Thursday, May 17, 2012


Celebuzz has been with the entire cast of Snow White and the Huntsman for the past few days in London, England, for the big world premiere! During our sit down with star Kristen Stewart, who plays Snow White, we started talking about another phenomenon... Fifty Shades of Grey.

The sexy novel -- that has been acquired by Universal Studios in a movie deal -- was based off of her and boyfriend Robert Pattinson's characters Edward Cullen and Bella Swan from the Twilight novels. Knowing this, could Kristen ever see her and Rob starring in Fifty Shades?

Kristen told us about her hopes to work with Rob again:

"I haven't read the book yet-- so I don't know," she said when asked if she could picture herself and Rob playing these roles.

In case you don't know about Fifty Shades of Grey, Anastasia Steele (based off of Stewart's character) is a student who falls for Christian Grey, a 27-year-old gorgeous rich entrepreneur who introduces her into his erotic world of S&M. Although Kristen couldn't say one way or the other about taking on the role, she was clear she wants to work with Pattinson, 26, again.

"I'm dying to make another movie with Rob, I think that we're a good team," Kristen added. "I think whatever it is needs to be so ridiculously ambitious. So maybe! I just haven't read it, so I don't know what it is, but I would love to work with him again."


Thanks to Aurora for bring this article to us!
Love ya, BTB!


  1. I love how she says she's not going to be nervous at Cannnes because she think it's because of who will be standing next to her. I think thats so sweet.

    Fuck yeah, Kristen, read the fucking book!!!!

  2. FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!


    Internet was down at work... they are switching providers and now that the internet its back up, the phones are dead! LOL!!!

    Gotta love this place~!

  3. Hell to the fucking yeah! Read the book, the script, sign on the dotted line next to Rob! Just Do It!

  4. Rob and Kristen doing Fifty Shades would be ambitious...they would rock it!

  5. If we can get actual footage of Rob tying up Kristen - fuckin ded!

  6. Did you read the interview where Kristen was talking about how she was pissed because they cut out and tamed down so much of the honeymoon sex? That proves to me that she's ready and willing to get her fuckery on!

    And did you notice that SWATH was done by Universal and just so happens Fifty was bought by Universal. thinks the stars are all lining up for us horny BTBs!

  7. I did not realize SWatH was from Universal!
    I think you are right FB - the cock - I mean, the starts are lining up for us horny BTB's!

  8.  I would almost bet my life that Universal is already talking to her about it. I have a feeling about this!

  9. May the mighty power hear your words!!!!!!!

    It would be AMAZING!!!!!!!! 

  10. About fucking time for a reporter to ask about Fifty. THANK YOU CELEBUZZ!!

  11. fuck.  i just stopped breathing.

  12. no words *shakes head*

  13. fuck me in all my holes AMBITIOUS.

    sorry. don't know where that came from.

  14. Let's form a BTB prayer circle.... everyone join hands.  *reaches out hands*

  15. Are you a work, dirty girl?  *narrow eyes and wide smile*

  16. Heart failure. 

    I just squealed and gasped in my office and had to disguise it as a cough so no one got curious. I'm in the middle of reading 50 now anyway so my nerves are singing. I wouldn't survive this movie if Rob and Kristen were Christian and Ana. 

  17. Sparkle toes:  "What if I fuck you?"

  18. You know that song, "Robert's got a quick hand...."   (*porn moan*)..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Sorry, lost it for a moment... where was I?   Oh yeah, the band (Foster the People) has a new song out and I FUCKING LOVE IT SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!!.  Love the video too, and just learned last night that they performed on that French talk show that Kristen was just on.  Don't completely understand the meaning of the song, but totally reminds me of R/K and their 'publicity situation'. 

  19. I'm shaking my head because I just can't comprehend it all, and I can't find words, and I wet myself.

  20. "God, I'm about to sell my soul to the devil....."

  21. I know it's alot to take even. Especially hearing it straight from Kristen herself.

    Wearing your Shammanties? lol

  22. My nerves (in some fun places) are singing from this POST.... if I was reading 50 right now, I would pass out from multiple-explosive-orgasms.

  23. Could you imagine if everyone from this site met up for a party weekend when this movie comes out if in fact Rob and Kristen play the parts....that's one fucking party I wanna be at lol

  24. They're gonners. I have one of those hospital bed pads on my chair.

  25. Whoever hosts needs to have good flood insurance.

  26. Josh from Mtv said on his twitter that Kristen told him she got  nervous when she saw someone reading Fifty on the plane. I think she knows ther's some kinky fuckery in it. Did you girls see this article? It's like I visioned Christian appartment. 

  27. We would tear the place down ;)

  28. Yep, saw that. I think you're onto something here, Universal!!

  29. I just had a heartattack reading that. Fuck yeah!

  30. Since we might not be able to gather around for BD2. I was hoping we all could gather in Las Vegas, Marcela's stomping ground for when Fifty comes out. 

  31. I'm game...tell me when to get a plane ticket lol

  32.  Will do! We just have to do something big for Fifty. This is what a BTB lives for!!

  33. I already saw this interview it was good!

  34. nah I did'tn read it if it is not live (like this interview ) then I don't reallypay attention but IF Kristen did personally tell Josh(he is so cool!) then I believe it :) but why be nervous seriously LMAO!! I'm teasing! no I don't blame her for freaking out xD

  35. Of course you have. Why didn't you share it with us when you saw it?


  36. when does this CD come out :)

  37. well what ya waitin for?! ;)

  38. but they won't :/ Rob has five projects that he will be working(not all at once) on and he made it clear that he does NOT want anything to do with Twilight or anything that is twilight related(like Fifty Shades Of Grey)

  39. you have not read the books yet?!!! *0*

  40. I wish!! *sigh* I am DYING TOO MEET YOU ALL!

  41. Don't be saying motherfuckin' bullshit like that! We only want positive thinking about Robsten doing Fifty. If you can't do that then SHUT UP! Or I'll kick your ass.


  42. oh that would be a fucking BLAST!

  43. LOL!! as the saying goes what happens in Vegas STAYS in Vegas ;)

  44. IKR?!!! oh god for sure!


  46. this tie should be sliver or gray LOL!

  47. *sends Star some inhalers and a oxygen tank and mask*

  48. You are not invited because you keep shitting on our Robten/Fifty dreams. You can stay home and rub your cat.

    so there!

  49. It is grey! I changed it myself  :)

  50. So many out there! I'm having trouble keeping up and actually doing some work!  lol

  51. Aurora23❤BTB❤®May 17, 2012 at 2:27 PM

    I'm in! I've got a airline voucher! I need to use it ASAP!

  52. yeah but was the article legit because the cast knows that SM(TWINKIE BITCH) is fucking Mormon and that it is against her religion too SEE an R rated movie(*rolls eyes*) let alone(if in the biz) to make an R rated movie I HOPE it was real!! cuz some times magazine articles have a tendency too be doctored or exaaggrated a might

  53.  We gotta get the movie made first! LOL

    But glad your in the gang! *muah*

  54. I think so too!! and JUNE 1ST IS ALMOST HERE BABY!!!

  55. A(FUCKING) MEN!!

  56. *sends some clean undies* *shouts over the innner come* FLOOD GATES ARE OPENING!

  57. Aurora23❤BTB❤®May 17, 2012 at 2:31 PM

    Booo! Fifty is not twilight related! It's an adult story! Yes it was made up because of her love for Twilight and picturing them as the characters but seriously has nothing to do with the Twilight story!

    Does anyone remember sex and flogged, and fucked up childhoods in Twilight?.. I think not.

    Please for the love of Le Monstercock: stop saying Rob says no! He actually did not say no too anything Fifty!

  58. are they really absorbant LMAO!

  59.  It was an article and also a video. So yes, Kristen said because I saw her say it. I believe it was MTV that she vented.

  60. yeah it is made by Universal Studios :)

  61. Are you for Robsten or against Robsten for Fifty? You are confusing the fuck out of me with your comments.

  62. wooooo I hope there is a sequel!!!

  63. You tell her, Aurora! Tell her good! She makes me mad.


  64. Aurora23❤BTB❤®May 17, 2012 at 2:39 PM

    I'm glad too! ***slaps that fine ass of yours with my twitching palms***

  65. "here" in BTB-land!
    But since ...
    *rolls eyes (so I get it good)
    ... you've warmed up that slapping hand, I should be punished.

    *assumes position

  66. I did see this!
    A little sad Charlie Tango can't land on top of the building.
    But a perfect apartment for 50!

  67. OH HELL YES, I've read the books!!! Like three times through, and some of MoTU as well. I'm just not reading them at THIS moment.

  68. I THINK it's already out, not sure. I don't buy CDs anymore. I'm one of those horrible mp3 pirate ladies.
    Aaaarrr! *pirate wink*

  69. I guess. I can only remember from giving birth. TMI?

  70. I don't remember him saying that he does not want anything to do with twilight or twilight related..... When did he say it?  

    Anyway... twilight is NOTHING like 50, other than the characters physically resemble each other. ;)

  71. Because he didn't. I'm sending Leah back to Robsessed or that other fucked up site. LOL


  72. I don't really understand her right now.  I'm trying to be good. *ears turning red*

  73. IKR?! I am trying to catch upon everything too and also the epsiode of the Graham Norton Show of when Kristen was on the show and dammit my on demand thing STILL does not have it and I'm getting pissed and I saw some stuff on the BD site as well FUCK man it is hard too kep up *o*

  74. *hangs head down in shame* okay get the whip I deserve it!

  75. oh thats cool! you can be JD's(Johnny Depps) pirate bitch LMFAO!!

  76. Or here:

    No, that would be too mean to send her there.  She will cum to her senses, I hope. *_O

  77. THAT'S THE PLACE! I couldn't remember it's name!!! LOL

  78. Aren't they done?...   Or is that why you suggested it? *cocks eyebrow*

  79. he wants too get completely away from the Edward image or anything that has to do with Twilight and besides IMO it would be a carreer sucide for him he has worked so damn hard to be taken seriously and I have said it before it should an HBO mini series  I wish eh would but Rob won't do it no wayand Alex Skarkgard says he would be inerested in doing it if they ask him but again someone on robsessed was saying that in a mag(article) he said that he has pretty much moved on from Edward and I don't know if the article is legit and so far nothing has been annouced and also they have'nt even started auditions yet and Ian( I forget his last name) is it Sommers or what but anyway he has expressed some interests in doing  the role again as well as Alex Skakgard BUT again the article could be BS and not legit so we will wait and see and it could be just a bucket of salt(RUMOR) but yeah but sometimes mag articles are not always legit I prefer live interviews LOL

  80. I want them do it! but the question will they?

  81. yes I do remember LOL I know it is not like Twilight but I did not write the article it could be BULL SHIT who knows

  82. Im sorry!!!

  83. okay sorry I won't anymore I promise!

  84. good! awesome loved them they were soo good!

  85. LOL! well I can't afford it anyway

  86. OH  it was a video I have seen soooo many I can't remember if I saw that one :p

  87. Aurora23❤BTB❤®May 17, 2012 at 4:09 PM

    Okay Leah your not getting it.

    Let's stop commenting on everything for a moment and read what you are commenting in here in this post.

    Okay, Rob never said he would not do Fifty and also he did say he wanted to do more grown up roles, which he has already.

    Yes we all want him to do Fifty! So we are all being positive and putting out those vibes out there so all of our fantasies of Rob playing a fucking sex freak come true.

    Remember, slow down on jumping the comment train on everything and read thru clearly so it makes sense!

    Much love!

  88. May I just add: .... our fantasies of Rob AND KRISTEN playing fucking sex freaks...


  89. LMFAO!!!!!!!!

    I'm pretty sure Miss Leah over here has some duracell bunny batteries in her fingers...

    ANF FUCK YEAH! We want Rob and Kris to play CG and AS!!! 

  90. FUCKING YES!!!!!!!!

    I'll even send the husband packing with the kids! LOL So we can get the whole house for the BTB party!!!

    Plus I'm afraid we'd get kicked out from all the casinos LOL!!!!

  91. If people won't take the character of CG seriously, and yet we get worthless trash in the cinema on a weekly basis, then entertainment as a whole should be flushed down the toilet.  I almost never desire to watch movies anymore (unless R/K are in them), because film makers make movies just to make money, and most of them suck shit.
    Anyone taking the rolls of CG and AS (other than R/K) would be fame whores in my eyes.  I don't know how to explain it correctly... but R/K were simply made to fill those shoes (literally and figuratively).  I think this is a project that has fallen in their lap at the perfect time in their careers, and with what they are trying to achieve as actors.... and who better to do it with than each other... they could do it with such comfort and security with one another.Fifty (if done correctly) would be the first of it's kind.  What the fuck else is there even remotely like it?  NOTHING!  I can't think of one G Damn movie that is anything like 50.  The only reason I ever agreed that a mini-series would be a good idea, was because it would give it more screen time... they could turn it into like 6 movies.The ULTIMATE 50 experience would be three separate movies done with R/K.  That is all there is to it.  I don't want to hear about anything else!

    (understand this is all my opinion and wishful thinking, but as Aurora said... this project needs positive vibes and wishful thinking from ALL of us!)

  92. I am for them! I want them too do it but will  the critics like it as much as us women that is what concerns me it has to really work and IF Rob and Kristen do the movie that would be great but the question is will they actually say they express any interets in doing the movie I hope so I know I am sounding confusing but I really want this movie too work and to be hit and too win big at the B.O.and Rob to be nominated for an oscar and all that but I am scared that it will be curcified by the critics I want thismovie too work I hope they will express some interests in doing the movie I hope again I want everything about this movie too be taken seriously if they do it and I do hope they do decide to do it I know you think I am like a split personality but again I don't want the critics too get the wrong idea and think oh well(WHEN IT IS NOTHING LIKE TWILIGHT) it is like the R RATED version of twilight I'm not against them doing it I just don't want the critics too curcify this movie it has to be perfect and they need to approach this very carefully WB is sitting on a gold mine and if they want  this movie too work and Rob and Kristen again have expressed some interests then I am for it that is IF they do it did it sound like Kristen was interested in doing the movie too me it kind of did sound like and look like she was interested so we will see and god I HOPE they do it but we will see I really dig you guys alot and I am sorry if I am sounding paranoid(crying for real not kidding)

  93. FUCK YES!!!!!!! *clinks martini glasses with Star4* 

    Cheers to that! Can they please start filming this movie already! 

    And we demand to see the audition tapes... you know, just for professional purposes, as we know they have enough chemistry to burn a fucking forest 

  94. I think there is a 50/50 (pun intended) chance.  And I tend to be optimistic. So, I shall continue to spread my good vibes all over the place.

  95. You're wrong, it goes "What happens in Vegas, gives you herpes"

  96. Aurora23❤BTB❤®May 17, 2012 at 4:43 PM

    Fuck yeah! Grabs my skinnygirl margarita bottle and guzzles that shit down!

  97. *bends over*

  98. Salud!!!!! 

    Let's get fucking drunk!!!!!
    PS: I just msg you on facebook

  99. so well said that makes alot of sense and I HOPE it does fall into their laps and they do express some interests in doing it Kristen in this interview looked and sounded like she was interested in doing it but we will see if they agree to dit lets hope and this movie has too work and I hope it does and i HOPE it will opens nation wide I just REALLY want this movie too work and I am praying that they do the movie but I am not going to lie I am SOOO paranoid that the critics will trash this movie but I want them to do it It's up too them if they express any interests in doing it I hope Kristen will give it some thought as well as Rob and just do it and proove too the those fucktard critics that this movie is NOTHING like twilight it is ONE HELL of an amazing series and i did picture Rob as this charater as well as Kristen being Ana as I was reading it soo lets hope!

  100. I have no clue what's going on over there. But it would definitely make a great punishment. And I don't mean a Fifty punishment. *wink*

  101. LOL!! yeah! also Cannes started May 16th!! rumor has it that Taylor will be there too! so it might be him Rob and Kristen I have no idea when they are due too be there and also there is a another festival in Seattle  and it will be during the time I am in Forks I hope I get too see someone at the seattle airport that is famous and going too the festival!

  102.  Don't be sorry because you pissed us all off. Be sorry because you're pissing on our Fifty parade.

    We all know the reality of it. We know that Robsten might or might not do Fifty. But that we stay positive here and that's how it's going to stay.

  103. I have cum to my senses i just panicked I really(again)want this movie too work and I want them to be in it and it looked like Kristen expressed some interests even though she was alittle coy about it but I hope they do it REALLY I  do

  104. I thought we'd get a hotel suite.

     But Le Casa deMarcale is even BETTER!


    I really think we need to do the BTB group for Fifty. OMFG. UNF! All or most of us together in person. HOLY FUCK BALLS!

  105. If you're for Robsten then GREAT! I love it! But don't be saying that won't do it because of...blah..blah..blah. We don't need to hear that. If you want to stay in the BTB circle you gotta stay positive and check the "NO THEY WON'T" bullshit at the door. Again, we know it's a 50/50 chance for them to do it. But negativity can do alot of damage to our positive karma.

    Got it?

  106. FUCK ME! I just made a 50/50 ratio comment! Our brains are synced tonight!!!!

    LOVES U!

  107. So that means I should pack extra body condoms for the trip? lol

  108. I HOPE SO I really REALLY hope so I want this movie to be taken sersiouly and who do you want to play Jack Hyde and Elliot and  Mia and  Jose' and Taylor(LOL) and kate and Elizabeth and Carrick and Grace and Mrs. Robinson /aka Lincoln jsut to name a few

  109.  We want you to express your opinion but not if it's going to put a damper on our excitement. You should feel the same way for fuck sake!

  110. I'm sorry I just got paranoid again I really want this movie too work and to be taken seriously and I do want Rob and Kristen too do the movie it did  look like Krsiten was interest in doing the movie or expressed  some interest by the expression on her face

  111. okay I will do that I'm sorry

  112. I hope so!! LOL at duracell bunnies!

  113. as I was reading the book I did picture them but who do you want too play Jack hyde or Elliot or Kate or Mia

  114. I am! 100%!!! I hope they do it and If I am not mistaken It looked like Kristen(in the vid) that she has expressed some interrest :D

  115.  I could see Amanda Seyfried play Mia. Nicole Kidman as Elena.

  116. oh that's cool! LOL! mysister did too ha ha ha ha ha ha

  117. I'm just going to be a whining little bitch and say I'm going to bann the motherfucking movie if Robsten doesn't do it. Rob will always be 50 and Ana will always be Kristen END...OF..STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  118. and lets hope they do THE whole series!!!

  119. Cannes just started a few days ago!!!

  120. Cool! I just think she needs to read it then she was fall in love with it. She loves doing dark and twisted movies. YIPPY!

  121. no worries  :)


  122. Aurora23❤BTB❤®May 17, 2012 at 7:47 PM

    Got ur message! Thank you & love ya!!!

  123. Anyone else notice her unconsciously twisting the ring Rob gave her when she was asked when she feels most beautiful?

  124. Are you sure that's all that is synced?
    Did you feel that? ♥♥

  125. The only character i can match with a face right now is Mrs. Pedo played by Madonna. LOL!
    Just kidding she is like 40 years too old to play her.

  126. *clink*   *slams a second martini*

  127. Sorry, does it sound a little harsh and desperate?

    (cuz I'm hardly kidding)

  128. Aaaaaawwwwwwww!!!!  I didn't notice. Gonna have to check it out again. 
    Thank you! :)

  129. Just watched the above clip again and noticed something (maybe my imagination)....  The camera angle seems to change and it seems like a new 'start' appears just after the interviewer says, "Could you see you and Rob playing those characters in the film that is cuming out?....."

    My curiosity is piqued. 

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