Monday, May 7, 2012

It's Fucking Monday...

And Disqus its a Bitch!!!

Sorry My Darlings!
Disqus is under "Maintenance" and I have no idea when will this issue will be resolved ;(
I miss you my bitches!!

Maybe we can use The Red CHATRoom of Pain?!?

Love you tons! 

Even Rob is pissed! 


  1. Angry banger Christian Grey in that 1st pic....

  2. I know!!! RAWR!!!! 

    ♥♥♥ Good Morning Darling! Happy fucking Monday!! 

  3. It's working again! 

    Thank you fucking Jeebus!!! 

  4. Happy Monday Lovey =) was your weekend?

  5. Happy Monday BTBs! I scored a sweet deal, tonight I get to take Austin to his late hockey game and hubby said he'll stay home and fold fucking laundry!!! I am in heaven over that thought, I haven't had any help with laundry in a year!!! lol. It's like Christmas to me.... 

  6. DUDE!!!!!! That's awesome! 

    I'll take that over clubbing! LOL Only Moms knows how much folding fucking mountains of laundry really sucks!!! 

    I do laundry twice a week and it's still like 4-6 loads each time (and I have the BIG-ASS-FRONT-LOAD washer and dryer!!!)

    Fucking kill me, I hate laundry... and I NEVER have help *wails* LOL

  7. it sucked!!! 

    I have a sick baby ;( I don't know WTF is wrong with him!
    it started like a bug, now he has leg pains and has trouble walking and a fever... Dr thinks is "growing pains" but I'm taking him in to the Dr office this morning anyway. This mama bear is getting really worried! 

  8. Sorry! I ranted like a crazy bitch! ;)
    How was your weekend darling! I truly hope it was better than mine! LOL

  9. I have the big ass front loading too. I hate never getting help, we wash the clothes, put them in the dryer, fold them and put them away!

    Stupid me just bought more clothes too! lol. My online shopping just got dropped off! Alie was excited for some new clothes though!

  10. If you guys thought my drunken post on here was bad, should have seen my texting skills! lol. It's pretty fucking funny! LMAO

  11. If you don't find solid answers, insist that he sees a neurologist.  I'm not trying to scare you, but I was paralyzed (for a short time.... eight years ago) and diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disease.  The symptoms are very similar, but I had back pain instead of leg pain.

    Odds are extremely slim that anything abnormal is wrong with him... stuff like that usually happens to adults, but If your gut says there is more to this, don't stop until you get answers.

    I am praying and wishing the best for him, you, and your family.

    Really though... I'm sure his Dr. is correct, it is probably nothing, but go with your mama bear gut. 


  12. Oh no! poor guy! If the pains are followed with a fever I'd definitely be taking him in. Alie gets really bad growing pains but never a fever with them. I hope he's okay! Let us know how he is! *hugs*

  13. Hannah VerschuurenMay 7, 2012 at 10:21 AM

    That really sucks. Go with your guts, I would be worried too if my kids had those symptoms. I hope he feels better soon. My son had vacation last week and both my kids had pain in their muscles and a fever, it was kind of like a flu. So they were in the baddest mood ever. I never had time to post a comment last week.

  14. Check really closely for any signs of a tick bite. Don't let the doctor tell you it's nothing either...they're quick to do that. Check that baby head to toe!

  15. Hi!!! It's been so fucking quiet in here!!! 


  17. Back to taking care of the trolls again.  Booo!!!

  18. Trouble is I could have my husband help if I wanted to but I don't want him to touch the clothes with a 10 foot pole

  19. We'll party just us! *hands KK a drink*

  20. I drank Saturday and Sunday...why not Monday. *takes the drink from Meg*

  21. Awesome! I drank Saturday and Sunday too! Great minds BTB!

  22. I honestly don't care if they aren't folded properly! lol. With the amount of laundry I have just a little bit of help is nice, I would even like him to put them away! Thankfully the boys are old enough they can put there own away, they don't always though and if I got Alie to help put away it would be a nightmare cause she has to try everything on!

  23. So excited! It was announced today Canada gets to see Cosmopolis on June 8th!!!! 

  24. YOUR KIDDING?!! OH MY GOD CONGRATS! as for us Americans we don't get to see it til later in the summer ya lucky BTB!

  25. okay babe who is it and let at em! who is hating on what site?! is this one or is it the BDM site or Robsessed OH by the way Kristen is on Jimmy Kimmel tonight I can get it on demand so I may wait til tomorrow to see it or I might see it tonight FUCK work I don't care I want to see our girl!

  26. yeah that is what I am trying to find out and I will personally BITCH slap the fuckers! *gets the whip out from the Red Room of Pain*

  27. hey HOT BITCH! whats up :D

  28. yeah DISQUS is PMSing again seriously! LOL

  29. I'm here I'm just eating my lunch right now LOL

  30. YEAH BABY! just think you get to see Cosmopolis on june 8th and I get to see BA on June 8th pretty awesome!

  31. yeah I saw your comment yesterday! LOL hilarious!

  32. woo hooo what a great hubby ya have!

  33. UGH! don't remind me I have a BUTT load of washing to do :p

  34. LOL! as for me I bought a purse and some body mist thats called Playboy HA HA HAHAHA

  35. haha hahahhaa! I do not let ANYONE touch my clothing I do it all myself

  36. thats good that the boys can put away their own things its good to teach them stuff like that :)

  37. yep it is! thank you god!

  38. Oh no! I hope he is ok! :-(((

    *hugs Marcela*

  39. oh yeah!! woooo weeee!!

  40. happy fucking monday LOL

  41. Cheers to that!

  42. Yah well it kinda makes up for them fucking us over with Bel Ami! lol. 

  43. *blushes* yah I was in a good mood! lol. 

  44. Marcela BTB I hope the baby boy is doing okay! Haven't seen you post since you mentioned him getting worse! I'm thinking of you guys and sending some hugs! ♥♥♥

  45. I never buy for myself but I got myself 3 shirts and hubby said the one with the scrunched v-neck makes it look like I have boobies!!! lol. 

  46. I miss my BTBs! It's been so quiet in here.... :( 

    Just got back from Austin's hockey game and I might sound like a bad mom for saying this but I'm getting so bored at the games! Last game they won 18-9, this game they won 18-1... Next time I'll have to bring my Kindle! 

  47. LOL!!!

    Sorry! at least your laundry was folded! ;)

  48. Thank you all for asking and sending well wishes for my baby Dennis. He still the same, the Dr. found he has fluids in his knees, so we did all the tests (blood, x-ray, ultrasound) and we'll know the cause soon. The dr thinks it could be an infection, a virus or arthitis ;( I don't know what to hope for, but something painless and curable.... argh.

    AZ wrote me, she's nesting, ready to have that baby in the next few weeks and she'll try to stop by soon, she sends her love!!

    And our Fav Girl FB has a nasty virus that has her all Fucked-up! let's send her all our love and well wishes! I fucking miss her!!

    See you maƱana! I'm staying home, so I'll connect with baby on my lap! xoxo

  49. Nope! Fucker was watching the hockey game and hadn't started! :(

  50. Marcela I'm sending you and baby Dennis some more love! I hope it's something curable for him!
    I miss AZ and I hope she'll pop back in here soon! I've been wondering about her!
    FB better get better soon! I miss her sexy ass!

  51.  I'll surround you and your entire family with the white light. Everything will be okay.

