like, thanks for all your personal info!  LOL!

  62. Leah has the same weight! We don't have a GAP in the Netherlands, but I always visit one when I'm in the U.S. or in England

  63. I was trying to guess how she came up with her name... I'm like, Is she pruney?.... like all wrinkled up and dry?  And then I was thinking, Pedophile... Rob.... Never... Never (getting) Any.....


  64. Yes that's correct. Thanks for the hug, I needeed one. How could I ever loose my memory of Rob standing 2 steps away from me!? I hope I find the time to sedn my story this weekend, but it's also Father's day sunday and we have to visit my parents.

  65. LOL, that's a good name. I will think about it. only everyone knows me as Hannah. People won't recognize me anymore

  66. That fucker has the golden ticket to anything on my body!

    I'll prove it to you! Just wait!

  67. Did you see the making of on the HP dvd? Where Rob gives a tour on the set. There one bit where he didn't shave and he looks soooo much older than in HP.

  68. This is what I mean. he looks more like older Rob in the left picture. Love that scruf on him

  69. That sucks. I get like 90% of the clothes from GAP! lol. Maybe you can get some off eBay. I see New with tags GAP stuff on there all the time!

  70. Do you have a ZARA ? I like their clothes too. It's a Spanish brand so the clothes are smaller than Dutch brands.

  71.  I have no clue why she attached all that info to her comment. But I'll just start subscribing her to junk mail hell.

  72. LMFAO, I need a ticket like that!!!! ;)

  73. Yeah, I think I've seen all the bts stuff.  I have to admit, I didn't think twice about him back then, I was just a HP fan and would watch all the stuff on the DVD anyway.  I guess he looked a little older in those bts scenes, but still young and gawky.  I didn't fall for Rob until 2009... after reading the first Twilight book, and then I allowed myself to rent and watch the Twilight movie... It was the diner and bedroom/kiss scene that I first noticed that Rob made my panties wet.  ;-)

  74. Yeah.  His skinny-ness makes him look young still... the stubble almost looks out of place.

    I much prefer Rob with meat on his bones. *snicker*

    I thought he was waaaayyy too thin in BD1... in some scenes, anyway.   ;)


    OH GOD I fucking love you!!!! LOL!!!!!!

  76. That's a long name FB. But I like things long ;p  

  77. My obsession started after New Moon. And your right, Rob is much more tastier with a little meat on his bones.

  78. I dunno if they did but it's been recommended not to use it. I guess it can also give women calcium issues and bone density! 

  79.  You know the saying, Nobody puts baby in the corner.

    Well, we have, Somebody but Aurora in the bubble.


  80. BATL!!!! OMFG!!! I love you FB! 

    *bows down to FB*

  81.  I really do have too much time on my hands. LOL

  82.  It's no biggie. I can get you a ticket as well. LOL

  83. I loved the convenience of the shot but FUCK that drama.

  84. Ummm yes please! I want! I want!!!! 

  85. I'm sending you much love. Take care of yourself!

  86. Aurora23❤BTB❤®June 18, 2012 at 1:33 AM

    ahahaha! So pictured me dancing on the floor to Rob! 

  87. Lemme guess about weither kristen is good enough for rob? * rolls eyes* wish I would have been over there I would have cut a bitch.

  88. I really have nothing to vent this week. The mother whom I babysit for gave me the day off yesterday with pay. Pretty nice of her since its been quite awhile she has done that. Oh and I got myself a bottle of Pinnacle's gummy flavored vodka....yummy

  89. Can you believe it but no it wasn't over Kristen. It was over my name. LOL She's asked me the same question in the past but it was only to start an argument over how disrespectful it is to have Rob's name the way I have it.

    Just another bitch hating on BTBs. But we always win. Just the thought of you cutting a bitch makes my heart skip a beat. Thank you! *MUAH*


  90. Wow!!Is she prude much!!!??? She wouldn't like my name either. I'm horny for Rob ALL THE TIME!! Fuckin sue me!

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